Catálogo de libros: Servicios sociales y bienestar, criminología

6257 Catálogo de libros: Servicios sociales y bienestar, criminología

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Servicios sociales y bienestar, criminología Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Quer Ser Meu Pai?
    Alberto Dal Molin Filho
    Emocione-se com a magia das palavras do menino que queria muito ter um pai e, num gesto inocente, mudou a vida do estranho que cruzou seu caminho e de sua mãe. O romance nasce, aquele vazio que sentiam desaparece e, no lugar, frutifica uma vida cheia de amor e carinho. Uma linda história de amor, relacionamento e família que nos faz pensar na importância de abrirmos nossos cora...

    18,04 €

  • Murder By Increments
    OJ Modjeska
    Both books in OJ Modjeska’s true crime series, ’Murder By Increments’, now in one volume!A City Owned: This true story follows the investigation of the worst case of serial sex homicide in American history. As naked, strangled bodies of women begin to appear on suburban roads and freeways, police suspect the perpetrator may be one of their own. When an arrest is made in the str...

    31,24 €

  • Murder By Increments
    OJ Modjeska
    Both books in OJ Modjeska’s true crime series, ’Murder By Increments’, now in one volume!A City Owned: This true story follows the investigation of the worst case of serial sex homicide in American history. As naked, strangled bodies of women begin to appear on suburban roads and freeways, police suspect the perpetrator may be one of their own. When an arrest is made in the str...

    23,30 €

  • Facilitating Social Justice, Service Delivery, and Advocacy Through Multicultural Counseling Competencies
    Many post-secondary institutions have added courses dealing with diversity-related topics in their curriculum over the last decade. Because many professionals will encounter people with disabilities or underrepresented groups in their daily vocations, either as peers or people seeking services, it is essential to understand the unique challenges these individuals face in societ...

    282,21 €

  • Facilitating Social Justice, Service Delivery, and Advocacy Through Multicultural Counseling Competencies
    Many post-secondary institutions have added courses dealing with diversity-related topics in their curriculum over the last decade. Because many professionals will encounter people with disabilities or underrepresented groups in their daily vocations, either as peers or people seeking services, it is essential to understand the unique challenges these individuals face in societ...

    216,36 €

  • Handbook of Research on Network-Enabled IoT Applications for Smart City Services
    The rapid growth of IoT and its applications in smart cities pose significant challenges for academic scholars. The increasing number of interconnected devices and the massive amounts of data they generate strain traditional networks, leading to inefficiencies and security vulnerabilities. Additionally, the centralized control plane in Software Defined Networks (SDN) presents a...

    413,02 €

  • When nothing works
    Colin Haslam / Julie Froud / Luca Calafati
    What caused the UK’s cost of living crisis, and how can we rebuild? Setting out the concept of liveability, this book argues that rather than focus on increasing wages, we need to make life more liveable through foundational services and social infrastructure. ...

    156,97 €

  • When nothing works
    Colin Haslam / Julie Froud / Luca Calafati
    What caused the UK’s cost of living crisis, and how can we rebuild? Setting out the concept of liveability, this book argues that rather than focus on increasing wages, we need to make life more liveable through foundational services and social infrastructure. ...

    25,79 €

  • Smriti ke Galiyaron Se
    Indramani Sahu
    हमारा समाज सदियों के शोषण को सहते-सहते ’मूक’ हो गया है। इन्हीं ’मूक’ एवं ’सन्नाटों’ में से कभी कोई चीख, सीख, जीद उभरकर सामने आता है जो दूसरों के लिए प्रेरणा बन जाती है। ऐसे ही सीखों एवं प्रयासों का संकलन है यह पुस्तक। ’समर्पण’ एक ग्रासरूट स्तर की संस्था है। फ़िलहाल विकासात्मक योजनाओं एवं नीतियों के क्रियान्वयन में अपनी ताकत लगा रही है। ऐसे ही कुछ ताकतों के बदोलत कोडरमा के माइक...

    12,13 €

  • Translating Human Dignity, Work And Labour A Social-Economic Significance Of The Concept Of Work
    This book gives insights on the fact that work in itself is sacred and wholly-addressing a wide range of economic, social, political, cultural and theological imbalances. It was ordained by God from the beginning, before the fall of man. After the Fall, it just got tougher, frustrating, exhausting, sometimes even boring. But work pursued with excellence and integrity is still p...

