Catálogo de libros: Psicología

30772 Catálogo de libros: Psicología

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  • The Voremalump 2
    Tyler Mann
    The Voremalump’s mastery of vore is brought into question by his rival, The Voremaroo and only an eager young man can decide who is best with their maw. Contains content not suitable for children. All characters portrayed over 18. ...

    14,40 €

  • Finding Yourself One Day At A Time
    Amber Mac
    We have all went through trauma whether we choose to recognize it or not. After losing several friends to the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, then my husband I was unable to find the help I needed to uproot all of the trauma I faced in my life. Within this workbook I ask questions of you to process, dealing with the pain you have masked through the years. These are all questions I a...

    18,21 €

  • Mr Nasty Storyman Anthologies Volume One The Original Creepypasta Stories Part One Uncut Version
    Mr Nasty Storyman Anthologies Volume One The Original Creepypasta Stories Part One Uncut Version Is a AmericanCreepypasta And Anthology And Horror And Dark Comedy And Erotic Comedy Short Story Series Created By Anthology And Creepypasta And Horror Novelist MCGOKU305 San That Was Originally Written In 2010 Whilst MCGOKU305 San Himself Was Only Was At The Age Of 14 Years Old At...

    47,06 €

  • Make it to Midnight
    Jim Denning
    'Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.' (Matthew 6:34)'Don’t worry.' Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? In Matthew 6:34, Jesus is encouraging Christians to live in the present. It has been said that depression is pain from the past, and anxiety is pain from the future. In order to live a happy life, we m...

    12,04 €

  • Verso Casa
    Matteo Thiella
    Alan ha qualche amico, qualche difetto, qualche sogno nel cassetto e qualche amore che lo aspetta, anche se lui proprio non riesce a trovarlo. È incoerente, ma obiettivo; determinato e pigro; un po’ porco e un po’ sporco.Che sia verso la montagna o verso una bella ragazza, che sia tra gli amici o nel lontano Canada, Alan è alla ricerca della sua felicità. E quando gli appare, q...

    19,93 €

  • The Suicide of Katherine Black
    Shain Mayer
    After a young girl’s suicide, her best friend notices things may not be as they seem. How far will he go to uncover the mystery of her death? ...

    11,42 €

  • Urvashi उर्वशी (Hindi Edition)
    Jaishankar Prasad
    ’उर्वशी’ का नायक पुरुरवा है-रूप, रस, गंध, स्पर्श और शब्द से मिलने वाले सुखों से उद्वेलित मनुष्य। उर्वशी चक्षु, रसना तथा घ्राण की कामनाओं का प्रतीक है। इस प्रकार ’उर्वशी’ का नायक इंद्रीय सुख पर निसार होने वाला मनुष्य है। वह देह का तिरस्कार नहीं करता। ’उर्वशी’ का केंद्रीय तत्व काम है। देवत्व और मनुष्यत्व को काम के निकष पर जिस साहस के साथ प्रस्तुत कहानी में बताया गया है, वह अन्यत्...

    9,99 €

  • Me and My Stepbrother
    Velvet Cox
    Following her trip with her stepdad, Chrissy finally has the chance to relax and take it easy. However her stepbrother comes home and tells her of a party. Chrissy’s initially reluctant but, as she says, ’you only live once’. This is no ordinary party however, and it soon ends in debauchery. ...

    7,33 €

  • Out of Service
    Taking care of your parent’s body, a patient, or even yourself can be challenging, and then you’ll need all the additional assistance you can get.With this personal health record keeper, you may keep all of your medical information in one spot.Name, condition, dose, frequency, start and end dates, prescribing physician, and notes sections should be included in the medication lo...

    18,96 €

  • Louisa Pallant (Esprios Classics)
    Henry James
    Henry James OM (1843-1916) was an Anglo-American novelist. He was one of the most important literary people of the late 19th century. James was the son of Henry James Senior, a clergyman, and the brother of William James, the psychologist and philosopher. He grew up mostly in the United States but spent the majority of his life in England. He became a British citizen in 1915. H...

