Catálogo de libros: Administración pública

1817 Catálogo de libros: Administración pública

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  • Emerging Strategies in Defense Acquisitions and Military Procurement
    Military and defense organizations are a vital component to any nation. In order to maintain the standards of these sectors, new procedures and practices must be implemented. Emerging Strategies in Defense Acquisitions and Military Procurement is a pivotal reference source for the latest scholarly research on the present state of defense organizations, examining reforms and sol...

    269,07 €

  • Public Health Genomics and International Wealth Creation
    E. William Ebomoyi / EWilliam Ebomoyi
    In 2003, the secrets of the human genome were cracked open, creating a flurry of anticipation (and more than a little commercial buzz) about the role that genetic modification would play in years to come. This burgeoning field stands poised to redefine old paradigms and reshape industries such as medicine, agriculture, pharmacology, and biotechnology. Public Health Genomics and...

    308,62 €

  • Management and Participation in the Public Sphere
    Mika Markus Merviö
    Public policy has a dynamic effect on multiple facets of modern society. Methods for managing and engaging the public sphere continue to change conceptually across the globe, impacting the ways that governments and citizens interact both within and across borders. Management and Participation in the Public Sphere is a definitive reference source for the latest scholarly researc...

    262,68 €

  • Revolutionizing the Interaction between State and Citizens through Digital Communications
    Sam BEdwards
    Networked communication technologies have drastically changed the relationship between States and their citizens. This fundamental shift has eased civilians’ ability to access information and organize groups like never before, creating the need to re-examine existing theories. Revolutionizing the Interaction between State and Citizens through Digital Communications evaluates th...

    255,93 €

  • Transforming Politics and Policy in the Digital Age
    Digital technology and the Internet have greatly affected the political realm in recent years, allowing citizens greater input and interaction in government processes. The mainstream media no longer holds all the power in political commentary. Transforming Politics and Policy in the Digital Age provides an updated assessment of the implications of technology for society and the...

    262,40 €

  • Managing E-Government Projects
    Stephen Kwamena Aikins
    E-government promises efficient communication, streamlined operations, citizen involvement, improved services, and increased transparency. However, despite huge investments in e-government, evidence suggests numerous e-government projects are late, over budget, and inadequate. Managing E-Government Projects: Concepts, Issues, and Best Practices collects the work of some of the ...

    236,50 €

  • E-Governance and Civic Engagement
    Governments are increasingly turning to the Internet to provide public services. The move towards e-governance not only impacts the efficiency and effectiveness of public service, but also has the potential to transform the nature of government interactions with citizens. E-Governance and Civic Engagement: Factors and Determinants of E-Democracy examines how e-government facili...

    237,42 €

  • Stakeholder Adoption of E-Government Services
    The success of e-government - whether it is at the local, regional, or central level - largely depends on user acceptance of e-government, which requires a thorough understanding of stakeholder concerns. Stakeholder Adoption of E-Government Services: Driving and Resisting Factors examines the stakeholders of e-government and reveals the stages of growth or service maturity leve...

    236,24 €

  • Social and Organizational Developments through Emerging E-Government Applications
    Vishanth Weerakkody
    Government and industry e-commerce agendas have become more closely linked in recent times and more people are now less tolerant of poor, impersonal service in the public sector as they become aware of the power of the web and experience good service in the private sector. With the advancement of Information and Communication Technologies, e-government has emerged as an effecti...

    236,71 €

  • Handbook of Research on E-Government Readiness for Information and Service Exchange
    Hakikur Rahman
    Rapid advancements in technology have enabled the use of information and communication technologies to exchange and disseminate data and services with citizens, businesses, civil society, and other arms of government. The Handbook of Research on E-Government Readiness for Information and Service Exchange: Utilizing Progressive Information Communication Technologies formulates l...

