Catálogo de libros: Cuestiones y debates éticos

368 Catálogo de libros: Cuestiones y debates éticos

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  • The Unforgotten Babies
    Marina Young / Peter Young
    Healing starts the moment you feel heard.This is part of my abortion story and journey of healing. Along with my husband, Peter, sharing from a male perspective, which is often not heard.I am not a counsellor, but someone with certain life experiences which has shaped me into the person I am today. I did, however, train in Mental Health and did some community papers, which have...

    12,25 €

  • How to Keep Your Stuff Safe Online
    Raef Meeuwisse
    Any everyday person can protect themselves from the majority of online cybercrime.  All you have to do is follow some basic security steps, most of which are completely FREE to implement.This short guide is designed to be an easy and quick read that helps you identify and implement basic but highly effective security in a matter of hours.  The main security guidance is covered ...

    7,26 €

  • Birth controlled
    Amrita Pande
    This book analyses the world of selective reproduction - interventions that influence reproductive outcomes and allow only some pregnancies to be borne to fruition - by a critical analysis of three modes of controlling birth, namely contraception, reproductive violence, and repro-genetic technologies. ...

    43,62 €

  • Crónicas De Un Investigador
    Luís Fernando De Lima Júnior
    ¿Cuánto vale una vida? ¿Existen vidas más o menos importantes? Para los investigadores de la Delegación de Homicidios de São José dos Campos, la respuesta escada vida vale la pena y representa una pérdida para quienes la aman .Nuestro día comienza cuando los suyos terminan...Es realmente un lema macabro pero apropiado, ya que el esfuerzo y la dedicación de los policías son el f...

    15,31 €

  • What Should I Do? A Family Physician Discusses Abortion, Religious Freedom, and Difficult Decisions
    Jeffrey D. Nelson M.D.
    A Family Physician Discusses Abortion, Religious Freedom, and Difficult Decisions'Doctor, what should I do?' Decisions, anxious decisions, and more stressful and life-changing decisions! Do you think that you are 'pro-choice,' or 'pro-life,' or unsure when related to abortion? Have you, a loved one, or a friend dealt with an unintended pregnancy? Have you dealt with adverse sit...

    20,32 €

  • It’s Not About the dEvil
    John DiGirolamo
    True stories...David goes undercover online as a thirteen-year-old girl, and every parent needs to know what happens next. The case files of a law enforcement officer reveal the perils of sexting and how predators attempt to exploit teens.Catherine is an abortion doctor who experiences a life-changing moment that prompts a Christ-centered transformation to become a pro-life adv...

    18,13 €

  • It’s Not About the dEvil
    John DiGirolamo
    True stories...David goes undercover online as a thirteen-year-old girl, and every parent needs to know what happens next. The case files of a law enforcement officer reveal the perils of sexting and how predators attempt to exploit teens.Catherine is an abortion doctor who experiences a life-changing moment that prompts a Christ-centered transformation to become a pro-life adv...

    26,76 €

  • To Protect Those Unable To Protect Themselves
    James M. Cavanaugh
    Uncover the Heart of Humanity: A Bold Manifesto for Caring, Love, and Protection of the Unborn, Transforming Perspectives for a Better Tomorrow!In the groundbreaking To Protect Those Unable To Protect Themselves: Saving The Unborn, James M Cavanaugh offers a transformative exploration of the abortion debate, transcending divisive rhetoric to focus on compassion, understanding, ...

    29,58 €

  • To Protect Those Unable To Protect Themselves
    James M. Cavanaugh
    Uncover the Heart of Humanity: A Bold Manifesto for Caring, Love, and Protection of the Unborn, Transforming Perspectives for a Better Tomorrow!In the groundbreaking To Protect Those Unable To Protect Themselves: Saving The Unborn, James M Cavanaugh offers a transformative exploration of the abortion debate, transcending divisive rhetoric to focus on compassion, understanding, ...

    15,45 €

  • La mujer del porvenir
    Concepción Arenal
    'La mujer del porvenir' de Concepción Arenal es una obra visionaria que adelantó su tiempo y sigue siendo una fuente de inspiración en la lucha por la igualdad de género. Concepción Arenal, una destacada pensadora y feminista del siglo XIX, plantea cuestiones fundamentales sobre el papel de la mujer en la sociedad y su emancipación.En este libro, Arenal examina el lugar de la m...

