Catálogo de libros: Psicología de la educación

1921 Catálogo de libros: Psicología de la educación

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Educación pedagogía Eliminar filtro Psicología de la educación Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Awe in Action
    Kevin Mr Long
    This message is concerned with approaches to pupil engagement and learning that stem from connected and relevant use of Outdoor Adventurous learning interventions. First and foremost, this collection of essays is concerned with values, specifically encouraging prosocial and humanitarian values in learning. By enabling students to find a greater connection we allow them to embra...

    30,25 €

    Leonel Dozza de Mendoça
    El Acompañamiento Terapéutico es un método de intervención que tiene lugar en los contextos comunitario y doméstico, lo cual impone la necesidad de conceptualizar acerca de las especificidades que conforman la estructura de su clínica. Si se compara con otras prácticas de tratamiento y rehabilitación, no sería equi¬vocado decir que el Acompañamiento Terapéutico se asienta en un...

    34,00 €

  • Handbook of Research on Mobile Technology, Constructivism, and Meaningful Learning
    Jared Keengwe
    Advancements in technology in modern societies have resulted in an abundance of new educational tools and aids. Analyzing the effects of different mobile educational applications can provide insight into how technology can promote or discourage purposeful learning among students and educators alike. The Handbook of Research on Mobile Technology, Constructivism, and Meaningful L...

    347,84 €

  • Forms of Knowledge
    PhD Anna Aragno
    This is the first comprehensive work emerging from psychoanalysis correlating with a   contemporary “information” paradigm and “inter-penetrative” world view. As such it examines interrelationships between forms of communication and the development of “mind” and conscious awareness, maintaining that these process-phenomena are integral to psychoanalytic methodology. Psychoanaly...

    25,24 €

  • Handbook of Research on Active Learning and the Flipped Classroom Model in the Digital Age
    The notion of a flipped classroom draws on such concepts as active learning, student engagement, hybrid course design, and course podcasting. The value of a flipped class is in the repurposing of class time into a workshop where students can inquire about lecture content, test their skills in applying knowledge, and interact with one another in hands-on activities. The Handbook...

    393,54 €

  • Dynamic Learning
    Robert Brian Dilts / Todd Epstein
    Dynamic Learning is about a revolutionary new approach to learning and teaching. In this book, Robert Dilts and Todd Epstein present leading edge methods and techniques that improve the ability to learn in a variety of areas. Dilts and Epstein, co-authors of Tools for Dreamers, offer stimulating exercises and step-by-step procedures that help you to make better use of the most ...

    23,28 €

  • School Environment Sensory Checklist
    Debbie Hopper
    Do you have children in your class with autism, learning difficulties or reduced concentration?Then the School Environment Sensory Checklist is your entry into transforming your classroom!?    Quickly and easily evaluate your classroom from a sensory perspective to enhance learning needs of ALL children, including children with autism and learning difficulties?    Have LESS DIS...

    32,20 €

  • The Best Chronicles of Rubem Alves
    Rubem Alves / Glenn Alan Cheney
    A collection of short essays by Brazil's most renowned philosopher, theologian, psychoanalyst, writer and professor, Rubem Alves, who died in 2014. The foreword is by his daughter, Raquel Alves, and the Introduction is by Brazilian culture critic Ana Lessa-Schmidt.Alves writes of deep topics in simple, pleasant style. He sees depths in popcorn, gardening, politics, old age,...

    24,34 €

  • Gaming for Classroom-Based Learning
    In order to effectively use games in the classroom, teachers and parents need to agree on games’ positive functions toward students’ learning, decide and select good educational games relevant to content and tasks in the classroom, and disseminate their acquired knowledge into the teaching field. As part of an international dialogue between researchers in educational technology...

    236,35 €

  • Educate to Self-Regulate
    Shyam Barr
    Dive into the definitive guide to nurturing self-regulated learners with Educate to Self-Regulate. Drawing from extensive teaching experience, research studies and school partnerships, Dr Shyam Barr presents evidence-informed strategies to empower both educators and students on the path to lifelong success. Through three comprehensive parts, the book navigates from laying the f...

