Catálogo de libros: Cuestiones y debates éticos

370 Catálogo de libros: Cuestiones y debates éticos

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  • From a Place Called Shame
    Carolyn Parker
    'The question hung in the air as if she’d typed the words on a manual typewriter and left that one sentence on a blank sheet of paper for all to see.'She was just eighteen. A naïve country girl all alone in the big wide world for the first time. Soon, her rose-tinted, fairy-tale world would be shattered by the sudden need to make a stark, life-changing decision. A decision that...

    13,98 €

  • Women Write Now
    Edna J White / Twenty One Authors / Twenty-One Authors
    Something or Other Publishing is proud to announce the next entry in their renowned anthology series with 'Women Write Now: Women in Trauma,' a collection of personal stories of trauma and recovery from women around the world. Curated by Best-selling Author and Editor of SPEAK Magazine Edna J. White, who contributed her own piece 'Layers of Me' to the project, 'Women Write Now'...

    23,85 €

  • Aftermath
    Elizabeth G. Hines
    A must-read collection of acclaimed writers, thinkers and activists, Aftermath: Life in Post-Roe America offers an indispensable look what the loss of Roe v. Wade means for American life, and what the future of the fight for reproductive justice may look like from here. ...

    14,19 €

  • Sister Paula Vandegaer
    The Society for Sister Paula
    Sister Paula was educated and trained as a licensed social worker and then came to California to work for Holy Family Adoption Services when she was twenty-six. Here she found her true calling-helping young pregnant women in crisis; it was work that combined her spiritual belief in the sanctity of human life and her skills as a social worker.This book follows Sister Paula’s tra...

    8,04 €

  • A Daughter’s Lament
    Lee Gander
    What if the doctor who had saved your child’s life from a previously hopeless terminal condition had never been born--could have been born, but was aborted? Would knowing that your child could have been saved change your perspective on abortion? In A Daughter’s Lament, Grace almost loses her child, Piper, to just such an illness and learns the true value of every conceived chil...

    13,43 €

  • A Daughter’s Lament
    Lee Gander
    What if the doctor who had saved your child’s life from a previously hopeless terminal condition had never been born--could have been born, but was aborted? Would knowing that your child could have been saved change your perspective on abortion? In A Daughter’s Lament, Grace almost loses her child, Piper, to just such an illness and learns the true value of every conceived chil...

    26,64 €

  • Birth controlled
    Amrita Pande
    This book analyses the world of selective reproduction - interventions that influence reproductive outcomes and allow only some pregnancies to be borne to fruition - by a critical analysis of three modes of controlling birth, namely contraception, reproductive violence, and repro-genetic technologies. ...

    156,68 €

  • ¡Déjame Vivir!
    Irene Pacheco Machado / J.Thomas Saldias MSc. / JThomas Saldias MSc. / Por el Espíritu Luiz Sérgio de Carvalho
    La obra es narrada por el mismo Luiz Sérgio mientras es invitado a acompañar al equipo de rescate de abortados y abortistas y luego escribir un libro sobre.El amigo espiritual nos muestra cuánto abortan las mujeres como si bebieran agua y las razones, en su mayoría fútiles, para no querer estos hijos.Nos damos cuenta de que la mayoría quita la vida a los demás por razones socia...

    29,12 €

  • Quais são as suas graves razões?
    Há uma terrível confusão entre os casais cristãos, que, devido à influência antinatalista do mundo, se casam acreditando que devem 'se importar' em ter filhos e, como não querem ofender a Deus, escolhem um método 'natural' para faça isso. A verdade é que a Igreja aprova o uso de métodos naturais desde que haja uma razão proporcionalmente séria para espaçar os nascimentos e que ...

    9,01 €

  • Lo que yo mpienso de la guerra. Despertad
    León Tolstoy
    Cuando pensamos en ofrecer al lector la reedición de este librito, en el cual su eminente autor dice la opinión que le merecen en general todas las guerras, algo hubo que nos acabó de decidir a dar entrada a este trabajo en nuestra colección. El cual algo, fueron las siguientes pocas palabras, puestas por el gran Víctor Hugo al frente de su obra incomparable Historia de un crim...

