Catálogo de libros: Sociedad y cultura: general

57250 Catálogo de libros: Sociedad y cultura: general

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Sociedad y cultura: general Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • The Art of Finding Purpose in Your Daily Commute
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Title: 'The Art of Finding Purpose in Your Daily Commute'Book Description:Are you tired of your daily commute being a mundane, purposeless task? Discover the hidden potential in your daily journey with 'The Art of Finding Purpose in Your Daily Commute.' This insightful guide takes you on a transformative journey from viewing your commute as a chore to embracing it as an opportu...

    46,53 €

  • The Cultural Impact of Urban Street Art
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Title: The Cultural Impact of Urban Street ArtDive into the vibrant world of urban street art with 'Unveiling Urban Expressions.' This captivating book takes you on a journey through the diverse, dynamic, and often controversial universe of street art, offering a comprehensive exploration of its profound cultural impact.From the rebellious roots of graffiti culture in 1970s New...

    50,53 €

  • Psychological Effects of Internet Trolling
    Emmanuel Joseph
    In the age of the internet, a peculiar and often destructive phenomenon has emerged - internet trolling. 'Psychological Effects of Internet Trolling' is an insightful exploration of the complex world of trolling, providing a comprehensive look at its origins, psychology, impact, and the ethical considerations that surround it.This thought-provoking book takes readers on a journ...

    46,91 €

  • The Sociology of Extreme Sports Subcultures
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Book Description:Title: 'The Sociology of Extreme Sports Subcultures'In the adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports, there exists a vibrant tapestry of subcultures, each with its unique values, norms, and communities. 'The Sociology of Extreme Sports Subcultures' takes you on an enthralling journey into the heart of these dynamic and daring communities, uncovering the sociol...

    33,47 €

  • Orizzonti intrecciati
    Luna Shelley
    In questa narrazione, seguiamo i percorsi di due anime destinate a intrecciarsi: Aiden, cresciuto in una cultura che celebra l’apertura e la diversità, ma che ancora nasconde pregiudizi sotto una superficie lucida; e Zara, la cui vita è stata segnata dalla lotta per l’accettazione in una società che vede l’amore come qualcosa da conformare e controllare. ...

    62,84 €

  • Orizzonti intrecciati
    Luna Shelley
    In questa narrazione, seguiamo i percorsi di due anime destinate a intrecciarsi: Aiden, cresciuto in una cultura che celebra l’apertura e la diversità, ma che ancora nasconde pregiudizi sotto una superficie lucida; e Zara, la cui vita è stata segnata dalla lotta per l’accettazione in una società che vede l’amore come qualcosa da conformare e controllare. ...

    49,54 €

  • Lighter Fluid
    Oskar Leonard
    Jey, T and Kleo are just three semi-ordinary kids trying to get through high school, but temptation threatens to ruin their relationships with each other and tragedy isolates Jey from the others.Guilt, love and betrayal are all explored within this emotional story about teenagers, their actions and the sometimes devastating consequences. ...

    11,87 €

  • Lighter Fluid
    Oskar Leonard
    Jey, T and Kleo are just three semi-ordinary kids trying to get through high school, but temptation threatens to ruin their relationships with each other and tragedy isolates Jey from the others.Guilt, love and betrayal are all explored within this emotional story about teenagers, their actions and the sometimes devastating consequences. ...

    34,76 €

  • Email and the Everyday
    Esther Milne

    33,68 €

  • Nonhuman Photography
    Joanna Zylinska

    33,94 €

  • Screening Europe in Australasia
    Julie K. Allen
    This book’s treatment of the extensive circulation of European silent features and stars in Australasia reveals the vibrant transnationalism of silent film before the rise of Hollywood, and frames the emergence of art house cinema in the 1920s. ...

    59,55 €

  • crying and throwing up
    juliet h
    This book is a three-part novel discussing the struggles of growing up and simply being a teenager. Although this book is directed towards teenagers, almost anyone can read and enjoy this book. Inside this book, you will find poetry, personal essays, and anonymous letters. Do note that the book also does include mentions of self-harm, eating disorders, and suicide, so it is not...

