Catálogo de libros: Estructuras políticas: totalitarismo y dictadura

323 Catálogo de libros: Estructuras políticas: totalitarismo y dictadura

Libros Eliminar filtro Inglés Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Política y gobierno Eliminar filtro Estructura y procesos políticos Eliminar filtro Estructuras políticas: totalitarismo y dictadura Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Voice of Triumph
    Adolf Hitler
    Nuremberg has served for centuries as a hub of political life in Germany. In the day of the Holy Roman Empire, Nuremberg boasted the high status of a Free Imperial City and hosted several important Imperial Diets, or Reichstage. The National Socialists framed themselves and their new Germany as the inheritors and successors of Germany’s rich political and cultural history stret...

    41,53 €

  • No Life Without You
    Franklin Felsenstein
    The letters and journals of Ernst Moritz (’Mope’) and Vera Hirsch Felsenstein, two German Jewish refugees experiencing the tumultuous years leading up to the Second World War, form the core of this book. Abridged in an English translation from the original German, this vast correspondence and diaries has been expertly compiled and annotated by their son, Franklin Felsenstein, w...

    60,94 €

  • Speech to the Youth of Spain
    Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
    Fascism in its various iterations swept through continental Europe like a tidal wave in the 1920s and 30s. While Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s Italy tend to steal the show in historical examinations of the topic, Spain was also one of its most fruitful strongholds. Ramiro Ledesma Ramos, born in Spain at the beginning of the 20th century, made a name for himself as one of the...

    29,50 €

  • Critical Theory from the Margins
    Saladdin Ahmed
    Putting at work a negative pedagogy centered around learning from unlearning, problematizes and boldly challenges today’s culturalist discourses, camouflaged racisms, and masked fascisms. ...

    44,68 €

  • What Do We Know and What Should We Do About Authoritarian Regimes?
    Natasha Lindstaedt

    68,04 €

  • A Literary Coloring Book Inspired by George Orwell’s 1984 novel
    Gargoyle Collective
    Unlock the Dystopian World of Orwell’s '1984' Through the Meditative Art of Coloring Step into the bleak and omnipresent surveillance of George Orwell’s '1984,' reimagined like never before. This unique coloring book takes you on a haunting journey, illuminating Orwell’s grim vision of the future-one color at a time.Why You’ll Love This Coloring Book:Over 40 Detailed Illustrati...

    23,63 €

  • The Right To Resist
    Hichem Karoui
    Why do so many outstanding Jewish brains (Einstein, Marx, Freud, Asimov, Arendt, Chomsky, etc.) oppose Zionism and Israel? Because they are aware of the covert alliance between Zionism and fascism. While exploring and analysing the themes of resistance throughout history, this book sheds light on these truths that the Israeli state and its Western patrons have kept hidden.Some ...

    31,12 €

  • Voce del Popolo
    Benito Mussolini
    Benito Mussolini (July 29th, 1883-April 28th, 1945), Il Duce of Italian Fascism and the Prime Minister of Italy from 1922 to 1943, is a man of undeniable historical impact. This arrangement of his early political speeches begins in November 1914, after Mussolini is expelled from the Italian Socialist Party for advocating Italian intervention in the First World War. The speeches...

    31,28 €

  • Anti-fascism in European History
    The increasing radicalization of political life in most countries in Europe lends special relevance to studies of the antifascist legacies on the continent. This insightful collection of essays is an in-depth review of antifascism in Slovenia, setting it in the context of related movements elsewhere in Europe. The period treated by the 19 essays comprises the interwar period, W...

    114,83 €

  • Critical Theory from the Margins
    Saladdin Ahmed
    Putting at work a negative pedagogy centered around learning from unlearning, problematizes and boldly challenges today’s culturalist discourses, camouflaged racisms, and masked fascisms. ...

    127,00 €

  • Narcisso-Fascism
    Niall McLaren
    This book examines the biological, social and psychological influences driving one of the most important, and frightening, trends in modern international politics, right-wing extremism. It is radically unlike anything written on the topic before and its conclusions should make all of us stop ... and worry about the world we are leaving to our children. Niall McLaren is a recent...

    31,46 €

  • Narcisso-Fascism
    Niall McLaren
    This book examines the biological, social and psychological influences driving one of the most important, and frightening, trends in modern international politics, right-wing extremism. It is radically unlike anything written on the topic before and its conclusions should make all of us stop ... and worry about the world we are leaving to our children. Niall McLaren is a recent...

    21,82 €

  • Defending Democracy in an Age of Sharp Power
    William J Dobson
    Explores how authoritarian regimes are deploying 'sharp power' to undermine democracies from within by weaponizing universities, institutions, media, technology, and entertainment industries.The world’s dictators are no longer content with shoring up control over their own populations--they are now exploiting the openness of the free world to spread disinformation, sow discord,...

    44,80 €

  • Deplorable Politics
    David P Shaw
    Are you ready to discover how 74 million voters in the 2020 presidential election were so brainwashed by propaganda that they ignored the deplorable behavior, mountain of lies, and criminality that is Donald Trump? In this book, you will gain insight into how psychology offers a deeper insight into Donald Trump and other cult leaders who manipulate millions of people into belie...

    15,92 €

  • Paediatrics in the Reichsuniversität Straßburg
    Aisling Shalvey
    Examines the experience of paediatric patients, and the staff who determined their treatment, in the Reichsuniversitat Strasbourg, a Nazi-run hospital in occupied France from 1941 to 1944. ...

    135,38 €

  • Hope and Marxism
    Ernest Mandel
    This book collects essays exploring Marxist theory and history. Essays include historical examinations of Rosa Luxemburg’s place in the German workers movement, the development of the bourgeois state, and of the roots of Nazi violence. Other chapters discuss Marx’s notions of progress, alienation and emancipation, Luxemburg’s views on political economy and political strategy. A...

