Catálogo de libros: Cognición y psicología cognitiva

1904 Catálogo de libros: Cognición y psicología cognitiva

Libros Eliminar filtro Inglés Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Psicología Eliminar filtro Cognición y psicología cognitiva Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Organization in Vision
    Gaetano Kanizsa

    82,24 €

  • Thinking

    85,99 €

  • Growing Points Ethology
    P. P. G. Bateson / PPGBateson / R. A. Hinde / RAHinde

    86,31 €

  • Origin of the Idea of Chance in Children
    Barbel Inhelder / Jean Jean Piaget / Paul Burrell

    17,32 €

  • Non-Verbal Communication
    The importance in social relationships of the exchange of information by non-verbal gestures and expressions, though long appreciated by artists and writers, has only recently become the subject of serious scientific study. The subject has been approached from different angles by psychologists studying the relevance of non-verbal communication to interpersonal relationships, by...

    85,38 €

  • The Behavioral Basis of Perception
    James Garden Taylor / UNKNOWN

    121,19 €

  • A Guide to Rational Living
    Albert Ellis Ph.D

    18,88 €

  • A Guide to Rational Living
    Albert Ellis Ph.D
    This book, unlike others you have probably read, employs none of the jargon usually associated with psychology or psychiatry, and it may well prove to be the best book on psychotherapy for laymen ever written. It can provide emotionally disturbed individuals with many answers they seek, and it can help everyone to feel better about themselves and to deal with their lives more e...

    29,36 €

  • The Nature of Intelligence
    L. L. Thurstone / LLThurstone / Louis Leon Thurstone / UNKNOWN

    69,60 €

  • Beyond the Information Given
    Jerome Buner / Jerome S. Bruner / Jerome SBruner

    40,27 €

  • On Problem-Solving.
    Karl Duncker / UNKNOWN

    124,51 €

  • Kinesics and Context
    Ray Birdwhistell
    'Ray Birdwhistell . . . is the first to have built a bridge between anthropology and the world of contemporary arts.'--Marshall McLuhan'Few brilliant pioneer workers have the opportunity that Professor Birdwhistell has had to see his unique observations validated through technical innovation. So he was able to develop kinesics, which has now become part of a systematic anthropo...

    31,19 €

  • Bird Navigation
    G. V. T. Matthews / GVTMatthews

    48,38 €

  • The Nature of Explanation
    David Ed Craik / David Ed. Craik / David EdCraik / K. J. W. Craik / KJWCraik

    58,50 €