Catálogo de libros: Política y gobierno

55326 Catálogo de libros: Política y gobierno

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  • 新盛世危言 --荣剑时政评论录(2012-2020)
    荣剑 著

    33,18 €

  • Resistencia y Lucha contra el Posmodernismo
    Roberto Vaquero
    Resistencia y lucha contra el posmodernismo pretende dar una visión crítica desde la izquierda obrera de la situación actual de la sociedad y del papel que tiene la izquierda del sistema, progre y acomplejada, ante los problemas que afectan al mundo y en especial a nuestro país. La corrección política los ha llevado a que no puedan posicionarse en nada relevante salvo siguiendo...

    22,31 €

  • أنماط من بناء الدولة القومية في التاريخ الحديث
    د. عبدالله تركماني / دعبدالله تركماني
    لقد قامت الدول القومية الأوروبية إثر انهيار الإمبراطوريات، في التاريخ الحديث، على فكرة الاستقلال في جميع الميادين الجغرافية والاقتصادية والسياسية والثقافية. حيث تجسّد الاستقلال الجغرافي في حدود واضحة بين الدول الأوروبية، وتجسد الاستقلال الاقتصادي بالتنافس بين هذه الدول على تحقيق التقدم داخل حدودها، والهيمنة على الطرق التجارية والمواقع الاستراتيجية ومصادر الثروة والمواد الأولية ...

    17,66 €

  • The French Revolution, Volume I (Esprios Classics)
    Hippolyte A. Taine / Hippolyte ATaine
    Hippolyte Adolphe Taine (1828 -1893) was a French critic and historian. He was the chief theoretical influence of French naturalism, a major proponent of sociological positivism and one of the first practitioners of historicist criticism. Literary historicism as a critical movement has been said to originate with him. Taine is also remembered for his attempts to provide a scien...

    29,69 €

  • The European Anarchy (Esprios Classics)
    G. Lowes Dickinson / GLowes Dickinson
    Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson (1862-1932), known as Goldie, was a British political scientist and philosopher. He lived most of his life at Cambridge, where he wrote a dissertation on Neoplatonism before becoming a fellow. He was closely associated with the Bloomsbury Group. Dickinson was deeply distressed by Britain’s involvement in the First World War. Within a fortnight of the...

    19,45 €

  • صراع الهويات القومية
    صلاح المختار
    يريد هذا الكتاب ازالة الاوهام بنقد النظريات التي تسرب لنا وتعتمد من قبل البعض في تفسير واقعنا رغم خطأها الجوهري، ووضع القارئ العربي امام واقعه الحقيقي بمحركاته وعقده ومن يقف وراء ما يجري واهدافه. ولكن ما هو اهم هو النجاح في تشخيص الخيط الفولاذي الرابط بين تحركات الاطراف الاقليمية والدولية وما يغطيه من عمليات تضليل تجعلنا عاجزين عن الفهم الصحيح لما يجري في وطننا العربي الكبير، و...

    15,36 €

  • The Modern Regime, Volume II (Esprios Classics)
    Hippolyte A. Taine / Hippolyte ATaine
    Hippolyte Adolphe Taine (1828 -1893) was a French critic and historian. He was the chief theoretical influence of French naturalism, a major proponent of sociological positivism and one of the first practitioners of historicist criticism. Literary historicism as a critical movement has been said to originate with him. Taine is also remembered for his attempts to provide a scien...

    25,97 €

  • American Men of Action (Esprios Classics)
    Burton E. Stevenson / Burton EStevenson
    Burton Egbert Stevenson (1872-1962) was an American author, anthologist, and librarian. He was born in Chillicothe, Ohio, and attended Princeton University 1890-1893. While at Princeton, Stevenson was a correspondent for United Press and for the New York Tribune. He was city editor for the Chillicothe Daily News (1894-1898), and worked for the Daily Advertiser (1898-1899). Stev...

    25,21 €

  • As We Go (Esprios Classics)
    Charles Dudley Warner
    Charles Dudley Warner (1829 - 1900) was an American essayist, novelist, and friend of Mark Twain, with whom he co-authored the novel The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today. Warner traveled widely, lectured frequently, and was actively interested in prison reform, city park supervision, and other movements for the public good. He was the first president of the National Institute of Art...

    18,67 €

  • 制度简史
    崔新生 / 崔新生 (Xinsheng Cui)
    由一只公螳螂与母螳螂的情感生活,所引发的有关生命起源、人类自我组织型式以及非理性经济行为历史的寓言沉浸---有关雌雄螳螂生死欢爱的'补白',仅仅是本书的一个'楔子':雌雄螳螂多么像人与制度之间的关系,人被制度吞食的同时,制度亦在孵化人性。制度,即为'性',欲望即为极权性,生命的极权性以及极权与家长所有制规律、极权与虚拟理论,由此构成非理性经济制度理论解释之肇始。作者崔新生为非理性经济制度理论/量子指数理论/产业投资理论创立者以及与此相关的理论实验模型发明人,广泛应用于人类极权行为博弈和国家集权制度建构的实证性研究。2017年开始实证《量子指数理论》系统应用,并进行'信息量子数链''量子能赋测序'数据量化项目研发;同时,以量子指数为应用工具,研发'崔氏指数Cui Value Index'系列指数产品、并进行信息数据标准应用专业咨询;迄今为止,发表相关著...