    24,67 €

  • Exploring Theological Resources That Can Contribute To The Transformation, Recovery, Reclaiming
    This book suggests an appropriate and wholistic measure in tackling the perennial problems associated with poverty, dehumanisation and lack of respect for human dignity amongst rural communities of Africa. Dr. Tanimu Saminaka describes how Integrated Rural Community Sustainable Development (IRCSD) plays a significant role in shaping the way we think about the poor, and vulnerab...

    24,30 €

  • Social And Theological Interactions Of Work Exposing The Sacredness And Wholliness Of Marketplace Work Culture
    This book exposes the sacredness and wholliness of marketplace work culture and brings to light the concepts of social relationships that exist amongst human beings and the divine mandate which is clearly defined in the Scripture for humankind to associate freely. In social sciences and in the field of anthropology, work and social interaction are synonymous to socio-economic a...

    24,72 €

  • Integração de políticas sociais
    Paulo Neves
    Acreditando que a Educação e a qualificação profissional são elementos relevantes na formação do capital humano, componente fundamental para o desenvolvimento dos países, foi que surgiu a proposta desta dissertação. Para a teoria do capital humano, a educação torna as pessoas mais produtivas, aumenta a possibilidade de empregabilidade, melhores salários e influencia o progresso...

    28,57 €

  • Pelo Fim Das Comunidades Terapêuticas
    Roque Jr
    A atualidade e coragem do tema do livro de Roque Júnior, e o formato inovador em diálogo com a psicóloga Károl Veiga, me seduziram. Aceitei de pronto o convite: fazer seu prefácio.Sem concessões e recuos, ambos escancaram as mazelas dos espaços intitulados comunidades terapêuticas, cujas violações de direitos humanos, em maior ou menor grau, possuem caráter estrutural, sistêmic...

    8,38 €

  • A virada do Serviço Social brasileiro
    Alex Gonçalves
    Este trabalho visa aprofundar o conhecimento acerca da intenção de ruptura com o conservadorismo na profissão de Serviço Social. Em meados dos anos 1960, iniciou-se o movimento chamado Reconceituação na América Latina, que questionava as práticas profissionais tradicionais e buscava romper com o viés conservador e instaurar um projeto ético-político crítico. Tendo em vista o de...

    18,77 €

  • Entre Nós, o Amor
    Ary Junior
    No livro,"Entre Nós, o Amor: Estenda suas Mãos," convido você a mergulhar em um oceano de histórias que celebram o poder transformador do amor e da bondade. Em cada página, você descobrirá relatos emocionantes de pessoas comuns que decidiram estender suas mãos para mudar o mundo ao seu redor. Quando paramos para observar atentamente, percebemos que a vida está repleta de oportu...

    10,94 €

  • Finding Home, Hope, and a Future
    Ann Kelleher
    Finding Home, Hope, and a Future: Achieving Integrated Social Services at Harbor Care tells the story of a trail blazing nonprofit in Nashua, New Hampshire. Originally named Harbor Homes, in July 1982 the newly incorporated organization began work in its remodeled group home supporting nine clients with persistent mental illnesses. Forty years later, the nonprofit, now named Ha...

    22,17 €

  • Finding Home, Hope, and a Future
    Ann Kelleher
    Finding Home, Hope, and a Future: Achieving Integrated Social Services at Harbor Care tells the story of a trail blazing nonprofit in Nashua, New Hampshire. Originally named Harbor Homes, in July 1982 the newly incorporated organization began work in its remodeled group home supporting nine clients with persistent mental illnesses. Forty years later, the nonprofit, now named Ha...

    34,65 €

  • Gestão De Recursos Humanos Com Foco Na Aap
    Cleber Norma Licciardi E Ricardo Di Bartolomeo (org.) Silvestre Leôncio
    É com grande satisfação que apresento essa obra para os gestores de pessoas, com resultados de produções acadêmicas das ATIVIDADES AUTÔNOMAS DE PROJETOS AAP, disciplina curricular com foco prático e desenvolvida com métodos da pesquisa-ação, em que discentes assumem como protagonistas o desenvolvimento de pesquisas para o conhecimento prático alicerçado nas orientações docente...

