Catálogo de libros: Sociedad y cultura: general

57250 Catálogo de libros: Sociedad y cultura: general

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Sociedad y cultura: general Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Memórias de Um Sádico
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Marcos era um importante escritor com uma inteligência incomparável para a literatura, sua impressionante capacidade de criar histórias num breve espaço de tempo lhe rendeu vários prêmios, bem como um expansivo reconhecimento no mundo literário. Seus leitores eram encontrados por todo o mundo e todas as suas obras eram um grande sucesso de vendas.Porém, devido certa tendência à...

    54,61 €

  • Preconceitos
    Abdenal Carvalho
    André é um jovem que desde sua adolescência foi vítima da intolerância e preconceito por parte de seus familiares, vizinhos e por todos que o conheciam, chegou a ser impedido de frequentar a igreja onde o pai era pastor evangélico, foi espancado pelos estranhos e renegado pelo irmão mais velho, devido sua condição de homossexual. A situação chegou ao extremo dele ser expulso de...

    56,74 €

  • Vera Lúcia
    Abdenal Carvalho
    'Vera Lúcia' é uma história de mulher dominada por um desejo sexual e quase incontrolável, que acaba por se tornar por um homem com características parecidas e pode ser um pouco mais difícil em relação às pessoas erradas. Por toda a trama, ela é traída, enganada e ferida por pessoas que vivem ao redor, até que a mãe filha que tem um caso íntimo com o seu namorado. O resultado d...

    33,34 €

  • Vera Lúcia
    Abdenal Carvalho
    'Vera Lúcia' é uma história de mulher dominada por um desejo sexual e quase incontrolável, que acaba por se tornar por um homem com características parecidas e pode ser um pouco mais difícil em relação às pessoas erradas. Por toda a trama, ela é traída, enganada e ferida por pessoas que vivem ao redor, até que a mãe filha que tem um caso íntimo com o seu namorado. O resultado d...

    54,67 €

  • Conflitos
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Depois de escrever várias histórias e encantado muitas pessoas com seus romances e contos, Eduardo resolve falar de si mesmo, de suas frustrações, dores e da vida cheia de perversidade, orgias e drogas, numa trama onde há apenas dois personagens: Ele, com seus pensamentos cheios de conflitos e contradições, e a solidão sempre em silêncio, zombando de sua infelicidades, até surg...

    54,64 €

  • Fanny Fun
    M. Cassol / MCassol
    Fanny Fun is a gripping novel that explores the ideas of bisexuality and lesbianism. Through an honest glimpse into the lives of the characters, readers are taken on journeys of self- love and discovery. Everyone struggles against adversities, but the characters in this novel all handle them in a unique way that reflects each individual character’s personality. As they grow and...

    11,87 €

  • chroma.
    Willie L. Kinard III / Willie Lee Kinard III / Willie LKinard III
    A colorful mix of quips, verses and midnight conversations with the heavens, chroma. is the first chapbook and collection of poetry from Willie Lee Kinard III. Twenty-five pieces on love and laughter, faith and fear, magic and recovery, Kinard pens a year’s worth of reflection, self-discovery, passion, and a bit of elbow grease. ...

    12,51 €

  • The Translation of Surah Al-Fatihah and Juz Amma English Edition
    Jannah Firdaus Mediapro
    The Meaning and The Translation of Surah Al-Fatihah with Juz Amma from The Holy Quran In English Languange. ...

    21,08 €

  • Women In Islam
    Abd Ar-Rahman bin Abd AlKareem
    Shedding light on the status of women prior to Islam, this book explains that women were ill-treated and humiliated in many cultures and how Islam put an end to all this injustice, gave women their proper status and established their rights. Islam considers that men and women have two different, but mutually complementary, roles in the family and in society and the relationship...

    26,22 €

  • Hukum Bunuh Diri Dan Eutanasia Dalam Syariah Islam
    Muhammad Vandestra
    Pandangan Syariah Islam Terhadap Bunuh Diri (Suidice) Dan Eutanashia, bersumberkan dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran Serta Al-Hadist juga dar hasil penelitian para ilmuwan muslim. ...

