Catálogo de libros: Enseñanza de grupos específicos y personas con necesidades educativas especiales

2826 Catálogo de libros: Enseñanza de grupos específicos y personas con necesidades educativas especiales

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Educación pedagogía Eliminar filtro Enseñanza de grupos específicos y personas con necesidades educativas especiales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Gifted and Talented COGAT Test Prep Grade 2
    Gateway Gifted Resources
    Help maximize your child’s chances of acing the COGAT®! When it comes to gifted test prep, don’t risk your son or daughter being unprepared and underperforming on test day.Your child must be familiar with test material AND be able to focus on test material for longer than the typical 4-5 minute attention span of most young kids. This book offers a chance to do both.- Ensure you...

    26,44 €

  • Disabled Students in Education
    Andrea Gorra / David Moore / Mike Adams
    There can be little doubt that the rapid technological developments that have characterized the decades since the middle of the 19th century have given great scope for improving the quality of life of disabled people. Disabled Students in Education: Technology, Transition, and Inclusivity reports on 15 research projects aimed at improving the educational prospects of disabled p...

    229,87 €

  • Communication Technology for Students in Special Education and Gifted Programs
    Communication technology provides new opportunities for individuals with special needs, facilitating assistive communication, increasing mobility, offering a different model of engagement, and allowing new forms of exploration. However, many people learn about these new technologies haphazardly through teachers, social workers, therapists, and networks of people who have simila...

    256,19 €

  • Technology Enhanced Learning for People with Disabilities
    One of the most meaningful application domains of technology enhanced learning (TEL) is related to the adoption of learning technologies and designs for people with disabilities. Significant research has been conducted on technology enhanced learning for people with disabilities and assistive learning technologies. Technology Enhanced Learning for People with Disabilities: Appr...

    236,00 €

  • The Primary SEND Handbook for Trainee Teachers
    Sarah Alix

    43,04 €

  • The Primary SEND Handbook for Trainee Teachers
    Sarah Alix

    123,52 €

  • The Language Experience Approach and the Science of Literacy Instruction
    Elaine Traynelis Yurek / Mary Winifred Strong
    This book considers Russell Stauffer’s Language Experience Approach (LEA), an approach that must be judged by its impact on student learning and not on the age of conception. The nature of wholistic teaching in early childhood and beyond is explored, and developmental maturation for the different language tasks are explained. ...

    157,89 €

  • Direitos E Deveres Na Educação Inclusiva
    Joanna Maria De Araújo Sampaio
    Esse livro foi elaborado de maneira a fornecer conceitos básicos necessários para uma inclusão efetiva das Pessoas com Deficiência no sistema educacional regular.Seu objetivo é orientar tanto pessoas com deficiência e seus familiares, quanto as instituições de ensino sobre como melhor se adequar às obrigações legais.A proposta é criar pontes de diálogo entre as Escolas e as fam...

    11,91 €

  • Holistic Special Education
    Robin Jackson
    Parents working with special needs children often face difficult decisions about the child’s education. This book puts forward the case for holistic special education, as practiced by Camphill schools.Written by people involved in holistic special education on a daily basis, this book is a candid, informative manual which will be valued by parents and professional children’s wo...

    50,40 €

  • O que é que eu faço agora? Como é que vou viver? A busca de uma mulher por si mesma
    Cindy Owre
    Pode a arte ser utilizada como método de investigação? Neste artigo, a autora demonstra como o envolvimento num processo criativo em conjunto com a análise da teoria social pode ser utilizado como um método de investigação do desenvolvimento do eu intelectual. Owre partilha a sua jornada de navegação pelo mundo não dito da política institucional pós-secundária enquanto procura ...