    16,74 €

  • Philebus
    The Philebus is a Socratic dialogue written in the 4th century BC by Plato. Besides Socrates (the main speaker) the other interlocutors are Philebus and Protarchus. Philebus, who advocates the life of physical pleasure (hedonism), hardly participates, and his position is instead defended by Protarchus, who learnt argumentation from Sophists. Socrates proposes there are higher p...

    15,55 €

  • Phaedrus
    The Phaedrus,written by Plato, is a dialogue between Plato’s protagonist, Socrates, and Phaedrus, an interlocutor in several dialogues. The Phaedrus was presumably composed around 370 BCE, about the same time as Plato’s Republic and Symposium. Although ostensibly about the topic of love, the discussion in the dialogue revolves around the art of rhetoric and how it should be pra...

    14,42 €

  • 'Revolution in Poetic Language' Fifty Years Later
    Emilia Angelova
    Revisits Julia Kristeva’s magnum opus on the fiftieth anniversary of its original publication to open up new paths of interdisciplinary inquiry. ...

    126,69 €

  • Sounding Bodies
    Shannon Draucker
    Shows how nineteenth-century discoveries in acoustical science shaped Victorian literary representations of gender, sexuality, and intimacy. ...

    126,83 €

  • Culture and gender
    Nayara Thainan Costa Ruggeri
    Women in society. This is a summary of how women have been put in charge of care since the beginning of time and how this affects us today. It also deals with the vision of health policies aimed at women and their relationships, as professionals, mothers, wives, friends and individuals. It also tells the story of how women have conquered their place in professions that were pre...

    55,10 €

  • Kultur und Geschlecht
    Nayara Thainan Costa Ruggeri
    Frauen in der Gesellschaft. Dies ist eine Zusammenfassung darüber, wie Frauen seit Anbeginn der Zeit die Verantwortung für die Pflege übertragen wurde und wie sich dies heute auswirkt. Sie befasst sich auch mit der Vision einer Gesundheitspolitik, die auf Frauen und ihre Beziehungen als Berufstätige, Mütter, Ehefrauen, Freundinnen und Einzelpersonen ausgerichtet ist. Sie erzähl...

    55,16 €

  • Cultura e genere
    Nayara Thainan Costa Ruggeri
    Le donne nella società. Si tratta di una sintesi di come le donne siano state incaricate della cura fin dall’inizio dei tempi e di come questo si ripercuota su di noi oggi. Tratta anche della visione delle politiche sanitarie rivolte alle donne e delle loro relazioni, come professioniste, madri, mogli, amiche e individui. Racconta anche la storia di come le donne abbiano conqui...

    55,10 €

  • Culture et genre
    Nayara Thainan Costa Ruggeri
    Les femmes dans la société. Il s’agit d’un résumé de la manière dont les femmes ont été chargées des soins depuis la nuit des temps et de la manière dont cela nous affecte aujourd’hui. Il traite également de la vision des politiques de santé destinées aux femmes et de leurs relations, en tant que professionnelles, mères, épouses, amies et individus. Elle raconte aussi comment l...

    55,16 €

  • Культура и гендер
    Наяра Т Коста Ружжери
    Женщины в обществе. Это краткое изложение того, как с начала времен женщинам поручалась забота о здоровье и как это влияет на нас сегодня. Здесь также рассматривается видение политики в области здравоохранения, направленной на женщин и их взаимоотношения как профессионалов, матерей, жен, друзей и отдельных людей. В книге также рассказывается о том, как женщины завоевывают свое ...

    55,16 €

  • Le donne nel giornalismo radiofonico di Rio Grande do Sul
    Diego Weigelt / Luana Silva
    Come giornalista donna e ammiratrice del giornalismo radiofonico, mi sono sempre chiesta perché ci siano così poche donne del Rio Grande do Sul che lavorano in radio. Questa domanda mi ha portato a sviluppare questo libro, Le donne nel giornalismo radiofonico nel Rio Grande do Sul: un’analisi delle stazioni radiofoniche di Bandeirantes, Gaúcha e Guaíba, in cui ho cercato di esp...

