Catálogo de libros: Gobierno central

5622 Catálogo de libros: Gobierno central

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  • The European left and the financial crisis
    This timely collection addresses key questions including: How did political parties from the left respond to the crisis? What does the crisis mean for the relationship between the left and European integration, and what does it mean for socialism as an economic, political and social project? ...

    44,28 €

    The governments of today are not able to transform and adapt to changes in the world around them, as demanded by their constituents. The nature of work, value of public goods, and the constant bombardment of crises are making the old bureaucratic structures obsolete.Agile Government is an emerging theme, that of government-wide reinvention for adaptiveness and responsiveness. I...

    178,34 €

  • Shadow Warrior Edition
    Ron Collins
    Linear Infighting Neuro-Override Engagement or L.I.N.E. was the US Marine’s Hand-to-Hand Combat System from 1989 to 2002, until it was replaced by the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program. It was taught to US Army Special Forces Units from 1998 to 2007.Created by Ron Donvito, this Close Quarters Combat system is in the public domain as the US Marine Corps Close Quarters Combat Man...

    24,47 €

    Abdillah Noh / ABDILLAH NOH & NADIA H YASHAIYA / Nadia H Yashaiya
    This book argues that there is nothing inherently stable, persistent or enduring about institutions. By examining the various issues facing the Malaysian bureaucracy and adopting an institutional analysis, this book brings the point that institutions are disposed to change because they are fraught with tension due to the quality of institutions. Using various examples, it expla...

    93,70 €

  • Yellow Flags
    Guy Breshears
    When Covid-19 first came into the news there wasn’t much known about it. Thus governments didn’t know how to handle a situation like this. It was mostly trail and error and hope for the best and expect the worst. Even today it often feels this way.This is a look at how the Hong Kong government, by their own written records, responded to Covid-19 and the problems and trials that...

    89,21 €

  • Invisible
    G.L. Lamborn
    Russia and China would like nothing better than to see the United States humiliated and put down, degraded and dishonored, fatally weakened, and ultimately rendered of no consequence. They want a world that is theirs to shape as they please. They have launched a quiet, subtle attack against us from many directions.The Sino-Russian goal is to promote an increasingly divided, dis...

    24,17 €

  • Handbook of Research on Challenges in Public Economics in the Era of Globalization
    Over time, public goods, services, and policies have been developed for the welfare of people all over the world, and public finance in particular focuses on challenging issues that are significantly important for the common good of humanity. It is a plausible argument that public economics should be focused on dealing with new challenging issues such as global health crises, g...

    426,30 €

  • Economic Issues and Policy 8ed
    Jacqueline R Brux
    Economic Issues and Policy 8ed is an up-to-date textbook for economics, general education, and secondary education college students who wish to learn about the economics of today’s issues including inequality, racism, criminal justice, homelessness, education, healthcare, world poverty and much more. The discussion of issues in this book is lively, relevant, and current. Studen...

    328,86 €

    This book is a collection of essays by thought and advocacy leaders, policymakers, and academics in Singapore who have been and are in positions of influence in shaping social policies, and hence the social context, in the country. These essays are meant to initiate discussion, promote debate and broaden understanding of the social issues at play, the challenges faced, and the ...

    104,51 €

  • Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Future of Africa and Policy Development
    Icarbord Tshabangu
    Despite several idealistic efforts towards a united Africa, the term remains a hypothetical concept symbolizing a desired federal state on the continent. While globalization and interconnectedness have brought prosperity in some parts of the world, Africa has not generally benefited from global decisions. These decisions, policies, and practices have tended to be wholly influen...

    216,39 €

  • Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Future of Africa and Policy Development
    Icarbord Tshabangu
    Despite several idealistic efforts towards a united Africa, the term remains a hypothetical concept symbolizing a desired federal state on the continent. While globalization and interconnectedness have brought prosperity in some parts of the world, Africa has not generally benefited from global decisions. These decisions, policies, and practices have tended to be wholly influen...

    282,25 €

  • Regional Cooperation and Integration Corporate Progress Report 2017-2020
    Asian Development Bank
    This report highlights the results of Asian Development Bank (ADB) operations to support regional cooperation and integration (RCI) completed during 2017-2020.The report outlines how ADB managed its support for RCI, and how the bank continued leading development partners in assisting major RCI subregional programs. It notes that, in the medium term, promoting wider, deeper, and...

    33,87 €

  • The War on Drugs An Old Wives Tale
    Christine D Shuck
    Part memoir, part current affairs, part argument for legalization - The War on Drugs is a MUST READ for those who believe that the war on drugs only happens to 'those people' in 'that part of town.' Written from the point of view of a wife and mother, The War On Drugs: An Old Wives’ Tale examines the pros and cons of marijuana prohibition, drug diversion programs, and challenge...

    23,98 €

  • From Changing Diapers to Changing the World
    Cynthia Changyit Levin
    Cynthia Changyit Levin cared deeply about global poverty and hunger even before becoming a parent. But mothering her own children toughened her resolve to stand up for her values and work to become a better world for all kids. In this inspirational book 'From Changing Diapers to Changing the World:  Why Moms Make Great Advocates and How to Get Started,' Levin offers step-by-ste...

    24,33 €

  • Future Peace
    Robert H. Latiff
    Future Peace urges extreme caution in the adoption of new weapons technology and is an impassioned plea for peace from an individual who spent decades preparing for war.Today’s militaries are increasingly reliant on highly networked autonomous systems, artificial intelligence, and advanced weapons that were previously the domain of science fiction writers. In a world where thes...

