Catálogo de libros: Psicología

22906 Catálogo de libros: Psicología

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  • Police Psychology and Its Growing Impact on Modern Law Enforcement
    Police psychology has become an integral part of present-day police agencies, providing support in the areas of personnel assessment, individual and organizational intervention, consultation, and operational assistance. Research-based resources contribute to those efforts by shedding light on best practices, identifying recent research and developments, and calling attention to...

    249,43 €

    Kelly Ives
    J U L I A K R I S T E V AART, LOVE, MELANCHOLY, PHILOSOPHY, SEMIOTICS AND PSYCHOANALYSISBy Kelly Ives Julia Kristeva was born in Bulgaria in 1941. Educated in part by French nuns, she was involved early on in her life with Communist Party youth organizations and children’s groups. Since moving to Paris in the 1960s, Kristeva has risen in stature in intellectual circles so tha...

    34,73 €

  • Projective Processes and Neuroscience in Art and Design
    Rachel Zuanon
    Recent advances in neuroscience suggest that the human brain is particularly well-suited to design things: concepts, tools, languages and places. Current research even indicates that the human brain may indeed have evolved to be creative, to imagine new ideas, to put them into practice, and to critically analyze their results. Projective Processes and Neuroscience in Art and De...

    242,75 €

    Kelly Ives
    J U L I A K R I S T E V AART, LOVE, MELANCHOLY, PHILOSOPHY, SEMIOTICS AND PSYCHOANALYSISBy Kelly Ives Julia Kristeva was born in Bulgaria in 1941. Educated in part by French nuns, she was involved early on in her life with Communist Party youth organizations and children’s groups. Since moving to Paris in the 1960s, Kristeva has risen in stature in intellectual circles so tha...

    21,33 €

  • The Brain's Business
    Gail Marie Pemberton
    The Brain's Business is for leaders, managers and anyone interested in their brain, understand its impact on business and relationships. It deals with the unconscious, which is the largest part of our brain, and influences all our thoughts, beliefs and behaviour. The unconscious governs every motivation and emotion we have. It affects everything in business, from relationsh...

    7,64 €

  • Global Perspectives on Youth Gang Behavior, Violence, and Weapons Use
    Youth violence has become a concern as gangs become a popular option for urban children and teenagers and weapons use among young populations becomes more prevalent. Exploring the psychological motivations and foundations upon which such violence is developed and cultivated can assist in better understanding the modern dilemma of violence, weapons use, and gang behavior among c...

    243,22 €

  • Forms of Knowledge
    PhD Anna Aragno
    This is the first comprehensive work emerging from psychoanalysis correlating with a   contemporary “information” paradigm and “inter-penetrative” world view. As such it examines interrelationships between forms of communication and the development of “mind” and conscious awareness, maintaining that these process-phenomena are integral to psychoanalytic methodology. Psychoanaly...

    25,24 €

  • Friend Grief in the Workplace
    Victoria Noe
    They’re friends and coworkers, so when they die, it’s not only a personal and professional loss but a challenge: How can you grieve and get your work done, too?In the fifth book in the Friend Grief series, Friend Grief in the Workplace: More Than an Empty Cubicle you’ll meet people whose friends were coworkers, too: in a TV newsroom, a rectory, a Broadway show and on a baseball...

    4,13 €

  • The Little Book of Awareness
    Peter Ingle
    Awareness is beyond the mind. At best, the mind can suggest what awareness is and describe what it is not. The Little Book of Awareness tries to go a step farther by evoking awareness in the reader and exploring what it means for awareness to consciously realize itself as pure awareness. Only when this happens does true transformation begin. ...

    13,80 €

  • The Guru’s Gift
    Ruth Angela
    If this is a natural biological stage of human evolution, why is it virtually unknown in the West? This is the question that Ruth sought to answer after her dramatic spiritual awakening in 1979. This mystical journey was so profoundly mind-altering, that Ruth embarked on a 30-year quest to understand the disturbing events that resulted in a transformative restructuring of her ...

