Catálogo de libros: Sociología y antropología

16919 Catálogo de libros: Sociología y antropología

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Sociología y antropología Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • La familia ante la revolución posmoderna. Política, género, libertad
    Diogo Morais Sarmiento Madureira
    Diogo Morais Sarmento Madureira invita a un apasionante viaje intelectual al debate político contemporáneo sobre la familia, arrojando luz sobre factores históricos y antropológicos que refuerzan el valor de los lazos familiares y la necesidad de protegerlos.Este libro desentraña las complejas influencias filosóficas y políticas que frecuentemente conllevan el desprecio por asp...

    23,82 €

  • Sex, Love, and Migration
    Bloch Alexia / Tsylinskii Vadim
    ENG: Sex, Love, and Migration complicates a narrative of women’s exploitation as a feature of migration in the twenty-first century, to argue that women’s mobility is marked not only by risks but also by personal and social transformation. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork spanning a decade (2002-2011), Alexia Bloch shows how women moving between the former Soviet Union and Tur...

    40,76 €

  • Festivals, Feasts, and Gender Relations in Ancient China and Greece
    Yiqun Zhow / Zhou Yiqun / Razin Andrei
    ENGAncient China and Greece are two classical civilisations that have exerted far-reaching influence in numerous areas of human experience and are often invoked as the paradigms in East-West comparison. This book examines gender relations in the two ancient societies as reflected in convivial contexts such as family banquets, public festivals, and religious feasts. Two distinct...

    62,08 €

  • Semiótica y trabajo
    Eduardo Yalán / ENRIQUE LEÓN / Paulo F. Lévano
    En la orden de trabajo del supervisor que inicia la jornada, en la charla breve con los compañeros durante el tiempo libre, en la circulación de la palabra en el call center, en la negociación del comerciante, en la palabra del profesor, en la escritura del poeta y en el grito del ambulante que llama a su futuro cliente constamos que lenguaje y trabajo son realidades íntimament...

    31,73 €

  • Hokkaido Dairy Farm
    Paul Hansen
    Argues that the dairy industry in Japan has always been entwined with notions of Otherness and security seeking, notably in terms of frontiers. ...

    126,71 €

  • Refugiados ambientales
    Teófilo Altamirano
    Este libro analiza las principales consecuencias del calentamiento global: el cambio climático y su impacto sobre las poblaciones vulnerables. Revisa también sus resultados y centra su atención en la migración forzada (permanente, temporal y estacional), consecuencia del estrés hídrico, la desertificación, la inseguridad alimentaria, la elevación del nivel del mar por la desgla...

    15,06 €

  • Paz, Juticia y el Crimen Supremo, tomo 1
    Roberto Vivo
    Un intento de encontrar sentido en medio del caos.Hace más de una década, me embarqué en un proyecto personal, con el fin de encontrar sentido en medio del aparente caos del mundo. Me preguntaba cómo puede ser que todas las grandes religiones de las civilizaciones del mundo hayan predicado amor y fraternidad, y después se hayan convertido en las motivadoras de algunas de las gu...

    16,63 €

  • Paz, Juticia y el Crimen Supremo, tomo 2
    Roberto Vivo
    Paz, Justicia y el Crimen SupremoHa pasado casi una década desde que escribí en 2014 el más antiguo de los ensayos que leerán en este segundo tomo. En ese período relativamente breve, hemos sido testgos de acontecimientos que, antes del cambio de milenio, hubiesen parecido fantasías distópicas imposibles en el mundo occidental de la posguerra.Hoy, después de la controvertida pr...

    16,63 €

  • Primitive Man as Philosopher
    Paul Radin
    First published in 1927, Primitive Man as Philosopher represents a landmark in early anthropological studies. In this work, Paul Radin demonstrates the problematic nature of distinguishing between 'primitive' and 'civilized' cultures. He traces such ideas as the nature of Goodness and Truth, the meaning of life, and the reality of death across various cultures, highlighting how...

    24,38 €

  • Manifesto Traveco-Terrorista
    Tertuliana Lustosa
    O presente volume traz dois ensaios-manifestos de Tertuliana Lustosa, uma das mais inquietantes pensadoras queers em atuação no Brasil: Manifesto Traveco-Terrorista e Educando com o Cu.'Cuceta: deriva, vasculha, interrupção, ataque, invasão, ocupação, desocupação, prostituição, política de explosão do universal e do colonialismo. Masculinidade não corresponde a pênis ereto e o ...