    387,38 €

  • Handbook of Research on ICT-Enabled Transformational Government
    Marijn Janssen / Vishanth Weerakkody / Yogesh KDwivedi
    E-government has evolved from basic information provisioning to more integrated service offerings enabling citizen-centric services. The Handbook of Research on ICT-Enabled Transformational Government: A Global Perspective provides comprehensive coverage and definitions of the most important issues, concepts, trends, and technologies within transformation stage e-government (t-...

    348,16 €

  • E-Government Diffusion, Policy, and Impact
    Mehdi Khosrow-Pour
    As governmental entities face accelerating public demand for electronic services and the internal need to utilize technology to achieve superior outcomes and operational efficiency, traditional techniques and tools are radically reshaping and evolving into innovative electronic methods of conducting governmental activities. E-Government Diffusion, Policy, and Impact: Advanced I...

    256,07 €

  • Etransformation in Governance

    105,58 €

  • Handbook of Research on Modernization and Accountability in Public Sector Management
    The effects of recent economic and financial crises have reached an international scale. A number of different nations have experienced the fallout of these events, calling into question issues of accountability and reform in public management. The Handbook of Research on Modernization and Accountability in Public Sector Management is an essential scholarly publication that foc...

    374,24 €

  • Journal politique et administratif du Nigeria
    Abdullahi Adamu / Ameer Sanusi / Mohammed Isah
    Ce livre, Nigerian Political and Administrative Diary, est une synthèse de quelques-unes des principales tendances, questions et événements politiques et administratifs nigérians. Cependant, il est plus difficile de l’écrire que de patauger dans une mer et, qui plus est, le Nigeria est un État tellement vaste, hétérogène et complexe que tout compte rendu de ses questions et évé...

    143,28 €

  • Ports entrepreneuriaux
    Mauricio Araquam de Sousa
    Différents modèles de gestion portuaire dans le monde permettent à l’administration portuaire de réévaluer rapidement les conditions initialement convenues avec les terminaux pour la fourniture de services de stockage et de transbordement de marchandises, généralement en renégociant simplement les clauses contractuelles (concernant les délais, les zones attribuées, les tarifs, ...

    51,79 €

  • Roadblocked
    Heath Brown
    Joe Biden and Kamala Harris began their transition to the White House in the most unusual of circumstances: a global pandemic, a sitting president violently refusing to accept the results of the election, and a historic racial reckoning all posed profound questions about how they would staff large parts of the government and articulate policy remedies to pressing problems in ju...

    38,41 €

  • Challenges, Strategies, and Resiliency in Disaster and Risk Management
    Zamokuhle Mbandlwa
    The urgency of effective disaster and risk management has reached unprecedented heights. The looming threat of resource constraints, coupled with the intricate challenges of coordinating responses in the wake of crises, underscores the critical need for comprehensive solutions. The book, Challenges, Strategies, and Resiliency in Disaster and Risk Management , ventures into the ...

    334,42 €

  • Challenges, Strategies, and Resiliency in Disaster and Risk Management
    Zamokuhle Mbandlwa
    The urgency of effective disaster and risk management has reached unprecedented heights. The looming threat of resource constraints, coupled with the intricate challenges of coordinating responses in the wake of crises, underscores the critical need for comprehensive solutions. The book, Challenges, Strategies, and Resiliency in Disaster and Risk Management , ventures into the ...

    255,51 €

  • Justizialisierung der kommunalen Sozialhilfepolitik
    Leda Borges
    Die Judizialisierung der öffentlichen Politik ist in den sozialwissenschaftlichen Debatten zunehmend präsent, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Gewährleistung individueller und/oder kollektiver Rechte bei Abwesenheit des Staates. Im Gegensatz zu der Sichtweise, die dieses Phänomen durch die Linse der Justiz hervorhebt, wird in diesem Beitrag die Judizialisierung anhand der Anträ...

    87,03 €

  • Judicialization of the Municipal Social Assistance Policy
    Leda Borges
    The judicialization of public policy is increasingly present in social science debates, especially with regard to guaranteeing individual and/or collective rights when the state is absent. Contrary to the view that emphasizes this phenomenon through the lens of the Judiciary, this paper explores judicialization based on the requests that the Public Prosecutor’s Office makes to ...

