Catálogo de libros: Filosofía y teoría de la educación

2414 Catálogo de libros: Filosofía y teoría de la educación

Libros Eliminar filtro Inglés Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Educación pedagogía Eliminar filtro Filosofía y teoría de la educación Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Are All Believers Equal?
    Hollis L Green
    What is the importance of math? The study of math alone nurtures certain qualities, such as, the power of reasoning, creativity, abstract or spatial thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving competencies and better communication skills.  Hopefully, the reader will see the value of both understanding and using symbols to improve their interpretation of faith-based concepts.  ...

    15,78 €

  • Hear Men!
    Jyoti Prakash
    mperfection is everywhere. No one has ever escaped imperfection. This quest for perfection has led to many differences and debates. This book looks into such a debate. Questions of opportunities and taboos pivoting gender is almost eras old. With backstories of how characters were brought up, dive into a world of multitude and how this diversified multitude do make meaning with...

    13,42 €

    Savita Mishra
    The Book “Philosophy of Education” gives insight with experiences, anecdotes and social studies that can guide all learners how to break out of the shell and present themselves with confidence in all situations. This book discusses about the few renowned educational thinkers from Indian origin to Western thinkers. Great Educators love to dwell on the philosophy of Education and...

    23,81 €

  • Empathy, Childhood Trauma and Trauma History as a Moderator
    Gwendolyn Marshall MSW MLS DSW-LSW
    A small sample study involving empathy, domestic violence in family units, and regarding women living in substitute housing/domestic violence shelters with their minor children. The study uses assessment tools to determine the adult strengths in empathy, attachment, as well as how the adult perceives their level of practice versus their level of knowledge of parenting skills wi...

    14,18 €

  • Me Power
    LaNysha T. Adams
    'Who do you want to be?' We’ve all heard or asked this question before, yet few of us answer it because identity is not fixed, but ever-expanding as we move through life.Dr. LaNysha Tufuga Adams, Ivy-League educated linguist and founder of award-winning education consultancy Edlinguist Solutions, challenges others to not only answer this question, but to put the answer(s) into ...

    14,90 €

  • The Ancient Schools of Gloucester
    David Evans
    The Ancient Schools of Gloucester traces the history of education in the City of Gloucester from its origins in the cloister school of St Peter’s Abbey about a thousand years ago. Starting in the early Middle Ages, the rivalries between the two Gloucester grammar schools maintained by St Oswald’s and Llanthony priories are described. The contributions of the Benedictines, Augus...

    45,14 €

  • World Education Patterns in the Global North
    C. C. Wolhuter
    World Education Patterns in the Global North surveys the educational responses and new educational landscapes being developed as a consequence of powerful global forces demanding change within the Global North’s educational contexts, including North America, Central and South-East Europe, and East Asia. ...

    158,17 €

  • World Education Patterns in the Global South
    C. C. Wolhuter
    World Education Patterns in the Global South surveys the educational responses and new educational landscapes being developed as a consequence of the powerful global forces that are demanding change within the Global South’s educational contexts, including Central and South-East Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. ...

    167,70 €

  • Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices
    Thomas Brooks
    First published in 1652, Thomas Brooks’ 'Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices' offers insights into the snares and schemes of the devil which are timely and relevant for today. Though centuries have passed since its writing, this timeless classic remains an amazing work of teaching on the thousands of ways Satan seeks to destroy every Christian and the thousands of ways Go...

    12,53 €

  • The importance of sentiment in promoting reasonableness in children
    Michael S Pritchard / Michael S. Pritchard
    The Importance of Sentiment in Promoting Reasonableness in Children explores the contributions that eighteenth-century Scottish philosophers Thomas Reid, Adam Smith, and David Hume make to our understanding of important factors in the development of children as they gradually acquire central features of reasonableness. Smith and Reid explicitly discuss the importance of sentime...

    35,72 €

  • Tribal Philosophy
    Santosh Kiro
    The world of tribes in India is still undiscovered and it often appears mysterious to the common man. Their peculiar belief system, worship of myriad spirits, animals, plants, hills, rivers and mountains compound the mystery. Even today, their world view, lifestyle, ritual and value system remain beyond the grasp of the mainstream society. Tribes are often dismissed as just a...

    22,07 €

  • Teaching, Tenure, and Collegiality
    Mary K. Chang
    Questions universities’ increasing reliance on market-oriented metrics to determine their strategic directions and gauge faculty productivity. ...

    42,07 €

  • The Threefold Struggle
    Andrew Frederick Smith
    Drawing on the thought of novelist and cultural critic Daniel Quinn, argues it is not too late to free ourselves from a culture in which we are compelled to destroy the world, one another, and even ourselves. ...

    121,20 €

  • Professing Christ
    At a time when Christian voices in higher education are facing increased persecution and marginalization, the Christian authors of this collection who teach in public universities share their faith-learning integration journeys including their practical, theoretical, and biblically based strategies for teaching, administration, and doing research. Authors explain how they activ...