    12,48 €

  • Discovering My Southern Legacy
    Deirdre Foreman
    What was the cultural legacy of enslaved Africans in the American South, and how has that legacy been handed through generations?For author Deirdre Foreman, this question is a very personal one: in this book, she explores the cultural legacy of enslaved Africans in the American South through an ethno-autobiographical reflection on her own African-American identity and family he...

    24,29 €

  • Thirty Theses
    Jason Godesky
    'We all have basic assumptions about the world, human nature, and the relationship between the two. We are taught certain perspectives as children, and this recieved wisdom forms the common ground for communication. Ultimately, when we see the whole picture, our major disagreements are squabbles over details. Should gays be allowed to marry? We assume here a common understandin...

    17,06 €

  • Cartas Indigenistas
    Carlos Alberto Dos Santos Dutra
    Este livro reúne cartas, bilhetes, entrevistas e crônicas que remontam o tempo vivido pelo indigenismo praticado pelo autor e as circunstâncias que envolveram o trabaho realizado por ele junto aos indígenas Ofaié no lapso temporal dos últimos 30 anos, no município de Brasilândia/MS.Tem a singela pretensão de perenizar no tempo a trajetória indígena de um povo que, desde os anos...

    14,83 €

  • As Características Originais Da História Rural Francesa?
    Marc Bloch
    Um dos nomes mais influentes na historiografia francesa, Marc Bloch (1886-1944), renomado fundador da Escola de Annales, demonstra emAs características originais da história rural francesatoda a sua habilidade analítica e metodológica na análise da história rural francesa. Enquanto a Alemanha e a Inglaterra desenvolveram uma tradição de história rural desde o século XIX, na Fra...

    15,79 €

  • Interpreting Qualitative Data
    David Silverman

    83,81 €

  • Erasmo De Rotterdam
    Johan Huizinga
    Desiderius Erasmus (c.1466 - 1536), ou simplesmente Erasmo, foi o filho ilegítimo de um padre de Roterdã e da filha de um médico. Por meio de seus estudos sobre a antiguidade clássica e suas reflexões sobre a religiosidade de sua época, Erasmo ascendeu, embora relutantemente, para se tornar uma das mais importantes figuras do Renascimento do norte e um dos intelectuais mais cel...

    12,99 €

  • An Archive of Possibilities
    Rachel Marie Niehuus
    In An Archive of Possibilities, anthropologist and surgeon Rachel Marie Niehuus explores possibilities of healing and repair in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo against a backdrop of 250 years of Black displacement, enslavement, death, and chronic war. Niehuus argues that in a context in which violence characterizes everyday life, Congolese have developed innovative and...

    132,33 €

  • An Archive of Possibilities
    Rachel Marie Niehuus
    In An Archive of Possibilities, anthropologist and surgeon Rachel Marie Niehuus explores possibilities of healing and repair in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo against a backdrop of 250 years of Black displacement, enslavement, death, and chronic war. Niehuus argues that in a context in which violence characterizes everyday life, Congolese have developed innovative and...

    34,38 €

  • Marriage Reminders
    Dr. Scott Reeder / Scott M Reeder
    Are you ready to embark on an honest exploration of the beautifully imperfect journey that is marriage? 'Marriage Reminders' weaves together Christ-Centered marriage principles with the reality of life’s ups and downs, offering guidance on navigating disagreements, embracing vulnerability, and finding grace in the midst of imperfections. Discover how God’s Word and your faith, ...

    10,76 €

  • Methodologies and Ethics for Social Sciences Research
    Aytekin Demircioglu
    Ethics, the moral compass guiding our actions, stands at the core of academic integrity. In the field of social sciences research, ethical violations persist as a silent threat, overshadowing the pursuit of knowledge. Uncovering the pervasive challenges, Methodologies and Ethics for Social Sciences Research boldly addresses the often-overlooked ethical breaches within scientifi...

