Catálogo de libros: Cuestiones y debates éticos

329 Catálogo de libros: Cuestiones y debates éticos

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  • The Scent of Heat
    E. P. Sery
    It’s 1957. Attractive and cheerful Ariella Paz, a nineteen-year-old Israeli soldier, has a dream: to live in America. The movie magazines she reads weekly fuel her fire, as do the movies she sees. However, the dream is shattered when her mother discloses that she has found a lump in her breast. The long and agonizing treatments, the fear of her death, the scary thought of havin...

    27,45 €

  • The Steele Dossier
    Daniel David Elles
    'TRUMP’S TEAM USING MOLES WITHIN THE DNC' That’s a quote from the actual Steele Dossier – included in this book – written by 2018 Best New Author Finalist Daniel David Elles. In 2010, he was ballot for the Michigan House of Representatives as an Independent in Macomb County – Home of the Reagan Democrats. He states: Perhaps we are “fly-over country”, but we make up a significa...

    9,59 €

  • The Real Cost of Fake News
    Savita Ginde
    Dr. Ginde thought she was just doing her job, a job that she loved. Suddenly, in 2015 her anonymity was snatched from her by an unscrupulous organization calling itself “the Center for Medical Progress.” (CMP) Members of CMP used subterfuge to gain access to the offices and medical facilities of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, where Savita worked as Chief Medical Off...

    23,16 €

  • The History of the Royal Agricultural Society of England 1839-1939
    Professor J. A. Scott Watson / Professor JAScott Watson
    First published in 1939, this volume outlines the history of Royal Agricultural Society of England, a society that promotes the scientific development of English agriculture. Established in 1838, it’s motto is 'Practice with Science' and it received its Royal Charter from Queen Victoria in 1840. Highly recommended for those with an interest in the society and the history of mod...

    24,39 €

  • Springtime for Snowflakes
    Michael Rectenwald
    Springtime for Snowflakes: 'Social Justice' and Its Postmodern Parentage is a daring and candid memoir. NYU Professor Michael Rectenwald – the notorious @AntiPCNYUProf – illuminates the obscurity of postmodern theory to track down the ideas and beliefs that spawned the contemporary “social justice” creed and movement. In fast-paced creative non-fiction, Rectenwald begins by rec...

    14,88 €

  • The Pocket Emma Goldman
    "I may be arrested, I may be tried and thrown into jail, but I never will be silent; I never will acquiesce or submit to authority, nor will I make peace with a system which degrades woman to a mere incubator and which fattens her on innocent victims. I now and here declare war upon this system..." ...

    12,19 €

  • Abortion in the United States
    Dorothy McBride / Jennifer Keys

    81,65 €

  • Out of Grief and Into Wholeness
    Susan Justice
    Have you, or a loved one, experienced guilt, shame, grief, regret, or other painful emotions related to a past abortion? Do you wonder if a past abortion is still affecting your life today? Do you wonder if there is hope for healing? If so, you are not alone.Out of Grief and Into Wholeness is the author’s own heart-wrenching, yet hope-filled, compelling, true story of abortion ...

    6,83 €

  • Right Thinking on Abortion
    Nicola Wright
    The Snowflake Chronicles is a series of short books that aims to challenge, move and stir us to think about issues that provoke the political status quo. INTRODUCTION BY ROGER FRANKLINFOREWORD BY CHRIS ASHTON Everyone has an opinion on abortion, usually a very strongly held one. Sometimes it appears we keep having the same conversations and the same arguments about it without...

    16,26 €

  • Divided We Fall
    MarieAlena Castle
    A lifelong political activist gives an insiders view of how the political system works so opponents of President Donald Trump can use their knowledge to end the culture war and set a progressive agenda in Divided We Fall. In the book an updated edition of Culture Wars: The Threat to Your Family and Your Freedom Marie Alena Castle openly challenges the harm done in the name o...

    12,84 €

  • In the beginning was the 'word'
    S.L. Philipps / S.LPhilipps
    In a law case against the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the author wrote, in 2015,: “What was done to me could equally be done to members or leaders of groups or organisations (even politicians) to successfully demolish them, such were methods used. Does this reflect British or EU values or healthy democracy? Is this not what “rogue states” do albeit through more aggressive,...

    8,60 €

  • The Big Data Agenda
    Annika Richterich
    This book highlights that the capacity for gathering, analysing, and utilising vast amounts of digital (user) data raises significant ethical issues. Annika Richterich provides a systematic contemporary overview of the field of critical data studies that reflects on practices of digital data collection and analysis. The book assesses in detail one big data research area: biomed...

    72,87 €

  • The Big Data Agenda
    Annika Richterich
    This book highlights that the capacity for gathering, analysing, and utilising vast amounts of digital (user) data raises significant ethical issues. Annika Richterich provides a systematic contemporary overview of the field of critical data studies that reflects on practices of digital data collection and analysis. The book assesses in detail one big data research area: biomed...

    28,12 €

  • Challenging Reproductive Control and Gendered Violence in the Américas
    Hernandez Leandra Hinojosa / Leandra Hinojosa Hernández / Sarah De Los Santos Upton
    This book utilizes an intersectional feminist approach to analyze reproductive and gendered violence against women across the Americas with case studies focusing on the Zika virus, reproductive feminicides, and the role of feminist activism in organizing against violence. ...

