Catálogo de libros: Psicología

30772 Catálogo de libros: Psicología

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  • Incontri Selvaggi
    Alicia Pearce
    Entra nel suggestivo mondo di ’Incontri Selvaggi’, dove il desiderio non conosce limiti e la passione infiamma le pagine scritte da Alicia Pierce.Segui il coinvolgente viaggio di Emma, una timida amante dei libri il cui tranquillo vivere viene sconvolto dall’arrivo del suo affascinante nuovo vicino, Daniel. Attratta dal suo misterioso fascino, Emma si imbarca in un percorso di ...

    27,49 €

  • You Thought You Knew me
    Melissa Clemons
    In this captivating memoir, Melissa S. Clemons unveils the intricate tapestry of their life, weaving together the poignant moments that shaped their journey. From the highs of triumph to the depths of despair, the author fearlessly lays bare the raw emotions and pivotal experiences that defined their existence.Embark on a compelling exploration of self-discovery as Melissa S. C...

    54,17 €

  • Seductive Moves
    J. Steele
    Hank Irons is the very definition of ’bachelor’. He carries home a new girl every weekend and has been thoroughly enjoying his life since his divorce. This weekend, though, he plans to enjoy his weekend alone.Then the new neighbors arrive. They’re moving their things by themselves, and Hank decides to help them. How can he pass up the chance to get a close-up of Missy Stills, t...

    21,67 €

  • Sex In a New City
    J. Steele
    You may find yourself in moments when you feel most uncertain just like you may find happiness in the least expected places- or the least expected people. This is a story of unanticipated love and irresistible lust. This is the story of an eighteen-year-old girl who badly wants her life to change. Marsha is devastated and completely heart-broken. She just got fired, had a br...

    22,87 €

  • Away From the Sun
    Sandra W. Burch
    When Phoenix Chamberlain’s former lover, Monica Swarovski commits suicide, he learns the truth he never knew-he has a son. Newly wed to Sierra, Phoenix has no place in his heart for his son’s guardian, Sue Deveraux, the woman determined to disrupt his life. Yet Phoenix can’t ignore the attraction he feels to her.Seeing Sue Deveraux at Seaside Haven is the last thing Sierra Cham...

    24,87 €

  • Escuta Ativa
    Lilly De Sisto
    ✓ Finalmente, o manual para saber tudo, saber realmente como ouvir os outros está disponível!Você finalmente encontrou o livro que estava procurando: página após página, você poderá embarcar em um caminho que irá guiá-lo, passo a passo, ao conhecimento da comunicação efetiva com outras pessoas!Nas 110 páginas do livro, você conhecerá e entenderá os seguintes tópicos:- Tipos de ...

    20,82 €

  • Active Listening
    Lilly De Sisto
    ✓ Finally available the manual to know everything, really everything, about really listening to others!You’ve finally found the book you’ve been looking for: page after page, you’ll be able to embark on a path that will guide you, step by step, to the knowledge of how to effectively communicate with other people!In the 110 pages of the book, you will get to know and understand ...

    38,11 €

  • Escucha Activa
    Lilly De Sisto
    ✓ Por fin disponible el manual para saberlo todo, pero realmente todo, sobre la escucha real de los demás!Por fin ha encontrado el libro que buscaba: página tras página, podrá emprender un camino que le guiará, paso a paso, hacia el conocimiento de cómo comunicarse eficazmente con otras personas.En las 110 páginas del libro, podrá conocer y comprender los siguientes temas:- Tip...

    37,97 €

  • sunflower yellow
    Rob Lezcano
    I’m sure everybody has stories. I happen to have a lot of them. This is a quick read of 25 years of things that happened to me with my friends and loved ones, and how I learned about sex, life, heartbreaks, and ultimately how not to treat women. ...

    38,48 €

  • Como dejar de Roncar!
    Caroline Morel
    El ruido de una autopista con mucho tráfico: este es el récord mundial de ronquidos. Pero el roncador medio también conoce el tormento de la noche: la pareja se escapa al sofá, la noche es intranquila y la mañana comienza como si fuera barrida.Uno de cada tres adultos ronca regularmente, y entre los hombres de más de 50 años, el porcentaje alcanza el 80 por ciento.Hay muchas ra...

