Catálogo de libros: Política y gobierno

55082 Catálogo de libros: Política y gobierno

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  • All-Wool Morrison (Esprios Classics)
    Holman Day
    Holman Francis Day (1865-1935) was an American author, born at Vassalboro, Maine, and a graduate of Colby College (class of 1887). In 1889-90 he was managing editor of the publications of the Union Publishing Company, Bangor, Maine. He was also editor and proprietor of the Dexter Eastern Gazette, a special writer the Journal in Lewiston, Maine, representative of the Boston Hera...

    24,43 €

  • El Estado y La Revolución
    Vladimir Lenin
    Esta obra fue escrita por Lenin en las vísperas del triunfo de la Revolución Rusa. En ella, desarrolló las bases prácticas de la dictadura del proletariado, denunciando lo que entendía como el carácter fraudulento de la democracia burguesa y exponiendo las condiciones de la extinción del Estado y toda forma de opresión. ...

    16,75 €

  • Desmontando a Mao
    Roberto Vaquero
    Una crítica profunda y desde postulados marxistas a la figura de Mao Tse Tung y la ideología maoísta. En esta obra (con 3 ediciones en total) Roberto Vaquero analiza punto por punto cada uno de los mitos de la revolución china y las deviaciones de su líder principal, recalcando su antagonismo con la ideología marxista y la revolución socialista. ...

    22,51 €

  • Ahwale Mulk o Alam
    Mr. Qutubuddin Khan / MrQutubuddin Khan
    Ahwale Mulk o Alam delves into the socio-political situation across the world in general and India in particular, highlighted using specific events and pertinent issues. It is in the form of a collection of thirty thought provoking articles that’s sure to keep the reader engrossed and contemplate on his own. ...

    28,27 €

  • نقد الحس النقدي عند العرب
    علاء الدين صا الأعرجي
    الخيط الناظم في دراسات هذا الكتاب يكتسب أهمية كبرى قائمة بذاتها، ليؤكد حقيقة أن النظريات الثلاث التي وضعها الأعرجي في أعماله المختلفة، يمكن ان تتجسد في العديد من مجالات الحياة، كما أنها يمكن أن تقدم تفسيرات للعديد من المظاهر، بل أنها تؤشر بوضوح شديد على مصدر العلة في بيئة التخلف التي نعيش فيها. والعالم العربي الذي يواجه معضلات تبدو شديدة التداخل والتعقيد، يحتاج أكثر من أي مكان ...

    17,25 €

  • بعض من سوسيولوجيا الثورة السورية
    د. طلال عبد المع مصطفى / دطلال عبد المع مصطفى
    يتميز المجتمع السوري المتجانس، بالمجتمع السلطوي الذي أنتج أفرادًا لديهم الاستعداد الكبير للخضوع والتبعية لأسيادهم، ويعبرون عن إعجابهم الشديد بالسلطة، وحبهم الأعمى لها، إنهم يتلذذون بالإذلال إلى درجة تقبيل البساطير السوداء. إن أفضل تعبير عن علاقة هؤلاء المتجانسين مع السلطة الاستبدادية هو علاقة العبد بالسيد؛ إذ يكفي أن يقدم السيد للعبد حدًا معينًا من الطعام والحماية، لكي يعتبر ال...

    18,08 €

  • The Writings of Thomas Paine, Volume II (Esprios Classics)
    Thomas Paine
    Thomas Paine (born Thomas Pain) (1737 - 1809) was an English-born American political activist, philosopher, political theorist, and revolutionary. He authored Common Sense (1776) and The American Crisis (1776-1783), the two most influential pamphlets at the start of the American Revolution, and helped inspire the patriots in 1776 to declare independence from Great Britain. His ...

    25,25 €

  • Ethics in Service (Esprios Classics)
    William H. Taft / William HTaft
    William Howard Taft (September 15, 1857 - March 8, 1930) was the 27th president of the United States (1909-1913) and the tenth Chief Justice of the United States (1921-1930), the only person to have held both offices. Taft was elected president in 1908, the chosen successor of Theodore Roosevelt, but was defeated for re-election by Woodrow Wilson in 1912 after Roosevelt split t...

    18,35 €

  • State of the Union Address (Esprios Classics)
    William H. Taft / William HTaft
    William Howard Taft (September 15, 1857 - March 8, 1930) was the 27th president of the United States (1909-1913) and the tenth Chief Justice of the United States (1921-1930), the only person to have held both offices. Taft was elected president in 1908, the chosen successor of Theodore Roosevelt, but was defeated for re-election by Woodrow Wilson in 1912 after Roosevelt split t...

    22,94 €

  • The Germany and the Agricola of Tacitus (Esprios Classics)
    Caius Cornelius Tacitus
    Publius (or Gaius) Cornelius Tacitus (c. AD 56 - c. 120) was a Roman historian and politician. Tacitus is considered by modern scholars to be one of the greatest Roman historians. He lived in what has been called the Silver Age of Latin literature, and has a reputation for the brevity and compactness of his Latin prose, as well as for his penetrating insights into the psycholog...