    86,89 €

  • Judiciarisation de la politique municipale d’aide sociale
    Leda Borges
    La judiciarisation des politiques publiques est de plus en plus présente dans les débats en sciences sociales, notamment en ce qui concerne la garantie des droits individuels et/ou collectifs en l’absence de l’Etat. Contrairement à la vision qui met l’accent sur ce phénomène à travers le prisme du pouvoir judiciaire, cet article explore la judiciarisation à partir des demandes ...

    86,96 €

  • Giudiziarizzazione della politica di assistenza sociale comunale
    Leda Borges
    La giurisdizionalizzazione delle politiche pubbliche è sempre più presente nei dibattiti delle scienze sociali, soprattutto per quanto riguarda la garanzia dei diritti individuali e/o collettivi quando lo Stato è assente. Contrariamente alla visione che enfatizza questo fenomeno attraverso la lente della magistratura, il presente lavoro esplora la giudiziarizzazione sulla base ...

    86,89 €

  • Судебное оформление муниципальной политики социальной помощи
    Леда Борхес
    Судебное оформление государственной политики все чаще встречается в дискуссиях по социальным наукам, особенно в связи с обеспечением индивидуальных и/или коллективных прав в условиях отсутствия государства. В отличие от точки зрения, которая рассматривает это явление через призму судебной власти, в данной статье мы исследуем судейство на основе запросов, которые прокуратура нап...

    87,09 €

  • Failure of Leadership
    Jack Melton
    What happens when the government doesn’t serve The People?Why do people in power act in such a way that puts American lives at risk?In August 2021, thousands of Americans were being left behind in Afghanistan, just as the city of Kabul fell into the hands of the Taliban, some of the world’s worst terrorists in existence. Over the next fifteen days, the United States government ...

    25,21 €

  • Management public pour l’efficacité des Services publics en RDC
    Au terme de notre travail intitulé Management public face à l’efficacité des services publics de l’Etat, il a été question de faire le diagnostic sur les modes opératoires de ces derniers dans l’administration publique de la ville-province de Kinshasa, au cours de la période allant de 2006 à 2019. Ceci dans le but d’avoir une perception managériale de la qualité dans leurs dive...

    112,96 €

  • Global Geopolitical Impacts and Dynamics of the Indo-Pacific
    Step into an exploration of the Indo-Pacific, an expansive region that merges the Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and the adjoining landmass. This vast area hosts a variety of power dynamics, making it a crucible for the relentless struggle between emerging and established global powers. With vital choke points and abundant natural resources, the Indo-Pacific serves as the stage w...

    334,24 €

  • Global Geopolitical Impacts and Dynamics of the Indo-Pacific
    Step into an exploration of the Indo-Pacific, an expansive region that merges the Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and the adjoining landmass. This vast area hosts a variety of power dynamics, making it a crucible for the relentless struggle between emerging and established global powers. With vital choke points and abundant natural resources, the Indo-Pacific serves as the stage w...

    255,32 €

  • The Race for City Status
    Jim Carley
    In 2022 Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her Platinum Jubilee. To mark the event, a civic honours contest was held, giving towns from across the UK the opportunity to win city status. Whilst never an obvious frontrunner, the post-industrial borough of Doncaster in South Yorkshire was a winning entrant, becoming one of Britain’s newest cities.Jim Carley, who wrote the bid, recounts...

    24,01 €

  • La partecipazione dei cittadini in Cile
    Eduardo Leiva Zumelzu / Francisco Santibáñez Soto
    L’attuale contesto socio-politico richiede maggiori e migliori meccanismi di approccio alla gestione pubblica, nonché un maggiore coinvolgimento nel processo decisionale. Questo libro si propone di fornire una conoscenza in situ di come, attraverso l’azione di governo, le regioni siano state spinte verso la creazione di politiche e regolamenti che hanno una serie di norme in vi...

    96,25 €