    17,57 €

  • Conflicts
    Abdenal Carvalho
    After writing several stories and delighting many people with his novels and short stories, Eduardo decides to talk about himself, his frustrations, pains and life full of perversity, orgies and drugs, in a plot where there are only two characters: He, with his thoughts full of conflicts and contradictions, and loneliness always in silence, mocking your unhappiness, until a new...

    32,95 €

  • Prejudices
    Abdenal Carvalho
    André is a young man who since his adolescence has been a victim of intolerance and prejudice on the part of his family, neighbors and everyone who knew him. older brother, due to his condition of homosexual. The situation reached the extreme of him being expelled from home, going to live with a couple of elderly uncles, where he finished his studies. Years later he took over t...

    32,95 €

  • What a Young Woman Ought to Know (Esprios Classics)
    Mary Wood-Allen
    Mary Augusta Wood-Allen (October 19, 1841 - January 21, 1908) was an American doctor, social reformer, lecturer, and writer of books on health and self-improvement for women and children. Through her lectures and writings she was a voice for the social purity movement. After three years studying in Vienna, Austria, Wood-Allen earned a medical degree from the University of Michi...

    22,90 €

  • Beyond Your Number Type 1
    Stephanie J Spencer
    The work of enneagram can be daunting. Beyond Your Number Journals are designed to open space for you to see your behaviors, motivations, fears, and hopes with more clarity and compassion. This Beyond Your Number Type 1 journal includes color choices, quotes, space, and a mix of both challenging and affirming questions specifically curated for Type 1s, like:What would it feel l...

    15,98 €

  • Beyond Your Number Type 7
    Stephanie J Spencer
    The work of enneagram can be daunting. Beyond Your Number Journals are designed to open space for you to see your behaviors, motivations, fears, and hopes with more clarity and compassion. This Beyond Your Number Type 7 journal includes color choices, quotes, space, and a mix of both challenging and affirming questions specifically curated for Type 7s, like:How am I trying to c...

    15,98 €

  • Beyond Your Number Type 9
    Stephanie J Spencer
    The work of enneagram can be daunting. Beyond Your Number Journals are designed to open space for you to see your behaviors, motivations, fears, and hopes with more clarity and compassion. This Beyond Your Number Type 9 journal includes color choices, quotes, space, and a mix of both challenging and affirming questions specifically curated for Type 9s, like:When have I been ove...

    15,98 €

  • Beyond Your Number Type 5
    Stephanie J Spencer
    The work of enneagram can be daunting. Beyond Your Number Journals are designed to open space for you to see your behaviors, motivations, fears, and hopes with more clarity and compassion. This Beyond Your Number Type 5 journal includes color choices, quotes, space, and a mix of both challenging and affirming questions specifically curated for Type 5s, like:What is my relations...

    15,98 €

  • Beyond Your Number Type 4
    Stephanie J Spencer
    The work of enneagram can be daunting. Beyond Your Number Journals are designed to open space for you to see your behaviors, motivations, fears, and hopes with more clarity and compassion. This Beyond Your Number Type 4 journal includes color choices, quotes, space, and a mix of both challenging and affirming questions specifically curated for Type 4s, like:How much space does ...

    15,98 €

  • Beyond Your Number Type 2
    Stephanie J Spencer
    The work of enneagram can be daunting. Beyond Your Number Journals are designed to open space for you to see your behaviors, motivations, fears, and hopes with more clarity and compassion. This Beyond Your Number Type 2 journal includes color choices, quotes, space, and a mix of both challenging and affirming questions specifically curated for Type 2s, like:Do I feel loved and ...

    15,98 €

  • La otra cara de la inocencia
    Magda Guarido Jonema
    Después de la experiencia vivida con César, Clara queda totalmente vencida; no tiene ganas de estudiar, ni de salir, ni de vivir. Abandona a su madre y al círculo de vicio que se mueve a su alrededor. Trabaja duro y ahorra algo de dinero para comprarse una vieja cabaña en mitad de la nada.Cada noche regresa a su cabaña sombría, sucia y abandonada. Hasta que una noche, mientras ...