    12,53 €

  • Terjemahan Surat Al-Fatihah and Surat Al-Baqarah Edisi Bahasa Inggris
    Muhammad Vandestra
    Terjemahan Surat Al-Fatihah and Surat Al-Baqarah Dalam Bahasa Inggris Edisi Berwarna. Sūrat al-Fātiḥah (Bahasa Arab: سُورَةُ الْفَاتِحَة) adalah bab pertama (surah) dari Quran. Ketujuh ayatnya (ayat) adalah doa untuk bimbingan, ketuhanan dan rahmat Tuhan. Bab ini memiliki peran penting dalam doa Islam (salāt). Arti literal utama dari ungkapan 'al-Fātiḥah' adalah 'Pembuka,' yang...

    20,69 €

  • Panduan Kesehatan Untuk Wanita Muslimah Edisi Bahasa Indonesia
    Jannah Firdaus Mediapro
    Panduan Kesehatan Untuk Wanita Muslimah Dalam Bahasa Indonesia Tentang Berbagai Masalah Kesehatan Seperti Haid, Nifas, ASI Dan Kehamilan. Bersumberkan Dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran, Al-Hadist Dan Penelitian Ahli Kedokteran Islam. ...

    15,62 €

  • Days of Love
    Elisa Rolle
    A new book chronicling 2,000 years of same-sex love stories, from Alexander the Great to the latest Literary Award winner, makes the perfect Valentine’s Day gift. Days of Love, created and Edited by Elisa Rolle, makes inspiring reading and lays to rest the myth that LGBT couples are not capable of sustaining life-long relationships. Packed full of beautiful photos and illustrat...

    51,83 €

  • Human Rights In Islam Hardcover Version
    Osoul Center
    Human rights in Islam religion are outlined in The Noble Qur’an and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad SAW and aim at making man lead a life of compassion and dignity, so that he acquires all good qualities and deals with others in the best manner. The book clarifies the misconceptions that are often expressed regarding the different aspects of freedom and responds to criticism ...

    44,52 €

  • Prayer Journal for Women
    Gabriel Bachheimer
    This Prayer Journal includes Love, Meditate, Pray, Connect, Confess, Learn and Be Grateful sections, on each page you can find different prompts which will guide you to the desired spiritual state.Among others prayer journals for women / notebooks with prompts, our journal is designed with unique flowers and symbols on each page. Furthermore, many unique biblical quotes will in...

    42,60 €

  • BLACK PRESIDENT--The Story of JFK’s Secret Sons
    Rick Schmidt
    BLACK PRESIDENT--The Story of JFK’s Secret Sons begins with President Kennedy’s seduction of Sarah Little, a devout, married, African-American woman. Two-and-a-half years later he is dead. Against all conceivable adversity, their son rises from poverty to attain America’s highest office. Victory in the White House has its roots in the lost innocence of the past...Weaving togeth...

    31,15 €

  • Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral (Esprios Classics)
    Phillis Wheatley
    Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral by Phillis Wheatley, Negro Servant to Mr. John Wheatley, of Boston, in New England (published 1 September 1773) is a collection of 39 poems written by Phillis Wheatley, the first professional African-American woman poet in America and the first African-American woman whose writings were published. Phillis Wheatley broke barriers as...

    19,45 €

  • Nadie sabe mi nombre
    James Baldwin
    James Baldwins, Nadie sabe mi nombre relata los últimos meses del autoexilio de diez años de este famoso escritor estadounidense en Europa, su regreso a Estados Unidos y a Harlem, y su primer viaje al sur en el momento de las batallas de integración escolar. Contiene los perfiles controvertidos e íntimos de Baldwin de Norman Mailer, Richard Wright e Ingmar Bergman. Y explora te...

    21,17 €

  • Hope Never Dies
    Mathias Wallace
    Hope Never Dies is part two of the riveting fiction-novel Voiceless, which stole the hearts of readers across the nation with its paralyzing storyline and hidden messages. Jeremiah, Troy, and Catherine were siblings fighting through a tumultuous lifestyle enabled by their single mother struggling with the demons of her life years before her kids realized. Poverty, neglect, drug...

    20,75 €

  • The Position of Women in Indian Life
    Chimnabai II / S. M. Mitra
    DURING the course of several visits to the West, both to Europe and to America, I was naturally struck by the difference between the position of woman in English and in Indian public life, as represented by her share in the organizations for human welfare in the two countries. The cooperation which exists between Western men and women in public affairs is practically unknown in...