    24,87 €

  • The Rise of the NSDAP
    SS Main Office
    This is the story of the rise to power of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, as told to its members, from seven men in a Munich basement to absolute power over the German state. Originally published as an educational and propaganda work by the SS Main Office and the Reichsführer-SS, Heinrich Himmler, it captures the entire development of the party, from its backgroun...

    29,31 €

  • The Rape of the Mind
    Joost Meerloo
    The Rape of the Mind represents one of the earliest and most notable studies of social control, political conformity, and menticide. Dutch physician and psychoanalyst Joost Meerloo, one of six children, but the only one to escape the Holocaust, had experienced firsthand the myriad of thought-control tactics employed by totalitarian states when he wrote The Rape of the Mind in 1...

    19,58 €

  • What is Fascism
    Giovanni Gentile / Richard Robinson
    What is Fascism is a collection of essays, newspaper articles and interviews, discourses and polemics on the subject of fascism by Giovanni Gentile (AD 1875-1944), the 'philosopher of Fascism.' The collection was written (or spoken and later transcribed) over the course of several years prior to its publication in book format, in 1925, under the Italian title of Che cosa è il f...

    32,64 €

  • Literature and Politics
    Klaus Amann / Robert Musil / Genese Grill
    Literature and Politics presents Robert Musil’s writings on the relationship between literature and politics from World War I through World War II and elucidates his personal struggle to bear witness during the Age of Totalitarianism. In essays, addresses, aphorisms, and unpublished notes on contemporary events, Musil charts the increasing dangers to artists and ethical thinker...

    27,34 €

  • The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty
    Michael Rectenwald
    The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda is the definitive treatment of the Great Reset. In a scholarly examination, Rectenwald treats the various components of the Great Reset, including the economic system it establishes, the deep history of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the population control 'ethics' of the WEF and related globalist organ...

    19,59 €

  • The Philosophy of Marx
    Giovanni Gentile / Caterina Vitale / Shandon Simpson
    Giovanni Gentile is widely acknowledged as the foundational philosopher of Italian Fascism. He worked in academia as well as government, contributing to the formation of the Italian corporate state and education system under Bennito Mussolini. Gentile continued writing and contributing to the Italian Fascist state until his assassination by the Italian Communist Party in 1944.I...

    29,44 €

  • The 2020 Portland Riots
    Tommy Clark
    The death of George Floyd in 2020 stimulated violent demonstrations in cities across the world. Police Officer Tommy Clark served on the vanguard of those nightly riots, among the worst in US history.For more than 100 days, extremist groups lay siege to the community through arson, vandalism, and looting. The brave men and women of the Portland Police Bureau risked their lives ...

    10,84 €

  • Fascism
    Leon Trotsky
    'Fascism: What it is and How to fight it' is a collection of writings by Trotsky. Communist leader Leon Trotsky examines the class origins and character of fascist movements. Building on foundations laid by the Communist International in Lenin’s time, Trotsky advances a working-class strategy to combat and defeat this malignant danger.This was one of Trotsky’s great contributio...

    24,92 €

  • The COVID Chronicles
    W. E. Gutman
    Sardonic, iconoclastic, profane, and unapologetically blunt, The COVID Chronicles casts a dystopian eye on the self-inflicted ills that plague mankind - global warming and climatic disasters; unfettered capitalism, corruption, and injustice; greed, violence, and a lust for war; the rising irrelevance of knowledge and the pride of ignorance; the subversion of democracy and the s...

    20,31 €

  • Die Fahne Hoch
    Erwin Reitmann / Fritz Daum / Max Kullak
    Horst Ludwig Georg Erich Wessel, born in Bielefeld in 1907, was the most celebrated martyr of the National Socialist movement. As a Sturmführer in the brown-shirted Sturmabteilung (SA), Horst Wessel led his men in Berlin, where the Communist paramilitary Red Front Fighters’ League did their best to disrupt the activities of the new German Nationalists. In response to his capabl...

    29,17 €

  • Anthem
    Ayn Rand
    Ayn Rand published her book, Anthem, in 1946. In the included foreword she provided, she bemoaned 'people who accept collectivism by moral default' despite there being ample evidence of the bloody consequences of that approach. 'Those who refuse to see it now are neither blind nor innocent.' Sadly, though some seventy years have passed, that evidence has only accumulated and co...

    19,41 €

  • José Antonio Primo de Rivera, Anthology of Speeches and Quotes
    José Antonio
    José Antonio Primo de Rivera y Sáenz de Heredia, 1st Duke of Primo de Rivera, 3rd Marquess of Estella, was a Spanish lawyer, parliamentarian, and martyr. Son of the General Miguel Primo de Rivera, the dictator of Spain from 1923-1930, Rivera founded the Falange Española - the Spanish Phalanx - in 1933. The Falange grew slowly at first, winning just .7% of the vote in the 1936 F...

    21,82 €

  • The Burning Bush
    Elias Simojoki
    Lauri Elias Simojoki (1899-1940) was a Finnish soldier, parliamentarian, Lutheran priest, far right organizer, and leader of an attempted coup in Estonia. As a young man, he served in the Finnish War of Independence in 1918 and fought as a guerrilla fighter in Karelia in 1919. Later, he studied theology at the University of Helsinki and was an essential part of the formation of...

    29,36 €

  • Internal exile in Fascist Italy
    Dana Renga / Elizabeth Leake / Piero Garofalo
    This book is an accessible history of internal exile’s origins and practices under Fascism and of its representation in film, literature and memoir. ...

    44,39 €