Catálogo de libros: Psicología

22980 Catálogo de libros: Psicología

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  • Frustration and Aggression
    John Dollard / Leonard W. Doob / Leonard WDoob / Neal E. Miller / Neal EMiller

    69,66 €

  • Speech and Speech Disorders in Western Thought Before 1600.
    Ynez Viole O'Neill / Ynez Viole O. Neill / Ynez Viole ONeill / Ynez Viole O’Neill

    82,37 €

  • The Pear Stories
    UNKNOWN / Wallace L. Chafe / Wallace LChafe

    121,16 €

  • Creating Environments for Troubled Children
    Douglas Powers
    This moving account of the many different aspects of the work of a child psychiatry consultant in therapeutic group child-care programs is a practical, jargon-free treatment of the problems and tested solutions arising in group-care situations. Powers integrates sound principles of therapeutic care through interrelated essays, stories, poems, and photographs to evoke the emotio...

    64,53 €

  • Understanding Events
    David R. Heise / David RHeise

    49,61 €

  • Understanding Human Values
    Milton Rokeach

    22,61 €

  • Social Markers in Speech

    48,50 €

  • Brief Encounters
    Betty Edwards / Emily Coleman

    16,27 €

  • Before Speech
    Margaret Bullowa

    70,91 €

  • Integration of Psychology and Theology
    Bruce S. Narramore / Bruce SNarramore / John Carter / S. Bruce Narramore / SBruce Narramore

    19,06 €

  • Human Performance
    Michael I. Posner / Michael IPosner / Paul Morris Fitts / UNKNOWN

    95,85 €

  • Challenge of Psychical Research
    Gardner Murphy

    122,64 €

  • Organization in Vision
    Gaetano Kanizsa

    82,24 €

  • Fundamentals of Chid Psychiatry
    Stuart M. Finch / Stuart MFinch

    18,92 €

  • Behavior Modification and the Child
    Hazel B. Benson / Hazel BBenson / UNKNOWN

    105,11 €

  • Autistic Children
    Lorna Wing
    Although the underlying causes of early childhood autism are still unknown, recent years have seen much progress made in developing ways of helping autistic children to learn and practice social skills. Now this invaluable guide for parents, educators and physicians shows how an autistic child views his fantasy world and explains his difficulties in perceiving and understanding...

    12,69 €

  • Behavior Therapy
    Edward Erwin / Erwin Edward

    43,21 €

  • Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 9 (Part 2)
    C. G. Jung
    An investigation of the symbolism of the selfAion, originally published in German in 1951, is one of the major works of Jung’s later years. The central theme of the volume is the symbolic representation of the psychic totality through the concept of the Self, whose traditional historical equivalent is the figure of Christ. Jung demonstrates his thesis by an investigation of the...

    42,86 €

  • Dimensions of a New Identity
    Erik Homburger Erikson

    15,14 €

  • Superiority and Social Interest
    Alfred Adler

    23,00 €

  • Research in Community and Mental Health
    Roberta G. Simmons
    Research in Community and Mental Health ...

    176,64 €

  • Cognitive Styles in Law Schools
    Alfred G. Smith / Alfred GSmith
    People differ in their cognitive styles-their ways of getting and using information to solve problems and make decisions. Alfred G. Smith and his associates studied these differences in a selected group of over 800 students at a score of law schools throughout the United States. Two major cognitive styles were identified: that of the monopath, who follows a single route of esta...

    26,86 €

  • Psycho-Analysis for Teachers and Parents
    Anna Freud / Barbara Low

    15,18 €

  • The Symbolic Quest
    Edward C. Whitmont / Edward CWhitmont
    This book explores the use and development of man’s symbolizing capacities-those qualities that make him distinctly human. Dr. Whitmont describes the symbolic approach to a dream, which takes into account a symptom’s meaning in reference to an unfolding wholeness of personality. He then presents the view that the instinctual urge for meaning is served by the symbolizing capacit...

    62,23 €

  • Flying Saucers
    C. G. Jung / CGJung / R. F.C. Hull / RF.CHull
    'In the threatening situation of the world today, when people are beginning to see that everything is at stake, the projection-creating fantasy soars beyond the realm of earthly organizations and powers into the heavens, into interstellar space, where the rulers of human fate, the gods, once had their abode in the planets.... Even people who would never have thought that a reli...

    36,66 €

  • Human Intelligence
    Douglas K. Detterman / Douglas KDetterman / Robert J. PhD Sternberg / Robert JPhD Sternberg / UNKNOWN

    121,47 €

  • Truth and Reality
    Otto Rank / Jessie Taft

    15,23 €

  • Child Abuse and Neglect
    Beatrice J. Kalisch / Beatrice JKalisch / UNKNOWN

    104,45 €

  • Alienation
    Ignace Feuerlicht / UNKNOWN

    121,45 €

  • Groups and Individuals
    G. Douglas / GDouglas / Willem Doise / Douglas Graham

    55,61 €