Catálogo de libros: Administración pública

1219 Catálogo de libros: Administración pública

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  • The Prince (Reader’s Library Classics)
    Niccolò Machiavelli
    The lion cannot guard himself from the toils, nor the fox from wolves. A Prince must therefore be a fox to discern toils, and a lion to drive off wolves.The modern-day term 'Machiavellian' is used to describe deception, dishonesty, and cruelty to meet a goal. The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli was written as a guide for autocrats on how to govern using means that were meant to d...

    10,07 €

  • Organisational Behaviour in the Public Sector
    John Fenwick
    This book adopts a highly critical approach to the ways in which organisations have been analysed by orthodox theories and offers instead a perspective on elements of organisational behaviour including leadership and its failures, structures, cultures, bullying and the denial of individual voice. ...

    88,03 €

  • Co-Creation and Smart Cities
    Le Anh Nguyen Long / Shenja van der Graaf
    Co-creation and Smart Cities: Looking Beyond Technology highlights a more robust value-based perspective on public service development and delivery, helping structure co-creation processes that foster responsible innovation and a systemic, value-based approach to sustainable urban development. ...

    87,91 €

  • Public Affairs Education and Training in the 21st Century
    Since the beginning of the 20th century, public administration (PA) departments have been established, primarily in the USA and later in other Western countries, and education in the field of public administration has been provided in these departments. As the field of public administration has been changing due to globalization, government reforms, and increasing governance pr...

    216,68 €

  • Teachers’ historical debt
    Belén Jara
    The Historical Teaching Debt arises after the process of Municipalization of Education, established in the 80’s, during the dictatorship of A. Pinochet, due to the non-payment of the special teaching allowance established in Article N° 40 of Decree Law N° 3.551 promulgated in 1981. After 40 years of demands and the search for solutions, there are still no results. After 40 year...

    93,53 €

  • Surviving Government in a small town
    Hendrik Slegtenhorst
    Politicians far too frequently discard moral compass and impose an ideology, often unrealistic and punitive, and often unrelated to the promises, so very soon abandoned, that candidates campaigned on. Politicians and governments further rely on the lack of citizens’ awareness of  incomprehensible regulations, thus rendering civic progress difficult and political accountability ...

    18,80 €

  • Surviving Government in a Small Town
    Hendrik Slegtenhorst
    Politicians far too frequently discard moral compass and impose an ideology, often unrealistic and punitive, and often unrelated to the promises, so very soon abandoned, that candidates campaigned on. Politicians and governments further rely on the lack of citizens’ awareness of  incomprehensible regulations, thus rendering civic progress difficult and political accountability ...

    18,94 €

  • Public Policy Councils and Organizational Networks
    Ana Carolina Paiva de Carvalho
    Public policy councils are participatory institutions resulting from the 1988 Constitution, whose role involves public control over government action and they share with the State, to a certain extent, part of the responsibility for public policies. These structures are administratively linked to state agencies and their administrative-financial apparatus is dependent on these ...

    83,17 €

  • Reproductive health and abortion rights
    Kimberly Ohana Andrade
    The present work is a qualitative study with the general objective of identifying and analyzing how the actors involved with the theme influence the entry of the theme to the governmental agenda and there is a brief comparison with the Uruguayan case, which is a success story in Latin America due to the reduction of maternal mortality to zero after the legalization of abortion....

    82,98 €

  • Devon Women in Public and Professional Life, 1900-1950
    Julia Neville / Mitzi Auchterlonie / Paul Auchterlonie
    This book is one of the first to study the role of women in public and professional life from a regional point of view. It breaks new ground in considerations of gender in the early twentieth century and the history of Devon in the modern period. ...

    41,87 €

  • Devon Women in Public and Professional Life, 1900-1950
    Julia Neville / Mitzi Auchterlonie / Paul Auchterlonie
    This book is one of the first to study the role of women in public and professional life from a regional point of view. It breaks new ground in considerations of gender in the early twentieth century and the history of Devon in the modern period. ...

    126,60 €

  • Democratic Backsliding and Public Administration

    120,00 €

  • Democracy Administered
    Anthony Michael Bertelli

    30,94 €

  • Democracy Administered
    Anthony Michael Bertelli

    95,98 €

  • Public Affairs and Democratic Ideals
    Curtis Ventriss
    Argues for refocusing attention on publicness and the critical exploration of underlying assumptions that are foundational to the study and practice of public affairs. ...