    38,90 €

  • The Ancient Heroes of South Indian Peninsula
    Thomas B. Pandian
    IT has been the invariable complaint of all who have attempted to write the history of India that, as Hindu literature which teems with mythological legends, is sadly deficient in historical records, it is difficult to say with any precision when India was first peopled by the Hindus, from whom they descended, and from what country they came. It is certain, however, that the pe...

    15,94 €

  • Gandhism In Theory and Practice
    Nripendra Chandra Banerji
    All the papers which appear in this book appeared in the columns of the ’Servant’, the leading N. C. O. organ of Calcutta. Many of these were written under interesting conditions and subsequently printed in the ’Servant’ when the author took over its charge as Editor. Many more have appeared in the ’Servant’ from time to time. These papers in their own way are a compendium of G...

    24,77 €

  • The Caste System of the Hindus
    Sourindro Mohun Tagore
    In his Institutes, Manu says- The Brahmana primarily sprang from the mouth of Brahma. This original Brahmana according to the ordinance married a woman of the same caste, and the offspring of this connection go by the name of Brahmanas. The duties of a Brahmana are celebrating sacrifice, officiating at other’s sacrifices, study, teaching, making gifts, and, finally, receiving s...

    15,82 €

  • Learn to negotiate with your customers
    Digital World
    Discover the power of negotiation and transform your customer interactions into successful opportunities! In 'Learn to Negotiate with Your Customers', delve into a universe of powerful strategies and valuable insights to strengthen your business relationships.This book is an indispensable guide for any professional looking to improve their negotiation skills. With a practical a...

    65,35 €

  • Les 'Oronao'
    Nágila Nerval Chaves
    Dans cette étude intitulée Os OroNao’ : une histoire de la maladie et de la résistance, basée sur les archives du SPI - 9e I. R., Guajará-Mirim (1940-1970), les situations de maladie, de mort et de résistance vécues par les peuples indigènes Wari’, en particulier les sous-groupes OroNao’ et OroNao’ des Blancs, dans le processus de contact interethnique avec les non-Indiens, dan...

    85,74 €

  • Communication et convergence des médias
    Jagadish Jogihalli Rangaiah
    Ce livre comporte six chapitres basés sur la recherche et l’analyse. Toutes les données fournies sont véridiques et authentiques. Les chapitres sont très variés et le contenu de l’analyse est basé sur des données de recherche. Apparemment, les trois auteurs ont travaillé dur sur ce projet pour rédiger une méthodologie basée sur l’inférence des données. Toutefois, ce livre conti...

    68,16 €

  • Convergência da comunicação e dos meios de comunicação social
    Jagadish Jogihalli Rangaiah
    Este livro tem seis capítulos que se baseiam em investigação e análise. Todos os dados fornecidos são verdadeiros e autênticos. Este livro tem uma grande variedade de capítulos e conteúdos de análise baseados em dados de investigação. Aparentemente, os três autores trabalharam arduamente neste projeto para redigir uma metodologia baseada na inferência de dados. No entanto, este...

    68,16 €

  • Tom Sawyer Collection
    Mark Twain
    1. 'Tom Sawyer Abroad' (1894) follows Tom, Huck Finn, and Jim as they embark on a journey across the Atlantic Ocean in a hot air balloon. Along the way, they encounter various adventures and mishaps, including encounters with wild animals and a visit to various exotic lands. The story is filled with Twain’s trademark humor and satire, offering a playful twist on the adventure g...

    19,98 €

  • Tom Sawyer Collection
    Mark Twain
    1. 'Tom Sawyer Abroad' (1894) follows Tom, Huck Finn, and Jim as they embark on a journey across the Atlantic Ocean in a hot air balloon. Along the way, they encounter various adventures and mishaps, including encounters with wild animals and a visit to various exotic lands. The story is filled with Twain’s trademark humor and satire, offering a playful twist on the adventure g...

    34,69 €

  • Resurrection Vol. 1
    Leo Tolstoy
    The last novel written by Leo Tolstoy, 'Resurrection' was first published in 1899 amidst huge anticipation. What surprised the world was Tolstoy’s story of a guilt-ridden nobleman, haunted by the sins of his past and seeking a way to atone for them. The aristocratic Prince Dmitri Ivanovich Nekhlyudov serves on a jury of a murder trial, only to discover that the accused prostitu...

    41,31 €