    33,28 €

  • Humanitas
    Sergi Torres / Xavier Ginesta
    La ciencia ha permitido trazar el origen del universo, pero no explica cómo el polvo estelar que emergió del Big Bang ha terminado dando forma a criaturas que, en muchos casos, creen que el sentido de la existencia se basa en el consumo.Siglos de esfuerzo para intentar explicar el hecho existencial parece no habernos sacado del pozo de la ignorancia. Cuanto más sabemos, más par...

    24,00 €

  • A Familia Da Rua Francisco
    O Espírito De Paulo
    História de uma família que o pai chega a esta vida com marcas de sua encarnação anterior, com dívidas sociais a pagar.O espírito persegue ele, e sua família, acaba fazendo com que o seu segundo filhose suicide por enforcamento.O livroé um relato da vida do chefe da família,de seus filhos e sua esposa. è uma história simples mais bem triste. ...

    15,69 €

  • Perché le Donne Meritano di Più
    Daria Gałek
    'Perché le Donne Meritano di Più' è un ispirante libro che pone un’enfasi sull’importanza dell’uguaglianza di genere e spiega perché questa non sia soltanto una questione di giustizia, ma anche un motore per una società migliore. L’autore presenta in modo accessibile argomenti e prove su perché le donne meritino migliori condizioni e trattamento in tutti gli aspetti della vita....

    14,20 €

  • Reproductive Racism
    Susanne Schultz
    The book analyses how demographic knowledge production and states’ grip to the variable of population intertwine. It introduces the concept of the Malthusian matrix in order to understand how class-selective and racist hierarchies within population narratives are combined with gendered policies of reproductive bodies and behaviours. ...

    158,40 €

  • Desayuno con la Ética
    Carlos Nouredine
    -No hay libertad sin espíritu de responsabilidad-La libertad es proporcional al poder-La responsabilidad es la relación entre el acto y la conciencia-La incertidumbre en el poder no genera certidumbre-El poder no es una plaza a conquistar 10 ...

    24,00 €

  • Discurso De Ódio, Violência De Gênero E Pornografia:
    Raisa D. Ribeiro
    A pornografia é alvo de grande polarização, existindo um debate acirrado no contexto estadunidense e europeu desde a década de 1970 sobre a sua tutela. Dentro do próprio movimento feminista, existem disputas sobre como tratar a questão, tendo sido escolhido, como marco teórico, a corrente feminista abolicionista ou antipornografia, com destaque às figuras de Catharine MacKinnon...

    35,18 €

  • Women’s Sovereignty and Body Autonomy Beyond Roe v. Wade
    Arlene Bailey / Sharon Smith / Trista Hendren
    June 24, 2022 will stand in infamy as the Supreme Court of the United States overturned the landmark case known as Roe v. Wade which gave women sovereignty over their own bodies with regard to abortion. That sovereignty is now being given back to the States and women will have no say as to what happens to them.This turning back of the clock is not just in America. Women all ove...

    15,50 €

  • Ser hombre hoy
    Antonio E. Cherubini / Francisco Abián / Gustavo Pisani / Jaime Barón / Javier Fuentes Ramírez / José María Aguilar / Juan Barrachina Sierra / Juan Carlos Osorio-Aravena / Juan Gastón Insua / Liteo Pedregal / Marcelo Donato / Mario Palacio

    17,00 €

  • Sonhar Não É Pecado:
    Leandro Rocha Pereira
    Este livro é resultado de uma série de entrevistas realizadas em 2003 pelo jornalista Leandro Rocha Pereira.Portanto, há mais de vinte anos mas que guardam uma inquietante atualidade que reclama uma reflexão crítica.O cenário registrado naquele período (2.003), ainda se faz presente em grandes cidades deste País chamado Brasil, bem como, em outros países, tendo em vista que a p...

    13,29 €

  • Public Morality and the Culture Wars
    Bryan Fanning
    Public Morality and the Culture Wars: The Triple Divide is an academically rigorous and strictly non-polemical analysis of the intellectual and ideological conflicts at the heart of the ’culture wars’. ...

