Catálogo de libros: Sociedad y ciencias sociales

222067 Catálogo de libros: Sociedad y ciencias sociales

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Bereavement Counseling

    88,83 €

  • Decolonization and Dependency
    Aguibou Y. Yansane / Aguibou YYansane

    121,19 €

  • The Cost of Good Intentions
    Charles R. Morris / Charles RMorris

    17,39 €

  • The Politics of Dependency
    Steven T. Rosenthal / Steven TRosenthal

    82,42 €

  • Power and Democracy in America
    Delbert C. Miller / Delbert CMiller / Peter F. Drucker / Peter FDrucker / Robert Alan Dahl

    95,74 €

  • Order, Empiricism and Politics
    UNKNOWN / W. H. Greenleaf / WHGreenleaf

    82,17 €

  • The Western Isles Today
    Judith Ennew

    40,03 €

  • Political Control of the Economy
    Edward R. Tufte / Edward RTufte
    Speculations about the effects of politics on economic life have a long and vital tradition, but few efforts have been made to determine the precise relationship between them. Edward Tufte, a political scientist who covered the 1976 Presidential election for Newsweek, seeks to do just that. His sharp analyses and astute observations lead to an eye-opening view of the impact of ...

    61,54 €

  • The Private Worlds of Dying Children
    Myra Bluebond-Langner
    'The death of a child,' writes Myra Bluebond-Langner, 'poignantly underlines the impact of social and cultural factors on the way that we die and the way that we permit others to die.' In a moving drama constructed from her observations of leukemic children, aged three to nine, in a hospital ward, she shows how the children come to know they are dying, how and why they attempt ...

    47,24 €

  • Evaluating Educational Research
    Gordon Edward Fuchs
    Written for professional educators and students who need to know how to read research literature properly, this text presents key concepts in the area of research, as well as self-correcting exercises to help the reader understand, analyze, and evaluate educational research. ...

    75,45 €

  • Electricity for Rural America
    D. Clayton Brown / DClayton Brown / Deward Clayton Brown

    69,64 €

  • Measurement in the Social Sciences
    Edward G. Carmines / Edward GCarmines / Richard A. Zeller / Richard AZeller

    27,45 €

  • Prelude to the Presidency
    Gary M. Fink / Gary MFink

    82,42 €

  • The Progress of Afro-American Women
    Janet Sims

    105,26 €

  • The Political Behavior of American Jews
    Lawrence H. Fuchs / Lawrence HFuchs / UNKNOWN

    82,70 €

  • Democracy and the Cost of Politics in Britain.
    UNKNOWN / William B. Gwyn / William BGwyn

    82,52 €

  • South Africa, a Study in Conflict.
    Pierre L. Van Den Berghe / Pierre LVan Den Berghe / UNKNOWN

    120,98 €

  • The Economics of Individual and Population Aging
    Joseph J. Spengler / Joseph JSpengler / Robert Louis Clark

    28,65 €

  • Kubla Khan and the Fall of Jerusalem
    E. S. Shaffer / ESShaffer
    Dr. Shaffer outlines the development of the ’mythological school’ of European Biblical criticism, especially its German origins and its reception in England, and studies the influences of this movement in the work of specific writers: Coleridge, Holderlin, Browning, and George Eliot. The ’higher criticism’ treated sacred scripture as literature and as history, the product of it...

    42,78 €

  • Black Artists in the United States
    Janet L. Sims / Janet LSims / Lenwood G. Davis / Lenwood GDavis

    55,46 €

  • Manufacturing the News
    Mark Fishman
    There is little argument that mass media news projects a particular point of view. The question is how that bias is formed. Most media critics look to the attitudes of reporters and editors, the covert news policy of a publisher, or the outside pressures of politicians and advertisers. Manufacturing the News takes a different tack. Mark Fishman’s research shows how the routine ...

    26,86 €

  • Realignment in American Politics
    To have a voice in shaping government policy has been a goal of the American people since the nation’s founding. Yet, government seems even less accessible now than in the past. An increasing rate of incumbency in Congress, the unwieldy committee system that controls legislation, and the decline of political parties have all weakened representation and alienated Americans from ...

    46,90 €

  • Folklore by the Fireside
    Alessandro Falassi
    For centuries, social life in rural Tuscany has centered around the veglia, an evening gathering of family and friends at the hearth. Folklore by the Fireside is a thorough and insightful study of this custom-from the tales, riddles, lullabies, and folk prayers performed as the small children are put to bed to the courtship songs and dances later in the evening to the anti-vegl...

    50,92 €

  • The Battered Woman
    Lenore E Walker / Lenore E. Walker / Lenore EWalker
    'A major contribution to this subject. She is thorough, practical, compassionate, and authoritative. It is a reading must.'--Phyllis Chesler ...

    14,62 €

  • Knowledge and Passion
    Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo
    Michelle Rosaldo presents an ethnographic interpretation of the life of the Ilongots, a group of some 3,500 hunters and horticulturists in Northern Luzon, Philippines. Her study focuses on headhunting, a practice that remained active among the Ilongots until at least 1972. Indigenous notions of 'knowledge' and 'passion' are crucial to the Ilongots’ perceptions of their own soci...

    71,34 €

  • Politicians, Judges, and the People
    Charles H. Sheldon / Charles HSheldon / Frank P. Weaver / Frank PWeaver / S. Alan Weaver / SAlan Weaver

    82,58 €

  • Bigotry!
    Maria J. Falco / Maria JFalco

    82,60 €

  • The Political Role of Labor in Developing Countries.
    Bruce H. Millen / Bruce HMillen / UNKNOWN

    96,01 €

  • Measuring Benefits of Government Investments
    Robert Dorfman / UNKNOWN

    120,70 €

  • Congressional Control of Administration
    Joseph Pratt Harris / UNKNOWN

    121,30 €