    20,65 €

  • 当代中国评论 第2期
    主编:荣伟 副主编:罗慰年 / 刘迎曦
    《当代中国评论》坚持和坚守自由主义价值观和思想理念,高举当今世界文明的标志进步主义大旗, 努力建立一个传播和引领华语世界走向与当今世界文明同步方向的真正思想言论自由平台。《当代中国评论》第一期 2020 秋季号出版后受到读者广泛好评!第二期2020冬季号,在美国大选风波尘埃落定之际和大家见面了!本期开始我们推出学者专栏 。首次特别推出美国著名资深中国问题专家、哥伦比亚大学东亚系黎安友教授专辑,特别推荐黎安友教授的三篇文章,这些文章刊登在美国主流杂志和美国智库刊物,都是第一次在中文媒体发表。本期推出的其他学者包括良心学者许章润等对中美关系和时事政治评论、政治哲学、历史人物评述等非常有独到见解文章,众多优秀学者奉献他们的文章, 使得《当代中国评论》杂志成为华语世界瞩目的思想交流高端学术平台。让我们用《当代中国评论》冬季刊的出版, 告别多灾多难的2020年...

    34,60 €

  • Secangkir kopi, Kibaran, dan Syahadat
    Suryo Abu Ubaidah
    Terinspirasi suatu kejadian, dan telah menulisnya mungkin hanya dalam tiga bulan saja menjadi sebuah buku. Karena penulisannya yang asal-asalan, menyebabkan kritik, dan bahan tertawaan, dan saran dari teman-temannya yang jebolan Sastra untuk memperbaikinya. Tetapi setelah diperbaiki hasilnya sepertinya malah jadi lucu. Upaya menulis ulang bukunya dipicu ketika terjebak di sebua...

    11,92 €

  • Politigram and the Post-left
    Joshua Citarella
    A unique look into young online memetic subcultures where gen Z teens explore radical politics such as: eco-extremism, neoreaction, anarcho-primitivism, transhumanism, anarcho-capitalism, alt-right, post-left, egoism and cyber-nihilism. ...

    29,36 €

  • تحولات الاستراتيجية الأمريكية في الشرق الأوسط
    قاسم دحمان
    إذا كانت الأحادية القطبية هي خلاصة ما ترتب عن نهاية الحرب الباردة، فإن تفاصيل عدة دون ذلك المستوى قد حدثت. منها اختلال توازن القوى، وظهور وتغير مفاهيم كثيرة في حقل العلوم السياسية والعلاقات الدولية بالأخص، وإعادة ترتيب الكثير من أولويات الدول والتحالفات. وما ذاك كله إلا كهزات ارتدادية وتبعات إلزامية تعرض لها جسم النظام الدولي جراء ما أصاب الرأس من ارتجاج. وإذا كان هذا الرأس هو ...

    14,34 €

  • Right Above Race (Esprios Classics)
    Otto H. Kahn / Otto HKahn
    Otto Hermann Kahn (February 21, 1867 - March 29, 1934) was a German-born American investment banker, collector, philanthropist, and patron of the arts. He was Born and raised in the city of Mannheim, Germany, he started working for Deutsche Bank and, in 1888, was sent to their London office. He became a naturalized British citizen, but in 1893 he accepted an offer from Speyer a...

    18,57 €

  • Civil Government of Virginia (Esprios Classics)
    William F. Fox / William FFox
    'The word GOVERNMENT means guidance or direction or management. It means also the person or persons who rule or control any establishment or institution. Wherever any number of people live together in one house, or one town, or city, or country, there must be government of some kind.In the family the parents are the government. They guide and manage the affairs of the house. Th...

    23,71 €

  • The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer
    Arthur Schopenhauer
    Arthur Schopenhauer (22 February 1788 - 21 September 1860) was a German philosopher. He is best known for his 1818 work The World as Will and Representation (expanded in 1844), which characterizes the phenomenal world as the product of a blind and insatiable noumenal will. Building on the transcendental idealism of Immanuel Kant, Schopenhauer developed an atheistic metaphysical...

    18,67 €

  • The Wrack of the Storm (Esprios Classics)
    Maurice Maeterlinck
    Maurice Polydore Marie Bernard Maeterlinck (29 August 1862 - 6 May 1949), also known as Count (or Comte) Maeterlinck from 1932, was a Belgian playwright, poet, and essayist who was Flemish but wrote in French. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1911 'in appreciation of his many-sided literary activities, and especially of his dramatic works, which are distinguished...

    20,65 €

  • Tusculan Disputations (Esprios Classics)
    Marcus Tullius Cicero
    The Tusculanae Disputationes (also Tusculanae Quaestiones; English: Tusculan Disputations) is a series of five books written by Cicero, around 45 BC, attempting to popularise Greek philosophy in Ancient Rome, including Stoicism. It is so called as it was reportedly written at his villa in Tusculum. His daughter had recently died and in mourning Cicero devoted himself to philoso...