    27,79 €

  • Gandhism In Theory and Practice
    Nripendra Chandra Banerji
    All the papers which appear in this book appeared in the columns of the ’Servant’, the leading N. C. O. organ of Calcutta. Many of these were written under interesting conditions and subsequently printed in the ’Servant’ when the author took over its charge as Editor. Many more have appeared in the ’Servant’ from time to time. These papers in their own way are a compendium of G...

    24,77 €

  • The Caste System of the Hindus
    Sourindro Mohun Tagore
    In his Institutes, Manu says- The Brahmana primarily sprang from the mouth of Brahma. This original Brahmana according to the ordinance married a woman of the same caste, and the offspring of this connection go by the name of Brahmanas. The duties of a Brahmana are celebrating sacrifice, officiating at other’s sacrifices, study, teaching, making gifts, and, finally, receiving s...

    15,82 €

  • Electronic Warfare and Artificial Intelligence
    Nicolae Sfetcu
    Electronic warfare is a critical component of modern military operations and has undergone significant advances in recent years. This book provides an overview of electronic warfare, its historical development, key components, and its role in contemporary conflict scenarios. It also discusses emerging trends and challenges in electronic warfare and its contemporary relevance in...

    24,32 €

  • Ports entrepreneuriaux
    Mauricio Araquam de Sousa
    Différents modèles de gestion portuaire dans le monde permettent à l’administration portuaire de réévaluer rapidement les conditions initialement convenues avec les terminaux pour la fourniture de services de stockage et de transbordement de marchandises, généralement en renégociant simplement les clauses contractuelles (concernant les délais, les zones attribuées, les tarifs, ...

    51,79 €

  • Quantum Technology in Defence & Security
    Manmohan Varadarajan
    'Quantum Technology in Defence & Security' propels readers into the cutting-edge realm where quantum technologies intersect with military strategy, reshaping the landscape of warfare. Authored by Manmohan Varadarajan, this riveting book explores the revolutionary potential of quantum computing, communication, and sensing in transforming military capabilities. From unbreakable e...

    53,94 €

  • J.D. Ponce sobre Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    J.D. Ponce
    Este emocionante ensaio centra-se na explicação e análise de O Contrato Social, de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, uma das obras mais influentes da história e cuja compreensão, pela sua complexidade e profundidade, escapa à compreensão na primeira leitura. Quer você já tenha lido O Contrato Social ou não, este ensaio permitirá que você mergulhe em cada um de seus significados, abrindo u...

    17,84 €

  • Die Geopolitik des Erdöls in den Ländern der Großen Seen Afrikas
    Afrika, insbesondere sein südlich der Sahara gelegener Teil, hat in den letzten 20 Jahren eine entscheidende Position in der globalen Ölgeopolitik erlangt.Diese Neupositionierung hängt mit der Offshore- und Onshore-Revolution zusammen, die eine Reihe wichtiger Entdeckungen im Golf von Guinea, im Küstenbecken des Atlantiks, in der Zentralen Senke, an der Küste des Indischen Ozea...

    96,26 €

  • Indiens Wachstumsgeschichte
    Alka Parikh / Krati Agrawal / Sumit Singh
    Indien ist eine aufstrebende Wirtschaft, die sehr schnell gewachsen ist. In diesem Buch wird versucht, die Sektoren zu ermitteln, die am meisten zum Übergang Indiens von einer unterentwickelten zu einer dynamischen Wirtschaft beigetragen haben. Es wird auch der Versuch unternommen, herauszufinden, welcher Sektor in all den Höhen und Tiefen am stabilsten war. Das Buch zeigt, das...

    32,76 €

  • Геополитика нефти в африканских странах Великих озер
    Кри Секимонио Шамаву
    За последние двадцать лет Африка, особенно регион южнее Сахары, заняла важнейшее место в геополитике мировой нефти.Эта перестановка связана с революцией на шельфе и на суше, которая привела к ряду крупных открытий в Гвинейском заливе, Атлантическом прибрежном бассейне, Центральном бассейне, на побережье Индийского океана и в Восточно-Африканском разломе. Восточно-Африканский ра...

    96,25 €

  • История роста Индии
    Алка Парих / Крати Агравал / Сумит Сингх
    Индия - развивающаяся экономика, которая растет очень быстрыми темпами. В этой книге предпринята попытка определить отрасли, которые внесли наибольший вклад в переход Индии от слаборазвитой экономики к динамично развивающейся. Также предпринята попытка выяснить, какой сектор оказался наиболее стабильным на фоне всех взлетов и падений. В книге показано, что обычная теория роста ...

