Catálogo de libros: Ciencias políticas y teoría

8426 Catálogo de libros: Ciencias políticas y teoría

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  • President Wilson’s Addresses
    Woodrow Wilson
    'These addresses of President Woodrow Wilson are almost entirely concerned with political affairs, and more specifically with defining Americanism. Yet they also show that even as he moved from academia to the heights of politics, Wilson retained something of the teacher’s interest in showing the relation between specific instances and the general forms of thought or action of ...

    20,03 €

  • Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (Second Edition Text)
    Joseph Alois Schumpeter
    Schumpeter’s Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy is perhaps the most important and influential book on the subject ever writtenThis volume is the result of an effort to weld into a readable form the bulk of almost forty years’ thought, observation and research on the subject of socialism. The problem of democracy forced its way into the place it now occupies in this volume bec...

    36,14 €

  • On the Duty of Civil Disobedience
    Civil Disobedience argues that citizens should not permit their governments to overrule their consciences, and that they have a duty to avoid allowing their acquiescence to enable the government to make them the agents of injustice. Thoreau was motivated in part by his disgust with slavery and the Mexican-American War, but the sentiments he expresses here are just as pertinent ...

    17,75 €

  • On Liberty
    John Stuart MILL
    The subject of this Essay is not the so-called Liberty of the Will, so unfortunately opposed to the misnamed doctrine of Philosophical Necessity; but Civil, or Social Liberty: the nature and limits of the power which can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual. A question seldom stated, and hardly ever discussed, in general terms, but which profoundly influence...

    20,49 €

     This book is based on an empirical research on the governance and reform of the contemporary township system in China. It provides an insightful and innovative understanding of China's township system. The book consists of four parts. The first part discusses the historical changes, present situation and practical operation of China's township system. The second part c...

    205,51 €

  • Conservative Essays for the Modern Era
    Gregory E Parker
    With the ascension of relativism and the denial of absolutes and objectivity in everyday life, progressives and socialists have redefined the word "tolerance" to mean the blanket acceptance of anything no matter how unpalatable or absent of truth. Those who challenge this fraud of tolerance, who invoke factual data, display reason, or critical thinking are mocked and humiliated...

    21,06 €

  • Communism and Socialism
    C.F.C. Walther
    That our American people may be enabled the better to understand the true character of Communism, that they may see its blackness in the light of God’s Word, that they may be warned against its dreadful influences, that man may be benefited, and God glorified, this English translation of Dr. Walther’s excellent lectures is herewith dedicated to the American Public, but especial...

    8,82 €

  • La mortalité des nouveaux partis politiques en Afrique australe
    Paixão António José
    Ce livre aborde le problème de la mortalité des nouveaux partis politiques dans la région de l’Afrique australe entre 1987 et 2022. Le processus de démocratisation dans la région a eu lieu dans les années 1990, lorsqu’il y a eu une transition du régime de socialisme africain à la démocratie, d’un système à parti unique à un système multipartite. Cependant, cette transition a ét...

    89,38 €

  • Die Sterblichkeit der neuen politischen Parteien im südlichen Afrika
    Paixão António José
    Dieses Buch befasst sich mit dem Problem der Sterblichkeit neuer politischer Parteien in der Region des südlichen Afrikas von 1987 bis 2022. Der Demokratisierungsprozess in der Region fand in den 1990er Jahren statt, als der Übergang vom afrikanischen Sozialismus zum demokratischen Regime, vom Einparteien- zum Mehrparteiensystem erfolgte. Dieser Übergang war jedoch durch eine R...

    89,36 €

  • A mortalidade dos novos partidos políticos na África Austral
    Paixão António José
    Este livro aborda o problema da mortalidade de novos partidos políticos na região da África Austral entre 1987 e 2022. O processo de democratização na região ocorreu na década de 1990, quando houve uma transição do regime do Socialismo Africano para a Democracia, de um partido único para um sistema multipartidário. No entanto, esta transição foi caracterizada por uma série de a...

    89,38 €

  • La mortalità dei nuovi partiti politici in Africa meridionale
    Paixão António José
    Questo libro affronta il problema della mortalità dei nuovi partiti politici nella regione dell’Africa meridionale dal 1987 al 2022. Il processo di democratizzazione della regione ha avuto luogo negli anni ’90, quando si è passati dal socialismo africano alla democrazia, dal sistema monopartitico a quello multipartitico. Tuttavia, questa transizione è stata caratterizzata da un...