    55,16 €

  • Женщины в радиожурналистике в штате Риу-Гранди-ду-Сул
    Диего Вайгельт / Луана Сильва
    Будучи журналисткой и поклонницей радиожурналистики, я всегда задавалась вопросом, почему так мало женщин из Риу-Гранди-ду-Сул работают на радио. Этот вопрос заставил меня написать книгу 'Женщины в радиожурналистике Риу-Гранди-ду-Сул: анализ радиостанций Бандейрантес, Гауча и Гуаиба', в которой я попыталась исследовать элементы участия женщин в радиовещании в Риу-Гранди-ду-Сул....

    55,29 €

  • Spirituelles Bewusstsein bei Hochschullehrern
    Dayal Sandhu
    Die Spiritualität am Arbeitsplatz ist in ihren elementaren Bestandteilen ein spirituelles Bewusstsein, eine Verbindung zueinander und eine übergeordnete Existenz, ein Gefühl der Zufriedenheit und des Wertes sowie der Bedeutung für den eigenen Beruf. Das multidimensionale Konzept der Arbeitsspiritualität hat eine große Bandbreite von weit verbreiteten Spanne über organisatorisch...

    77,84 €

  • Die Stille willkommen heißen und ihr zuhören
    Amanda Costa
    Die Betreuung gehörloser Frauen während der Schwangerschaft durch medizinisches Fachpersonal entspricht nicht den Rechten, die durch die geltende Gesetzgebung garantiert werden, und wenn keine Begleitperson als Vermittler anwesend ist, findet der Dialog über rudimentäre Kommunikationsformen statt. Die Betreuung während der Schwangerschaft, der Geburt und des Wochenbetts sollte ...

    54,90 €

  • Frauen im Radiojournalismus in Rio Grande do Sul
    Diego Weigelt / Luana Silva
    Als Journalistin und Bewunderin des Radiojournalismus habe ich mich immer gefragt, warum es so wenige Frauen aus Rio Grande do Sul gibt, die im Radio arbeiten. Diese Frage hat mich dazu veranlasst, dieses Buch mit dem Titel Frauen im Radiojournalismus in Rio Grande do Sul: eine Analyse der Radiosender Bandeirantes, Gaúcha und Guaíba zu verfassen, in dem ich Elemente der Beteili...

    55,22 €

  • La coscienza spirituale degli insegnanti universitari
    Dayal Sandhu
    La spiritualità sul posto di lavoro, nei suoi elementi costitutivi, è la coscienza spirituale, l’interconnessione con l’altro e l’esistenza superiore, il senso di appagamento, il valore e l’implicazione nella propria professione. Il concetto multidimensionale di spiritualità del lavoro ha un’ampia gamma di applicazioni diffuse nei processi e nei sistemi organizzativi. Questa ri...

    77,85 €

  • La conscience spirituelle des enseignants de l’enseignement supérieur
    Dayal Sandhu
    La spiritualité au travail, dans sa composante élémentaire, est la conscience spirituelle, l’interconnexion avec les autres et une existence supérieure, un sentiment de satisfaction et de valeur, ainsi que l’implication dans la profession. Cette recherche a pour but de déterminer l’impact de la spiritualité au travail sur l’engagement organisationnel et la satisfaction professi...

    77,84 €

  • Accueillir et écouter le silence
    Amanda Costa
    La prise en charge des femmes sourdes pendant la grossesse par les professionnels de santé n’est pas conforme aux droits garantis par la législation en vigueur et, en l’absence d’un accompagnateur pour aider à la médiation, le dialogue se fait à travers des formes de communication rudimentaires. Les soins prodigués pendant la grossesse, l’accouchement et la période postnatale d...

    54,90 €

  • Welcoming and Listening to Silence
    Amanda Costa
    The care received by deaf women during pregnancy from health professionals is not in line with the rights guaranteed by current legislation and, unless a companion is present to help mediate, dialogue is carried out through rudimentary forms of communication. The care provided during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period should be redoubled and capable of helping deaf...

    54,90 €