Catálogo de libros: Ideologías políticas

3596 Catálogo de libros: Ideologías políticas

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  • Anarchism and Other Essays
    Emma Goldman
    Anarchism and Other Essays (1910) is a collection of essays by Emma Goldman. Hippolyte Havell contributed a short biography of Goldman to the compilation. These articles outline Goldman’s anarchist views on a range of topics, including the oppression of women. 'Traffic and Women' has attracted much attention from feminist scholars since the book’s publication.Emma Goldman publi...

    22,35 €

  • Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic since 1917
    This volume explores the life histories of a wide range of radical figures whose political activity in relation to the black liberation struggle was catalysed or profoundly shaped by the global impact and legacy of the Russian Revolution of 1917, including C.L.R. James, Paul Robeson, Walter Rodney and Grace P. Campbell. ...

    157,20 €

  • The European left and the financial crisis
    This timely collection addresses key questions including: How did political parties from the left respond to the crisis? What does the crisis mean for the relationship between the left and European integration, and what does it mean for socialism as an economic, political and social project? ...

    44,28 €

  • In His Own Words
    Adolf Hitler / C. J. Miller
    The subject of this book hardly needs an introduction. It is doubtful that there is any nation on earth that is not familiar with his colossal and provocative reputation. Adolf Hitler rose from the ranks as an unknown soldier, through the political chaos of the Weimar period, to take command of Germany and embark on a twelve-year odyssey of both great triumphs and great tragedy...

    39,32 €

  • South Africa’s Democracy at the Crossroads
    South Africa’s democracy faces increasing challenges from within, whether from protest, bad governance or general public dissatisfaction. South Africa´s Democracy at the Crossroads explores the question; what are the challenges to future democratization in South Africa? ...

    142,92 €

  • Collected Works of Josef Stalin
    Josef V. Stalin
    This edition of the English translation of J. V. Stalin’s Works has been reproduced faithfully from the text of the English-based on the Russian edition-prepared by the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute of the Central Committee, C.P.S.U.Iskra Books, the imprint of the Center for Communist Studies, has chosen to publish the full series of the Collected Works due to an academic scarcit...

    20,83 €

  • Collected Works of Josef Stalin
    Josef V. Stalin
    This edition of the English translation of J. V. Stalin’s Works has been reproduced faithfully from the text of the English-based on the Russian edition-prepared by the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute of the Central Committee, C.P.S.U. Iskra Books, the imprint of the Center for Communist Studies, has chosen to publish the full series of the Collected Works due to an academic scarci...

    14,35 €

  • Philanthropy, Conflict Management and International Law
    Dietmar Müller
    This book centers on the Report of the International Commission to Inquire into the Causes and Conduct of the Balkan Wars, published in Washington in the early summer of 1914 by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The volume was born from the conviction that the full assessment of the significance of the Carnegie Report-one of the first international non-governmenta...

    108,24 €

  • Zemmour & Gaullism
    Marlon Ettinger
    Éric Zemmour is an apparent contradiction - widely viewed as a dissident racist, he’s a Jewish Algerian Berber whose family comes from North Africa. Even more transgressive for the French political establishment, he views himself as the legitimate heir of Charles de Gaulle - the sanctified World War II resistance leader and founder of the Fifth Republic. But a look at de Gaulle...

    12,30 €

  • The British left and the defence economy
    Keith Mc Loughlin / Keith Mc Loughlin
    This book charts the dispute over defence spending between the left and business, government and the trade unions between 1970 and 1983. Whereas the left blamed Britain’s postwar economic decline on its burdensome military commitments, successive governments used defence was a form of economic stimulus to promote jobs and sell weapons abroad. ...

    145,15 €

  • The Great Return
    Zuzana Palovic
    In the beginning of the 21st century, Europe opened its borders to the countries from behind the Iron Curtain. Since then, over 100 million citizens, including Slovaks gained the freedom to move West without a visa. Now, a decade after the East-West exodus, our pioneers are returning home.Telling the stories of international Slovaks who left, learned and returned, 58 voices inc...

    36,30 €

  • Classics of Socialism and Communism
    Phineas Nyabera
    This book is pragmatic, joyous, and informative. When an author writes a book, he or she must predict that the book will still be read after many generations have passed. Because of its unmatched eternal truth, classics of socialism and communism will be read by many generations to eternity.I have written an orderly account of economic theories in simple and straightforward lan...

    12,71 €

  • Everyone Is an Entrepreneur
    Gregory V. Diehl / Gregory VDiehl
    'An intelligent exploration of the psychology of the entrepreneur and the toxic effects of authoritarianism.' -Kirkus Reviews'An intriguing economics text addressed to post-Soviet Bloc audiences who are interested in business development... a compelling picture of the changes wrought by economic shifts.' -Foreword Clarion ReviewsWesterners today grow up with abundant opportuni...

    15,78 €

  • Survival Methods of the Mole People
    Ron Collins
    Survival Techniques of the Mole People, uses the insulting term ’Mole People' for Bunker and Bomber Shelter Survivalists who are the ultimate Bug-In experts. This book describes building, defending and, concealing a bunker within a community so that use of Green Technology and self-sustainability in one’s home is linked to Survival Bunker. ...

    23,54 €

  • Everyone Is an Entrepreneur
    Gregory V. Diehl
    'An intelligent exploration of the psychology of the entrepreneur and the toxic effects of authoritarianism.' -Kirkus Reviews'An intriguing economics text addressed to post-Soviet Bloc audiences who are interested in business development... a compelling picture of the changes wrought by economic shifts.' -Foreword Clarion ReviewsWesterners today grow up with abundant opportuni...