    122,49 €

  • Hope Lies in the Proles
    John Newsinger
    George Orwell was one of the most significant literary figures on the left in the twentieth century. While titles such as 1984, Animal Farm and Homage to Catalonia are still rightly regarded as modern classics, his own politics are less well understood.’Hope Lies in the Proles offers a sympathetic yet critical account of Orwell’s political thinking and its continued significanc...

    127,19 €

  • Myths & Ms.
    Rosie Rosenzweig
    A ghost hovers watching and waiting to embody itself in the most auspicious womb. Its goal is to fulfill what it couldn’t in its last lifetime called “soul work.” Myths & Ms. is an intergenerational play about abortion and reincarnation, dramatizing the changing attitudes and conditions towards abortion in the 20th and 21st centuries. This idea of reincarnation highlights the s...

    15,44 €

  • The Big Bubble
    Per Grankvist
    "A sober and penetrating study of the damage done to journalism in recent years, including the scourge of “fake news.” - Kirkus ReviewsWho, or what, shapes our world view? Can facts really be ”alternative”? Is Google personalizing search results to each user and how does customization of news affect us? What do you really know about the algorithms that influence everyday life i...

    10,00 €

  • Understanding Cybersecurity
    This book provides the reader with the most up-to-date survey of the cyberspace security practices and processes. ...

    170,45 €

  • Understanding Cybersecurity
    This book provides the reader with the most up-to-date survey of the cyberspace security practices and processes . ...

    58,30 €

  • For Life
    Joseph Boot / Linda Baartse / Scott Masson
    How do we understand and articulate the biblical basis for the pro-life position? How should we respond to the killing of unborn children? The biblical and historical answer to such questions lies in drawing attention to the idolatry which gave rise to our present culture’s obsession with death, and demonstrating that life is something rooted in the nature of God, that can only...

    3,88 €

  • Outlaw Representation
    Richard Meyer
    “I know it when I see it…” These words, famously spoken in 1964 by United States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, became the rallying cry of the anti-obscenity lobby as their enraged howls became the soundtrack to a tumultuous mixture of modern art, homosexuality, and public funding.Author Richard Meyer charts the history of this American culture war through detailed analy...

    68,20 €

  • Birth Control in the Decolonizing Caribbean
    Nicole Bourbonnais

    54,28 €

  • Literature and the Law in South Africa, 1910-2010
    Ted Laros
    On the basis of institutional and poetological analyses of legal trials concerning literature held in South Africa during the period 1910–2010, this study describes how the battles fought in and around the courts between literary, judicial, and executive elites eventually led to a constitutional exceptio artis (artistic freedom) for literature. ...

    115,28 €

  • The Ultimate GDPR Practitioner Guide
    Stephen R Massey
    The Ultimate GDPR Practitioner Guide provides those tasked with implementing Data Protection processes, useful information on how to achieve compliance with GDPR. The book is crammed with advice, guidance and templates and also includes a copy of the full regulation text and the supporting recitals. Topics include:•    The Data Protection Officer•    Data Protection Policy•    ...

    22,58 €

  • America's Hope
    Kelly Wright
    Kelly Wright has interviewed many popular newsmakers, including President Barack Obama (when he was Senator), First Lady Laura Bush, Muhammad Ali, John Travolta, Nick Jonas, Ludacris and O.J. Simpson. A familiar face to millions who watch Fox News, Kelly Wright is the co-anchor of “America’s News Headquarters Weekend” and former co-host of “Fox and Friends Weekend.” He also rep...

    17,15 €

  • The Woman at the Tomb
    Jessica Lockhart
    A story of motherhood, mental illness and redemption. Following  painful decision to abort a pregnancy, Jessica found herself spiralling towards a suicidal breakdown. She survived, and, with the support of family, friends and faith, found her way back to life.Centred around the story of Mary Magdalene’s encounter with the risen Christ, The Woman at the Tomb is a testament to th...

    10,46 €

  • The Time of the Toad
    Dalton Trumbo
    The Time of the Toad is a searing classic about political repression in America by the legendary screenwriter Dalton Trumbo. In the early 1940s, Trumbo and many other artists, writers, and intellectuals who shared anti-war sympathies and anti-fascist ideals were active members of the American communist party, but their ideology did not go unnoticed. In 1947, during the era of J...

    20,20 €

  • SJWs Always Double Down
    Vox Day
    Whether you realize it or not, if you live in the West, you are currently engulfed in a civilization-wide cultural war that is taking place all around you. Maybe you’re aware of it, or maybe you’re not. It doesn’t matter. The cultural war is real and it is vicious. And unlike a traditional shooting war between different nations, in a cultural war there are no civilians. There a...

    22,26 €

  • Negotiating Workplace Relationships
    Jeffrey W. Kassing / Jeffrey WKassing / Vincent R. Waldron / Vincent RWaldron
    Negotiating Workplace Relationships teaches students how to navigate the ethically challenging and professionally risky situations they are likely to encounter in their working lives. Grounded in both classic and contemporary studies, this narrative-based text introduces a theoretical framework and pragmatic communication strategies for mitigating personal risk and optimizing r...

    73,42 €

  • Negotiating Workplace Relationships
    Vincent R. Waldron / Vincent RWaldron

    116,99 €