    37,85 €

  • Effektiva lösningar för att stoppa snarkning
    Caroline Morel
    Ljudet från en trafikerad motorväg: detta är världsrekordet i snarkning. Men den genomsnittlige snarkaren känner också till nattens plågori: partnern flyr till soffan, natten är rastlös och morgonen börjar som om den sveptes bort.En av tre vuxna snarkar regelbundet, och bland män över 50 år når andelen upp till 80 procent.Det finns många olika orsaker till detta: lösa muskler, ...

    37,88 €

  • Mobbing la locul de muncă
    Daniel York
    Această carte descrie epava personală și profesională prin care trec oamenii care sunt victimele așa-numitului mobbing, sau psiho-terorism la locul de muncă, care distruge capacitatea de muncă și rezistența psihologică a celor care îl suferă.Aveți în mâini un ghid practic de autoajutorare pentru a recunoaște problema și a învăța să o identificați la timp, răspunzând la ea în mo...

    21,04 €

  • Remedii eficiente pentru a opri sforăitul!
    Caroline Morel
    Sunetul unei autostrăzi aglomerate: acesta este recordul mondial pentru sforăit. Dar sforăitorul obișnuit cunoaște și el chinul nopții: partenerul fuge pe canapea, noaptea este agitată, iar dimineața începe ca și cum ar fi măturată.Unul din trei adulți sforăie în mod regulat, iar în rândul bărbaților de peste 50 de ani, procentul ajunge la 80 la sută.Există multe motive diferit...

    37,85 €

  • Skuteczne sposoby na zatrzymanie chrapania
    Caroline Morel
    Hałas ruchliwej autostrady - oto rekord świata w chrapaniu. Ale przeciętny chrapiący zna też udrękę nocy: partner ucieka na kanapę, noc jest niespokojna, a poranek zaczyna się jak gdyby od niechcenia.Jedna na trzy osoby dorosłe chrapie regularnie, a wśród mężczyzn powyżej 50 roku życia odsetek ten sięga 80 procent.Istnieje wiele różnych przyczyn tego zjawiska: rozluźnione mięśn...

    20,47 €

  • Horlamayı durdurmak için etkili çareler
    Caroline Morel
    İşlek bir otoyolun gürültüsü: Bu, horlama konusunda dünya rekorudur. Ancak ortalama bir horlayıcı da gecenin azabını bilir: partner kanepeye kaçar, gece huzursuzdur ve sabah sanki süpürülmüş gibi başlar.Her üç yetişkinden biri düzenli olarak horlar ve 50 yaşın üzerindeki erkeklerde bu oran yüzde 80’e ulaşır.Bunun birçok farklı nedeni vardır: gevşek kaslar, büyümüş bademcikler, ...

    37,85 €

  • Effectieve remedies om te stoppen met snurken
    Caroline Morel
    Het geluid van een drukke snelweg: dat is het wereldrecord snurken. Maar ook de gemiddelde snurker kent de kwelling van de nacht: de partner ontsnapt naar de bank, de nacht is onrustig, en de ochtend begint als weggevaagd.Een op de drie volwassenen snurkt regelmatig, en bij mannen boven de 50 jaar loopt dit percentage op tot 80 procent.Er zijn veel verschillende redenen voor: l...

    20,45 €

  • Effectieve remedies om te stoppen met snurken
    Caroline Morel
    Het geluid van een drukke snelweg: dat is het wereldrecord snurken. Maar ook de gemiddelde snurker kent de kwelling van de nacht: de partner ontsnapt naar de bank, de nacht is onrustig, en de ochtend begint als weggevaagd.Een op de drie volwassenen snurkt regelmatig, en bij mannen boven de 50 jaar loopt dit percentage op tot 80 procent.Er zijn veel verschillende redenen voor: l...

    37,89 €

  • Horlamayı durdurmak için etkili çareler
    Caroline Morel
    İşlek bir otoyolun gürültüsü: Bu, horlama konusunda dünya rekorudur. Ancak ortalama bir horlayıcı da gecenin azabını bilir: partner kanepeye kaçar, gece huzursuzdur ve sabah sanki süpürülmüş gibi başlar.Her üç yetişkinden biri düzenli olarak horlar ve 50 yaşın üzerindeki erkeklerde bu oran yüzde 80’e ulaşır.Bunun birçok farklı nedeni vardır: gevşek kaslar, büyümüş bademcikler, ...

    20,30 €

  • Stop Snoring!
    Caroline Morel
    The noise of a busy highway: this is the world record for snoring. But the average snorer also knows the torment of the night: the partner escapes to the couch, the night is restless, and the morning begins as if swept away.One in three adults snores regularly, and among men over the age of 50 the percentage reaches 80 percent.There are many different reasons for this: loose mu...