    50,52 €

  • Che cosa faccio ora? Come posso vivere? La ricerca di sé di una donna
    Cindy Owre
    L’arte può essere usata come metodo di ricerca? In questo articolo, l’autrice dimostra come l’impegno in un processo creativo, unito all’analisi della teoria sociale, possa essere utilizzato come metodo di ricerca per lo sviluppo del sé intellettuale. Owre condivide il suo viaggio attraverso il mondo non detto della politica istituzionale post-secondaria, alla ricerca di un sig...

    50,52 €

  • Que dois-je faire maintenant ? Comment vais-je vivre ? La quête de soi d’une femme
    Cindy Owre
    L’art peut-il être utilisé comme méthode de recherche ? Dans cet article, l’auteur montre comment l’engagement dans un processus créatif en conjonction avec l’analyse de la théorie sociale peut être utilisé comme méthode de recherche sur le développement du soi intellectuel. Owre partage son parcours dans le monde tacite des politiques institutionnelles de l’enseignement postse...

    50,51 €

  • Was soll ich jetzt tun? Wie soll ich dann leben? Die Suche einer Frau nach sich selbst
    Cindy Owre
    Kann Kunst als Forschungsmethode eingesetzt werden? In diesem Beitrag zeigt die Autorin, wie die Beschäftigung mit einem kreativen Prozess in Verbindung mit der Analyse sozialer Theorien als Methode zur Erforschung der Entwicklung des intellektuellen Selbst eingesetzt werden kann. Owre berichtet von ihrer Reise durch die unausgesprochene Welt der postsekundären institutionellen...

    50,50 €

  • Что мне теперь делать? Как мне жить дальше? Поиск женщиной себя
    Синди Оур
    Можно ли использовать искусство как метод исследования? В этой статье автор показывает, как творческий процесс в сочетании с анализом социальной теории может быть использован в качестве метода исследования развития интеллектуального 'я'. Оур делится своим путешествием по негласному миру институциональной политики высшего образования в поисках смысла. Используя юмор, теорию и ис...

    50,51 €

  • The ’ow’ Cow
    Viola Stefano / Zaida Stefano
    ’The ’ow’ Cow’ book is an age-appropriate illustrated version of the Decodable text taken from the ’Apple T.R.E.E., Series 2 - Lesson Plans & Activities’ book. It focuses on the ’ow’ sound. ...

    17,95 €

  • The ’ow’ Cow
    Viola Stefano / Zaida Stefano
    ’The ’ow’ Cow’ VI book is an age-appropriate illustrated version of the Decodable text taken from the ’Apple T.R.E.E., Series 2 - Lesson Plans & Activities’ book. It focuses on the ’ow’ sound. Our VI (vision impairment) books are designed for students with low vision and different learning styles.  ...

    17,95 €

  • Curso Prático Teórico Violão & Guitarra [não Destro/canhoto]
    Flávio Augusto Rocha
    Atende tanto a iniciantes, quanto a quemjá possui algum conhecimento musical e deseja aperfeiçoá-lo. O objetivo é que ao final do curso, seja capaz de reconhecer os conceitos básicos de música, as suas simbologias mais utilizadas , a estrutura musical do instrumento, técnicas que poderão facilitar a execução, conhecimentos acerca dos Campos Harmônicos em Acordes Fundamentais e ...

    12,04 €

  • Direito Previdenciário
    Míchael Monteiro & Ísla Monteiro
    Em um mundo em constante evolução, a advocacia previdenciária tornou-se uma necessidade vital para garantir o bem-estar financeiro dos cidadãos.Direito Previdenciário Prática 4.0é mais do que apenas um livro; é o seu guia para dominar esta área complexa do Direito, transformando clientes interessados em cases de sucesso.Este livro oferece uma abordagem única e descomplicada par...

    23,99 €

  • Voices of Hope
    Estelle Gerrett
    Through their frank personal accounts, thirteen families share the challenges and joy of teaching their profoundly deaf children to listen (with the aid of cochlear implants) and to speak. Each journey is different, reflecting the diversity of deafness, and the families’ different cultures and aspirations for their children. The families describe what it was like at the start, ...

