Catálogo de libros: Psicología

22980 Catálogo de libros: Psicología

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  • Psychology and the East
    C. G. Jung / CGJung / R. F.C. Hull / RF.CHull
    Extracted from Volumes 10, 11, 13, and 18. Includes Commentary on The Secret of the Golden Flower, Psychological Commentary on The Tibetan Book of the Dead and The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation, Foreword to Suzuki’s Introduction to Zen Buddhism, and Foreword to the I Ching. ...

    40,54 €

  • Infanticide
    Maria W. Piers / Maria WPiers

    16,95 €

  • Psychology and the Occult
    C. G. Jung / CGJung / R. F.C. Hull / RF.CHull
    Extracted from Volumes 1, 8, and 18. Includes Jung’s Foreword to Phenomènes Occultes (1939), 'On the Psychology and Pathology of So-called Occult Phenomena,' 'The Psychological Foundations of Belief in Spirits,' 'The Soul and Death,' 'Psychology and Spiritualism,' 'On Spooks: Heresy or Truth?' and Foreword to Jaffé: Apparitions and Precognition. ...

    43,52 €

  • Masculinity and Femininity
    Janet T. Spence / Janet TSpence
    Many societies assign sharply distinguished roles to men and women. Personality differences, as well as physical differences, between men and women are used to justify these different sex roles, and women are seen as more emotionally and interpersonally sensitive than men, while men are said to be more competent, achievement oriented, and assertive than women. A widely held vie...

    40,28 €

  • Thinking

    85,99 €

  • Three Magic Words
    U. S. Andersen / USAndersen
    Three Magic Words is a ground-breaking book about the greatest idea in the world—a secret revealed in just three words—an idea so simple, so startling, so wonderful that it can start you on an adventure that will forever change the way you see yourself, others, and life. Knowing the secret opens up a whole new world of contentment, fulfillment, joy and abundance. ...

    16,03 €

  • The Gifted Student
    Jean Laubenfels

    88,98 €

  • Life History and the Historical Moment
    Erik Homburger Erikson / H. Erik Erikson / HErik Erikson

    19,14 €

  • Understanding Causality
    Jean Jean Piaget / R. Garcia / RGarcia / Donald Miles

    19,45 €

  • Freudianism and the Literary Mind.
    Frederick John Hoffman / UNKNOWN

    121,10 €

  • Play and Development

    16,80 €

  • What Therapists Learn about Themselves & How They Learn It
    This work explores the self-help experiences of clinicians. It consists of personal accounts by psychiatrists who participated in the Autognosis Seminar at the Massachusetts General Hospital, and reveals what they learned about themselves and how they learned it. ...

    96,10 €

  • Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology
    Joe P. Tupin / Joe PTupin
    There have been significant advances in the field of psychopharmacology since the first edition of this handbook nearly 20 years ago. Most clinicians cannot keep up with all of these. ...

    136,03 €

  • Separation--Individuation
    Margaret S. Mahler / Margaret SMahler
    A collection of the papers of Margaret S. Mahler, providing an exposition of the development of Mahler’s essential concepts. ...

    120,49 €

  • Dialogue Concerning Contemporary Psychodynamic Therapy
    Richard D. Chessick / Richard DChessick
    In this unique book, Dr. Richard Chessick asks questions about psychotherapy and answers them. Engaging readers in a dialogue between a senior psychodynamic clinician and novice mental health professionals, one with a particularly medical-biological approach to psychological problems, Dr. Chessick demonstrates how dynamic therapy works and explains the current controversies in ...

    76,59 €

  • Intimacy and Infidelity
    Salman Akhtar
    Fidelity: from cannibalism to imperialism & beyond/intimacy & individuation/egocentricity. ...

    125,61 €

  • Treatment of the Borderline Personality
    Patricia Chatham / Patricia MChatham
    Brings the contribution of the developmental perspective to treatment. ...

    119,30 €

  • Internal Mother
    Henri Parens

    125,52 €

  • Mind-Body Problems
    Janet Schumacher Finell
    The opening paper profitably links psychosomatic disorders to alexithymia, the absence or deadening of feeling, the inability to identify or express emotion. Alexithymic individuals are particularly prone to disease as a result of the faulty processing of emotions that leads to cognitive deficit in coping with stressful affects. Animated case reports on specific disorders-anore...

    158,08 €

  • The History of Psychiatry
    Franz G. Allexander / Franz GAlexander / Franz GAllexander / Sheldon T. Selesnick / Sheldon TSelesnick
    This work provides an account of the people, movements and events that have influenced the direction and character of psychiatry. The authors trace the various ways of dealing with mental illness that have emerged and developed, from prehistoric times to the modern day. ...

    136,06 €

  • How Freud Worked
    Paul Puazen / Paul Roazen
    To learn more about Rowman & Littlefield titles please visit us at ...

    150,91 €

  • Infant & Child in the Culture
    Arnold Gesell
    A guide for parents to provide a detailed understanding of the physical and mental states of children from infancy to nursery school. Covering the first five years of life, typical child development including behaviour profiles, depicting physical and psychological states are documented.Product Details ...

    103,37 €

  • The Adolescent Journey
    Marsha Levy-Warren
    This is a comprehensive statement about adolescent development, identity formation, and treatment. ...

    157,59 €

  • Sexual Self (Revised) (Master Work Series)
    Avodah Offit

    65,07 €

  • The Riddle of Autism
    George Victor
    Much turmoil surrounds the devastating phenomenon of autism. Theories about its causes and analyses of its symptoms vary so widely that the contradictions seem irreconcilable. In The Riddle of Autism, Dr. George Victor provides an integrating perspective that is needed by researchers, clinicians, teachers, and others who work with autistic children. Divided into three sections ...

    103,74 €

  • Psychotherapeutic Intervention in Hysterical Disorders
    Albert S. Aniskiewicz / Albert SAniskiewicz / Willia JMueller / William J. Mueller / William JMueller
    To find more information about Rowman and Littlefield titles, please visit ...

    126,51 €

  • The Work of Hanna Segal
    Hanna Segal
    Segal establishes herself as one of the most productive and sensitive clinical psychoanalysts in the field today. Using techniques based on the work of both Freud and Klein, she shows a consistent interest in working with patients presenting the most severe type of psychopathology, as is evident in this volume of her clinical and theoretical papers. ...

    140,13 €

  • Casebook in Time-Limited Psychotherapy
    James Mann / Robert Goldman
    This work argues that the selection of 12 sessions on a once weekly basis mobilises hope and optimism in psychotherapy patients. It also necessitates dealing with the conscious and unconscious conflicts and meanings surrounding time, termination and separation-individuation. The patient knows precisely when the beginning stages of therapy are over, and where the middle and end ...

    96,10 €

  • Love and Hate in the Analytic Setting
    Glen O. Gabbard / Glen OGabbard / Glenn OGabbard
    Provides a practical yet sophisticated guide to the management of love and hate as they are experienced by both patient and therapist. ...

    151,09 €

  • Psychotherapy of Schizophrenia
    Bertram P. Karon / Bertram PKaron / Gary R. VandenBos / Gary REdVandenBos / Gary RVandenBos
    An important new book which is a stunning attempt by two knowledgeable, persevering psychotherapists to present their understanding and sound therapeutic approach to dealing with the difficulties and challenges of schizophrenic patients. ...

    198,52 €