    18,31 €

  • Los malos tratos a las personas mayores
    Ester Fornells / Josep Moya
    Vivimos en una sociedad cada vez más envejecida donde la soledad, la invisibilidad, el ninguneo y la escasa consideración hacia las personas mayores y personas en situación de vulnerabilidad las lleva a ser objeto de circunstancias de no buen trato, maltrato y expolio.Los malos tratos a las personas mayores nos muestra qué le pasa a nuestra sociedad en relación con las personas...

    20,00 €

  • La caja. Crónica de un secuestro de 290 días
    Alberto de la Fuente y de la Concha
    Cuando fue secuestrado, a plena luz del día, en mitad de una de las ciudades más pobladas de México, la vida del empresario Alberto de la Fuente cambió para siempre. El que comenzaba como uno más de las decenas de miles de secuestros cometidos cada año en un país en el que este delito de codicia se ha convertido en una lucrativa industria terminaría siendo uno de los más largos...

    22,78 €

  • Statistical Testing with jamovi Criminology
    Cole Davis
    FeaturesWorked examples from Criminology Clearly written, without mathematical formulaeWell-structured, for beginners and intermediate readersComprehensive chapter on categorical analysis   - not just ’Chi squared’Effect sizes and confidence intervalsClear explanation of factor analysisCovers MANOVA and logistic regressionCovers partial correlations, survival analysis and clust...

    57,17 €

  • Statistical Testing with jamovi Criminology
    Cole Davis
    FeaturesWorked examples from CriminologyClearly written, without mathematical formulaeWell-structured, for beginners and intermediate readersComprehensive chapter on categorical analysis   - not just ’Chi squared’Effect sizes and confidence intervalsClear explanation of factor analysisCovers MANOVA and logistic regressionCovers partial correlations, survival analysis and cluste...

    93,86 €

  • ArbG - Arbeitsgesetze
    Deutsche Gesetze
    Wir alle leben in einer stark rechtlich geprägten Welt. Arbeitsrecht, Straßenverkehrsrecht, Steuerrecht, Mietrecht, Kauf- und Vertragsrecht, Erbrecht, Baurecht, Strafrecht und vieles mehr bestimmen täglich die Rahmenbedingungen für unser Leben. Für einen rechtlichen Laien ist es unmöglich, auf allen Rechtsgebieten Fachmann zu werden und Richtern und Rechtsanwälten auf Augenhöhe...

    17,06 €

  • Amandla!
    K-Moses Nagbe
    In many societies, the voice of youth is usually marginalized. Even as that voice grows louder, it is treated with either indifference or contempt. Yet, no society thrives in the full measure of progress, absent just one of many voices that must be at the table of national conversations. In this short work, Dr. Nagbe highlights the importance of the voice of youth in Liberia, f...

    11,40 €

  • Social Work
    This is a whole course introduction to Social Work. Packed full of case studies, activities and tools for real-life practice, this practical book will equip social work students with everything they need to know in their first year and beyond. ...

    223,49 €

  • Social Work
    This is a whole course introduction to Social Work. Packed full of case studies, activities and tools for real-life practice, this practical book will equip social work students with everything they need to know in their first year and beyond. ...

    94,46 €

  • História E Memória De Brasilândia/ms Volume Iv-desenvolvimento
    Carlos Alberto Dos Santos Dutra
    Este livro integra o 4º volume da coleção dedicada aos 50 anos de emancipação político administrativa do município de Brasilândia/MS sob o título História e Memória de Brasilândia/MS reunindo e dando destaque aos eventos históricos que gravitam em torno da Infraestrutura Econômica e Social, O mundo Urbano e Rural que nos Rodeia, e a Administração Pública e o Desenvolvimento que...

    30,63 €

  • Prepare for Social Security Workbook
    Matt Feret
    You get one chance to sign up for Social Security. Making the wrong choice can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars. Even worse, it could cost your heirs even more over their lifetimes. Even if you have a pension, insurance, or retirement accounts to supplement Social Security, it is still a significant chunk of income in your retirement years that you or your spouse earne...

    40,37 €

  • Youth Justice
    Nicola Carr / Roger Smith
    This textbook links theory to policy and practice and takes a comparative, international focus on current issues, making it vital reading for any student of Youth Justice. ...

    62,14 €