Catálogo de libros: Sociología

6137 Catálogo de libros: Sociología

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Sociología y antropología Eliminar filtro Sociología Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Is This Your First Funeral?
    Jimmy Huston
    A gentle guide through the uncertain moments of a child's first funeral experience. What to expect. How to find a way through the process of grief. How to accept the moments and share feelings. Charming illustrations. ...

    15,76 €

    DI ZHU
    This book, set against the background of accounts of globalisation, aims to figure out the consumer orientation of the middle class in contemporary China, in particular how the new elements in consumer orientation operate in the Chinese context. It focuses on the contemporary middle class. Data used in the book are taken from national representative surveys conducted in the rec...

    133,74 €

  • Almost a Mother
    Christy Wopat
    "After my infant twins died, I couldn’t find anything on the shelves at the bookstore that was actually honest."I found books about grief, sure. Books written by psychologists on the stages of grief and books that assured me that I would find my answers in prayer. This isn’t meant to replace those. Those books are necessary, but in the raw, emotional weeks and months after losi...

    17,37 €

  • Couples by Intention
    Elliott Kronenfeld LICSW CST
    Wouldn’t it be great if relationships came easy? What if we all just knew intuitively what to do to make our marriages and committed partnerships the absolute best and deepest that they could be?But the reality is that none of us are pros, and even our best relationships can go deeper. We often use love and sex as measurements for how developed our relationships are, but in rea...

    13,86 €

  • Inner Sky
    Steven Layer
    A conversation about life's experiences. If I had one afternoon to spend with my friend Lily, just diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, what would I say?  I had been where she is now, yet against all the odds found the way to experience a complete and spontaneous healing. The secrets I was shown are the opposite of what society teaches us. This was not...

    28,77 €

  • Spoiler Alert
    Jacquie Purcell / Korttany Finn
    One thing you can count on in life is the fact that you are going to die. How’s that for a buzzkill? Most people diligently ignore the reality of their future demise. Thinking about death somehow seems wrong. Luckily, a real life coroner challenged a few thousand internet strangers to do the thinking for you. The result is a collection of morbid and slightly embarrassing questi...

    9,88 €

  • Handbook of Research on Chaos and Complexity Theory in the Social Sciences
    The concept of 'chaos', and chaos theory, though it is a field of study specifically in the field of mathematics with applications in physics, engineering, economics, management, and education, has also recently taken root in the social sciences. As a method of analyzing the way in which the digital age has connected society more than ever, chaos and complexity theory serves as...

    400,09 €

  • Studies In Structural Sociology
    Frank W Young
    This collection of articles and essays embodies a new approach to sociology based on the original meaning of the word. Its central concept is 'community,' which is defined to cover units as small as the household and as large as the nation-state. Individuals are a special case of community. So defined, communities account for almost all the independent social organization of th...

    18,65 €

  • Surrendering to Marriage
    Iris Krasnow
    In the New York Times best-seller Surrendering to Marriage, Iris Krasnow offers a raw and penetrating portrait of modern marriage and the backbreaking work required to make it last. With joyous, sexy, and shocking stories of real marriages, real affairs, and real divorces, Surrendering to Marriage moves far beyond a how-to manual; Krasnow shows us that a successful marriage has...

    17,95 €

  • Mobile Information Communication Technologies Adoption in Developing Countries
    The mobile technology field is expanding with innovative research and discoveries that expand to all walks of life. Mobile technology may have its greatest impact in the developing world, because it brings telecommunication to districts that had never been reached before. Mobile Information Communication Technologies Adoption in Developing Countries: Effects and Implications re...

    236,22 €

  • Footy Grounds to Grandstands
    Sam Duncan
    Play in the Australian Football League is not what it was. At the game’s founding, Australian football was exactly what the AFL’s Latin motto tells us it is today – ‘the game of the people, for the people’. In its formative years it was played and watched by Australians who loved the game because they understood the way it was played. It was made by them, in the image of their ...

    21,43 €

  • Landwirtschaftliche Informationskompetenz der nigerianischen Obstbauern
    Abimbola Ademola / Wole Olatokun
    Informationskompetenzen sind ein Schlüsselfaktor für lebenslanges Lernen. Sie sind der erste Schritt zum Erreichen von Bildungszielen. Die Entwicklung solcher Kompetenzen sollte während des gesamten Lebens der Bürger stattfinden. Experten für Informationsmanagement sollten die Schlüsselrolle bei der Förderung von Informationskompetenz in jeder Gemeinschaft übernehmen. Diese Stu...

    48,76 €

  • Информационная грамотность нигерийских фермеров в области сельского хозяйства
    Абимбола Адемола / Воле Олатокун
    Информационные компетенции являются ключевым фактором обучения на протяжении всей жизни. Они являются первым шагом в достижении целей образования. Развитие таких компетенций должно происходить на протяжении всей жизни граждан. Эксперты в области управления информацией должны взять на себя ключевую роль в содействии развитию информационной грамотности в любом сообществе. В данно...

    48,82 €

  • Politicising and gendering care for older people
    This book offers a new critical framework for understanding the processes of politicising and gendering care for older people and their manifestations in different European contexts. It contributes to an in-depth comprehension of how it becomes an arena of political struggle and the object of public policy at various societal and political levels. ...

    169,63 €

  • Gestaltung des Mathematik-Lernpfads
    Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana
    Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis seiner etwa siebenjährigen Forschungsarbeit, die auf mehreren Konferenzen vorgestellt und in mehreren Zeitschriften veröffentlicht wurde, nämlich Journal on Mathematics Education, Pedagogika, Southeast Asian Mathematics Education Journal und Journal of Education and Learning. Das Ziel dieser Aktivität war ein Teil der externen Validierung der Design...

