Catálogo de libros: Psicología experimental

117 Catálogo de libros: Psicología experimental

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Psicología Eliminar filtro Psicología experimental Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Human Nature and Conduct - An introduction to social psychology
    John Dewey
    In the spring of 1918 I was invited by Leland Stanford Junior University to give a series of three lectures upon the West Memorial Foundation. One of the topics included within the scope of the Foundation is Human Conduct and Destiny. This volume is the result, as, according to the terms of the Foundation, the lectures are to be published. The lectures as given have, however, b...

    15,79 €

  • Mandala Terapia
    Virgínia Fernandes
    Atualmente, é possível notar um crescente interesse, por parte de terapeutas, por técnicas que possam potencializar o trabalho terapêutico e tornar o processo mais simples, tranquilo e seguro para o paciente.Neste cenário, algumas técnicas terapêuticas têm conquistado um destaque especial. Dentre estas, a Mandala Terapia, a meu ver, é a que mais se destaca por apresentar o maio...

    10,04 €

  • Pensando Bem
    Paulo Araújo Duarte
    Nas páginas deste livro, fazemos um mergulho nas águas profundas do entendimento de si próprio, refletimos sobre as complexidades do nosso ser a fim de descobrir as chaves dos enigmas que moldam nossa trajetória. Ao longo dessa jornada, examinaremos com olhos atentos os desafios e as oportunidades que surgem quando escolhemos trilhar o caminho da consciência e da busca por uma ...

    12,98 €

  • Uncover Your Personality
    Ryan YJ Chong
    Every single human being who has ever existed has displayed a distinct and complex personality. Yet, the holistic concept of a personality has not yet been exactly defined by society, psychology, medicine, or by psychiatry as a profession. As the personality is the basis of the unique human experience, surely it would be important for everyone to discover what personality truly...

    10,66 €

  • Desprogramando Os Medos
    Renato Barbosa Moreira
    Desprogramando os Medosé uma jornada fascinante para desvendar as complexidades do medo e aprender a desativar suas garras insidiosas. Desde uma análise profunda da evolução do medo até a exploração das camadas da mente onde ele reside, este livro oferece uma compreensão abrangente do fenômeno do medo. Com insights sobre a biologia por trás das nossas reações temerosas e estrat...

    14,44 €

  • Hypnosis
    Work that contains important elements about Spiritism. How it was born and projected. The types of trance: psychic, physiological and cultural.Official means of experimenting with Spiritism in Brazil have been rare. The theoretical efforts of great spiritualists are plausible. But, for the effective observation of the phenomena discussed here impartial experimentation is nece...

    11,34 €

  • Relações Que Conversam
    Dehdo Hübler - Andre Nogueira Hubler
    Uma conversa sobre relacionamentos que amplia para a nossa forma de ver o mundo trazendo novas ferramentas e teorias capazes de realizar transformações de vida na prática. Baseado em conceitos teóricos da psicanálise, da psicologia e da comunicação o livro constrói, através de uma conversa do autor com seus leitores, uma janela para o interior da mente humana desvendando um pou...

    12,21 €

  • Matrix
    Israel Foguel
    Será que tudo o que vivemos é apenas uma simulação computacional? Essa questão tem sido amplamente debatida, especialmente após o lançamento do filmeMatrixno final dos anos 2000. Desde os primeiros minutos do filme, somos apresentados ao protagonista Neo segurando uma cópia do livroSimulacros e Simulaçõesde Jean Baudrillard, que aborda a ideia da ilusão de uma realidade alterna...

    10,97 €

  • Renovando A Mente
    Explorando Os Gatilhos Mentais
    Ao embarcar nesta jornada de exploração dos gatilhos mentais, convido você, caro leitor, a desvendar os segredos e desafiar as fronteiras da mente humana. Neste livro, mergulharemos fundo na arte de despertar emoções, influenciar decisões e transformar vidas através dos poderosos gatilhos mentais.Em nossa sociedade cada vez mais conectada e repleta de estímulos, a capacidade de...