    8,32 €

  • Sobre «Humanae Vitae» de San Pablo VI
    Antonio María ROUCO VARELA / OTROS Y
    INDICE * PRESENTACIÓN, José Andrés-Gallego(Catedrático de Historia Contemporánea, Universidad CEU San Pablo y CSIC) y Fernando Fernández Rodríguez (Presidente de AEDOS). /* PRÓLOGO, Antonio Mª Rouco Varela (catedrático de Derecho Canónico y cardenal de la Iglesia Católica)/* LA ENCÍCLICA 'HUMANAE VITAE': UNA ACCIÓN SALVADORA DE DIOS EN SU IGLESIA,Juan José Pérez-Soba (Profesor ...

    16,00 €

  • Abortion Compassion
    Jim Hollingsworth
    In our society we have always stood for the little guy. No matter the cause we have always come to the defense of those who seemed unable to defend themselves.So it is truly surprising that we do not come to the aid of those who have no defense at all, the unborn.After they are born when tragedy strikes we would scoop them up in our arms and protect them from all danger, but be...

    28,72 €

  • Diálogos entre ética y ciencias sociales
    Vários Autores
    Este libro ofrece una selección de textos sobre problemas éticos relacionados con la teoría e investigación en el campo social. Con esta compilación se busca promover un diálogo interdisciplinar entre ética y ciencias sociales animado por lo siguiente. Primero, que los comportamientos humanos en una comunidad se relacionan con valoraciones, juicios éticos y afectos que pueden s...

    10,88 €

  • Bioética
    Victor Nosé
    O livro fomenta, a partir de uma perspectiva fenomenológica, o diálogo com as diversas obras que tratam de pesquisas científicas que utilizam seres humanos como sujeitos das análises. O ponto de partida é a busca pela definição conceitual de ética e bioética, ambas analisadas dentro do escopo do momento histórico-evolutivo apresentado. Posteriormente, passa-se à análise das dir...

    19,03 €

  • A perda de uma chance
    Francisco Arrhenius Barros da Rocha
    A presente pesquisa visa abordar uma interessante vertente acerca da responsabilidade civil: a perda de uma chance, que surgiu na França (perte d'une chance), nos idos de 1889.O tema é intrigante e pouco abordado pelos nossos doutrinadores e vários tribunais ainda relutam em aplicá-lo de forma correta por não entendê-lo como sendo dano autônomo e perfeitamente ressarcível como ...

    19,03 €

  • Repealed
    Camilla Fitzsimons
    In Ireland, 2018, a constitutional ban that equated the life of a woman to the life of a fertilized embryo was overturned and abortion was finally legalized. This victory for the Irish feminist movement set the country alight with euphoria. But the celebrations were short-lived - the new legislation turned out to be one of the most conservative in Europe. This book tells the st...

    127,05 €

  • Period?
    Miriam Prosnitz
    Did you know that women have about 450 periods in their lifetimes? That’s an average of ten years menstruating. No wonder they want to abolish the tampon tax.Period? Life with Menstruation is a collection of humorous short stories focused on women’s experiences surrounding menstruation. It’s an uncomfortable topic for many, and rather than pretend it doesn’t exist, this book sh...

    9,99 €

  • The Truth About Abortion
    T Anderson
    Pregnancy is a right, a privilege and the only natural means by which we are on this planet, and yes, children are blessings. As women are contributors to life, their natural nurturers of life and living. Women’s contributions are as valuable and as equal but perhaps not the same as men.Life begins at conception, for more than 100 years it has been known that fusion of sperm an...

    8,96 €

  • Governança nas contratações públicas contemporâneas
    Maria Tereza Fonseca Dias
    A obra coletiva trata dos temas mais prementes para a compreensão da Lei 14.133/2021, a Nova Lei de Licitações e Contratos Administrativos, sob o enfoque da ideia-chave da governança.Durante muito tempo, os contratos administrativos foram estudados apenas sob a perspectiva formal, como meio de se concretizar, pontualmente, as necessidades públicas. Os livros e artigos descrevia...

    24,23 €

  • Abortion!
    Carolyn Booker-Pierce
    'Abortion!: George and Giovanna' is a book written about a mother who received healing and forgiveness after the abortion of her two children. Sometime after the abortions, with some research, she learned many facts about abortion, which led her to discover what she now calls her truth about abortion. It was not an easy journey but one that needed to happen. Never thinking of e...

