Catálogo de libros: Servicios sociales y bienestar, criminología

6014 Catálogo de libros: Servicios sociales y bienestar, criminología

Libros Eliminar filtro Inglés Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Servicios sociales y bienestar, criminología Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Who Cares for Them?
    Alice Sapienza / Nancy M. Kane / Nancy MKane / Penny Hollander Feldman

    121,62 €

  • Preserving Families
    Michele Rivest / Ying-Ying T. Yuan
    The evaluation of social programmes for families and children that focus on keeping the family intact - rather than those that emphasize removing the child from the family - is discussed in this volume. Written primarily for evaluators and administrators involved in analyzing family services, chapters raise issues pertinent to the design of both comprehensive and special focus ...

    204,24 €

  • Preserving Families
    Michele Rivest / Ying-Ying T. Yuan
    The evaluation of social programmes for families and children that focus on keeping the family intact - rather than those that emphasize removing the child from the family - is discussed in this volume. Written primarily for evaluators and administrators involved in analyzing family services, chapters raise issues pertinent to the design of both comprehensive and special focus ...

    147,95 €

  • Taking Charge
    Anne Romano

    121,82 €

  • Beyond Punishment
    Edgardo Rotman

    108,65 €

  • Minorities and Criminality
    Ethel Brown / R. Barri Flowers / RBarri Flowers

    57,74 €

  • Rape, Incest, and Sexual Harassment
    Kathryn Quina / Nancy Carlson

    121,50 €

  • Demographics and Criminality
    R. Barri Flowers / RBarri Flowers

    121,74 €

  • For Reasons of Poverty
    Leroy H. Pelton / Leroy HPelton

    121,90 €

  • Statistical Applications in Criminal Justice
    Edward J. Latessa / Gennaro F. Vito
    This textbook is specifically designed to give criminology and law students the elements of social statistics. Using examples entirely from criminology, law and justice research, the authors begin with simple mathematical notation and manipulation and work up through: } definitions of major terms } reading of graphs, charts and tables } theoretical basis of statistics, with dis...

    172,18 €

  • Design Sensitivity
    Lipsey / Mark W. Lipsey

    108,72 €

  • Young People, Inequality and Youth Work

    70,71 €

  • The New Politics of Welfare

    60,23 €

  • The Future of Social Work
    Terry Bamford

    70,91 €

  • Senior Centers in America
    John A. Krout / John AKrout

    95,96 €

  • Doing Time in American Prisons
    Dennis Massey

    121,76 €

  • Privatizing Criminal Justice

    79,90 €

  • Measurement in Direct Practice
    Betty J. Blythe / Tony Tripodi
    This practical guide is written for social workers who need to learn how to integrate research into their work to determine whether maintenance, prevention or change goals in their practice are being achieved.A fundamental issue in such evaluation is that of measurement. Measurement in Direct Social Work Practice emphasizes the conceptualization and use of measurement concepts ...

    108,80 €

  • From Poor Law to Welfare State
    Walter I. Trattner / Walter ITrattner

    22,56 €

  • Implementation and Public Policy
    Daniel A Mazmanian / Daniel A. Mazmanian / Daniel AMazmanian / Paul a Sabatier / Paul A. Sabatier / Paul ASabatier
    Implementation and Public Policy includes a thorough explication of the implementation process. In 1997, the book won the Aaron Wildavsky Enduring Contribution Award of the Public Policy Section of the American Political Science Association. This award is reserved for books that are published in the last ten to twenty years that continue to influence the study of public policy....

    99,60 €

  • Criminal Activity in the Deep South, 1700-1930
    A. J. Wright / AJWright

    89,03 €

  • Residential Care for the Elderly
    Sharon Baggett

    95,78 €

  • Managing Human Service Organizations

    121,60 €

  • Rural Poverty

    95,77 €

  • Life Change, Life Events, and Illness
    Eleanor H. Williams / Eleanor HWilliams / Elizabet McGreer / Janet H. Alexander / Janet HAlexander

    121,33 €

  • Social Control in the People’s Republic of China

    121,71 €

  • Without Locks and Bars
    Grant Grissom / William Dubnov

    82,33 €

  • Aging in Developing Countries
    Ken Tout
    In his guide Dr. Tout sets out the available forecasts of increases in longevity, points to ways in which potential problems of aging can be met, and describes programs which have already been successfully adopted in a number of countries. ...

    76,08 €

  • Alien Winds
    James W. Tollefson / James WTollefson

    121,74 €

  • Violence in America
    Ted Robert Gurr

    147,62 €