    16,94 €

  • O Preço da Traição
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Após ter alcançado o ponto mais alto de minhas ambições e ter me tornado um homem de extrema importância meio a comunidade cristã da qual pertencia, ocupando uma posição eclesiástica de extremo valor me deixei levar pela arrogância, cegar-me pelos desejos impuros da alma e de um coração totalmente corrompido pelo pecado e terminei por cometer atos imorais tão grandes que manche...

    30,76 €

  • Sex Positions
    Stella Young
    Don’t let your relationship crumble!If you want to put your sexual intercourse on turbo, then read on!Do you have problems in the bedroom?Is your sex life collapsing under the weight of boredom?You don’t know how to 'freshen up' the sexual relationship with your partner?This guide is what you are looking for!The Illustrated Practical Guide to Sex!151 sexual positions that will ...

    24,51 €

  • Recuerdos de un Sádico
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Marcos fue un importante escritor con una inteligencia incomparable para la literatura, su impresionante capacidad para crear historias en un corto espacio de tiempo le valió varios premios, así como un amplio reconocimiento en el mundo literario. Sus lectores se encontraban en todo el mundo y todas sus obras fueron un gran éxito de ventas. Sin embargo, debido a una cierta tend...

    71,85 €

  • Sofía
    Abdenal Carvalho
    SOFÍA es la historia de ficción de una mujer que, desde pequeña, sufre porque nació en una familia inadecuada y miserable, pero tiene en su corazón la esperanza de que algún día será posible cambiar la maldita suerte que el destino le depara. A los trece años, es violada y perseguida por los hombres, sin embargo, ella lucha por amarlos y es traicionada, completamente repugnante...

    80,27 €

  • Explosión
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Cuando sufrimos demasiado por las desilusiones de la vida, especialmente en el amor, perdemos la confianza en los demás y cada día muere la esperanza de ser felices. Sin embargo, debemos entender que mientras exista la vida, siempre habrá nuevas oportunidades para que encontremos la verdadera felicidad. Esta obra refleja el arrebato de un hombre profundamente herido en el coraz...

    66,85 €

  • Sophia
    Abdenal Carvalho
    SOPHIA is the fictional story of a woman who, since childhood, suffers from being born into an inadequate and miserable family, but carries in her heart the hope that one day it will be possible to change the damned luck that fate has in store for her. At the age of thirteen she is raped and becomes haunted by men, yet she struggles to love them and is betrayed, completely revo...

    80,35 €

  • Soledad
    Abdenal Carvalho
    ¿Quién de nosotros nunca se ha encontrado cara a cara con la soledad en algún momento de nuestras vidas? SOLIDÃO es la historia de un hombre sin suerte en el amor que lo dio todo por vivir el matrimonio con la mujer de sus sueños y, tras fracasar varias veces, pierde todo lo que posee, se empobrece, acaba en un barrio bajo, rodeado de extrema miseria, narcotraficantes, adictos ...

    49,02 €

  • The Street Walker That Isn’t Alive Part One Volume One
    The Street Walker That Isn’t AliveIs a American Supernatural Dark Fantasy Erotic Psychological Thriller Novel Written By Author MCGOKU305 SanThe Story is aboutA Female Named Tali Tilapia Whom is Street Walker That Is In Her Mid Twenties To Early Thirties And Has a voluptuous Body And a Sweet Clear Soft Voice Whom Had Passed Away While Working as a Street Walker When She was Ali...

    54,95 €

  • Hand In Hand - 30 Questions You Can Ask Your Romantic Partner In Order To Build A Healthy Relationship
    Hand In Hand - 30 Questions You Can Ask Your Romantic Partner In Order To Build A Healthy Relationship.Asking questions is a powerful tool that can help us gain knowledge and understanding into areas of life we were previously ignorant about especially when we receive the right answers to our questions.Asking questions is also a great way of learning more about people which can...

    21,21 €

  • 30 Healthy Ways You Can Show Love To Your Relationship Partner Without Spending Money
    Yefet Yoktan
    30 Healthy Ways You Can Show Love To Your Relationship Partner Without Spending Money.Sometimes, being in a romantic relationship can be costly. This stereotype of relationships costing tons of money has led some people to avoid getting into relationships completely or getting out of already stabilized unions.You can show your love without spending money. The prompts, ways, exe...

    19,13 €