Catálogo de libros: Psicología: emociones

1213 Catálogo de libros: Psicología: emociones

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  • Finding Hope and Faith in the Face of Death
    Stephen A. Karol / Stephen AKarol
    This book is about giving people hope and faith, comfort and inspiration when a death occurs. It is based on my experiences throughout my forty-year career as a rabbi in helping my congregants deal with the emotions and thoughts that occur when a loved one dies. I have grown to understand, and have taught about, the importance of community when we are mourners, and of the absol...

    15,05 €

  • Self-Talk
    Sally H Hall
    Does life have you on an emotional roller coaster? Up one day and down the next? If so, what are you telling yourself and why? Your thoughts not only control how you feel but also how you behave, which ultimately leads to the overall direction of your life. For example, if your self-talk is negative, you could be experiencing low self-worth, lack a sense of purpose, confusion, ...

    10,10 €

  • Friend Grief in the Workplace
    Victoria Noe
    They’re friends and coworkers, so when they die, it’s not only a personal and professional loss but a challenge: How can you grieve and get your work done, too?In the fifth book in the Friend Grief series, Friend Grief in the Workplace: More Than an Empty Cubicle you’ll meet people whose friends were coworkers, too: in a TV newsroom, a rectory, a Broadway show and on a baseball...

    4,13 €

  • Someone I Love Has Died
    Andrew Lindwall
    The steps of grief and mourning are similar to embarking on a difficult journey. The paths you take and your final destination may look quite different than what you imagined.You are never alone and there are lots of things to discover along the way. Through it all, like Andrew, you can keep going and growing—and you will! ...

    4,38 €

  • Grief Diaries
    Donna R Gore / Lynda Cheldelin Fell / Nicola Belisle
    Part of the 5-star book series, Grief Diaries: Surviving Loss by Homicide shares the poignant journeys of men and women seeking healing and hope in the aftermath of losing a loved one to murder. Offering 10 firsthand accounts about navigating the legal system, sorting belongings, facing the holidays and more, readers who share the same path will find comfort and compassion, fa...

    11,17 €

  • Getting Up
    Maxine Bigby Cunningham
    Getting Up is a collection of poetry and prose in which the author shares her trials and triumphs while living a full and vibrant life, despite her diagnosis of a mood disorder: depression. Through streams of consciousness, touching reflections, and lists, Maxine Bigby Cunningham shares her innermost thoughts and feelings as she goes through four stages: relapse, remembering, r...

    15,03 €

  • I Didn't Know What to Say
    David Knapp
    Death is the opposite of life. And for those who have experienced loss, grieving can feel dark, lonely, scary, confusing and/or almost unbearable. For those grieving, life almost seems suspended, but the reality is, life goes on regardless of our loss. As fellow humans looking on, we WANT to communicate, but words seem impotent and so often we simply don't know what to say...

    11,54 €

  • Affect Engineering
    Marcus Caesar Woods
    What is Affect Engineering? Is it a no-nonsense approach to modeling emotions that utilizes the universal language of math to simulate them? Is it a smart and sophisticated system for organizing one of the most complex and controversial topics in the social sciences? Is it survival guide for the stoic trapped in a melodramatic world? Is it a must have for understanding that p...

    42,30 €

  • The Emotionally Resilient Expat - Engage, Adapt and Thrive Across Cultures
    Linda a. Janssen / Linda aJanssen
    Living abroad offers enriching experiences of growth, broadened perspective, enhanced cultural understanding. Yet its transition-rich, change-driven, cross-cultural nature can place considerable demands, leaving us stressed, disconnected, our identity in flux. Building on existing literature and benefitting from recent developments in psychology and brain-body connections, The ...

    17,78 €

  • Letters to Mitch
    Marshall Dunn
    Letters to Mitch - The Healing Power of Grief, Love & Truth is the true story of how a young man uses his greatest wound as a gift to heal his life. When Marshall Dunn learns the devastating news that his elder brother, Mitch, has taken his own life, little does he know that his loss will become the catalyst to awaken to his soul’s purpose.  The book is narrated through a serie...