    24,73 €

  • Parliaments’ Contributions to Security Sector Governance/Reform and the Sustainable Development Goals
    Lindy Heinecken / Nicolette van Zyl-Gous / Wilhelm Janse van Rensburg
    The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 calls for the establishment of peaceful, just and inclusive societies. The security sector has the potential to contribute to SDG16 through the fulfilment of its traditional and non-traditional security tasks. However, the security sector can also detract from SDG16 when it acts outside the confines of the law. Good gove...

    19,52 €

  • Financial Inclusion for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Kazakhstan
    Asian Development Bank
    This report looks at financial inclusion in Kazakhstan and considers how microfinance organizations could boost lending to its fast-growing micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs).It analyzes the myriad hurdles that prevent many small enterprises from securing traditional bank loans and recommends ways business-focused lenders can help bridge the financing gap. Recommendat...

    37,08 €

  • Public Governance in Denmark
    Public Governance in Denmark: Meeting the Global Mega-Challenges of the 21st Century? explores how recent public governance changes have turned the Danish welfare state into a mix of a neo-Weberian state and an enabling state, providing a nuanced account of how Denmark handles urgent societal problems. ...

    142,62 €

  • Handbook of Research on Interdisciplinary Studies on Healthcare, Culture, and the Environment
    Mika Markus Merviö
    As healthcare, culture, and the environment remain crucial aspects of modern society, the current issues and opportunities within each sector must be examined and considered in order to ensure their success in the future. These critical fields should be studied in relation to each other as they must work in tandem to create a better society. The Handbook of Research on Interdis...

    354,11 €

  • Supreme emergency
    Andrew Corbett
    An insider’s view of the development of the UK nuclear deterrent which suggests that an aversion to the moral issues associated with civilian casualties has led to an enduring Government reticence on nuclear deterrence policy. ...

    145,00 €

  • Military Space Ethics
    As space develops as the fifth warfighting domain, so does the need to have ethical scrutiny. This book’s relevancy will not be lost on students at service academies and staff colleges in preparing them for the task of emphasizing the moral and ethical responsibility in space to those whom they will lead in the future. ...

    50,21 €

  • Strategic Cooperation and Partnerships Between Australia and South Asia
    The COVID-19 pandemic has forced countries around the globe into lockdown, imposing trade and travel restrictions with devastating economic impacts on all sectors of the economy. In working toward greater economic stability, Australia has been strengthening its trade relations with other countries, which is reflected through its increased strategic relations with India. However...

    282,35 €

  • Strategic Cooperation and Partnerships Between Australia and South Asia
    The COVID-19 pandemic has forced countries around the globe into lockdown, imposing trade and travel restrictions with devastating economic impacts on all sectors of the economy. In working toward greater economic stability, Australia has been strengthening its trade relations with other countries, which is reflected through its increased strategic relations with India. However...

    216,50 €

    J J WOO
    From the financial contagion of the 2007 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) to viral contagion in the recent COVID-19 pandemic, Singapore has been severely impacted by ripples and shockwaves that have emanated from global financial and healthcare crises. At the same time, it has proven to be highly resilient amidst such instability. This book provides an in-depth account of Singapor...

    106,14 €

  • The War on Drugs
    Christine D Shuck
    Part memoir, part current affairs, part argument for legalization - The War on Drugs is a MUST READ for those who believe that the war on drugs only happens to 'those people' in 'that part of town.' Written from the point of view of a wife and mother, The War On Drugs: An Old Wives’ Tale examines the pros and cons of marijuana prohibition, drug diversion programs, and challenge...

    22,26 €

  • Utopia and Modernity in China
    David Margolies / Qing Cao
    The contradictions of modernization run through the whole of modern Chinese history. The abundance of manufactured goods being sold in the West attests to China’s industrial revolution, but this capitalist vision of ’utopia’ sits uneasily with traditional Chinese values. It is also in conflict with the socialism that has been the bedrock of Chinese society since the foundation ...

    127,33 €

  • Citizens Without a City
    Jan-Jonathan Bock
    In 2009, after seismic tremors struck the Italian mountain town of L’Aquila, survivors were subjected to a second earthquake--invasive media attention and a relief effort that left them in a state of suspended citizenship as they were forcibly resettled and had to envision a new future.In Citizens without a City, Jan-Jonathan Bock reveals how a disproportionate government respo...

    99,79 €

  • Citizens Without a City
    Jan-Jonathan Bock
    In 2009, after seismic tremors struck the Italian mountain town of L’Aquila, survivors were subjected to a second earthquake--invasive media attention and a relief effort that left them in a state of suspended citizenship as they were forcibly resettled and had to envision a new future.In Citizens without a City, Jan-Jonathan Bock reveals how a disproportionate government respo...

    42,74 €

  • Plan S for Shock
    Rachael Pells / Robert-Jan Smits
    Plan S for shock: the open access initiative that changed the face of global research This is the story of open access publishing - why it matters now, and for the future. In a world where information has never been so accessible, and answers are available at the touch of a fingertip, we are hungrier for the facts than ever before - something the Covid-19 crisis has brought to ...

    35,44 €

  • Conceptualising Risk Assessment and Management across the Public Sector
    Dr. Iniobong Enang / Dr. Jennifer Murray
    Conceptualising Risk Assessment and Management across the Public Sector explores concepts and applications of risk across the public sector to aid risk professionals in establishing a clearer understanding of what risk assessment and management is, how it might be unified across sectors, and how and where deviations are needed. ...

    87,96 €