    19,34 €

  • Educando Gênios
    Israel Kairós
    Conforme a consciência humana evoluí, também nos é pedido evolução a respeito da forma como cuidamos de nossas crianças.Com a ajuda deste livro você vai embarcar em uma jornada de descoberta interna e externa sobre como criar um Solo Fértil aonde crianças podem desenvolver Sabedoria Própria , Aptidão Emocional, Talentos Intrínsecos & Múltiplas Inteligências.No livro você vai en...

    14,07 €

  • Invisible Forces
    Pei Pei Liu
    Explores the critical role that classroom educators play in supporting student motivation throughout the transition from high school to college. ...

    44,54 €

  • Andrélia E A Morte Da Minhoca
    Luciane Vasconcellos Néglia
    Neste Romance com realismo fantástico, Andrélia recorre às forças Divinas na tentativa de saber quem ela é neste mundo de tantos contrastes.Chega aqui na Terra com muita luz e alegria até o momento em que a imagem do outro a perturba. O espelho não engana. Perdida no mundo, perdida em si mesma, perdida no outro, segue seu destino de entrega na busca de sua verdadeira essência.A...

    12,57 €

  • Our Intellectual Strength and Weakness
    John George Bourinot
    This monograph on the intellectual development of the Dominion was delivered in substance as the presidential address to the Royal Society ofCanada at its May meeting of 1893, in Ottawa. Since then the author has given the whole subject a careful revision, and added a number ofbibliographical and other literary notes which could not conveniently appear in the text of the addres...

    9,57 €

  • A Infância É Prioridade: A Importância Do Desenvolvimento Bio-psico-social
    Profª Dra. Regiane Souza Neves
    A infância é a etapa inicial da vida compreendida entre o nascimento e os 12 anos de idade. As experiências vividas nesse período são cientificamente reconhecidas por afetar profundamente o desenvolvimento físico, mental, social e emocional dos indivíduos, por toda vida. Por este motivo é considerada a fase mais importante da nossa vida. ...

    8,80 €

  • You Can Do Hard Things
    M. Kay Bush
    'You Can Do Hard Things is a wonderful book for making yourself better. Stories and real experiences that show you that you can improve help make it a go-to when talking about self-help and overcoming challenges. I would recommend this book to anybody trying to change their life for the better,' (Thirteen-year-old).'M. Kay Bush’s book was so inspiring and helped me so much with...

    18,16 €

  • The Patriotic Citizen
    In the realm of literature, there exists a rare breed of work that transcends mere words on a page, offering instead a profound guidebook for the soul. Such is the case with Benak’s magnum opus, 'The Patriotic Citizen'. As an esteemed writer with a keen understanding of penmanship, style, and commitment, I find myself both humbled and inspired by the depth and insight contained...

    28,24 €

  • Parental Influence on Educational Success and Wellbeing
    Ana Maria Gamez
    Within parenting, a complex dynamic emerges as empirical research intersects with practical applications. Parental Influence on Educational Success and Wellbeing navigates uncharted territories in parenting research, tackling pivotal issues like culture, minority experiences, lifespan perspectives, disabilities, and the convergence of medical and legal dimensions. Its uniquenes...

    321,74 €

  • Parental Influence on Educational Success and Wellbeing
    Ana Maria Gamez
    Within parenting, a complex dynamic emerges as empirical research intersects with practical applications. Parental Influence on Educational Success and Wellbeing navigates uncharted territories in parenting research, tackling pivotal issues like culture, minority experiences, lifespan perspectives, disabilities, and the convergence of medical and legal dimensions. Its uniquenes...

    242,83 €

  • Overcoming Obstacles
    Sabat Beatto
    FOR OVERCOMING OBSTACLESTeaching students with special needs requires a unique set of skills and strategies. In 'Overcoming Obstacles: Strategies for Teaching Students with Special Needs,' educators will find a comprehensive guide to teaching and supporting students with diverse learning needs.The book covers various topics, including understanding learning disabilities, effect...

