Catálogo de libros: Delito y criminología

2810 Catálogo de libros: Delito y criminología

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Servicios sociales y bienestar, criminología Eliminar filtro Delito y criminología Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Sex Crimes
    Alice Vachss
    'NOBODY KNOWS RAPISTS BETTER'  After being fired from her post as Chief of the Special Victims Unit for refusing to 'go along to get along,' Alice Vachss published the incendiary Sex Crimes, described as 'a stark, passionate closing argument in [her] broader case against the criminal justice system' by the NY Times, which named it as a Notable Book of the Year. Nick (Goodfellas...

    11,59 €

  • Cybercrime and Cloud Forensics
    Keyun Ruan
    While cloud computing continues to transform developments in information technology services, these advancements have contributed to a rise in cyber attacks; producing an urgent need to extend the applications of investigation processes. Cybercrime and Cloud Forensics: Applications for Investigation Processes presents a collection of research and case studies of applications fo...

    256,07 €

  • Corporate Hacking and Technology-Driven Crime
    In an age when computer crime is growing at a exponential rate and on a global scale, industry and government leaders are increasingly reliant upon answers from the academic and IT Security fields in order to keep cyber crime in check, and be ahead of the 'cyber criminal curve.' Corporate Hacking and Technology-Driven Crime: Social Dynamics and Implications addresses various as...

    236,22 €

  • Speaking Out
    Alan Berman / Berman Alan / Shirleene Robinson
    Based on the largest survey of gay, lesbian, bisexual, intersex, transgender and queer reactions to violence and harassment ever undertaken in Australia, this book gives voice to the many victims who have suffered in the state once recognised as Australia’s most homophobic. It tells of the barriers people face in dealing with the legal system, the reasons why some do not report...

    41,71 €

  • História Da Polícia No Brasil: Dos Quadrilheiros À Chefatura De Polícia
    Elisandro Carvalho
    O livro, lança luz sobre uma parcela significativa da evolução do sistema de segurança e ordem públicas brasileiro, desde a figura dos quadrilheiros coloniais até a atual e moderna estrutura de policiamento.A análise começa com os quadrilheiros, que no período colonial eram responsáveis pela vigilância noturna, guarda de presos e marcaram os primórdios da atividade policial no ...

    12,52 €

  • ADHD and Crime
    Neil Alexander-Passe
    Dr Neil Alexander-Passe’s call to action is appropriate and justified, no matter how uncomfortable it may make policy makers and those working in education, social or health care and justice feel.Dr Phillip Anderton is a former senior police officer and renowned expert on the links between ADHD and crime. Dr Neil Alexander-Passe’s combination of qualitative and quantitative dat...

    46,95 €

  • ADHD and Crime
    Neil Alexander-Passe
    Dr Neil Alexander-Passe’s call to action is appropriate and justified, no matter how uncomfortable it may make policy makers and those working in education, social or health care and justice feel.Dr Phillip Anderton is a former senior police officer and renowned expert on the links between ADHD and crime. Dr Neil Alexander-Passe’s combination of qualitative and quantitative dat...

    59,43 €

  • Crónicas De Un Investigador
    Luís Fernando De Lima Júnior
    ¿Cuánto vale una vida? ¿Existen vidas más o menos importantes? Para los investigadores de la Delegación de Homicidios de São José dos Campos, la respuesta escada vida vale la pena y representa una pérdida para quienes la aman .Nuestro día comienza cuando los suyos terminan...Es realmente un lema macabro pero apropiado, ya que el esfuerzo y la dedicación de los policías son el f...

    15,31 €

  • O Poder Da Mulher E A Delinquência
    Alberto De Maio E Salvador De Maio
    Comemorando os70 anos do livro O PODER DA MULHER E A DELINQUÊNCIA publicamos esta Edição Comemorativa - atualizada e revisada, com o objetivo de trazer aos leitoresa visão profética e realística dorenomadojurista e brilhanteadvogado criminalista , DR. SALVADOR DE MAIO. Baseado na sua larga experiênciaprofissional - jurídica e social - reuniu neste seu livro, farto e importante...

