Catálogo de libros: Servicios sociales y bienestar, criminología

6257 Catálogo de libros: Servicios sociales y bienestar, criminología

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Servicios sociales y bienestar, criminología Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Guns and Garlic
    Frederic D. Homer / Frederic DHomer
    With the appearance of Homer’s study, it is no longer possible to base any serious work about organized crime on the superficial debate over whether or not this set of activities is dominated by one or more particular ethnic groups, writes political scientist Michael A. Weinstein in his introduction. Homer removes the study of organized crime from the realm of sensationalism an...

    34,27 €

  • Escape from Fear
    Bursten / Martin A. Bursten / Martin ABursten / UNKNOWN

    121,66 €

  • Beyond a Reasonable Doubt?
    Caryl Chessman

    121,25 €

  • Family Relationships and Delinquent Behavior.
    F. Ivan Nye / FIvan Nye / Francis Ivan Nye / UNKNOWN

    95,82 €

  • Tramps and Reformers, 1873-1916
    Paul T. Ringenbach / Paul TRingenbach

    82,47 €

  • The Habitual Criminal
    Norval Morris

    94,78 €

  • The American Lawyer
    Albert P. Blaustein / Albert PBlaustein / Charles O. Porter / Charles OPorter / UNKNOWN

    121,02 €

  • Intergovernmental Relations in Social Welfare
    Ruth Mitchell Raup

    98,79 €

  • Principles and Techniques in Social Casework
    Social Casework / UNKNOWN

    120,74 €

  • Who Are the Guilty?
    David Abrahamsen / UNKNOWN

    121,14 €

  • The Social Dimensions of Mental Illness, Alcoholism, and Drug Dependence.
    Don Martindale / Edith Martindale / UNKNOWN

    121,16 €

  • Crime, Law, and Society
    Abraham S. Goldstein / Abraham SGoldstein / Joseph Goldstein
    Includes contributions from Herbert L. Packer, Jerome Hall, Erving Goffman, Francis A. Allen, H.L.A. Hart, Norval Morris, Gordon Hawkins, and many others. (Legal Reference) ...

    22,25 €

  • Família E Escola
    Aline Daise Teixeira Da Silva
    Esta Obra Considera O Tripé Família, Escola E Comunidade Como Aporte Fundamental Para A Socioeducação, E Principalmente Para A Construção De Projetos De Vida De Adolescentes A Quem São Atribuídos Autoria De Atos Infracionais. 10 ...

    13,52 €

  • Há outro modo de construir a relação escola-família como uma experiência instituinte?
    Maria Angelita Djapoterama da Silva
    O presente livro compreende a análise de uma experiência instituinte no campo educacional, relacionada à extensão universitária, que objetivou a construção de relações entre a escola e a família que fortaleceram o trabalho da escola básica em contexto de intensa pobreza urbana. Tratou-se de experiência que uniu a Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) à Prefeitura Muni...

    23,05 €

  • The Psychology of the Criminal ACT and Punishment
    Gregory Zilboorg / UNKNOWN

    95,96 €

  • Mercer
    A. S. Mercer

    19,28 €

  • Finger Prints
    Francis Galton
    'I should say that one of the inducements to making these inquiries into personal identification has been to discover independent features suitable for hereditary investigation.'-Sir Francis Galton, 'Personal Identification and Description' (1889)In Finger Prints (1907), Sir Francis Galton described the research he did related to the use of fingerprints for identification. Thro...

    19,91 €