Catálogo de libros: Sociología y antropología

16919 Catálogo de libros: Sociología y antropología

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Sociología y antropología Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Letras E Educação - Diálogos E Inovações
    Diego Andrade de Jesus Lelis
    A Leitura Do Mundo Precede A Leitura Da Palavra, Nos Diz Paulo Freire. Acredito Que Esse Seja Um Bom Ponto De Partida Para Apresentar As Obras Que Compõem Esta Coletânea. Ao Aceitarmos Essa Premissa De Freire, Automaticamente Somos Convidados A Fazer Com Que Essa Leitura Do Mundo Se Transforme Em Palavra. 10 ...

    16,42 €

  • Há outro modo de construir a relação escola-família como uma experiência instituinte?
    Maria Angelita Djapoterama da Silva
    O presente livro compreende a análise de uma experiência instituinte no campo educacional, relacionada à extensão universitária, que objetivou a construção de relações entre a escola e a família que fortaleceram o trabalho da escola básica em contexto de intensa pobreza urbana. Tratou-se de experiência que uniu a Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) à Prefeitura Muni...

    23,05 €

  • Sucesso escolar e o ensino de Sociologia
    Ana Maria Gonçalves de Sousa
    Com base na sua formação sociológica, a professora Ana Maria Gonçalves nos brinda com uma provocante tese sobre o efusivo sucesso escolar obtido por uma escola pública de Fortaleza no Ceará. Através de uma análise clara, lúcida e profunda de suas observações, a professora e pesquisadora permitirá ao leitor compreender em profundidade como se processa a política educacional do s...

    13,34 €

  • Condições sociais dos trabalhadores-estudantes
    Diogo Pereira Matos / Gisele Francisca da Silva Carvalho / Rafaela Kelsen Dias
    Como os estudantes do ensino técnico e superior noturno, que trabalham durante o dia, para suprirem as necessidades básicas de sobrevivência, e estudam no período noturno, mantêm essa dupla jornada? Essa pergunta norteia os trabalhos do Grupo de Pesquisa Estratégias Didático-Pedagógicas voltadas ao Estudante-Trabalhador (EDIPET) desde o ano de 2015. O primeiro livro produzido p...

    13,80 €

  • Discussões interdisciplinares em ciências humanas e sociais - Volume 3
    Francisco Alvarenga
    No presente volume, o leitor encontrará textos que possuem como pano de fundo a discussão sobre a alteridade tema chave de discussões que aglomeram questões de gênero, memória, política e saúde pública. Assim, aponto para o traço norteador deste volume: pensar o ser humano dentro do contexto social brasileiro que é ao mesmo tempo diverso e desafiador no que diz respeito ao rec...

    15,83 €

  • Catalog of United States Census Publications, 1790-1945
    Census Librar U. S. Library Of Congress / Census Librar USLibrary Of Congress / United States Library of Congress

    121,23 €

  • Readings in Mathematical Social Science

    43,21 €

  • The Structure of Social Action
    Talcott Parsons

    25,46 €

  • Behavior in Public Places
    Erving Goffman

    19,69 €

  • Structure and Function in Primitive Society
    Alfred R. Radcliffe-Brown / Alfred RRadcliffe-Brown

    22,13 €

  • The Politics of Social Research
    Martyn Hammersley
    Recent years have seen a growing range of challenges to the idea that research should be governed by the principle of value neutrality. In this stimulating and often controversial book, Martyn Hammersley weighs the arguments offered in support of these positions. ...

    274,53 €

  • Other Cultures
    John Beattie
    'Other Cultures' provides a lucid introduction to the relatively new field of social anthropology. The author devotes the first part of the book to a consideration of what social anthropology is and seeks to do, what areas it covers, and the methods of investigation employed by social anthropologists. The second part discusses the major categories of research through which soci...

    21,32 €

  • Culture and Anarchy
    Matthew Arnold
    Without the challenging precedent of ’Culture and Anarchy, ’ literary criticism and sociology in England and the United States would want both purpose and direction. Manifesting the special intelligence of a literary critic of original gifts, ’Culture and Anarchy’ is still a living classic. ...

    25,93 €

  • Anthropology and Modern Life
    Franz Boas
    In this insightful study, Frank Boas connects aspects of human history with their manifestation in the modern world, describing such topics as race relations, nationalism and education.When this book was first published in the 1920s, the United States was grappling with racial tensions, with heightening discrimination against black Americans. As such Boas leads with the topic o...

    15,20 €

  • The Mind in the Making
    James Harvey Robinson
    The Mind in the Making is a book to awaken every reader to a real understanding of why he thinks and acts as he does. It is the well-known historian's straightforward account of how our intelligence has evolved into the mental habits of modern life. No book for popular reading shows so graphically that our thinking remains medieval in a world that has become complex and mod...

    14,45 €

  • The Mind of Primitive Man
    Franz Boas
    In this landmark text of anthropology, Franz Boas profiles various groups of primitive peoples, analyzing their hereditary characteristics, morphology, language and cultures.Brimming with incisive analysis and fascinating interpretations of early man, Boas begins by acknowledging the sheer diversity of peoples in the world. The variation in language, physical appearance, cultur...