    10,18 €

  • Yesterday’s Dreams
    J Ann Bowers
    A book of poems that interweaves nature, love, my past and my dreams. To me nature and love go hand-in-hand, a flower can describe so many emotions or a sunset can stand for the new day ahead or the ending of a love so dear to the heart. ...

    17,87 €

  • Onde Está Nora?
    Wesley Santos
    Uma jovem professora é levada misteriosamente do estacionamento da escola, muitos são suspeitos, mas, ainda há revelações a serem trazidas à tona antes que o investigador deste caso consiga solucionar o mistério. Enquanto isso, os alunos Renan e Letícia se aventuram em uma investigação paralela, tentando descobrir o que teria acontecido com a professora Nora. Entretanto surge o...

    9,41 €

  • Performing Pain
    Čizmić Maria / Batygin Kirill
    ENGPerforming Pain explores music’s relationships to trauma and grief by focusing upon the late 20 th century in Eastern Europe. The 1970s and 80s witnessed a cultural preoccupation with WWII and the Stalinist era. Journalists, historians, writers, artists, and filmmakers explored themes related to pain and memory, truth and history, morality and spirituality during glasnost an...

    40,66 €

  • My Emotions Journal
    Dr. Ally Butrous / Jeremy Butrous
    Your personal guide to inquisitively assess, understand, and resolve your emotions! Our emotions can be overwhelming and misunderstood at times. Sometimes, our emotions come in like giants or scary monsters and cloud our logical ability to understand them and make good decisions. We may feel stuck and don’t know what to do and live reactionary to how we’re feeling in the moment...

    35,82 €

  • Cand cuvintele nu sunt de ajuns
    Mariana C.
    Cartea 'Când cuvintele nu sunt de ajuns' este o carte care explorează importanța comunicării nonverbale în relațiile noastre cu ceilalți. Autoarea, Mariana C., prezintă în prim-plan gesturile și expresiile faciale pe care le folosim în mod inconștient pentru a ne exprima gândurile, emoțiile și intențiile.Cartea oferă cititorilor o mai bună înțelegere a limbajului nonverbal și î...

    19,15 €

  • La Generación de la Ansiedad
    Christian Peña
    ¿Te has preguntado por qué tantos jóvenes hoy en día viven con una sensación constante de ansiedad? ¿Te gustaría entender las raíces de este fenómeno que afecta a una generación entera? 'La Generación de la Ansiedad' es el libro que arroja luz sobre esta epidemia silenciosa. Christian Peña, con su estilo cautivador y profundo, te lleva en un viaje revelador a través de las caus...

    13,36 €

  • Povesti nespuse
    Mariana C.
    'Povești nespuse' este o carte scrisă de Mariana C., care explorează diferite aspecte ale relațiilor umane și oferă o perspectivă subiectivă asupra problemelor și provocărilor cu care se confruntă oamenii în relațiile lor interpersonale.Cartea explorează teme precum comunicarea, încrederea, compromisul, iubirea și respectul în relațiile de cuplu, de familie sau de prietenie.Mar...

    18,54 €

  • Mood and Mobility
    Richard Coyne

    38,43 €

  • Awareness That Heals
    Robert J Strock
    This transformative work will help you respond effectively to life’s challenges, especially when you are prone to self-criticism or emotional withdrawal. This approach is for anyone seeking greater inner peace and well-being. Robert Strock, a leading psychotherapist in Southern California, has developed the tools in Awareness That Heals through a lifetime of deep self-explorati...

    20,04 €

  • The Pursuit of Happiness - A Book of Studies and Strowings
    Daniel G. Brinton
    The pursuit of happiness,-the pursuit of one’s own happiness,-is it a vain quest? and, if not vain, is it a worthy object of life?There have been plenty to condemn it on both grounds. They have said that the endeavor is hopeless; that to study the art of being happy is like studying the art of making gold, which is the only art by which gold can never be made. Nothing, they add...

