Catálogo de libros: Prospectiva social, futurología

260 Catálogo de libros: Prospectiva social, futurología

Libros Eliminar filtro Inglés Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Sociedad y cultura: general Eliminar filtro Cuestiones y procesos sociales Eliminar filtro Prospectiva social, futurología Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Living Digital 2040
     Countries, cities, and companies are investing in smart cities and digital economies. How can people thrive as their lives are disrupted and transformed? Will jobs be created or destroyed? Will digital divides narrow or widen in education and healthcare? Living Digital 2040 provides practical answers to these questions. It focuses on the future of work, education, and he...

    93,16 €

  • Will This Be Canada's Century?
    D. Paul Schafer
    In this thought-provoking book, D. Paul Schafer makes the case that Canada possesses the potential to play a crucial role in the world. After taking stock of the country’s history, geography, and two of its greatest assets–creativity and diversity–he sets his sights on the rapidly-changing global and Canadian landscape. Schafer contends that by applying a cultural and chronolog...

    14,71 €

    After celebrating 50 years of independence, Singapore is focused on the question of what the future may bring. The future is neither predetermined nor random. How the chapter turns out will be affected by many economic and social forces, but much will also depend on how Singapore and Singaporeans choose to contribute to it.Singapore is likely to do well if important unresolved ...

    81,54 €

  • A Time Traveller’s Guide to South Africa in 2030
    Frans Cronje
    What will South Africa look like in 2030? And how will the next fifteen years unfold? South Africa has undergone dramatic change in recent years. Political tensions are on the up, economic performance has weakened, and South Africans are increasingly taking their frustrations to the streets. What does this mean for the country? Frans Cronje’s new set of scenarios is a sober com...

    22,57 €

  • Afrofuturism 2.0
    This collection examines the applicability of contemporary expressions of Afrofuturism to the fields of Africana studies, cultural studies, and other areas of academic inquiry. The essays within this book identify the twenty-first-century expressions of Afrofuturism emerging in several areas of metaphysics. ...

    61,13 €

  • The Revolution Will Be Improvised
    Mike Freedman
    Filmmaker and writer Mike Freedman speaks with a range of experts from a variety of backgrounds about what the future has in store for humanity.Post-growth economics, sustainability, water privatisation, rejuvenation biotechnology, cyber-security and the war on drugs are some of the topics covered, featuring new insights from diverse thinkers including Richard Heinberg, Derrick...

    11,36 €

  • THEM
    MG Hardie
    When stock trader Devon Heathrow finds a mysterious device, a new world is open to him, plunging him into a world of violence and uncertainty. Otherworlders murder his wife, his daughter, and him. Devon was dead.Who determines winners and losers, what drives a person to succeed or fail... luck, hard work...maybe it's fate... Sometimes...sometimes it's THEM. Every hero h...

    13,44 €

  • Visions of Technological Transcendence
    James A Herrick
    The human enhancement movement--with Transhumanism as its best-known and most influential manifestation--promotes dramatic mental and physical augmentations to be realized by the radical and coordinated appropriation of biotechnology and computer science. Goals of Transhumanism include immortality, the merger of humans and machines, human-level artificial intelligence, and spac...

    40,88 €

  • Visions of Technological Transcendence
    James A. Herrick / James AHerrick
    The human enhancement movement—with Transhumanism as its best-known and most influential manifestation—promotes dramatic mental and physical augmentations to be realized by the radical and coordinated appropriation of biotechnology and computer science. Goals of Transhumanism include immortality, the merger of humans and machines, human-level artificial intelligence, and space ...

    82,65 €

  • Eco-Nihilism
    Wendy Lynne Lee
    Eco-Nihilism: The Philosophical Geopolitics of the Climate Change Apocalypse argues that there are no versions of conquest capital compatible with the fact of a finite planet, and that the pursuit of growth is destined to not only exhaust our planetary resources, but generate profound social injustice and geopolitical violence in its pursuit. ...

    186,27 €

  • A History of the Future
    Peter J. Bowler / Peter JBowler

    96,84 €

  • A History of the Future
    Peter J. Bowler / Peter JBowler

    31,79 €

  • Crisis of Control
    Peter J Scott
    The human race is caught in the crosshairs of twin threats stemming from exponential advances in technology: easy access to weapons of mass destruction by terrorists, and the development of artificial intelligences that could take over our infrastructure. In Crisis of Control, Peter Scott lays out the stark choices and consequences facing us in clear, provocative, and sometimes...

    16,71 €

  • Foresight

    24,67 €

  • The Future in America
    H. G. Wells / HGWells
    This is H. G. Wells’ 1906 work, 'The Future in America'. Within it, he explores America’s history and its relation to the future. Wells argues that America has evolved from a society that requires individual self-sufficiency into something new, and that what worked - and was indeed necessary - in the past may not be practical in the future. A fascinating insight into America’s ...

    23,29 €

  • The Queer Story of Brownlow’s Newspaper
    H. G. Wells / HGWells
    This book contains H. G. Wells’ 1932 short story, 'The Queer Story of Brownlow’s Newspaper'. On the 10th November 1931 Brownlow receives his daily newspaper like any other day-however, unlike any other day, the newspaper contains full colour images and is dated forty years in the future. The story is primarily a description of the information contained within the news paper and...