    27,03 €

  • The Tusla Race Riot of 1921 The History of Black Wall Street And Factors Set Off a Race Riot Today
    Jim Colajuta
    Black Wall Street was an upscale black neighborhood in Greenwood, Oklahoma, that stood up to the country’s discriminatory institutions. A massacre in 1921 utterly destroyed the community. History is depicted with a specific and deliberate narrative, and how it is reported can vary over time. In the instance of Greenwood, most reporting on the massacre misrepresented both the re...

    10,48 €

  • Lenin, The Organic Centralist
    International Communist Party
    Since the founding of the communist party in 1848, the physical organization of revolutionaries has passed through a series of organizational forms, in an evolution interrupted several times by ruinous degeneration, its very name has been abandoned. Then recovered by Bolshevism in 1918 and by the third international.In 1973 the party found itself in need of confronting it histo...

    13,12 €

  • The Truths and Lies of Nationalism as Narrated by Charvak
    Rejects Hindu nationalism and pluralist secularism in favor of a revitalized politics of Indian federalism. ...

    121,36 €

  • Children of Communism
    Sándor Horváth / Thomas Cooper
    As the sun set on June 8, 1969, a group of teenagers gathered near a massive tree in a main square of Budapest to mourn the untimely death of Rolling Stones guitarist Brian Jones. By the end of the evening, sirens blared, teens were interrogated, and the myth of the most notorious juvenile gang in Budapest was born. The origin of the Great Tree Gang became an elaborately cultiv...

    121,59 €

  • Children of Communism
    Sándor Horváth / Thomas Cooper
    As the sun set on June 8, 1969, a group of teenagers gathered near a massive tree in a main square of Budapest to mourn the untimely death of Rolling Stones guitarist Brian Jones. By the end of the evening, sirens blared, teens were interrogated, and the myth of the most notorious juvenile gang in Budapest was born. The origin of the Great Tree Gang became an elaborately cultiv...

    45,55 €

  • Britain alone
    Liam Stanley
    Ten years after it was initiated, this book provides the definitive account of the ’age of austerity’ from high politics to everyday life and how it is permanently altering British society. It shows how scarcity in the name of national survival is intensifying social conflict over who gets what, when, and how. ...

    145,26 €

  • Pride in prejudice
    Paul Jackson
    Pride in prejudice offers a concise introduction to the varied extreme right groups active in Britain today. The book examines the extreme right movement in terms of ideology and appeal, organisational styles, online and offline activism, approaches to leadership, types of supporters and gendered dynamics. ...

    26,04 €

  • Britain alone
    Liam Stanley
    Ten years after it was initiated, this book provides the definitive account of the ’age of austerity’ from high politics to everyday life and how it is permanently altering British society. It shows how scarcity in the name of national survival is intensifying social conflict over who gets what, when, and how. ...

    35,88 €

  • Radical Psychoanalysis
    Ian Parker
    Ian Parker is a practicing psychoanalyst in Manchester and a revolutionary Marxist. He also writes, and his books include Socialisms: Revolutions Betrayed, Mislaid and Unmade (2020: Resistance Books) and, with the Mexican revolutionary David Pavón-Cuéllar, Psychoanalysis and Revolution: Critical Psychology for Liberation Movements (2021: 1968 Press).ABOUT THE BOOKThis crisis-ri...

    7,75 €

  • Paint by Numbers
    Claire van den Heever
    Chinese art’s journey from mass-produced propaganda in the Mao era to market darling mirrors China’s own momentous changes like few other disciplines. Today, in both contemporary art and contemporary Chinese society, commerce and politics coexist in a delicate balance, which some call sensible and others, selling out. By travelling to the studios of China’s art world superstars...

    22,09 €

  • The Destructivists
    William Collins
    All 'Western' societies have become deeply divided, and the divisions have become ever more acrimonious. The reason is that the differences of opinion stem from differences of moral perspective. Where existing works fall short is in explaining why and how this dichotomous morality has arisen, a question which is related to who benefits from it. One of the purposes of this book ...

    11,78 €

  • Contours of Civil-Military Relations in Bangladesh (1971-2017)
    Rajeesh CS
    This book projects up a thematic overview of Bangladesh civil-military relations over more than four decades by emphasizing on Marxist-Leninist lens. The book argues that Bangladesh military has a legacy of coups which began during the Pakistan era. Because of its organisational skill, structure, recruitment, ideology, colonial and the Pakistan legacy, and the fact of its invol...

    39,22 €

  • Mind Fuck
    Neil Faulkner
    A torrent of nationalism, racism, misogyny, and irrationalism is sweeping the world. The authoritarian right and new forms of fascism have become a clear and present danger. Neoliberal capitalism has torn society apart. Alienation has reached an unprecedented level. Extreme narcissistic individualism has become a pandemic. In this little book, Neil Faulkner draws on Marxist-Fre...

    8,92 €

  • Betwixt and Between
    Margaret Sun
    This is a unique memoir of modern China, a story of courage, of despair and of hope. Margaret Sun was born in Shanghai in 1935 into a poor Cantonese family but English was her main language almost from birth. In 1956, she volunteered to go to work in China’s far northwest region of Xinjiang, and she witnessed China’s changes from the communist takeover in 1949 at the most basic...

    27,31 €

  • The Xinjiang emergency
    Michael Clarke
    This volume investigates the mass detention of Uyghurs in China, exploring the regimes of surveillance to which they are subjected both inside and outside the detention centres of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. It offers new insights into the future of the CCP’s domestic governance strategies and troubling international behaviour. ...

    144,45 €