Catálogo de libros: Teoría conductista (conductismo)

120 Catálogo de libros: Teoría conductista (conductismo)

Libros Eliminar filtro Inglés Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Psicología Eliminar filtro Teoría psicológica y escuelas de pensamiento Eliminar filtro Teoría conductista (conductismo) Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • War’s Changed Landscape?
    Paddy Dr. Walker / Peter Prof. Roberts
    This book unpicks the arguments made pre and post 2022 and, based on interviews with experts from around the world, seeks to dissect battlecraft’s enduring themes and how these may affect conflicts’ current norms. ...

    34,21 €

  • War’s Changed Landscape?
    Paddy Dr. Walker / Peter Prof. Roberts
    This book unpicks the arguments made pre and post 2022 and, based on interviews with experts from around the world, seeks to dissect battlecraft’s enduring themes and how these may affect conflicts’ current norms. ...

    73,26 €

  • How to Stop Being a Narcissist
    Lucas Bailey
    Learn to be Strong, Confident, and Admired Without Being Viewed as a Jerk!If you’re tired this it’s the right time to make a change.Do you want to know how to build healthy relationships?It’s tough to transform the habits that negatively impact your life on your own.Do you find it hard to maintain existing connections, ultimately resulting in lost opportunities?It’s proven that...

    24,13 €

    Toufic Zeitoune B.
    Toufic Zeitoune stuttered for most of his life, before he found the key to finally breaking free from this condition. Now he offers you the life-changing opportunity to communicate fluently . . .The technique Toufic proposes is based on the mental concept of speech and focuses on forming words in the mind differently than stutterers normally do. Unlike other methods to stop stu...

    8,77 €

  • Hacking Capitalism
    Kris Nóva
    Global Release (v0.1.6)Hacking Capitalism is an independently published book written by Kris Nóva about modeling the tech industry as a system. Particularly this book will model computers, humans, and money and their subsequent relationships in tech.Understand the nature of the tech industry through the same Modeling that investors and entrepreneurs use to rationalize it.The te...

    40,05 €

  • Schedules of Reinforcement
    B. F. Skinner / C. B. Ferster
    2022 Reprint of the 1957 Edition. Exact facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software.  This revolutionary book, first published in 1957, described how organisms could be reinforced on different schedules and that different schedules resulted in varied behavioral outcomes. Table of contents:   Introduction   Continuous Reinforcement Sche...

    31,77 €

  • The Secret of the Golden Flower
    Richard Wilhelm
    This book is also available from Echo Point Books in hardcover (ISBN 1648371310).An ancient Taoist text rediscovered by Richard Wilhelm, who recognized it as essentially a practical guide to the integration of personality.First translated into German by sinologist Richard Wilhelm, a friend of Carl Jung, The Secret of the Golden Flower describes a straightforward and silent medi...

    21,07 €

  • The Secret of the Golden Flower
    Richard Wilhelm
    The Treasured Guide to Spiritual Growth and EnlightenmentThe Secret of the Golden Flower is an ancient Chinese text, passed on for centuries, in which Taoist mystics reveal the path to true enlightenment. The first written version was believed to have originated with Lü Dongbin, a legendary scholar, poet, and spiritual master. Lü Dongbin was the founder of the School of the Gol...

    46,14 €

  • Flipping the Script on Childhood Meltdowns
    Ed.D. Jessica Eggleston / Ed.DJessica Eggleston / Ph.D. Laura Riffel / Ph.DLaura Riffel
    Often, we witness adults telling children to 'use their words' when the child is in the midst of a meltdown. If we have not taught the child what words to use, how can they use their words? Their meltdown is signaling that they have no words to tell us. This book is a very simple step-by-step process for how to teach students/children a script to convey their emotions after we...

    62,07 €

    This book is a collection of chapters from local, regional, and international experts in the fields of law enforcement, safety, and security. In a world where threats and crises are increasingly transnational, there is value in the cross-cultural exchange of information and the integration of knowledge bases to understand the present-day landscape dynamics. More than ever, ther...

    107,85 €

  • How People Change
    Allen Wheelis
    'At a time when slick, superficial, psychological works are foisted on the lay-public, Allen Wheelis has written a serious treatise.'--San Francisco Sunday Examiner-Chronicle ...

    13,35 €

  • Examining Biological Foundations of Human Behavior
    Barre Vijaya Prasad
    Biopsychology is a branch of psychology that analyzes how the brain and neurotransmitters influence our behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. It is a subdivision of behavioral neuroscience that studies the neural mechanisms of perception and behavior through direct manipulation of the brains of nonhuman animal subjects in controlled experiments. Biopsychology studies many topics r...

    422,91 €

  • Religions, Values, and Peak-Experiences
    Abraham H Maslow
    Proposing religious experience as a legitimate subject for scientific investigation, Maslow studies the human need for spiritual expression. About the AuthorAbraham H. Maslow taught at Brooklyn College and the Western Behavioral Sciences Institute, and was Chairman of the Department of Psychology at Brandeis University. From 1967 to 1968 he was Preseident of the American Psycho...

    13,32 €

  • Anatomy of Foolishness
    Stephen Greenspan
    This book explains why and how individuals (of all ages and levels of intelligence) and organizations act in ways that undermine their interests and even continued existence. A novel four-factor explanatory theory sheds light on a topic of universal interest: the everyday foolishness of humans. ...