    89,40 €

  • Смертность новых политических партий на юге Африки
    Паихãо Антóнио Ёсé
    В этой книге рассматривается проблема смертности новых политических партий в регионе Южной Африки с 1987 по 2022 год. Процесс демократизации в регионе пришелся на 1990-е годы, когда произошел переход от режима африканского социализма к демократии, от однопартийной к многопартийной системе. Однако этот переход характеризовался рядом событий, таких как появление новых партий и ко...

    89,29 €

  • Die Geopolitik des Erdöls in den Ländern der Großen Seen Afrikas
    Afrika, insbesondere sein südlich der Sahara gelegener Teil, hat in den letzten 20 Jahren eine entscheidende Position in der globalen Ölgeopolitik erlangt.Diese Neupositionierung hängt mit der Offshore- und Onshore-Revolution zusammen, die eine Reihe wichtiger Entdeckungen im Golf von Guinea, im Küstenbecken des Atlantiks, in der Zentralen Senke, an der Küste des Indischen Ozea...

    96,26 €

  • Геополитика нефти в африканских странах Великих озер
    Кри Секимонио Шамаву
    За последние двадцать лет Африка, особенно регион южнее Сахары, заняла важнейшее место в геополитике мировой нефти.Эта перестановка связана с революцией на шельфе и на суше, которая привела к ряду крупных открытий в Гвинейском заливе, Атлантическом прибрежном бассейне, Центральном бассейне, на побережье Индийского океана и в Восточно-Африканском разломе. Восточно-Африканский ра...

    96,25 €

  • A geopolítica do petróleo nos países africanos dos Grandes Lagos
    Nos últimos vinte anos, a África, em particular a região subsariana, adquiriu uma posição crucial na geopolítica do petróleo mundial.Este reposicionamento está ligado à revolução offshore e onshore, que conduziu a uma série de descobertas importantes no Golfo da Guiné, na bacia costeira atlântica, na bacia central, no litoral do Oceano Índico e na Fenda da África Oriental. A Fe...

    96,26 €

  • Essais sur le gouvernement populaire
    Henri Sumner Maine / René de Kerallain
    La démocratie est la dictature de l’ignorance.  - PLATON.Henri Sumner Maine, juriste et historien, professeur à l’université d’Oxford, nous offre un texte d’une incroyable modernité et lucidité sur la démocratie et ses fragilités. L’essayiste regarde les idées démocratiques comme une maladie relativement dangereuse, et il en détaille les signes diagnostiques avec une subtilité...

    24,01 €

  • The geopolitics of oil in the African Great Lakes countries
    Over the last twenty years, Africa, particularly the sub-Saharan region, has acquired a crucial position in the geopolitics of world oil.This repositioning is linked to the offshore and onshore revolution, which has led to a series of major discoveries in the Gulf of Guinea, the Atlantic coastal basin, the central basin, the Indian Ocean coastline and the East African Rift. The...

    96,29 €

  • La geopolitica del petrolio nei paesi africani dei Grandi Laghi
    Negli ultimi vent’anni, l’Africa, in particolare la regione subsahariana, ha acquisito una posizione cruciale nella geopolitica del petrolio mondiale.Questo riposizionamento è legato alla rivoluzione offshore e onshore, che ha portato a una serie di importanti scoperte nel Golfo di Guinea, nel bacino costiero atlantico, nel bacino centrale, nella costa dell’Oceano Indiano e nel...

    96,26 €

  • Das Problem der Herrschaft in der Philosophie der Praxis von Antonio Gramsci
    Thiago Lira
    Dieses Buch, das aus einer Magisterarbeit hervorgegangen ist, befasst sich mit der Interpretation eines Problems, das sich durch die gesamte Tradition des politischen Denkens zieht: das der Herrschaft. Das große Paradox besteht darin, darüber nachzudenken, wie dieses Problem seit der Moderne in philosophischen Überlegungen fortbesteht, inmitten der Vorstellung, dass sich die Me...

    85,61 €

  • The problem of domination in Antonio Gramsci’s philosophy of praxis
    Thiago Lira
    This book, the result of a master’s thesis, deals with the interpretation of a problem that runs through the entire tradition of political thought: that of domination. Demarcated from modernity onwards, the great paradox is to think about how this problem persists in philosophical reflections, in the midst of the idea that people have come to 'govern themselves' with the emerge...

    85,70 €

  • Проблема господства в философии праксиса Антонио Грамши
    Тьяго Лира
    Эта книга, ставшая результатом магистерской диссертации, посвящена интерпретации проблемы, проходящей через всю традицию политической мысли: проблемы господства. Демаркированная начиная с эпохи модерна, эта проблема парадоксальным образом сохраняется в философских размышлениях на фоне идеи о том, что люди стали 'управлять собой' с появлением понятия субъективности. Однако это п...