    14,02 €

  • El Trabajo con Dos-Tu
    Bea Mackay
    ¿Cansado del tiovivo mental?El Trabajo con Dos-Tu: Cómo trabajar con el self en conflicto, de la Dra. Bea Mackay, es una poderosa herramienta para resolver la confusión interior. La Dra. Bea se deleita ayudando a sus clientes a florecer y realizar su potencial, y este libro pretende enseñar a los terapeutas profesionales a utilizar su método de forma eficaz. Como sucede con cua...

    34,78 €

  • Addressing Issues of Learner Diversity in English Language Education
    In the dynamic context of English language education, learners bring many differences in identity, motivation, engagement, ability, and more. Addressing Issues of Learner Diversity in English Language Education recognizes that traditional, one-size-fits-all approaches to language education are insufficient in meeting the needs of a varied and global learner population. It grapp...

    308,30 €

  • Addressing Issues of Learner Diversity in English Language Education
    In the dynamic context of English language education, learners bring many differences in identity, motivation, engagement, ability, and more. Addressing Issues of Learner Diversity in English Language Education recognizes that traditional, one-size-fits-all approaches to language education are insufficient in meeting the needs of a varied and global learner population. It grapp...

    235,91 €

  • The Senses and The Mind
    Timothy D Vance
    There are few, at least among the reflecting portion of society, who have not either mentally or verbally asked the question: Is the sun, is the moon, are the planets with their satellites, are the stars, those suns of other systems, tenanted, as is our planet, the earth, by living beings, which declare the omnipotence of God? This is one of many questions which cannot be answe...

    13,34 €

  • O Que É A Sabedoria Pai?
    Alexandra Vieira
    Querido aprendiz, a sabedoria é como uma brisa suave que acaricia nossa alma e nos guia em nossas jornadas. É o fruto da experiência, da reflexão e da busca por compreender o mundo que nos cerca. Ela nos ensina a ser pacientes diante das adversidades, a ter compaixão pelos outros e a encontrar a luz em meio à escuridão. A sabedoria é um tesouro que se acumula ao longo da vida, ...

    14,38 €

  • Introduction to Reggio Emilia Pedagogy
    Natalia Graton
    The Reggio Emilia Pedagogy is an innovative and inspiring approach that sees the child as strong, capable, and resilient; full of wonder and knowledge. It maintains that each child brings with them a deep curiosity and potential, and this innate curiosity drives their interest in understanding their world and their place in it. This book aims to serve as inspiration for parents...

    15,60 €

  • Unlocking Learning Potential With Universal Design in Online Learning Environments
    Amidst the escalating demand for online education, the issue of inclusivity in digital learning environments has become increasingly prominent. The main challenge is to guarantee equitable access to effective educational experiences for learners with diverse backgrounds, abilities, and learning preferences. Traditional educational approaches prove inadequate in addressing the v...

    314,57 €

  • Unlocking Learning Potential With Universal Design in Online Learning Environments
    Amidst the escalating demand for online education, the issue of inclusivity in digital learning environments has become increasingly prominent. The main challenge is to guarantee equitable access to effective educational experiences for learners with diverse backgrounds, abilities, and learning preferences. Traditional educational approaches prove inadequate in addressing the v...

    235,65 €

    Jun Xu
    This compendium looks at the current status and practices of teaching and learning facilitated/enabled by digital technologies, reviews challenges/issues associated with classroom teaching, online teaching and hybrid-learning, and discusses success factors and future directions of teaching and learning in the digital era.The book also provides a number of studies at different p...

    178,97 €

  • Metamorphustice
    Megan Fuciarelli
    In Metamorphustice™: From Savior to CHANGEmaker, readers are guided through the foundational principles of social justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion work before being prompted to explore their own stage within the transformation of justice. In this engaging read, Megan discusses the trajectory of social justice reform and empowers readers to drive meaningful change throu...

    17,23 €