    43,22 €

  • Hole in My Heart
    Lorraine Dusky
    In the days before Roe v. Wade, an ambitious young journalist, abandoned by her hometown beau, leaves Michigan for a dream job on the city desk of a Rochester, New York newspaper. Burned once, she’s eager for love, but as the only Girl in the newsroom, she’s more concerned with finding allies and making friends.When a new leading man appears, she recognizes a kindred spirit. So...

    35,96 €

  • Hole in My Heart
    Lorraine Dusky
    In the days before Roe v. Wade, an ambitious young journalist from the Midwest is abandoned by her Michigan beau. Instead of wallowing, she dusts herself off and lands a dream job on the city desk of a Rochester, New York newspaper. Burned once, she’s eager for love, but as the only Girl in the newsroom, she needs to find allies and make friends.When a new leading man appears, ...

    36,00 €

  • Where Is Ashley? A Woman’s Journey To Healing and Hope After Abortion
    Kimberly I. Lewis
    Has Abortion Affected Your Life?Have you ever felt a numbness, an ache deep inside that seems to never go away? Do you feel a sadness and a loss? Is there a deep secret you’ve kept hidden because it’s too painful to face? Have you wanted to reach out and talk to someone but are too ashamed? This book is for every woman who has experienced abortion…no matter if it was last week ...

    16,82 €

  • Espiritismo
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    Hipnose, Reencarnação, TranseObra que contém elementos importantes sobre Espiritismo. De como nasceu e se projetou, mundialmente. Os tipos de transe: psíquico, fisiológico e cultural.Raros têm sido os meios oficiais de experimentação do Espiritismo, no Brasil. Plausíveis são os esforços teóricos de grandes espiritistas. Mas, para a constatação efetiva dos fenômenos debate-se a...

    11,41 €

  • Lilies That Fester
    John Bossert Jr. Brown
    The twentieth century promised much in terms of progress. Europe was at peace, and America was poised to become a world superpower. Certain religious leaders envisioned new programs to help the poor, while others pondered plans to evangelize the world. Protestants in America were divided over issues such as biblical authority and social programs, but there was a surface unity, ...

    24,56 €

  • Lilies That Fester
    John Bossert Jr. Brown
    The twentieth century promised much in terms of progress. Europe was at peace, and America was poised to become a world superpower. Certain religious leaders envisioned new programs to help the poor, while others pondered plans to evangelize the world. Protestants in America were divided over issues such as biblical authority and social programs, but there was a surface unity, ...

    41,65 €

  • Pornografía y obscenidad
    David H. Lawrence
    Pornografía y obscenidadpor David. H. Lawrence«¿Qué es, entonces, la pornografía? En cuanto al arte, no es ni la carga ni la estimulación sexual. Ni siquiera es la intención deliberada del artista de despertar o de excitar sensaciones sexuales. No hay nada de malo en las sensaciones sexuales en sí mismas, siempre y cuando se manifiesten sin rodeos y no solapadamente o a escondi...

    13,00 €

  • Fight the Patriarchy
    Nikki Catanzaro / Nikki De Mars
    Did the overturning of Roe v. Wade make you sick to your stomach? Are you angry that women in America are still fighting for basic human rights? If so, this important guide will help you use your anger to affect real change if your life and in our society. It will provide perspective on the role patriarchy has played in creating inequality in America and give you tips on how to...

    11,06 €

  • Biblical Strategies to Abolish Abortion
    Rusty Thomas
    Rusty’s book is a must-read for anyone wanting a clear concrete road map to abolish legalized abortion! It is not just abstract theory but rather a phenomenal practical comprehensive applied handbook and reference guide for the battle to end abortion. Rusty gives an incredibly detailed history and present backdrop of abortion, clear direct vision, and detailed short- and long-t...

    13,82 €

  • From a Place Called Shame
    Carolyn Parker
    'The question hung in the air as if she’d typed the words on a manual typewriter and left that one sentence on a blank sheet of paper for all to see.'She was just eighteen. A naïve country girl all alone in the big wide world for the first time. Soon, her rose-tinted, fairy-tale world would be shattered by the sudden need to make a stark, life-changing decision. A decision that...

    13,98 €