    13,63 €

    Doris G. / Prime Pen Publisher
    Do you know your brain 'remodels' during the adolescent years? A procedure that aids in developing a stronger, more functional brain will help you become a self-sufficient adult. Admittedly, this remodeling includes irrational emotional reactions, reckless behavior, pushing boundaries, and irregular impulse control. When you were younger, you absorbed information and had more c...

    14,91 €

  • Student player psychological skin care products
    C Miya
    The human body is an incredible marvel, with seemingly endless complex mechanisms. The study of the brain processes that regulate, shape, and modify human activities is gaining a lot of interest these days. Surprisingly little study has been done with athletes despite the broad popularity, lengthy history, and enormous societal influence of sports. Despite this, psychologists f...

    28,86 €

  • Personalized Fairy Tales About Your Child
    Aleksandrs Posts
    (!) This is Volume 1, featuring 12 enchanting fairy tales. More magical stories await you in Volumes 2 and 3. Welcome to a world of enchanting fairy tales, created especially for children and their parents! These 12 chapters, each containing a unique fairy tale, are brimming with love, kindness and valuable life lessons that will gently guide your little ones towards better beh...

    13,93 €

  • Personalized Fairy Tales About Your Child
    Aleksandrs Posts
    (!) This is Volume 1, featuring 12 enchanting fairy tales. More magical stories await you in Volumes 2 and 3. Welcome to a world of enchanting fairy tales, created especially for children and their parents! These 12 chapters, each containing a unique fairy tale, are brimming with love, kindness and valuable life lessons that will gently guide your little ones towards better beh...

    13,93 €

  • Habilidades empáticas y psíquicas
    Pablo Rodrigo
    ¿Te consideras una persona empática, emocional y sensible, pero no estás seguro de cuál es la mejor manera de manejar este don?¿Se despierta por la mañana con una nube negra sobre su cabeza? No son las náuseas ni un mal sueño lo que le agobia: es el mundo que le rodea. O, al menos, la gente que te rodea.Para otros es sólo el tipo que acaba de cortarte el paso en el tráfico, per...

    20,07 €

  • O Resgate De Almas Com Os Discos Solares
    Pricila Portinho
    O livro o Resgate de Almas com os Discos Solares é uma obra canalizada através da Terapia SQAO - Sistema Quântico Alpha Ômega que tem o propósito de uma aceleração em massas para um despertar promovendo um grande salto quântico, trabalhando através dos discos solares os resgates das almas de cada ser humano, trazendo a conscientização o quanto é importante trabalhar o seu incon...

    14,82 €

  • Psychedelics For Everyone
    Matt Zemon
    In Psychedelics for Everyone, Matt Zemon provides readers with an inspiring foundation for understanding the profound transformational power of psychedelics. As psychiatric methods and medicines have advanced over the past fifty years, there is an entire group of possible treatment methodologies that the United States-and much of the Western world-has chosen to ignore and demon...

    21,66 €

  • Psychedelics For Everyone
    Matt Zemon
    In Psychedelics for Everyone, Matt Zemon provides readers with an inspiring foundation for understanding the profound transformational power of psychedelics. As psychiatric methods and medicines have advanced over the past fifty years, there is an entire group of possible treatment methodologies that the United States-and much of the Western world-has chosen to ignore and demon...

    11,21 €

  • Desert Hope
    Ital Iman
    Homelessness in America is a thing of politics; in this case bodies were money. This is a perspective of an independent Journalist, who spent 12 months undercover in the Desert Hope Chronic homelessness ’Experiment’ The findings you may find quite shocking; there is also a complementary Documentary film to this Book; which will make the Book all the clearer... The desert Hope E...

    44,48 €

  • The psychology of suggestion
    Boris Sidis
    ** This edition has a beautiful layout with a font size designed to make it easy to read ***'The object of this book is the study of the subconscious, normal or abnormal, individual or social, in its relation to suggestion and suggestibility; and let me hope that the thoughtful reader will find my work not only interesting, but stimulating to thought and useful in practical lif...