    11,66 €

  • The Gospel According to Josh
    Josh Rivedal / Joshua Rivedal
    By the time Josh Rivedal turned twenty-five, he thought he’d have the perfect life-a few years singing on Broadway, followed by a starring role in his own television show. After which, his getaway home in the Hamptons would be featured in Better Homes & Gardens, and his face would grace the cover of the National Enquirer as Bigfoot’s not-so-secret lover. Instead, his resume is ...

    13,48 €

  • Relational Thinking Styles and Natural Intelligence
    Jayne Tristan / Phyllis Chiasson
    The science of intelligence has created a plethora of theories and measurements, which have various applications of both computational, social, and managerial significance. Relational Thinking Styles and Natural Intelligence: Assessing Inference Patterns for Computational Modeling explores a specific set of intelligence theories, unifying and quantifying to create a verifiable ...

    255,68 €

  • On Being Human and When a Man Comes to Himself
    Woodrow Wilson
    Before he became the 28th President of the United States (1913-21), the 34th Governor of New Jersey (1911-13), or even the 13th President of Princeton University (1902-10), Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) was a scholar and professor. In 1885, he received his Ph.D. in history and political science from Johns Hopkins University, and in 1897, he was granted tenure at Princeton Universi...

    6,28 €

  • Job Stress in University Staff
    Anthony H. Winefield / Anthony HWinefield / Carolyn Boyd / Judith Saebel
    'This is one of the most thorough and comprehensive studies of workplace stress among university staff ever undertaken. The authors of this book have done a great service to higher education throughout the world by their systematic research and insights. On behalf of the academic community at large, I would like to thank the authors of this remarkable book.' -- Cary L. Cooper, ...

    54,32 €

  • A Gentleman’s Cry
    Derrick Taylor
    This book is a tool to educate and impact both women and men who can learn fromtheir mistakes and allow themselves to look within when it comes to life experiences, relationships and themselves. However, throughout this time of redemption it seems I continue to battle with myself. When a true artist (whether it’s a painter, actor, musician, writer) creates a 'masterpiece'during...

    14,27 €

  • Drinkers of Infinity
    Arthur Koestler
    This selection of essays, book-reviews, broadcast talks and papers delivered to learned societies reflects the extraordinary breadth of Arthur Koestler’s interests. From the trial of Galileo to the pleasures of canoeing down the Loire, from a detailed examination of the ‘memory’ of flatworms to an equally detailed examination of the futility of quarantining dogs, the author wri...

    17,24 €

  • Applications of NLP
    Robert Brian Dilts
    This work presents the application of NLP to a number of important areas including business communication, sales, education, creative writing, health, family therapy and interpersonal negotiation. The book is composed of a collection of individual articles and is intended as a practical guide to using NLP skills and techniques in many different contexts. Its purpose is to show ...

    23,88 €

  • How to become who you are
    Ratziel Bander
    Every person’s individual conceptual reality is held in place by the subconscious, which exists on the periphery of our conscious experience. The conscious mind did not establish these conceptual constructions; they were gathered from experience by the subconscious and constructed to keep us safe. The ancient Greeks of the mystery schools called the result of this construction ...

    23,20 €

  • Five Survivors, a Hundred Lives
    Kaija Anttonen
    Five Survivors, a Hundred Lives is a book that will help us understand trauma and dissociation: that is, the way mistreatment in childhood can have an impact on one’s life and personality structure. The book brings a new level to a collective awareness that is being created. With this new awareness, trauma-related mental health problems can be met in an appropriate and healing ...

    57,02 €

  • Dynamic Learning
    Robert Brian Dilts / Todd Epstein
    Dynamic Learning is about a revolutionary new approach to learning and teaching. In this book, Robert Dilts and Todd Epstein present leading edge methods and techniques that improve the ability to learn in a variety of areas. Dilts and Epstein, co-authors of Tools for Dreamers, offer stimulating exercises and step-by-step procedures that help you to make better use of the most ...