    16,52 €

  • When Reproduction meets Ageing
    Nolwenn Bühler
    When Reproduction meets Ageing questions the nature of reproductive ageing and reproductive biomedicine. ...

    142,77 €

  • A Inovação Tecnológica como fator de mudanças institucionais no Mercado de Capitais
    João Luis dos Santos
    A inovação tecnológica contribuiu para melhorar as relações de negócios entre as empresas e investidores do mercado de ações. No entanto, ela também pode propiciar uma mudança institucional no mercado de capitais. Diante disso, objetiva-se com esse trabalho verificar de que forma a inovação tecnológica propiciou mudanças institucionais, mais especificamente na área do mercado d...

    17,30 €

  • O Direito à Vida x Aborto de Anencéfalo
    Maria Eunice de Melo Franco de Olive
    Neste livro estão colecionadas diversas argumentações jurídicas utilizadas pela Suprema Corte STF no julgamento da ADPF (Arguição De Descumprimento De Preceito Fundamental) n.º 54 em resposta às indagações sobre o Direito á Vida do feto portador de anencefalia em confronto com o Direito á Dignidade da Pessoa humana da gestante, bem como foi apresentado a decisão quelegalizoua ...

    17,30 €

  • The Soul of Abortion
    Tziporah Kingsbury
    Just talking about the tough stuff often provides a space for deep healing and new degrees of human connection. It creates freedom from the shackles of shame and isolation.This book is a blueprint to help us create new structures and ways to support the emotional and psychological impacts of abortion for women, their partners, and their communities as a whole. It is a compassio...

    31,88 €

    The United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the developed world, and some of the least effective sex-ed. In fact, teen pregnancies are highest in those states with the highest levels of abstinence-only education, and lowest in states with comprehensive sex education.Abstinence is a good message, but by itself is not enough.For example, abstinence is not 100% ef...

    20,45 €

  • Life
    Katherine Leigh / Katherine Newsom
    The battle for life starts in our communities, not our government...(a mercifully short narrative on the current topic)It is estimated that there are 3,500 crisis pregnancy centers in the United States, and only 1,800 abortion clinics in operation. Yet why are we not hearing more about the life-giving (quite literally) work which the crisis pregnancy centers do, the communities...

    4,75 €

  • Aborto
    Marilina Ciricillo
    Le leggi sull’Aborto hanno contribuito a regolarizzare la materia dell’aborto clandestino, affinchè la donna non venisse giudicata alla stregua di ogni altro criminale. Ma la giurisprudenza non deve far dimenticare l’Etica, una scienza con le sue teorie antiche e moderne, una scienza non dimostrabile in laboratorio ma, certamente, dimostrabile con la precisa metodologia fiiloso...

    22,89 €

  • Marchandiser la vie humaine
    Maria Poumier
    Gestation pour autrui,  Grossesse Pour Argent , ou encore  Gigantesque Programme d’Arnaque  ? En parcourant les connexions entre business de la stérilisation, trafic de fœtus et d’organes, réseaux mafieux pour recruter des  femmes gisement  dans le monde entier, ce livre prend résolument le contre-pied des lobbystes qui veulent imposer à la France des lois permettant le trafic ...

    27,34 €

  • La lógica que agoniza
    Carlos Luaces Y Jimenez-alfaro
    Pan y circo, era algo que había sido común hasta el día de nuestros contemporáneos. La falta de todo tipo de libertades, que estamos viendo como nos reducen en cada momento más. Libertad individual, de opinión, de información, de movimiento e incluso de pensamiento. Ahora no tenemos circo y tampoco pan. Sin embargo, la población sigue aletargada y sin capacidad de reacción. Com...

    18,00 €

  • Ensayos sobre la pandemia
    Vários / Ximena Castro Sardi
    Este libro pretende seguir las preocupaciones de los primeros ejercicios de reflexión sobre la pandemia. Nos hemos propuesto estimular un debate público, que sea informado y original, sobre la experiencia actual, dotándolo de ideas, argumentos y algunas problematizaciones poco divulgadas. Porque creemos en la necesidad de exponer dilemas y problematizar realidades que, desde di...

    14,15 €