Catálogo de libros: Relaciones internacionales

9593 Catálogo de libros: Relaciones internacionales

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  • Analyzing Global Responses to Contemporary Regional Conflicts
    Piotr Pietrzak
    In a world characterized by persistent local and regional conflicts, policymakers and professionals in current affairs and security studies are increasingly challenged. From the ongoing war in Yemen to the complex civil war in Syria and the recent third Nagorno Karabakh Conflict, the global landscape is shaped by violent disruptions that demand a nuanced understanding. Geopolit...

    242,58 €

  • Starstruck in the Promised Land
    Shalom Goldman
    From the days of steamship travel to Palestine to today’s evangelical Christian tours of Jesus’s birthplace, the relationship between the United States and the Holy Land has become one of the world’s most consequential international alliances. While the political side of U.S.-Israeli relations has long played out on the world stage, the relationship, as Shalom Goldman shows in ...

    38,15 €

  • Flags at the United Nations
    Eliot Sela
    This book tracks 79 years of member state flags displayed at the Headquarters of the United Nations, showing year-by-year changes in member state names and flags. It is a comprehensive vexillological reference on the dissolution of empires, the consolidation or schism of nations, and decolonization. From the initial 51 member states, of whom four were not yet independent nation...

    39,70 €

  • The Politics of Development

    66,65 €

  • Lessons from Regional Responses to Security, Health and Environmental Challenges in Latin America
    Ivo Ganchev
    What is the role of regional organizations in maintaining security across different parts of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)? How did COVID-19 impact states in the region and what types of collective action have helped respond to public health emergencies? In what way is LAC environmental policy formulated and what broader lessons can be drawn for the Global South? This e...

    61,07 €

  • The Cold War in the 1950s
    Nicolas Lewkowicz
    The book describes the domestic and external conditions that shaped the interaction between the United States and the Soviet Union during the 1950s. ...

    158,42 €

  • On the Brink of World War III
    Vahab Aghai
    It is not World War III yet, but we have now entered a decisive stage in the long war against Moscow.Some historians view the two world wars as a single military conflict with a twenty-year truce in between. In other words, it was a long European war to contain Germany. And while Germany under the Kaiser was quite different from Hiter’s Reich, it is possible to trace the roots ...

    34,58 €

  • Le gouvernement athée exige un certificat de réincarnation
    Catalina del Mar Montes Vásquez
    La mobilisation internationale pour le respect des droits de l’homme suite à l’invasion du territoire tibétain par le gouvernement de la République de Chine a été renforcée par l’attribution du prix Nobel de la paix au 14ème Dalaï Lama en 1989, ce qui illustre bien les stratégies idéalistes visant à structurer le système international sur des paramètres moraux qui incluent l’au...

    85,59 €

  • Treffen Sie die atheistische Regierung, die ein Zertifikat für Reinkarnation verlangt
    Catalina del Mar Montes Vásquez
    Die internationale Mobilisierung für die Achtung der Menschenrechte aufgrund der Invasion des tibetischen Territoriums durch die Regierung der Republik China wurde durch die Verleihung des Friedensnobelpreises an den 14. Dalai Lama im Jahr 1989 verstärkt, was die idealistischen Strategien zur Strukturierung des internationalen Systems auf der Grundlage moralischer Parameter, di...

    85,65 €

  • Meet the Atheist Government that Demands Certificate for Reincarnation
    Catalina del Mar Montes Vásquez
    The international mobilization for the respect of human rights due to the invasion of the Tibetan territory by the government of the Republic of China, is enhanced from the distinction of the XIV Dalai Lama with the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989, which illustrates well the idealistic strategies to structure the international system on moral parameters that include the self-determin...

    85,53 €

  • Ecco il governo ateo che chiede un certificato per la reincarnazione
    Catalina del Mar Montes Vásquez
    La mobilitazione internazionale per il rispetto dei diritti umani, dovuta all’invasione del territorio tibetano da parte del governo della Repubblica Cinese, è stata rafforzata dall’assegnazione al XIV Dalai Lama del Premio Nobel per la Pace nel 1989, che illustra bene le strategie idealistiche per strutturare il sistema internazionale su parametri morali che includano l’autode...