    33,53 €

  • Organizational Behavior
    David S Bright / Donald G Gardner / J Stewart Black
    The text and images in this book are in grayscale. A hardback color version is available. Search for ISBN 9781680922905.The field of management and organizational behavior exists today in a constant state of evolution and change. Casual readers of publications like the New York Times, The Economist and the Wall Street Journal will learn about the dynamic nature of organizations...

    35,79 €

  • Organizational Behavior
    David S Bright / Donald G Gardner / J Stewart Black
    A less-expensive grayscale paperback version is available. Search for ISBN 9781680922875. The field of management and organizational behavior exists today in a constant state of evolution and change. Casual readers of publications like the New York Times, The Economist and the Wall Street Journal will learn about the dynamic nature of organizations in today’s ever-changing busi...

    95,82 €

  • The Future of an Illusion
    Sigmund Freud
    In the manner of the eighteenth-century philosophe, Freud argued that religion and science were mortal enemies. Early in the century, he began to think about religion psychoanalytically and to discuss it in his writings. The Future of an Illusion, Freud's best known and most emphatic psychoanalytic exploration of religion, is the culmination of a lifelong pattern of thinkin...

    7,96 €

  • Before Long
    Auralee Arkinsly
    Trying to move to a new home... on a new block... in a unknown community? Follow Ernst and Esme as they run away from buyer's remorse and through multiple back-up plans & enjoy your ride! If you like the rabbit hole of Alice in Wonderland, Dave Ramsey, and Garfield, you will appreciate the inspiration of Before Long, Let's Move. Improve the odds of finding your dream ho...

    26,67 €

  • Existentialism Now
    Christopher Bek
    Existentialism Now brings the reader face to face with the stunning realization that each of us has total freedom and total responsibility for the entire world. Setting this realization of salvation in motion is easily arrived at by simply challenging students to take responsibility for planet Earth. This singular existential flap of a butterfly’s wings ultimately saves the wor...

    21,54 €

  • Existentialism Now
    Christopher Bek
    Existentialism Now brings the reader face to face with the stunning realization that each of us has total freedom and total responsibility for the entire world. Setting this realization of salvation in motion is easily arrived at by simply challenging students to take responsibility for planet Earth. This singular existential flap of a butterfly’s wings ultimately saves the wor...

    10,29 €

  • Value-Creating Boards
    Morten Huse

    21,47 €

  • Social Science and Human Behavior
    Chayma Hamdani
    Human behavior is a complex field of study. Social science is a widely studied academic discipline which aims to study the society in a holistic manner. This involves an in-depth study of the behavior of individuals, their relationship with each other and the factors affecting that behavior. This book provides significant information of this discipline to help develop a good un...

    185,31 €

  • Are Theories of Learning Necessary
    B. F. Skinner / BFSkinner
    Certain basic assumptions, essential to any scientific activity, are sometimes called theories. That nature is orderly rather than capricious is an example. Certain statements are also theories simply to the extent that they are not yet facts. A scientist may guess at the result of an experiment before the experiment is carried out. The prediction and the later statement of res...

    14,22 €

  • Surviving Elitism Handbook
    R A Roth
    In our society, there are those who believe they are superior to all others in virtually every aspect of life; thoroughly convinced their opinions and ideologies are the only correct values; elevating them to true eminence. Safe in their bubble of reality, they speak down to the rest of us as if we are children, demonizing anyone who does not bow to their significance. They ar...

    15,15 €

  • Attitude
    Ace McCloud
    Would you love to be happier, more productive and massively increase your success potential?Whether you want to (1) live a much happier and fulfilling life, (2) know how to strengthen your attitude for peak performance success, or (3) be the person that everyone loves, this book will teach you everything you need to know.Harness the true power of a positive attitude.It is no se...

    9,47 €

  • Attitude
    Ace McCloud
    Would you love to be happier, more productive and massively increase your success potential?Whether you want to (1) live a much happier and fulfilling life, (2) know how to strengthen your attitude for peak performance success, or (3) be the person that everyone loves, this book will teach you everything you need to know.Harness the true power of a positive attitude.It is no se...

    17,91 €

  • Attitude
    Ace McCloud
    Would you love to be happier, more productive and massively increase your success potential?Whether you want to (1) live a much happier and fulfilling life, (2) know how to strengthen your attitude for peak performance success, or (3) be the person that everyone loves, this book will teach you everything you need to know.Harness the true power of a positive attitude.It is no se...

    18,76 €

  • Attitude
    Ace McCloud
    Would you love to be happier, more productive and massively increase your success potential?Whether you want to (1) live a much happier and fulfilling life, (2) know how to strengthen your attitude for peak performance success, or (3) be the person that everyone loves, this book will teach you everything you need to know.Harness the true power of a positive attitude.It is no se...

    9,52 €

  • The Expanded Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training Manual, 2nd Edition
    Cortney Pederson / Lane Pederson
    This second edition is the most comprehensive and readable DBT manual available with more skills than any other DBT book on the market. Beyond updates to the classic skills modules, clients and therapists will be enriched by added modules that include Dialectics, Cognitive Modification, Problem-Solving, and Building Routines as well as all-new, much-needed modules on addictions...

    32,79 €

  • The Complex PTSD Workbook
    Arielle Schwartz
    A mind-body workbook for healing and overcoming Complex PTSDThose affected by complex PTSD, or C-PTSD, commonly feel as though there is something fundamentally wrong with them―that somewhere inside there is a part of them that needs to be fixed. Facing one’s PTSD is a brave, courageous act―and with the right guidance, recovery is possible.In The Complex PTSD Workbook, you’ll le...

    24,19 €

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