    48,88 €

  • Conception d’une trajectoire d’apprentissage des mathématiques
    Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana
    Ce livre est le résultat de sept années de recherches qui ont été diffusées lors de plusieurs conférences et publiées dans plusieurs revues, à savoir Journal on Mathematics Education, Pedagogika, Southeast Asian Mathematics Education Journal et Journal of Education and Learning. L’objectif de cette activité était une partie de la validation externe de la méthode de recherche co...

    48,94 €

  • Проектирование траектории обучения математике
    Рулли Чарит Прахмана
    Эта книга является результатом его исследований, проводившихся в течение семи лет, которые были представлены на нескольких конференциях и опубликованы в нескольких журналах, таких как Journal on Mathematics Education, Pedagogika, Southeast Asian Mathematics Education Journal, и Journal of Education and Learning. Целью этой деятельности было проведение внешней проверки метода ди...

    48,94 €

  • Conceber uma trajetória de aprendizagem da matemática
    Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana
    Este livro é o resultado da sua investigação de cerca de sete anos que tem sido divulgada em várias conferências e publicada em várias revistas, nomeadamente Journal on Mathematics Education, Pedagogika, Southeast Asian Mathematics Education Journal e Journal of Education and Learning. O objetivo desta atividade foi uma parte da validação externa do método de design research ut...

    48,94 €

  • Progettare la traiettoria di apprendimento della matematica
    Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana
    Questo libro è il risultato di una ricerca durata circa sette anni che è stata divulgata in diverse conferenze e pubblicata in diverse riviste: Journal on Mathematics Education, Pedagogika, Southeast Asian Mathematics Education Journal e Journal of Education and Learning. L’obiettivo di questa attività era una parte della convalida esterna del metodo di ricerca progettuale util...

    48,88 €

  • Human Evolutionary Demography
    Human evolutionary demography is an emerging field blending natural science with social science. This edited volume provides a much-needed, interdisciplinary introduction to the field and highlights cutting-edge research for interested readers and researchers in demography, the evolutionary behavioural sciences, biology, and related disciplines.By bridging the boundaries betwee...

    120,09 €

  • Demografia Estatística Dos Eventos Vitais
    Neir Antunes Paes
    Devido à ausência de literatura demográfica atualizada em português e voltada para a academia, este livro é dirigido aos estudantes de graduação das áreas afins e introduz ao estudo da demografia e da epidemiologia envolvendo os eventos vitais. Mesmo para aqueles com um conhecimento mais avançado em demografia, encontrarão motivação em alguns dos tópicos tratados neste livro.O ...

    30,09 €

  • The Etiquette of Engagement and Marriage - Describing Modern Manners and Customs of Courtship and Marriage, and giving Full Details regarding the Wedding Ceremony and Arra
    G. R. M. Devereux
    The word Courtship has an old-world sound about it, and carries the mind back to the statelier manners of bygone days. Nowadays we have no leisure for courtly greetings and elaborately-turned compliments. We are slackening many of the old bonds, breaking down some of the old restraint, and, though it will seem treason to members of a past generation to say it, we are, let us ho...

    12,52 €

  • The Ten Pleasures of Marriage and The Confession of the New-married Couple
    A. Marsh
    'This small Treatise which I here present unto thee is the fruit of some spare hours, that my cogitations, after they had been for a small time, between whiles, hovering to and fro in the Air, came fluttring down again, still pitching upon the subject of the Ten Pleasures of Marriage, in each of which I hope thou wilt find somthing worthy of thy acceptance, because I am sure ’t...

    16,15 €

  • The Gift of Love
    Nabil Marshood
    Unleash the Heart’s Potential: The Gift of Love - A Transformative Guide to Empowerment and Self-DiscoveryEmbark on a transformative odyssey with The Gift of Love: Insight Into The Art of Empowerment and Self Discovery by Nabil Marshood, Ph.D., a distinguished Fulbright Scholar and Professor Emeritus. This soul-stirring exploration delves into the profound realms of love, offer...

    28,96 €

  • The Gift of Love
    Nabil Marshood
    Unleash the Heart’s Potential: The Gift of Love - A Transformative Guide to Empowerment and Self-DiscoveryEmbark on a transformative odyssey with The Gift of Love: Insight Into The Art of Empowerment and Self Discovery by Nabil Marshood, Ph.D., a distinguished Fulbright Scholar and Professor Emeritus. This soul-stirring exploration delves into the profound realms of love, offer...

    18,87 €

  • Finding Strength in Numbers
    Alan Blackshaw
    A topical exploration of how communities can help heal trauma in individuals and groupsThere are many books dedicated to trauma. What sets ’Finding Strength in Numbers’ apart from these books is that it is one of the very few, or even the first, focussing on trauma and its relationship to community as the place where we heal. Trauma is a common human experience. Almost all of u...

    18,45 €

  • Javier Milei, la esperanza de una Argentina devastada
    Marco Lorenzi Boné
    Este libro se centra en la figura de Javier Milei como elemento que irrumpe en el panorama político desde el 2017, cuando aparece como personaje en los medios de comunicación, hasta su postulación y victoria en las elecciones, pasando por su período como diputado y su performance en las PASO. Se presenta la figura del argentino desde la perspectiva uruguaya, país de origen del ...

    11,96 €

  • Constructing Research Questions
    Jorgen Sandberg / Mats Alvesson

    56,94 €

  • Constructing Research Questions
    Jorgen Sandberg / Mats Alvesson

    173,17 €

  • Inclusive Ethnography

    168,79 €