    26,14 €

  • Rótulos E Réus: A Prática De Labelling Approach No Sistema Juríco-penal Brasileiro
    Elisandro Carvalho
    É com grande satisfação, bem como, sentimento de partícipe e simplório colaborador, que passo a tecer breves considerações acerca do trabalho Rótulos e réus: a prática de labelling approach no sistema jurídico-penal brasileiro, da lavra de Elisandro Carvalho, cuja autoria representa o talento, a criatividade, e, sobretudo o arguto censo crítico de uma grande promessa regional d...

    15,62 €

  • Show Me Justice
    Alvin Sykes
    Show Me Justice tracks the life and career of the late civil-rights advocate and pioneer Alvin Lee Sykes, who used his self-taught legal knowledge to reopen the dormant murder case of Emmett Till. He was also tenacious in his investigation of other unsolved murder cases of African Americans from the civil-rights era.Typically, the people Sykes represented were as poor as he was...

    13,54 €

  • The Failure of the Occident
    Laurent Sueur
    In times past, the Occident enlightened the world when confusion reigned; the crepuscular reason of some righteous nations used to restore order, but this lighthouse is diseased: it seems that it is unable to show societies the ways to reality and goodness. Unfortunately, if the Statue of Liberty drowns in the port of New York, there will be no future, for the rest of the world...

    12,54 €

  • Excesso No Emprego De Armas De Fogo
    Fabrízio Menezes
    Com um tópico dedicado exclusivamente à analise do emprego letal de armas de fogo por agentes de segurança pública, a obra traz os aspectos jurídicos e científicos acerca do pleno exercício do direito à legítima defesa. O autor demonstra que a previsão legal do excesso culposo e a exigência do uso moderado dos meios são elementos prejudiciais às vítimas de injustas agressões, n...

    16,74 €

  • Impact of Gun Violence in School Systems
    The United States is a nation that has been facing a crisis of violence within its school system for decades. This disruptive and traumatic phenomenon has had lasting impacts on the systems in which educations must exist, but the ripple effects of this require an extensive analysis. To advance society, quality education is necessary, and ensuring that quality demands that exper...

    242,21 €

  • Impact of Gun Violence in School Systems
    The United States is a nation that has been facing a crisis of violence within its school system for decades. This disruptive and traumatic phenomenon has had lasting impacts on the systems in which educations must exist, but the ripple effects of this require an extensive analysis. To advance society, quality education is necessary, and ensuring that quality demands that exper...

    321,12 €

  • Modern Insights and Strategies in Victimology
    The study of victimization is experiencing profound changes with the introduction of new challenges and demands. From emerging forms of victimization to the continuous evolution of perpetrators’ methods, these shifts necessitate critical adjustments of the study at theoretical and practical levels. The scientific community, as well as public communities and institutions of just...

    373,38 €

  • Jugando con el derecho
    José M Atiles Osoria
    Como secuela y complemento de Apuntes para abandonar el derecho, Jugando con el derecho profundiza el cuestionamiento de José M. Atiles-Osoria al derecho como dispositivo del poder colonial para neutralizar y despolitizar los movimientos anticoloniales puertorriqueños, aun a pesar de victorias esporádicas en los tribunales. Con minuciosidad teórica e histórica, y nutriéndose de...

    24,44 €

  • Investigating and Combating Gender-Related Victimization
    In the field of victimology, the landscape of victimization is constantly evolving, presenting new challenges and demands. The traditional approaches to understanding and addressing victimization are often inadequate in capturing the complex and nuanced experiences of victims. Furthermore, the justice system and victim support services struggle to keep pace with the changing fo...

    347,20 €

  • Investigating and Combating Gender-Related Victimization
    In the field of victimology, the landscape of victimization is constantly evolving, presenting new challenges and demands. The traditional approaches to understanding and addressing victimization are often inadequate in capturing the complex and nuanced experiences of victims. Furthermore, the justice system and victim support services struggle to keep pace with the changing fo...