    14,99 €

  • Mind of Primitive Man
    Franz Boas
    In this landmark text of anthropology, Franz Boas profiles various groups of primitive peoples, analyzing their hereditary characteristics, morphology, language and cultures.Brimming with incisive analysis and fascinating interpretations of early man, Boas begins by acknowledging the sheer diversity of peoples in the world. The variation in language, physical appearance, cultur...

    24,09 €

  • The Everlasting Man
    G. K Chesterton
    'Mr. Chesterton has a quite unusual power of seeing the obvious, and it is quite true that many learned men seem to have lost that power.'-The Times Literary Supplement (1925)The Everlasting Man (1925) was written by G. K. Chesterton as an apologia for Christianity. Many believe Chesterton wrote it to refute H. G. Wells’s book, Outline of History, in which Wells claimed our cur...

    13,61 €

  • The Everlasting Man
    G. K Chesterton
    'Mr. Chesterton has a quite unusual power of seeing the obvious, and it is quite true that many learned men seem to have lost that power.'-The Times Literary Supplement (1925)The Everlasting Man (1925) was written by G. K. Chesterton as an apologia for Christianity. Many believe Chesterton wrote it to refute H. G. Wells’s book, Outline of History, in which Wells claimed our cur...

    26,63 €

  • Eugenics and Other Evils
    G. K. Chesterton
    'Eugenics itself, in large quantities or small, coming quickly or coming slowly, urged from good motives or bad, applied to a thousand people or applied to three, Eugenics itself is a thing no more to be bargained about than poisoning.' -G. K. Chesterton, Eugenics and Other EvilsEugenics and Other Evils: An Argument Against the Scientifically Organized State (1922) was written ...

    10,99 €

  • Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development
    Francis Galton
    'The moral and intellectual wealth of a nation largely consists in the multifarious variety of the gifts of the men who compose it . . .'-Sir Francis Galton, Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its DevelopmentInquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development (1907) by Francis Galton is a landmark work in the field of anthropology. In it, Galton coined the term 'eugenics,' arguing f...

    19,77 €

  • Tattooing Among Civilized People
    Robert Fletcher
    'Not one great country can be named, from the Polar regions in the north to New Zealand in the south, in which the aborigines do not tattoo themselves.' -Charles Darwin, The Descent of ManTattooing Among Civilized People (1882) by Robert Fletcher is a presentation the author made to the Anthropological Society of Washington. Given the purpose of the organization, Fletcher’s pap...

    10,11 €

  • Karezza
    Alice Bunker Stockham
    Alice Bunker Stockham worked as a gynecologist and activist for women’s rights and family planning; in Karezza she discusses the fundamentals of a successful marriage, whereby both partners are sexually and emotionally fulfilled.For Stockham, a healthy marriage was one in which the woman enjoyed freedom to pursue her hobbies and activities; where sexual relations serve to stren...

    8,10 €

  • The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
    Friedrich Engels
    The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State: in the Light of the Researches of Lewis H. Morgan (German: Der Ursprung der Familie, des Privateigenthums und des Staats) is an 1884 historical materialist treatise by Friedrich Engels. It is partially based on notes by Karl Marx to Lewis H. Morgan's book Ancient Society (1877). The book is an early anthropological ...

    16,47 €

  • Ancient Society
    Lewis H Morgan
    'Men make progress through ’the gradual evolution of their mental and moral powers through experience, and of their protracted struggle with opposing obstacles while winning their way to civilization.’'-Lewis Henry Morgan, Ancient SocietyAncient Society (1877) by Lewis Morgan is a sequel to the author’s previous book Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family (al...

    27,65 €

  • Ancient Society
    Lewis H. Morgan / Lewis HMorgan
    Renowned anthropologist Lewis H. Morgan examines the origins and history of humanity, sharing abundant insights on the conditions of primitive society.Of particular interest to Morgan is the gradual process by which humans organized into civil societies. Examining a range of contrasting civilizations, from the Mayans to the Iroquois to the Romans, the author attempts to arrive ...

    20,68 €

  • Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family
    Lewis H Morgan
    'Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity remains a towering monument... Morgan can never be ignored by the student of kinship.'-Robert Lowie, early 20th century American anthropologistIn Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family (1871), Lewis Morgan described his fieldwork among Native American and the kinship systems of over 100 cultures that he studied. Its key ...

    30,11 €

  • Crania Aegyptiaca
    Samuel George Morton
    Samuel Morton studied the excavated remains of ancient Egyptians to gain insight into their origins and relation to other ancient ethnic groups, and published these results.When Morton released his enquiry in 1844, new archaeological finds from Egypt resulted in a surge of interest from scholars and historians. Together with skeletal and mummified remains, a great number of stu...

    15,07 €

  • An Essay on the Principle of Population
    Thomas Robert Malthus
    The book An Essay on the Principle of Population was first published anonymously in 1798, but the author was soon identified as Thomas Robert Malthus. The book predicted a grim future, as population would increase geometrically, doubling every 25 years, but food production would only grow arithmetically, which would result in famine and starvation, unless births were controlled...

    15,52 €