    41,94 €

  • Public Governance as Co-creation
    Christopher Ansell / Jacob Torfing

    132,33 €

  • Organizational Leadership
    Natalya Danilova
    The monograph reviews the theoretical and methodological foundations of leadership research. The analysis of different approaches to the phenomenon of leadership allows to reveal its essence, typology, functions, as well as features of its impact on the organization. Special attention is paid to leadership as a social technology. Considering leadership as a social technology, i...

    76,39 €

  • Innovative development of Russian universities
    Sergey Fedorov
    Modern development of the world civilization is characterized by a rapid growth of generated knowledge, an increasing volume of knowledge-intensive information, growth of world competition in the field of development and implementation of high technologies. For creation of knowledge economy and knowledge-intensive technologies the key problem is training of professional staff. ...

    76,33 €

  • Cameroon’s film policy from 1988 to 2020
    Longin Colbert ELOUNDOU
    Since 1988, the year of the promulgation of a law on the orientation of cinematographic activity in Cameroon, a law marked by originality and fulgurance in a difficult political context, the social dynamic has favoured the updating of the legal and regulatory framework in many sectors, including those close to the audiovisual as a media-television system (in 2015 in particular)...

    61,63 €

  • Political Identification in Europe
    In recent years, Europe has been buffeted by a series of contested crises that seemingly undermine and overwhelm its institutions and ideals: the economic shocks of 2008, the open disputes over migration, the political uncertainty generated by Brexit and the inroads made by various populist and nationalist parties into government. ...

    142,92 €

  • Environmental leadership policy in the commune of Los Angeles South of Chile
    Cristian Morales Novoa / Ingrid Venegas / Marga Yanet Yunes
    The work presented addresses the creation of a new Public Policy of environmental leadership in the commune of Los Angeles, Bio-Bio Region. From the local territorial approach.The interest of creating this new public policy is to achieve the common good, in turn, achieve a collaborative synergy and articulation of various actors to achieve effectiveness and efficiency of resour...

    60,13 €

  • A call to civilization
    Nazrulla Zhuraew
    This monograph examines the Action Strategy for the Five Priority Development Areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021. Each of its directions is studied in detail. Historical, philosophical, social and spiritual-educational aspects of this strategic program serving as the basis for the country’s development in the next few decades are explored, as well as its ideas aim...

    123,45 €

  • Customer Development of Effective Performance Indicators in Local and State Level Public Administration
    Andrew Sense / Rebekah Schulz
    This book is the first to offer a structured process which enables public organisations and their communities to jointly develop performance indicators for the public organisation’s operations, enabling communities to determine performance indicators that are highly relevant and contextually useful. ...

    136,33 €

  • A Critical Evaluation of People’s Participation in Local Government
    S. M. Shifur Rahman / SMShifur Rahman
    Participation is a wider concept with different degrees of engagement and is very pertinent in the process of decentralization. The aim of the study is to evaluate the nature of people’s participation in the Local Government Institutions (LGIs) in Bangladesh. To establish inclusive LGIs government has been engaging in local government reforms for more than two decades. As parti...

    61,88 €

  • Civic Bodies In India
    Harmanpreet Singh
    The present book deals with the financial positions of urban local governments because finance plays an important role in the development of local bodies. The genesis and growth of Local Government in Punjab have also been traced in the present book. It contains the role of Finance Commissions. This book is much significant because the importance and role of local bodies are si...

    85,65 €

  • A Diagnostic Study of the Civil Service in Indonesia
    Asian Development Bank
    This report surveys the current state of civil service in Indonesia from a comprehensive, data-driven perspective and explores the current challenges facing the country’s bureaucracy.Modern civil service must be composed of competent, dedicated, and mission-driven public servants to harness opportunities and improve public service delivery with emerging technology. It also need...

    28,59 €

  • Getting Heard but Not Listened To
    Cristiane Bená Dias
    The book examines public participation at all stages of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Brazil and proposes a model for improving community involvement in the process. ...

    149,56 €

  • The Emerald Handbook of Public Administration in Latin America
    This handbook presents contemporary research on public administration in Latin America. The first section explores the range of administrative systems in existence across the region. The second portion of the book discusses important topics such as public personnel management, accountability and policy coordination in Latin America. ...

    265,97 €

  • Accountability of Sonoran municipalities
    Beatriz Elena Huerta Urquijo / Juan Antonio López Olivarría / Rebeca Patricia Grajeda Grajeda
    Any investigation of accountability must start with the accounts themselves. For this reason, this paper analyzes the public accounts of the 72 municipalities of Sonora using the right of access to information set forth in article six of the Constitution and other regulatory laws on the subject. The aim is to promote among citizens the access to information as a necessary tool ...

    63,19 €

  • Behavioral-Based Interventions for Improving Public Policies
    Viorel Mihaila

    216,20 €