Catálogo de libros: Psicología

22980 Catálogo de libros: Psicología

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  • The Incomplete Adult
    Margaret J. Lundberg / Margaret JLundberg / UNKNOWN

    82,37 €

  • Ethological Studies of Child Behaviour
    Blurton Jones / Nicholas Blurton Jones

    52,45 €

  • The Young Adolescent
    Peter Blos
    Through his extensive clnical experience with adolescents Dr. Blos has come to consider the early years of adolescence the most crucial ones because they lay the foundation for later adolescent development. Fixations in the early phases of adolescence give rise to deviant developments which the two case studies of this volume richly illustrate. Susan and Ben were both successfu...

    16,38 €

  • Images of Hope
    S.J. William F. Lynch / S.JWilliam FLynch
    This is a book about hope. Part 1 is a compact but necessarily limited attempt to describe the actual structure and concrete forms of hope and hopelessness; Part 2 is an exploration of a psychology of hope, the beginning of an investigation of what psychic forms and dynamisms move most toward hope and against hopelessness; and Part 3 is an analogous effort to suggest the outlin...

    142,86 €

  • Images of Hope
    S.J. William F. Lynch / S.JWilliam FLynch
    This is a book about hope. Part 1 is a compact but necessarily limited attempt to describe the actual structure and concrete forms of hope and hopelessness; Part 2 is an exploration of a psychology of hope, the beginning of an investigation of what psychic forms and dynamisms move most toward hope and against hopelessness; and Part 3 is an analogous effort to suggest the outlin...

    42,34 €

  • The I and the Not-I
    Mary Esther Harding
    This book provides a very accessible general introduction to the Jungian concept of ego development and Jung’s theory of personality structure--the collective unconscious, anima, animus, shadow, archetypes. ...

    57,00 €

  • Overcoming Frustration and Anger,
    Paul A. Hauck / Paul AHauck

    16,99 €

  • The Kuhlman-Binet Tests for Children of Preschool Age
    Florence Laura Goodenough / UNKNOWN

    95,93 €

  • The Image of the Army Officer in America
    C. Robert Kemble / Charles Robert Kemble / CRobert Kemble / UNKNOWN

    82,18 €

  • ESP and Personality Patterns
    Gertrude Raffel Schmeidler / R. A. McConnell / RAMcConnell

    69,93 €

  • In Search of Common Ground
    Erik H. Erikson / Erik HErikson / Huey P. Newton / Huey PNewton

    15,09 €

  • Psychic Energy
    Mary Esther Harding
    A study of the primitive and unconscious aspects of man’s nature and the processes by which their energies may contribute to the integration of personality. New edition, comprehensively revised and enlarged, with many new illustrations. ...

    100,20 €

  • Social Deviancy and Adolescent Personality
    John Charles Ball / UNKNOWN

    96,03 €

  • What Is Psychoanalysis?
    Ernest Jones

    96,17 €

  • The Nature of Intelligence
    L. L. Thurstone / LLThurstone / Louis Leon Thurstone / UNKNOWN

    69,60 €

  • C.G. Jung
    C. G. Jung / CGJung / R. F.C. Hull / RF.CHull
    Carl Gustav Jung, the great Swiss psychologist, who died in 1961 in his eighty-sixth year, was a profound thinker of extraordinary creativity. In the course of his medical practice he reflected deeply on human nature and human problems, and his prolific writings bear witness to his great wisdom and insight.For this completely revised edition, selections from publications of the...

    49,56 €

  • Beyond the Information Given
    Jerome Buner / Jerome S. Bruner / Jerome SBruner

    40,27 €

  • On Being Intelligent
    Ashley Montagu / UNKNOWN

    108,24 €

  • Intelligence in the United States
    John B. Miner / John BMiner / UNKNOWN

    95,77 €

  • Dynamics in Psychology
    Wolfgang Kohler / Wolgang Kohler

    15,92 €

  • Inferiority Feelings in the Individual and the Group
    Brachfeld F. Oliver / Brachfeld FOliver / F. Oliver Brachfeld / FOliver Brachfeld

    121,38 €

  • Confrontations with Myself
    Helene Deutsch

    16,60 €

  • Insight and Responsibility
    Erik H. Erikson / Erik H. Erilson / Erik HErikson / Erik HErilson

    17,39 €

  • Psychology in the Nursery School.
    Nelly Wolffheim

    94,78 €

  • Shame and Guilt
    Gerhart Piers / Milton B. Singer / Milton BSinger

    15,20 €

  • When We Deal with Children
    Fritz Redl

    24,41 €

  • The Dream, Mirror of Conscience
    Werner Wolff

    108,28 €

  • An Introduction to the Psychology of Religion
    Robert H. Thouless / Robert Henry Thouless / Robert HThouless

    55,93 €

  • On Problem-Solving.
    Karl Duncker / UNKNOWN

    124,51 €

  • Mind and Performance
    Harold Kenneth Fink / UNKNOWN

    69,93 €