    18,74 €

  • Psychology Guide
    Radhika Sharma
    This book has designed to give a systematic overview to the readers about human psychology. Essentially, psychology helps people in large part because it can explain why people act the way they do. With this kind of professional insight, a psychologist can help people improve their decision making, stress management and behavior based on understanding past behavior to better pr...

    10,55 €

  • Community Literacy Journal 16.2 (Spring 2022)
    COMMUNITY LITERACY JOURNAL 16.2 (Spring 2022) | The journal understands 'community literacy' as the domain for literacy work outside mainstream educational and work institutions. It can be found in programs devoted to adult education, early childhood education, reading initiatives, lifelong learning, workplace literacy, or work with marginalized populations, but it can also be ...

    25,30 €

  • The Subjection of Women
    John Stuart MILL

    8,65 €

  • On Becoming a Teacher
    Jyoti Prakash
    The irreplaceability of experiences makes them invaluable. A dysfunctional structure is bound to have a dysfunctional creation. A creator should take note of all transitions and record all the experiences before passing it any further. The transitional state is not only vulnerable, but also economical. A teacher is the root creator of all creations. This work attempts to break ...

    13,35 €

  • Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2021
    Alexander W. Wiseman
    The Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2021, Part B begins with several chapters exploring conceptual and methodological developments in comparative and international education, followed by studies exploring research-to-practice, and new developments in comparative and international education. ...

    178,57 €

  • Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2021
    Alexander W Wiseman
    Since 2013, the Annual Review of Comparative and International Education has covered significant developments in the intersecting fields of comparative education, international education, and comparative and international education. The Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2021, Part A, begins with a collection of discussion essays about comparative and inte...

    189,43 €

  • After the Walk
    Cecilia Anastos
    Every day, my dogs and I walk around beautiful Ramona, CA. While we walk, I practice walking meditation. My concentration is on the sounds the dogs’ paws and my feet make as we touch the ground, their breathing and my breathing, the sound the leaves make when the wind caresses them, and the loud voices of some reactive dogs we encounter along the walk.This is not a book about m...

    21,34 €

  • Virtue Information Literacy
    Wayne Bivens-Tatum
    Virtue Information Literacy draws upon virtue ethics and virtue epistemology to develop a new, ethical conception of information literacy. Those of us who live in heterogenous societies with relatively free flowing information inhabit a world of Information Anarchy, anarchy not in the uninformed popular sense of chaos and disorder (although plenty of that exists), but in the ph...

    39,16 €

  • Experiential Learning
    Brian A Facemire
    The modern education system is in dire need of reform. In Experiential Learning, Facemire provides key insights into how to change and break down the old systems and instill new ways of experiencing the educational process through student engagement.What must be kept in constant mind are the benefits that cannot be measured: the greater sense of global awareness, the lifelong m...

    13,38 €

  • Experiential Learning
    Brian A Facemire
    The modern education system is in dire need of reform. In Experiential Learning, Facemire provides key insights into how to change and break down the old systems and instill new ways of experiencing the educational process through student engagement.What must be kept in constant mind are the benefits that cannot be measured: the greater sense of global awareness, the lifelong m...

    19,41 €

  • Frontiers of Belonging
    Annika Lems
    As unprecedented numbers of unaccompanied African minors requested asylum in Europe in 2015, Annika Lems witnessed a peculiar dynamic: despite inclusionary language in official policy and broader society, these children faced a deluge of exclusionary practices in the classroom and beyond. Frontiers of Belonging traces the educational paths of refugee youth arriving in Switzerla...

    107,22 €

  • FAITH, In Stories That Change
    Ana Maria Santuario
    FAITH, encourages you to take an honest look at yourself and the world around you.  Ana Maria calls upon humanity to embrace the notion of change. She asks us to let go of the stories that belong to the past and open ourselves up to a brighter and more hopeful future... If not for ourselves, then for the children of the world.Excerpt from Preface:A meandering waltz through tim...

    19,81 €

  • Ethics, Ethnography and Education
    Drawing on a diverse range of studies conducted in England, Scotland, South America, India, and the Basque Country, this volume argues that administrative and conceptual change is needed to ensure that ethnographers commit fully to conscientiously managing ethics in-situ. ...

    136,16 €

  • The Sun’s Not Broken, A Cloud’s Just in the Way
    Sydney Gurewitz Clemens
    This is a warm and moving account of how a teacher made a safe yet stimulating place for young children to play and grow (and learn). Sydney teaches respect for all people, and by the end of the year the four-year-old children not only read and communicated clearly, but cared for each other as well. You will meet Millie, who arrived almost inarticulate and learned to love langu...

    23,64 €

  • Positioning Diversity in Kenyan Schools
    Malve von Möllendorff
    Education is considered key for societies to achieve greater social cohesion and equality. Yet, schools, as the main providers of formal education, have increasingly come into question concerning their role in manifesting and perpetuating social categorisations, inequalities and discrimination instead of decreasing existing fragmentations and challenging power relations and hie...

    59,54 €

  • Creating a Culture of Mindful Innovation in Higher Education
    Michael Lanford / William G. Tierney
    Offers a vision for innovation in higher education focused on societal progress and human development, as well as for higher education’s role within a broader culture of innovation. ...

    122,03 €