    85,59 €

  • Conheça o governo ateu que exige certificado para reencarnação
    Catalina del Mar Montes Vásquez
    A mobilização internacional para o respeito dos direitos humanos devido à invasão do território tibetano pelo governo da República da China foi reforçada pela atribuição do Prémio Nobel da Paz ao 14º Dalai Lama em 1989, o que ilustra bem as estratégias idealistas para estruturar o sistema internacional em parâmetros morais que incluem a autodeterminação dos povos, ou seja, a in...

    85,59 €

  • Познакомьтесь с атеистическим правительством, требующим справки о реинкарнации
    Катали Монтес Васкес
    Международная мобилизация за соблюдение прав человека в связи с вторжением правительства Китайской Республики на территорию Тибета была усилена присуждением 14-му Далай-ламе Нобелевской премии мира в 1989 году, что хорошо иллюстрирует идеалистические стратегии построения международной системы на моральных параметрах, включающих самоопределение народов, т.е. независимость Тибета...

    85,72 €

  • Canada’s foreign policy in climate governance
    Théophile KILUBA MULEDI
    Foreign policy is made up of the actions, objectives and decisions of the State in relation to its relations outside its borders. Its analysis requires the study of its development, orientation and execution at international, national and governmental levels.Climate change, a true global challenge, undermines and threatens to undermine Canada’s ability to ensure its security an...

    85,76 €

  • Внешняя политика Канады в области управления климатом
    Внешняя политика - это действия, цели и решения государства в отношении его отношений за пределами своих границ. Ее анализ требует изучения ее развития, направления и исполнения на международном, национальном и правительственном уровнях.Изменение климата - настоящий глобальный вызов - подрывает и угрожает подорвать способность Канады обеспечивать свою безопасность и стабильност...

    85,74 €

  • A política externa do Canadá na governação climática
    Théophile KILUBA MULEDI
    A política externa é constituída pelas acções, objectivos e decisões do Estado no que diz respeito às suas relações fora das suas fronteiras. A sua análise requer um estudo do seu desenvolvimento, direção e execução a nível internacional, nacional e governamental.As alterações climáticas, um verdadeiro desafio global, minam e ameaçam minar a capacidade do Canadá de garantir a s...

    85,72 €

  • Kanadas Außenpolitik in der Klimagovernance
    Théophile KILUBA MULEDI
    Die Außenpolitik besteht aus den Handlungen, Zielen und Entscheidungen des Staates in Bezug auf seine Beziehungen außerhalb der Grenzen. Ihre Analyse erfordert die Untersuchung ihrer Entstehung, Ausrichtung und Umsetzung auf internationaler, nationaler und staatlicher Ebene.Der Klimawandel, eine echte globale Herausforderung, untergräbt die Fähigkeit Kanadas, seine Sicherheit u...

    85,70 €

  • La politica estera del Canada nella governance del clima
    Théophile KILUBA MULEDI
    La politica estera è costituita dalle azioni, dagli obiettivi e dalle decisioni dello Stato in relazione alle sue relazioni al di fuori dei confini nazionali. La sua analisi richiede uno studio del suo sviluppo, della sua direzione e della sua esecuzione a livello internazionale, nazionale e governativo.I cambiamenti climatici, vera e propria sfida globale, minano e minacciano ...

    85,74 €

  • Russian strategy in the Middle East and North Africa
    Derek Averre
    The book analyses Russia’s political and economic interests in the Middle East and North Africa, its relations with the MENA countries and its diplomatic engagement with the Western powers. It examines Russia’s strategy in the region, including its role in the Syria conflict, in the context of its broader foreign policy and war with Ukraine. ...

    157,22 €

  • The Rhetorical Rise and Demise of 'Democracy' in Russian Political Discourse, Volume 3
    David Cratis Williams / Marilyn J. Young / Michael K. Launer
    This volume examines the rhetorical development that occurred over the first two terms of Vladimir Putin’s tenure as president of Russia. During that time Putin abandoned any effort at integration with the West, turning toward Eurasia and promoting a mythical image of Russia as a singular geopolitical entity spanning one thousand years. ...

    203,26 €

  • Танзанийско-китайская всепогодная дружба в эпоху многополярности
    Жан-Пьер Кабестан / Жан-Рафаэл Шапонньер
    Насколько тесным является танзанийско-китайское партнерство сегодня? Двусторонняя торговля и китайская экономическая деятельность в Танзании сегодня гораздо значительнее, чем в 1970-е годы; политика Китая 'без обязательств' по-прежнему привлекательна, а политическая солидарность и военное сотрудничество остаются относительно прочными. Однако эти двусторонние отношения не имеют ...