    16,21 €

  • Voices of Hope
    Estelle Gerrett
    Through their frank personal accounts, thirteen families share the challenges and joy of teaching their profoundly deaf children to listen (with the aid of cochlear implants) and to speak. Each journey is different, reflecting the diversity of deafness, and the families’ different cultures and aspirations for their children. The families describe what it was like at the start, ...

    23,99 €

  • Overcoming the Gentrification of Dual Language, Bilingual and Immersion Education
    This book proposes solutions to the gentrification of dual language, bilingual and immersion education in diverse contexts. The research draws attention to how understanding and responding to gentrification of language programs is part of the broader fight for racial and educational justice for immigrant communities in US schools. ...

    59,92 €

  • Overcoming the Gentrification of Dual Language, Bilingual and Immersion Education
    This book proposes solutions to the gentrification of dual language, bilingual and immersion education in diverse contexts. The research draws attention to how understanding and responding to gentrification of language programs is part of the broader fight for racial and educational justice for immigrant communities in US schools. ...

    181,53 €

  • Culturally Responsive Schooling for Indigenous Mexican Students
    Rafael Vásquez / William Perez
    This book uncovers the social and educational experiences of young Indigenous immigrants in the US. Highlighting the multilingual and multicultural diversity of Latin American immigrants, it explores how policymakers and educators can effectively support Indigenous students’ multilingualism, ethnic identity development and educational success. ...

    42,13 €

  • Culturally Responsive Schooling for Indigenous Mexican Students
    Rafael Vásquez / William Perez
    This book uncovers the social and educational experiences of young Indigenous immigrants in the US. Highlighting the multilingual and multicultural diversity of Latin American immigrants, it explores how policymakers and educators can effectively support Indigenous students’ multilingualism, ethnic identity development and educational success. ...

    157,59 €

  • Handbook of Research on Inclusive and Accessible Education
    In the vast expanse of education, a pervasive issue remains in the marginalization and lack of visibility of individuals with disabilities. Despite a strong desire for inclusivity, recent research suggests that fewer than 5% of children with disabilities in 51 countries across sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia are enrolled in primary school. This exclusion is not solely in enro...

    406,65 €

  • Tu as un talent
    Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    Dieu a donné des talents aux êtres humains afin que ceux-ci les utilisent dans le service de Dieu, des autres et le service personnel. Chacun doit arriver à découvrir son talent afin de l’utiliser pour satisfaire ces besoins. Ces talents sont reçus soient à la naissance, soit en les demandant à Dieu afin d’accomplir son œuvre.Dieu récompensera tous ceux qui auront bien utilisé ...

    18,71 €

  • It’s Never Just ADHD
    Sandra Coral

    33,62 €

  • It’s Never Just ADHD
    Sandra Coral

    101,43 €

  • Educating Tammy
    M.D. Lorna Swartz / Morrice Swartz
    A Relentless Pursuit: One Woman’s Fight for the Rights of Disabled Children in Apartheid’s Dark Days.Amidst the shadows of apartheid’s oppressive regime, a fierce beacon of hope emerged. Dr. Lorna Swartz, a passionate medical professional and mother, embarked on an unyielding journey against a backdrop of prejudice and systemic discrimination. Educating Tammy: Fighting for apar...

    15,44 €

  • Asperger-Autismus im Kindergartenalltag
    Dominik Rainer
    Asperger-Autismus im Kindergarten: Ein Leitfaden für Erzieher und Eltern Entdecken Sie die Welt durch die Augen eines Kindes mit Asperger-Syndrom. In diesem einfühlsamen Leitfaden führen wir Sie durch die Herausforderungen und Chancen, die das Asperger-Syndrom im Kindergartenalltag mit sich bringt. Von der Früherkennung bis zur Unterstützung im täglichen Miteinander - dieses Bu...

    18,52 €