    37,85 €

  • Effektiva lösningar för att stoppa snarkning
    Caroline Morel
    Ljudet från en trafikerad motorväg: detta är världsrekordet i snarkning. Men den genomsnittlige snarkaren känner också till nattens plågori: partnern flyr till soffan, natten är rastlös och morgonen börjar som om den sveptes bort.En av tre vuxna snarkar regelbundet, och bland män över 50 år når andelen upp till 80 procent.Det finns många olika orsaker till detta: lösa muskler, ...

    20,25 €

  • Skuteczne sposoby na zatrzymanie chrapania
    Caroline Morel
    Hałas ruchliwej autostrady - oto rekord świata w chrapaniu. Ale przeciętny chrapiący zna też udrękę nocy: partner ucieka na kanapę, noc jest niespokojna, a poranek zaczyna się jak gdyby od niechcenia.Jedna na trzy osoby dorosłe chrapie regularnie, a wśród mężczyzn powyżej 50 roku życia odsetek ten sięga 80 procent.Istnieje wiele różnych przyczyn tego zjawiska: rozluźnione mięśn...

    37,91 €

  • Make it to Midnight
    Jim Denning
    'Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.' (Matthew 6:34)'Don’t worry.' Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? In Matthew 6:34, Jesus is encouraging Christians to live in the present. It has been said that depression is pain from the past, and anxiety is pain from the future. In order to live a happy life, we m...

    22,00 €

  • The Ring Does Not Fit
    Sunshine Rodgers
    If you ever want to be in a relationship, you need to read this book! It’s worth your time to sit down and take in all that this story offers because this book contains hidden wisdom about taking nothing for granted, fighting for what you want and accepting God’s best!'-Excerpt from Foreword written by News Producer Travis RodgersAlena is stuck in a mundane marriage and longing...

    20,19 €

  • Guía de padres a educación sexual
    Ubaldo Sánchez Gutiérrez
    Cuando escuchas el término 'conversaciones de escenarios sexuales', ¿Qué es lo primero que te viene a la mente? Hablar con tu hijo sobre sexo no es una tarea nada fácil, ya que requiere tiempo, esfuerzo e investigación exhaustiva para asegurarte de que lo harás correctamente. En este libro cuenta con lo necesario para entablar una conversación de educación sexual con tus hijos....

    9,48 €

  • Návod na sexuálnu výchovu pre rodičov.
    Ubaldo Sánchez Gutiérrez
    Keď počujete výraz „hovory o sexuálnom scenári', čo vám ako prvé napadne? Rozprávať sa s dieťaťom o sexe nie je ľahká úloha, pretože si vyžaduje čas, úsilie a rozsiahly výskum, aby ste sa uistili, že to budete robiť správne. Táto kniha má všetko, čo je potrebné na začatie rozhovoru o sexuálnej výchove s vašimi deťmi. ...

    9,65 €

  • And Just When I Thought We Were Friends
    It is perfect for everyone who makes a super cool souvenir idea for coworkers’ retirement.Excellent item for guests to share their good wishes and memories, the perfect addition to any retirement party.Surprise them with a unique present and put a smile on their face.This book has a total of 100 pages. ...

    18,89 €

  • Like Kites in Flight
    Ellen Renneboog
    This is our story. It is a complicated one. We are fourty years apart and fell in love. Age ain’t nothing but a number they say, yet everybody had strong opinions about us. This is our story. It is unique an yet it is a love story like any other. ...

    56,88 €

  • Al di là dello specchio
    Richard J. Kaspar
    Il viaggio verso l’autoaccettazione è uno dei percorsi più profondi e trasformatori che un individuo possa intraprendere. In 'Al di là dello Specchio', l’autore esplora il delicato equilibrio tra l’abbraccio di sé e le sfide che emergono nel contesto delle pressioni sociali, delle esperienze personali e delle aspettative interne. Dalle radici psicologiche dell’autogiudizio alle...

    52,06 €

  • The Wander Inn
    Carol Estella Brown
    a novel about the struggles of a single mother, trying to raise her children and run a business while the rest of life gets in the way, including an abusive husband. ...

    24,09 €

  • Starstruck
    Carol Estella Brown
    Can two women fall in love with the same man, and still remain friends? This is the story of two women, whose lifelong friendship bonds them together, even when it is challenged by one man who loves them both. Life often complicates the best made plans, even with the best of intentions and the help of friends and family. ...

    22,21 €