    85,61 €

  • Le problème de la domination dans la philosophie de la praxis d’Antonio Gramsci
    Thiago Lira
    Cet ouvrage, issu d’un mémoire de master, traite de l’interprétation d’un problème qui traverse toute la tradition de la pensée politique : celui de la domination. Délimité à partir de la modernité, le grand paradoxe est de penser la persistance de ce problème dans les réflexions philosophiques, au milieu de l’idée que les hommes en sont venus à ' se gouverner eux-mêmes ' avec ...

    85,65 €

  • Il problema del dominio nella filosofia della prassi di Antonio Gramsci
    Thiago Lira
    Questo libro, frutto di una tesi di laurea magistrale, affronta l’interpretazione di un problema che attraversa l’intera tradizione del pensiero politico: quello del dominio. Delimitato a partire dalla modernità, il grande paradosso è quello di pensare a come questo problema persista nella riflessione filosofica, in mezzo all’idea che gli uomini siano arrivati a 'governarsi da ...

    85,70 €

  • J.D. Ponce sobre Aristóteles
    J.D. Ponce
    Este emocionante ensaio centra-se na explicação e análise de Ética a Nicômaco, de Aristóteles, uma das obras mais influentes da história e cuja compreensão, pela sua complexidade e profundidade, escapa à compreensão na primeira leitura. Quer você já tenha lido Ética a Nicômaco ou não, este ensaio permitirá que você mergulhe em cada um de seus significados, abrindo uma janela pa...

    21,83 €

  • Влияние колониального наследия на формирование идентичности
    Исследуя глубины колониального наследия, эта книга рассматривает его сложную роль в формировании коллективной идентичности в странах региона Великих озер Африки. В ней дается глубокий анализ региональных конфликтов, предлагаются перспективы прочного мира и возрожденного единства.Вы узнаете, как колониальное наследие и сегодня влияет на динамику власти, как оно мешает процессам ...

    117,77 €

  • China Demise of a Civilization
    Peter Thalheim
    Read the demise of what was once the leading civilization in the world into a base rule-of-man dictatorship, where the government fears her own people. How strong can she be if she lies to her own people; cheats on her international agreements; and, steals the technology and intellectual property of the rest of the world? Shouldn’t a great civilization be a fount of creation in...

    13,78 €

  • Einfluss des kolonialen Erbes auf die Entwicklung einer gemeinsamen Identität
    Jean-Bosco MUGALU SADIKI
    Dieses Buch erforscht die Tiefen des kolonialen Erbes und untersucht seine komplexe Rolle bei der Herausbildung einer kollektiven Identität innerhalb der Nationen der Großen Seen Afrikas. Es bietet eine aufschlussreiche Analyse der regionalen Konflikte und eröffnet Perspektiven für einen dauerhaften Frieden und eine erneuerte Einheit.Sie erfahren, wie das koloniale Erbe bis heu...

    117,77 €

  • Impact of colonial heritage on the development of a shared identity
    Jean-Bosco MUGALU SADIKI
    Exploring the depths of the colonial legacy, this book examines its complex role in shaping collective identity within the nations of Africa’s Great Lakes. It provides an insightful analysis of regional conflicts, offering perspectives for lasting peace and renewed unity.You’ll discover how colonial legacies still influence power dynamics today, how they interfere with identity...

    117,89 €

  • L’impatto dell’eredità coloniale sullo sviluppo di un’identità
    Jean-Bosco MUGALU SADIKI
    Esplorando le profondità dell’eredità coloniale, questo libro esamina il suo complesso ruolo nel plasmare l’identità collettiva delle nazioni della regione dei Grandi Laghi in Africa. Fornisce un’analisi approfondita dei conflitti regionali, offrendo prospettive per una pace duratura e una rinnovata unità.Scoprirete come l’eredità coloniale influenzi ancora oggi le dinamiche di...

    117,87 €

  • O impacto da herança colonial no desenvolvimento de uma identidade
    Jean-Bosco MUGALU SADIKI
    Explorando as profundezas do legado colonial, este livro examina o seu complexo papel na formação da identidade colectiva das nações da região dos Grandes Lagos em África. Fornece uma análise perspicaz dos conflitos regionais, oferecendo perspectivas para uma paz duradoura e uma unidade renovada.Descobrirá como o legado colonial ainda hoje influencia a dinâmica do poder, como i...

    117,86 €