    23,28 €

  • Double Dipping
    Rote Writer
    You know that feeling. That feeling you’ve been caught. Caught doing something maybe you shouldn’t have been doing. Well the other day Friendo receives a letter from Social Assistance letting him know just that. He’s been caught double dipping; double dipping into Social Assistance and Employment Insurance at the same time.'Memoir - Suicide' ...

    14,62 €

  • Someone I Love Has Died
    Andrew Lindwall
    The steps of grief and mourning are similar to embarking on a difficult journey. The paths you take and your final destination may look quite different than what you imagined.You are never alone and there are lots of things to discover along the way. Through it all, like Andrew, you can keep going and growing—and you will! ...

    4,38 €

  • The Diamond
    Robert B Davis II
    A collection of short stories and poetry presenting us with a look at the wisdom of the 'Old Master'. These lyrical stories give us a look into meditation, psychology, relativity, and Truth. All is covered in an artful and incredibly concise production. ...

    4,59 €

  • Can You See the Signs
    Denise Fenstermaker
    This book is about domestic violence. It gives warning signs to compare with what you’re dealing with. It has guidelines on how and where to get help. There’s a chapter that has do’s and don’ts for the people that want to help their friend or loved one. Plus ten real life stories from women that have experienced domestic violence. It is a book that can educate and enlighten peo...

    7,21 €

  • Grief Diaries
    Donna R Gore / Lynda Cheldelin Fell / Nicola Belisle
    Part of the 5-star book series, Grief Diaries: Surviving Loss by Homicide shares the poignant journeys of men and women seeking healing and hope in the aftermath of losing a loved one to murder. Offering 10 firsthand accounts about navigating the legal system, sorting belongings, facing the holidays and more, readers who share the same path will find comfort and compassion, fa...

    11,17 €

  • Transformative Parenting
    Edward V Haas
    With a primary focus on the early years of life, yet applicable to parenting at all ages, Transformative Parenting™ is an empathic, empowering approach to optimal parenting and personal growth and transformation. A powerful combination of cutting-edge psychological insight and ancient spiritual wisdom, it's a revolutionary method for raising your child to have empathy, conf...

    23,14 €

  • Saving Beauty
    Harvey A. Kaplan
    Does love have its limits?  Are couples challenged beyond what they can handle when one becomes ill?  How does one cope in the face of a devastating, debilitating disease that has come to steal your loved one from you? Saving Beauty is a deeply personal narrative of a marriage transformed by the emergence of a serious illness.  Dr. Kaplan shares his touching story of loving a ...

    18,48 €

  • Escape From Anxiety
    Peggy Sealfon
    A comprehensive easy-to-read guide through over 100 transformational strategies. The self-help book is uniquely organized  to suit personal lifestyles.  Part I is a veritable alphabet of bite-sized solutions from A to Z to use immediately. Part II shares advice on cultivating a personalized program for sustainable relief. It also provides foundational scientific understandings ...

    12,99 €

  • Getting Up
    Maxine Bigby Cunningham
    Getting Up is a collection of poetry and prose in which the author shares her trials and triumphs while living a full and vibrant life, despite her diagnosis of a mood disorder: depression. Through streams of consciousness, touching reflections, and lists, Maxine Bigby Cunningham shares her innermost thoughts and feelings as she goes through four stages: relapse, remembering, r...

    15,03 €

  • Relief from Anxiety and Panic
    Tess Graham
    Relief from Anxiety and Panic  by Tess Graham ANXIETY – A NEW UNDERSTANDING, A PRACTICAL SOLUTIONThere is a fast and natural way to get lasting relief from anxiety, but you may not have heard of it. Few people realise that the key is to correct the underlying disturbance in their physiology – that is, body function and blood chemistry, by learning to breathe correctly. And that...

    11,44 €