    15,69 €

  • Uprise
    Kevin D. Washburn
    A groundbreaking model that unveils the key to unlocking resilience, Uprise is your guide to overcoming challenges and thriving in a changing world.Success rarely comes on the first attempt. In Uprise, running coach, marathoner, and educator Kevin D. Washburn explores hope, mindset, grit, and resilience, revealing connections between them and sharing the strategies of each that...

    15,20 €

  • Borderline E Mau-caráter
    Dr. Felipe Figueiredo
    Doa a quem doer, a verdade é que uma parcela imensa das pessoas que recebem o diagnóstico de Transtorno de Personalidade Borderline é mau-caráter, mentirosa, dissimulada, manipuladora e tem um dom para representar papéis e enganar os desavisados. E, o que é pior, costumam atacar de modo cruel e covarde, sem dó nem piedade, aqueles que têm o azar de se tornar o alvo de seu desva...

    17,75 €

  • El Trabajo con Dos-Tu
    Bea Mackay
    ¿Cansado del tiovivo mental?El Trabajo con Dos-Tu: Cómo trabajar con el self en conflicto, de la Dra. Bea Mackay, es una poderosa herramienta para resolver la confusión interior. La Dra. Bea se deleita ayudando a sus clientes a florecer y realizar su potencial, y este libro pretende enseñar a los terapeutas profesionales a utilizar su método de forma eficaz. Como sucede con cua...

    34,78 €

  • Ensayo del amor, la muerte, ella y otras cosas que se creen para siempre
    Ángel Sánchez Tinajero
    'Pensar, sentir, amar, querer, vivir, existir, ser, miedo, dolor, un beso, su lunar, un círculo, un anillo, lo perfecto, el infinito, el tiempo, Dios. ¿Qué somos? ¿Por qué «hay» cuando pudo no haber habido nada? ¿Por qué amamos? ¿Por qué duele tanto perder? ¿Somos y, por lo tanto, pensamos; o pensamos y luego somos? ¿Qué es la muerte? Muchas, demasiadas y abrumadoras preguntas ...

    9,88 €

  • MaleHeart
    Stephen R Andrew
    How are men hurt and what is codependency (my definition: our adaptation to trauma)? Why do men need to gather with each other to soften the male oppression? Men supposedly have everything. We, men, have it all. I’m going to discuss how I perceive the word codependency and how it relates to the way men are hurt, and how at the crux of this are addictions, compulsions, and obses...

    7,77 €

  • Vida Poética
    Rafael Lima
    Trabalho & Alma: Poemas sobre a Vida Profissional Entre a pressão por resultados e a busca por realização pessoal, a vida profissional se transforma em um campo de batalha de emoções. Neste livro, você encontrará poemas que exploram as diversas nuances do trabalho, desde a ansiedade da entrevista até a alegria da conquista, passando pelas frustrações do dia a dia e a esperança ...

    13,24 €

    Sigmund Freud
    A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis is a book written by Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis. First published in 1910, it is a comprehensive guide for anyone who wants to learn about the basics of psychoanalysis. The book is divided into five parts, each of which focuses on a different aspect of psychoanalysis.The first part of the book explains the development of ...

    16,10 €

  • Unleashing Human Energy
    Human energy is a force that courses through every aspect of our existence, shaping our thoughts, emotions, actions, and interactions with the world around us. It is the life force that animates our being, propelling us forward on our individual and collective journeys of growth, transformation, and self-discovery. In this book, we delve deep into the concept of human energy, s...

    16,87 €

  • The Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals
    Charles Darwin
    Published in 1872, The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals was a book at the very heart of Darwin’s research interests - a central pillar of his ’human’ series. This book engaged some of the hardest questions in the evolution debate, and it showed the ever-cautious Darwin at his boldest. If Darwin had one goal with Expression, it was to demonstrate the power of his th...

    17,78 €

  • I Thought I Knew
    Melissa Trombetta
    It’s 1995 in Upstate New York, and Nicole Doherty is days away from her college graduation when an unseen assailant attacks her, only steps away from the safety of her dorm, changing her forever. Desperate to move on, Nicole vows never to tell anyone what happened to her, but her past continues to follow her and pull her back. She’s forced to relearn how to trust herself and th...

    11,47 €