    242,39 €

  • A Historical and Theoretical Guide to Studying Religion
    Wesley Kort
    The book is a historical and theoretical account of the development and present situation of what has come widely to be known as Religious Studies. This account emphasizes the complexity of the field due both to its origins and the uncertain and even conflicted position today of the academic study of religion. ...

    158,56 €

  • How to Cook Husbands
    Elizabeth Strong Worthington
    How to Cook Husbands is a classic marriage guide by Elizabeth Strong Worthington. 'A great many husbands are spoiled by mismanagement. Some women go about it as if their husbands were bladders, and blow them up; others keep them constantly in hot water; others let them freeze, by their carelessness and indifference. Some keep them in a stew, by irritating ways and words; others...

    11,00 €

  • Reimagining the Recipe for Research & Innovation
    Campaign for Social Science

    21,04 €

  • The Great Cultural Awakening
    D. Paul Schafer
    In this remarkable book, noted cultural scholar D. Paul Schafer examines the great cultural awakening that is taking place all across the world---an awakening that is opening the doors to a cultural age. Schafer begins by considering the importance of culture, as well as discussing how culture has been defined by a variety of thinkers. He then turns to an examination of the vas...

    17,12 €

  • Популярный танец Ча-ча-ча
    Гонсалес В. / Мив Фернандес Гарсия / Юнайми Артилес Фдез
    Систематическое наблюдение за педагогической практикой позволило определить, что основные трудности заключаются в недостаточном знании учащимися исторических предпосылок и общих характеристик народного танца ча-ча-ча, ограниченном развитии при исполнении этого танца, а именно его основного шага, музыкального ритма, фигур и позы. Предлагается система мероприятий, отвечающая след...

    56,66 €

  • Der beliebte Tanz Cha-cha-chá
    Milagro R. González V. / Mivia Fernández García / Yunaimy Artiles Fdez
    Die systematische Beobachtung der pädagogischen Praxis erlaubte es festzustellen, dass die Hauptschwierigkeiten in den unzureichenden Kenntnissen der Schüler über den historischen Hintergrund und die allgemeinen Merkmale des Volkstanzes Cha-cha-chá liegen, sowie in der begrenzten Entwicklung bei der Ausführung dieses Tanzes, insbesondere des Grundschrittes, des musikalischen Rh...

    56,60 €

  • La danza popolare Cha-cha-chá
    Milagro R. González V. / Mivia Fernández García / Yunaimy Artiles Fdez
    L’osservazione sistematica della pratica pedagogica ha permesso di determinare che le principali difficoltà risiedono nell’insufficiente conoscenza che gli studenti hanno del contesto storico e delle caratteristiche generali della danza popolare Cha-cha-chá, e nel limitato sviluppo nell’esecuzione di questa danza, in particolare del suo passo base, del ritmo musicale, delle fig...

    56,60 €

  • Опыт участия преподавателей в научных конференциях
    Тхан Тхан Вин
    Участие в конференциях - это профессиональное удовольствие. Помимо общения с коллегами из других учреждений и поездки в потенциально интересное место, две основные причины посетить конференцию - это послушать презентации и пообщаться с другими исследователями. Исследователи могут узнать о будущих тенденциях исследований из приглашенных докладов и программных выступлений. Для не...

    97,19 €

  • Expériences des professionnels de l’enseignement en matière de participation à des conférences universitaires
    Than Than Win
    Assister à une conférence est une expérience professionnellement gratifiante. En plus de socialiser avec des collègues d’autres institutions et de visiter un lieu éventuellement intéressant, les deux principales raisons d’assister à une conférence sont d’entendre des présentations et de converser avec d’autres chercheurs. Les chercheurs peuvent connaître les tendances futures d...

    97,22 €

  • Erfahrungen von Lehrkräften mit der Teilnahme an akademischen Konferenzen
    Than Than Win
    Die Teilnahme an einer Konferenz ist eine beruflich erfreuliche Erfahrung. Neben dem geselligen Beisammensein mit Kollegen anderer Institutionen und einem Ausflug an einen möglicherweise interessanten Ort sind die beiden Hauptgründe für die Teilnahme an einer Konferenz das Anhören von Vorträgen und der Austausch mit anderen Forschern. Die Forscher können sich anhand der eingela...

    97,21 €