    261,76 €

  • Modern Insights and Strategies in Victimology
    The study of victimization is experiencing profound changes with the introduction of new challenges and demands. From emerging forms of victimization to the continuous evolution of perpetrators’ methods, these shifts necessitate critical adjustments of the study at theoretical and practical levels. The scientific community, as well as public communities and institutions of just...

    281,40 €

  • Lei Maria Da Penha
    Roberto Cavalcanti Albuquerque
    Conquanto não haja um marco inicial definido da misandria, talvez remotamente o advento das delegacias da mulher, a Lei Maria da Penha assume mui concretamente o papel de marco jurídico-legal da misandria.O artigo 5° caput da Constituição Federal é feito letra morta, e desigualdades processuais penais gritantes são plantadas no seio da sociedade em desfavor da figura masculina,...

    15,48 €

  • Criminological and Forensic Psychology
    Helen Gavin

    96,90 €

  • Your Future Is in Your Hands
    Franklyn Smith / Gerald Bradford / Terrence Morgan
    Your future is an open road, full of possibilities,and the life you want to live is within your grasp. You need a plan to get there. Your Future Is in Your Hands is that plan-a course comprised of 21 impactful modules to help you identify your goals and strengths, as well as potential obstacles and weaknesses, as you work toward a positive lifestyle and integration into the com...

    24,09 €

  • Research Methods in Criminal Justice
    Jack D. Fitzgerald / Jennifer Allen / Steven M. Cox
    Focusing specifically on scientific research in criminal justice, the 4th Edition of this text introduces students to qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research in a uniquely applied, relevant manner easily understood by future criminal justice professionals.  Divided into four sections (introduction to research in criminal justice; sampling methods; statistics; and ...

    146,09 €

  • Entendendo A Lei Maria Da Penha
    Carlos Arquimedes Rodrigues
    Este livro jurídico propõe uma análise profunda e crítica da Lei Maria da Penha, abordando não apenas suas disposiçõeslegais, mas também os desafios enfrentados em sua implementação e os avanços conquistados desde sua promulgação. Com uma abordagem multidisciplinar, exploramos as implicações sociais, culturais e jurídicas dessa legislação emblemática, oferecendo uma visão abran...

    21,42 €

  • The Politics of Safety
    Shannon King
    For much of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, public officials in cities like New York, Chicago, and Baltimore have criminalized uprisings as portending Black 'thugs' throwing rocks at police and plundering private property to undermine complaints of police violence. Liberal mayors like Fiorello H. La Guardia have often been the deftest practitioners of this strategy. A...

    126,51 €

  • The Politics of Safety
    Shannon King
    For much of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, public officials in cities like New York, Chicago, and Baltimore have criminalized uprisings as portending Black 'thugs' throwing rocks at police and plundering private property to undermine complaints of police violence. Liberal mayors like Fiorello H. La Guardia have often been the deftest practitioners of this strategy. A...

    37,65 €

  • Economic and Societal Impact of Organized Crime
    Alicia Danielsson
    Organized crime, a hidden and pervasive threat, casts its dark shadow over societies globally, impacting countless lives through activities like human trafficking, illegal drug trade, and cybercrime. This intricate web of criminality leaves lasting scars on individuals, families, and entire communities, with its true cost remaining obscured. Amidst this dilemma, the question ar...

    314,84 €

  • Economic and Societal Impact of Organized Crime
    Alicia Danielsson
    Organized crime, a hidden and pervasive threat, casts its dark shadow over societies globally, impacting countless lives through activities like human trafficking, illegal drug trade, and cybercrime. This intricate web of criminality leaves lasting scars on individuals, families, and entire communities, with its true cost remaining obscured. Amidst this dilemma, the question ar...

    235,92 €

  • A História Da Corrupção Na Humanidade
    Dener José Datti
    A obra faz uma análise da corrupção na história da humanidade.São apresentados fatos históricos que mostram a corrupção na história da humanidade e ao final é apresentado uma relação com as maiores máfias do mundo atual, com os nomes das máfias, onde atuam e seu principal produto no mundo do crime, atuando na corrupção inclusive dos governos principalmente de países da América ...

    11,09 €