    32,76 €

  • A geopolítica do petróleo nos países africanos dos Grandes Lagos
    Nos últimos vinte anos, a África, em particular a região subsariana, adquiriu uma posição crucial na geopolítica do petróleo mundial.Este reposicionamento está ligado à revolução offshore e onshore, que conduziu a uma série de descobertas importantes no Golfo da Guiné, na bacia costeira atlântica, na bacia central, no litoral do Oceano Índico e na Fenda da África Oriental. A Fe...

    96,26 €

  • A história do crescimento da Índia
    Alka Parikh / Krati Agrawal / Sumit Singh
    A Índia é uma economia emergente que tem vindo a crescer muito rapidamente. Este livro tenta identificar os sectores que mais contribuíram para a transição da Índia de uma economia subdesenvolvida para uma economia vibrante. Tenta-se também verificar qual o sector que tem sido mais estável entre todos os altos e baixos. O livro mostra que a teoria normal de que as economias cre...

    32,70 €

  • L’histoire de la croissance en Inde
    Alka Parikh / Krati Agrawal / Sumit Singh
    L’Inde est une économie émergente qui connaît une croissance très rapide. Ce livre tente d’identifier les secteurs qui ont le plus contribué à la transition de l’Inde d’une économie sous-développée à une économie dynamique. Il tente également de déterminer quel secteur a été le plus stable au milieu de tous les hauts et les bas. Le livre montre que la théorie habituelle selon l...

    32,76 €

  • La storia della crescita indiana
    Alka Parikh / Krati Agrawal / Sumit Singh
    L’India è un’economia emergente che sta crescendo molto rapidamente. Questo libro cerca di identificare i settori che hanno contribuito maggiormente alla transizione dell’India da un’economia sottosviluppata a un’economia vivace. Si cerca anche di capire quale sia stato il settore più stabile tra tutti gli alti e bassi. Il libro dimostra che la normale teoria delle economie che...

    32,70 €

  • Essais sur le gouvernement populaire
    Henri Sumner Maine / René de Kerallain
    La démocratie est la dictature de l’ignorance.  - PLATON.Henri Sumner Maine, juriste et historien, professeur à l’université d’Oxford, nous offre un texte d’une incroyable modernité et lucidité sur la démocratie et ses fragilités. L’essayiste regarde les idées démocratiques comme une maladie relativement dangereuse, et il en détaille les signes diagnostiques avec une subtilité...

    24,01 €

  • The geopolitics of oil in the African Great Lakes countries
    Over the last twenty years, Africa, particularly the sub-Saharan region, has acquired a crucial position in the geopolitics of world oil.This repositioning is linked to the offshore and onshore revolution, which has led to a series of major discoveries in the Gulf of Guinea, the Atlantic coastal basin, the central basin, the Indian Ocean coastline and the East African Rift. The...

    96,29 €

  • La geopolitica del petrolio nei paesi africani dei Grandi Laghi
    Negli ultimi vent’anni, l’Africa, in particolare la regione subsahariana, ha acquisito una posizione cruciale nella geopolitica del petrolio mondiale.Questo riposizionamento è legato alla rivoluzione offshore e onshore, che ha portato a una serie di importanti scoperte nel Golfo di Guinea, nel bacino costiero atlantico, nel bacino centrale, nella costa dell’Oceano Indiano e nel...

    96,26 €

  • The Healing of Nations and the Hidden Sources of Their Strife (Esprios Classics)
    Edward Carpenter
    Edward Carpenter (29 August 1844 - 28 June 1929) was an English utopian socialist, poet, philosopher, anthologist, an early activist for gay rights and prison reform whilst advocating vegetarianism and taking a stance against vivisection. As a philosopher, he was particularly known for his publication of Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure. Here, he described civilisation as a for...

    28,97 €

  • الجنة تحت أقدام الحكومات
    عبد اللطيف الراجي
    في كتاب 'الجنة تحت أقدام الحكومات'، يقدم المؤلف عبد اللطيف الراجي رؤية شاملة لدمج القيم الروحية والأخلاقية في الحوكمة لتحقيق العدالة الاجتماعية والتنمية المستدامة. مستندًا إلى مبادئ مقاصد الشريعة، يستكشف الكتاب كيف يمكن للعدالة والرحمة والشفافية والمساءلة أن توجه السياسات العامة لتعزيز رفاهية المجتمع.Al-Raji delves into the interconnection between spirituality and governance, e...

    49,37 €

  • The Crowd
    Gustave Le Bon
    The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (French: Psychologie des Foules; literally: Psychology of Crowds) is a book authored by Gustave Le Bon that was first published in 1895.In the book, Le Bon claims that there are several characteristics of crowd psychology: 'impulsiveness, irritability, incapacity to reason, the absence of judgement of the critical spirit, the exaggeration ...

    21,70 €