    14,75 €

  • The Salvaging of Civilization
    H. G. Wells / HGWells
    'The Salvaging of Civilization' is a 1921 work by legendary English author H. G. Wells. Within it, Wells explains how a single planetary government could be created through education and the manipulation of public opinion. This book offers a fascinating insight into the mind of this seminal author and is highly recommended for those with an interest in global politics. Contents...

    18,92 €

  • The Dualarity
    Olivier Van Duren
    The changes that are upon us will alter the face of every industry, business and government but, even more importantly, the way you and society live. Drawing on Olivier Van Duüren’s extensive global experience at the cutting edge of one of the world’s most successful companies, The Dualarity provides a comprehensive overview of what is happening around you and the implications....

    32,94 €

  • The Dualarity
    Olivier Van Duren
    The changes that are upon us will alter the face of every industry, business and government but, even more importantly, the way you and society live. Drawing on Olivier Van Duüren’s extensive global experience at the cutting edge of one of the world’s most successful companies, The Dualarity provides a comprehensive overview of what is happening around you and the implication...

    20,17 €

  • Thinking Together At The Edge Of History
    William Irwin Thompson
    When a cultural historian writes a memoir it is likely to be interesting. When that person is William Irwin Thompson, author of numerous book and articles including the best selling At the Edge of History, it is guaranteed to be both intriguing and thought provoking. From 1972 and for 40 years thereafter Dr. Thompson brought together a who’s who of leading scientists, avant-ga...

    17,38 €

  • Thinking Dead
    Murali Balaji
    Thinking Dead: What the Zombie Apocalypse Means, edited by Murali Balaji, examines various aspects of the zombie apocalypse scenario from the perspective of a variety of theoretical frameworks. Essays in the collection shed light on why we are so obsessed with the undead. This is a cutting-edge volume for the growing scholarship on media representations of zombies. ...

    66,56 €

  • 4 Steps to the Future
    Richard A. K. Lum
    This book by Richard Lum, an academically trained futurist, is a practical, straight-to-the-action guide for creating foresight in any organization.  Written for today’s attention-stressed and resource-deprived manager, 4 Steps to the Future provides an easy-to-understand process for creating insight about the future that individuals can immediately begin applying within their ...

    11,97 €

  • The New Jewish Mandate (Vol. 2, Lipstick and War Crimes Series)
    Ray Songtree
    The New Jewish Mandate : Renouncing the Money Changers is the Jewish Edition of Vol. 2 of the Lipstick and War Crimes Series by Ray Songtree, with special introduction for friends and critics of Israel.From David Ben Gurion to the Grammy award Divas, with over 350  color images, Vol 2 is a provocative exposé of our undiscussed social engineering. Does social engineering weaken ...

    43,02 €

  • 22 Generations
    Warren Hays
    Modern societies are packed full of inventions and useful ideas that have accumulated over hundreds of generations. That's what built up the modern world we live in. We humans, among the millions of species of life, are the only one that thinks up innovative ideas and carries out the complex actions to make them real. What drives us to forever change our world this way? 22 ...

    21,22 €

  • Afrofuturism 2.0
    This collection examines the applicability of contemporary expressions of Afrofuturism to the fields of Africana studies, cultural studies, and other areas of academic inquiry. The essays within this book identify the twenty-first-century expressions of Afrofuturism emerging in the areas of metaphysics such as speculative philosophy, religion, visual studies, performance, art, ...

    136,03 €

  • Sacred Outrage
    Mary Knapp
    Sacred Outrage: A Seasoned Woman's Guide to Soulful Citizen Action is a call to action and a how-to manual for seasoned women to step up into leadership roles and positions of influence in local communities, mobilizing other citizens of all ages into soulful action, bringing about the changes needed to live in a world that is healthy, successful, and sustainable. Sacred Outra...

    22,27 €

  • Terra Nova. Global Revolution and the Healing of Love
    Dieter Duhm
    Terra Nova describes a vision for a new culture: an Earth free of war, a society free of violence, a love free of lies, and a life free of fear.The author outlines this new Earth not only in theory, but also writes from his direct experience of its emergence. This book presents the essence of nearly forty years of pioneering work in establishing functioning communities.'How do...

    20,79 €

  • Priorities for a Planet in Transition - The Space Brothers’ Case for Justice and Freedom
    Gerard Aartsen
    Beyond speculation and sensationalism, this book brings together a significant body of authentic information about life on the other planets in our solar system, as reported by contactees the world over. By showing the similarities among the stories of the original contactees and providing a relevant context through observations about the state of the world, it uncovers how the...

    19,22 €

  • The Future of Food Tourism
    This book presents a systematic and pattern-based explanation of food tourism, focusing on how and why change could occur and what the implications could be. In the future will food tourism involve food grown in the laboratory or a more authentic experience? The book explores these and many other futures and scenarios. ...

    60,02 €

  • Humanity at the Crossroads
    Garth J. Hallett / Garth JHallett
    Humanity at the Crossroads attempts to answer questions regarding the effect of technological progress on our lives. This book concludes that the very technology which threatens to destroy us, not merely its more favorable offshoots, is itself the catalyst for that better world we may yet hope to inhabit. ...

    32,18 €

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