    17,99 €

  • The psychology of suggestion
    Boris Sidis
    *** This edition has a beautiful layout with a font size designed to make it easy to read ***'The object of this book is the study of the subconscious, normal or abnormal, individual or social, in its relation to suggestion and suggestibility; and let me hope that the thoughtful reader will find my work not only interesting, but stimulating to thought and useful in practical li...

    25,79 €

  • Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Causation
    What is the connection between causation and responsibility? Is there a best way to theorize philosophically about causation? Which factors determine and influence what we judge to be the cause of something? Bringing together interdisciplinary research from experimental philosophy, traditional philosophy and psychology, this collection showcases the most recent developments and...

    147,87 €

  • Experiential Learning
    Brian A Facemire
    The modern education system is in dire need of reform. In Experiential Learning, Facemire provides key insights into how to change and break down the old systems and instill new ways of experiencing the educational process through student engagement.What must be kept in constant mind are the benefits that cannot be measured: the greater sense of global awareness, the lifelong m...

    13,38 €

  • Experiential Learning
    Brian A Facemire
    The modern education system is in dire need of reform. In Experiential Learning, Facemire provides key insights into how to change and break down the old systems and instill new ways of experiencing the educational process through student engagement.What must be kept in constant mind are the benefits that cannot be measured: the greater sense of global awareness, the lifelong m...

    19,41 €

  • Rethinking Therapeutic Reading
    Kelda Green
    Through a combination of literary criticism and experimental psychology, ’Rethinking Therapeutic Reading’ reconsiders the role that serious literary reading might play in the real world, reclaiming literature as a vital tool for dealing with human troubles. ...

    57,60 €

  • Building Experiments in PsychoPy
    Jonathan Peirce / Michael MacAskill / Rebecca Hirst
    PsychoPy is an open-source software package for creating rich, dynamic experiments in psychology, neuroscience and linguistics. Co-authored by its creator, this book guides you through the steps of building experiments in PsychoPy. ...

    61,98 €

  • Building Experiments in PsychoPy
    Jonathan Peirce / Michael MacAskill / Rebecca Hirst
    PsychoPy is an open-source software package for creating rich, dynamic experiments in psychology, neuroscience and linguistics. Co-authored by its creator, this book guides you through the steps of building experiments in PsychoPy. ...

    196,65 €

  • 99 Rexxxxxd Sonnets
    d.p. houston / d.phouston
    From the author of Project Sonnet* comes a perfectly unnecessary celebration of obscurity, loosely concocted in accordance with the principles of creative constraint bruited by the Oulipo group.*shortlisted for the 2022 small-press International Poetry Book Awards. ...

    12,79 €

  • Komendant. Tom II
    Vadim Myasnikov
    ВАДИМ МЯСНИКОВКОМЕНДАНТЪ(АССОЦИАТИВНЫЙ ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТ НА СУММУ ТЕОЛОГИИ АНГЕЛЬСКОГО УЧИТЕЛЯ)ТОМ ВТОРОЙУЛОЖЕНИЯ МЫСЛИМОГОРАЗДЕЛЫ 503 - 954Предлагаемый второй том является окончанием первой фазы моего эксперимента, заключавшейся в попытке организовать проявление свободных ассоциаций на основе стимульных текстов, являвшихся цитатами из 'Суммы теологии' Фомы Аквинского.Следующая фаза ...

    41,32 €

  • Komendant. Tom I
    Vadim Myasnikov
    ВАДИМ МЯСНИКОВКОМЕНДАНТЪ(АССОЦИАТИВНЫЙ ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТ НА СУММУ ТЕОЛОГИИ АНГЕЛЬСКОГО УЧИТЕЛЯ)ТОМ ПЕРВЫЙУЛОЖЕНИЯ МЫСЛИМОГОРАЗДЕЛЫ 1 - 502Поскольку по сути своей эта работа является ассоциативным экспериментом над самим собой, я выражаю надежду на то, что ее результаты будут интересны в первую очередь психоаналитикам, психиатрам, философам а также незаурядным личностям, готовым подпи...

    41,34 €

  • Shakespeare and the Experimental Psychologist
    Fathali M. Moghaddam / Fathali MMoghaddam

    120,55 €

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