    49,87 €

  • L’amicizia tanzano-cinese in tutte le stagioni nell’era del multipolarismo
    Jean-Pierre Cabestan / Jean-Raphaël Chaponnière
    Quanto è stretta oggi la partnership tra Tanzania e Cina? Il commercio bilaterale e l’attività economica cinese in Tanzania sono oggi molto più significativi rispetto agli anni Settanta; la politica cinese 'senza legami' è ancora attraente e le solidarietà politiche e la cooperazione militare sono rimaste relativamente forti. Tuttavia, questa relazione bilaterale non ha l’impor...

    49,81 €

  • Amizade entre a Tanzânia e a China em todas as condições climatéricas na era da multipolaridade
    Jean-Pierre Cabestan / Jean-Raphaël Chaponnière
    Qual é a atual proximidade da parceria entre a Tanzânia e a China? O comércio bilateral e a atividade económica chinesa na Tanzânia são hoje muito mais significativos do que na década de 1970; a política chinesa de 'não compromisso' continua a ser atraente e as solidariedades políticas e a cooperação militar mantiveram-se relativamente fortes. No entanto, esta relação bilateral...

    49,81 €

  • L’amitié Tanzanie-Chine par tous les temps à l’ère de la multipolarité
    Jean-Pierre Cabestan / Jean-Raphaël Chaponnière
    Dans quelle mesure le partenariat entre la Tanzanie et la Chine est-il étroit aujourd’hui ? Le commerce bilatéral et l’activité économique chinoise en Tanzanie sont aujourd’hui bien plus importants que dans les années 1970 ; la politique chinoise 'sans conditions' est toujours attrayante et les solidarités politiques et la coopération militaire sont restées relativement fortes....

    49,81 €

  • Tansania-China - Allwetterfreundschaft im Zeitalter der Multipolarität
    Jean-Pierre Cabestan / Jean-Raphaël Chaponnière
    Wie eng ist die tansanisch-chinesische Partnerschaft heute? Der bilaterale Handel und die chinesische Wirtschaftstätigkeit in Tansania sind heute weitaus bedeutender als in den 1970er Jahren; Chinas Politik der 'Unverbindlichkeit' ist nach wie vor attraktiv, und die politischen Solidaritäten und die militärische Zusammenarbeit sind relativ stark geblieben. Allerdings haben dies...

    49,81 €

    José Antonio de Yturriaga Barberán
    El libro recoge 57 artículos publicado durante 2023 en el diario digital 'Sevillainfo', agrupados en torno a 3 epígrafes relativos a la política interior, judicial y exterior. En el primero se describe el atormentado desarrollo de la situación política en España, desde la derrota de Pedro Sánchez en las elecciones autonómicas y municipales, a la formación de un gobierno 'Franke...

    153,66 €

  • Danger Close
    Patrick Byrne
    A narrative seamlessly blending entrepreneurial prowess with covert government operations. As the visionary founder of, Byrne, once lauded as the 'National Entrepreneur of the Year 2011' and hailed as the 'Messiah of Bitcoin,' reveals an astonishing twist in August 2019-his role as a secret operative for the U.S. Government.This memoir lays bare Byrne’s integral i...

    15,22 €

  • China and Taiwan
    Ashok Kavi
    'China and Taiwan: Crossing the Strait' dives into the complex dynamics between China and Taiwan, offering a nuanced exploration through its diverse chapters. From dissecting Taiwan’s aspirations for reunification to unravelling the intricacies of cross-strait relations and China’s expansion tactics, the book navigates the geopolitical landscape with precision. Topics like 'Soc...

    57,38 €

  • Australia and China
    Prashant Sikdar
    In the early 2020s, there has been a notable shift in the fundamental framework governing the relationship between Australia and China, with geopolitical considerations taking precedence over economic interests. Canberra has implemented a series of new measures in response to perceived risks in Australia’s economic ties with China, the Chinese Communist Party’s attempts to wiel...

    52,95 €

  • The China Race
    Fei-Ling Wang
    An analysis of the China Race-the global competition for leadership and world order between the US-led West and the People’s Republic of China. ...

    126,10 €