Catálogo de libros: Sociedad y ciencias sociales

175442 Catálogo de libros: Sociedad y ciencias sociales

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  • Current Topics in Early Childhood Education, Volume 2

    121,58 €

  • Human Intelligence
    Douglas K. Detterman / Douglas KDetterman / Robert J. PhD Sternberg / Robert JPhD Sternberg / UNKNOWN

    121,47 €

  • Selected Speeches of Kwame Nkrumah. Volume 1
    Kwame Nkrumah / Samuel Obeng
    The death of Kwame Nkrumah, first President of Ghana, demonstrated a great irony: a man so much maligned and rejected in life, should be so praised and loved in death. The force of his personality, his convictions in the face of powerful opposition, and his vision for Ghana and a pan-Africa, are evident in his speeches. The forty-seven speeches in this first of five volumes are...

    54,71 €

  • Liberty and the Rule of Law

    34,93 €

  • Encounter with the Text
    Martin J. Buss

    24,80 €

  • Selected Speeches of Kwame Nkrumah. Volume 2
    Samuel Obeng
    The death of Kwame Nkrumah, first President of Ghana, demonstrated a great irony: a man so much maligned and rejected in life, should be so praised and loved in death. The force of his personality, his convictions in the face of powerful opposition, and his vision for Ghana and a pan-Africa, are evident in his speeches. The forty-seven speeches in this first of five volumes are...

    43,69 €

  • Facing Mount Kenya. The Traditional Life of the Gikuyu
    Jomo Kenyatta
    Facing Mount Kenya, first published in 1938, is a monograph on the life and customs of the Gikuyu people of central Kenya prior to their contact with Europeans. It is unique in anthropological literature for it gives an account of the social institutions and religious rites of an African people, permeated by the emotions that give to customs and observances their meaning. It is...

    55,90 €

  • Appellate Courts and Lawyers
    Thomas B. Marvell / Thomas BMarvell / UNKNOWN

    120,90 €

  • A Public Library Service for Ethnic Minorities in Great Britain.
    Eric A. Clough / Eric AClough / Jacqueline Quarmby / UNKNOWN

    121,01 €

  • Treatment in Crisis Situations
    Naomi Golan
    'Treatment Approaches in the Human Services' is a new series of books by distinguished social work practitioners and educators, prepared under the general editorship of Francis J. Turner. Its objective is to present both the theoretical basis and the direct practice implications of the various thought systems upon which clinicians draw in their work, and to make this rich accum...

    17,30 €

  • The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes, Latin America
    The fate of democratic governments throughout the world is a topic of growing concern. The crises of modern history, from the Machtegreifung by Hitler through the downfall of the Allende government in Chile, have caused many to suspect an inevitable downfall of democracies. In a systematic review of the political experiences of Latin American and European democratic nations, th...

    40,93 €

  • Strike the Bell
    Roy Palmer

    26,92 €

  • Spitfire
    John P. Vader / John PVader / John Vader

    14,37 €

  • Discographies of Commercial Recordings of the Cleveland Orchestra
    Betty Meyers / Frederick P. Fellers / Frederick PFellers

    77,48 €

  • The Communist Parties of Western Europe
    Neal R. Tannahill / Neal RTannahill / R. Neal Tannahill / RNeal Tannahill / UNKNOWN

    82,12 €

  • Marx and the Proletariat
    Timothy McCarthy / UNKNOWN

    96,14 €

  • The Cherokee Freedmen
    Daniel Littlefield

    121,41 €

  • Beyond Her Sphere
    Barbara J. Harris / Barbara JHarris / UNKNOWN

    82,57 €

  • Detente or Debacle

    17,01 €

  • Defending the National Interest
    Stephen D. Krasner / Stephen DKrasner
    Stephen Krasner’s assumption of a distinction between state and society is the root of his argument for the superiority of a statist interpretation of American foreign policy. Here he challenges the two dominant and rival interpretations of the relationship between state and society: interest group liberalism and Marxism. He contends that the state is an autonomous entity actin...

    118,66 €

  • The Tragedy of Chile
    Robert Jackson Alexander / UNKNOWN

    120,32 €

  • Ethnics in a Borderland
    Feliks Gross

    121,90 €

  • The Church and Secular Education
    Carol A. Winchell / Carol AWinchell / James R. Whittemore / James RWhittemore / Lewis Bliss Whittemore

    109,16 €

  • Analysis of Covariance
    Albert R. Wildt / Olli Ahtola

    47,87 €

  • Introduction to Factor Analysis
    Charles W Mueller / Jae-On Kim

    47,58 €

  • Contemporary Art and Artists
    Pamela Jeffcott Parry / UNKNOWN

    105,32 €

  • Teachers’ Pets, Troublemakers, and Nobodies
    Helen P. Gouldner / Helen PGouldner / Mary Symons Strong / UNKNOWN

    95,90 €

  • Oil and Arab Regional Development.
    Kamal S. Sayegh / Kamal SSayegh / UNKNOWN

    120,99 €

  • In Aid of the Unemployed
    Joseph M. Becker / Joseph MBecker / UNKNOWN

    144,80 €

  • The New Left in France
    Charles Hauss / UNKNOWN

    82,18 €