    23,68 €

  • في حضرة ثورة ديسمبر
    د. الزين عباس عمارة / دالزين عباس عمارة
    ويتحقق الأمل فى الواقع وتشتعل نار الثورة ويتصاعد لهيب القصائد من كل الواجهات أغنيات لثورة ديسمبر المجيدة ...أغنيات الفرح وأهازيج النصر.. وعندما أصبحت القصائد نتاجاً وخطوات متلازمة مع احداثيات الثورة تكرم الدكتور عبد العزيز عثمان استشارى الطب النفسي فى الإمارات بعمل تسجيلات صوتية للقصائد تمشى الحافر بالحافر مع خطى الثورة حتى انتصرت الثورة الشعبية السلمية البيضاء التى اذهلت العال...

    20,37 €

  • The Tree of Heaven (Esprios Classics)
    May Sinclair
    May Sinclair was the pseudonym of Mary Amelia St. Clair (24 August 1863 - 14 November 1946), a popular British writer who wrote about two dozen novels, short stories and poetry. She was an active suffragist, and member of the Woman Writers’ Suffrage League. She once dressed up as a demure, rebel Jane Austen for a suffrage fundraising event. Sinclair was also a significant criti...

    27,41 €

  • The Constable’s Tower (Esprios Classics)
    Charlotte M. Yonge / Charlotte MYonge
    Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823-1901), was an English novelist, known for her huge output. She was devoted to the Church of England, and much influenced by John Keble, a near neighbour and one of the leaders of the Oxford Movement. Her novels reflected the values and concerns of Anglo-Catholicism. She began writing in 1848, and published during her long life about 100 works, chiefly...

    20,65 €

  • The Histories (Esprios Classics)
    Caius Cornelius Tacitus
    Histories is a Roman historical chronicle by Tacitus. Written c. 100-110, it covers c. 69-96, a period which includes the Year of Four Emperors following the downfall of Nero, as well as the period between the rise of the Flavian Dynasty under Vespasian and the death of Domitian. Together, the Histories and the Annals amounted to 30 books. Saint Jerome refers to these books exp...

    27,46 €

  • Beginnings of the American People (Esprios Classics)
    Carl Becker
    Carl Lotus Becker (September 7, 1873 - April 10, 1945) was an American historian. Carl Becker’s 1915 The Beginnings of the American People is often cited for a description of 'colonial merchants' as 'sunshine patriots.' The 'sunshine patriot' only appeared once in this book, and that in a quotation from Thomas Paine’s first American Crisis essay, which concluded a series of par...

    23,67 €

  • Lessons of the War (Esprios Classics)
    Spenser Wilkinson
    Henry Spenser Wilkinson (1 May 1853 in Hulme, Manchester - 31 January 1937 in Oxford) was the first Chichele Professor of Military History at Oxford University. While he was an English writer known primarily for his work on military subjects, he had wide interests. Earlier in his career he was the drama critic for London’s Morning Post. From 1882 to 1892 he was on the staff of ...

    19,86 €

  • Orient et Occident
    René Guénon
    Rudyard Kipling a écrit un jour ces mots : East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, L’Orient est l’Orient et l’Occident est l’Occident, et les deux ne se rencontreront jamais. Il est vrai que, dans la suite du texte, il modifie cette affirmation, admettant que la différence disparaît lorsque deux hommes forts se trouvent face à face après être venus des...

    20,84 €

  • Orient et Occident
    René Guénon
    Rudyard Kipling a écrit un jour ces mots : East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, L’Orient est l’Orient et l’Occident est l’Occident, et les deux ne se rencontreront jamais. Il est vrai que, dans la suite du texte, il modifie cette affirmation, admettant que la différence disparaît lorsque deux hommes forts se trouvent face à face après être venus des...

    20,84 €

  • The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government - Volume I (Esprios Classics)
    Jefferson Davis
    Jefferson Finis Davis (June 3, 1808 - December 6, 1889) was an American politician who served as the president of the Confederate States from 1861 to 1865. As a member of the Democratic Party, he represented Mississippi in the United States Senate and the House of Representatives before the American Civil War. He previously served as the United States Secretary of War from 1853...

    27,47 €

  • State Trials
    H. L. Stephen / HLStephen
    Sir Harry Lushington Stephen, 3rd Baronet (1860-1945), son of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, was born on 2 March 1860. He was educated at Rugby and graduated LLM from Trinity College, Cambridge. In 1904, he married Barbara, youngest daughter of W Shore Nightingale of Embley Romsey and Lea Hurst, Derbyshire. He had one son. He was a member of the following clubs: Athenaeum, Oxford...

    23,71 €

  • The Shield (Esprios Classics)
    Leonid Andreyev
    Leonid Nikolaievich Andreyev (1871 - 1919) was a Russian playwright, novelist and short-story writer, who is considered to be a father of Expressionism in Russian literature. He is one of the most talented and prolific representatives of the Silver Age period. Andreyev’s style combines elements of realist, naturalist, and symbolist schools in literature. Andreyev’s first collec...

    20,74 €