Catálogo de libros: Sociedad y ciencias sociales

174921 Catálogo de libros: Sociedad y ciencias sociales

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  • Understanding the Commitment and Sacrifices of the Military and Their Families
    This book is about the sacrifices the military and their families endure and the mission and values that are part of every military organization. The information presented in this book is aimed at helping the average citizen understand what each individual serving in the military endures along with their families. Tough situations take place and the main purpose of this book ...

    12,69 €

  • The Handbook for Leadership
    This book about understanding the role of leadership not just those in management levels but us as individuals. Each of us can be and should be leaders in our own right and what that means is presented and discussed in this book. The qualities of a leader are discussed but the main point to remember is that no one can be a leader without followers. All of us have talents and...

    11,13 €

  • The Handbook for Integrity in the United States Congress
    Integrity in Congress is sadly lacking in many respects and instilling integrity principles in this institution it is important for us to recognize the actions and decisions being taken by our elected officials and whether they represent true integrity principles. This goes for both major political parties and their leaders ...

    16,05 €

  • The Handbook of Integrity for Business
    This book is about instilling integrity principles within the business community. Many decisions and situations are part of operating a business and the processes, all of them need to exhibit integrity principles in everything they do. The quality of products and services need to exhibit integrity principles. It is about creating criteria to examine how a business functions ...

    12,23 €

  • The Indoctrination of our Education System
    Our education system has been hijacked by individuals and organizations promoting their political philosophy rather than truly educating the future leaders of tomorrow. Subjects have been removed from school curriculum which has been a basic part of our education system. Examples of these subjects are identified and discussed. Understanding what the term indoctrination reall...

    11,58 €

  • The Handbook for Integrity in the Department of Energy
    Energy is an important aspect and resource for our country. The responsibility of this department is clear and decisions made in the past have hurt the economy based on restrictions put in place. The processes and decisions made are examined to ensure integrity principles are engrained in the functions and authority. Some decisions in the past appear to have been political i...

    10,09 €

  • The Handbook for Integrity in the Office of President of the United States
    The office of President of the United States and the individual in it has great authority. Instilling integrity in the functions and authority of this office is critical to ensure that the Constitution is not violated by decisions being made. The examination of the function and authority of this office is examined with regards to integrity principles. The details of this boo...

    11,02 €

  • The Handbook for Integrity in the Department of Veterans Affairs
    The Department of Veterans Affairs has had some problems which hopefully are being addressed today but this book is about examining the processes and structure in place in this department. Through this examination whether the principles of integrity exist or needs some revisions changes to enhance the healthcare of our veterans with top of the line healthcare and if it cannot ...

    11,64 €

  • The Handbook for Integrity in the Federal Communications Commission
    The Federal Communications Commission in the past has made some distinct decisions which do not benefit us as individuals or as a country. The operational philosophy of this organization is identified including the processes, if any that are in place and what needs to change to instill integrity in the operations of this organization. ...

    11,48 €

  • The Handbook for Integrity in our Judicial System
    Our judicial system is one of the best if not the best in the world but decisions are sometimes made based on opinion or political philosophy not the laws or Constitution as written. Examining the requirements and responsibilities of the various court levels and their authority or jurisdiction will help better understand our judicial system and whether decisions made are in ac...

    11,70 €

  • Understanding the Jurisdiction Battle between the States and the Federal Government
    There is a constant battle between state governments and the federal government on decisions being made at the federal level and whether they should be made at the state level. The federal government has distinct responsibilities as identified in the Constitution and granted there are issues that have surfaced which is the responsibilities of a central government and rightfull...

    10,41 €

  • To Be Honest
    S. M. James / SMJames
    Angus Reid is pretty sure he’s being catfished. After spending the last half of junior year talking online to the guy of his dreams, Angus wants to meet. In person. So when Scotty brushes it off with excuses of not being ready, red flags go up.Determined to either catch Scotty out, or take a shot at real love, Angus embarks on a summer road trip with his adorkable roommate, Tyl...

    18,49 €

  • Terjemahan Juz Amma Versi Bahasa Inggris Untuk Anak Anak Muslim
    Jannah Firdaus Mediapro
    Juz 30, lebih dikenal sebagai Juz ’Amma (جز عمّ‎), merupakan bagian Juz yang terakhir dalam Kitab Suci Al-Quran. Juz ini ditandai dengan kata pertama عم (’amma) pada surah An-Naba’ ayat satu dan berakhir dalam Surah An-Naas ayat 6. Sebagian besar surah dalam juz ini adalah surah-surah pendek dari surah yang turun di Kota Suci Mekkah. Beberapa surah yang turun di Kota Suci Madin...

    13,54 €

  • What is the American Spirit
    Dennis AuBuchon
    This book is about recognizing the spirit of America including what it represents and represented in the beginning of our country. Many events have taken place in our history and much of it involved a spirit that is alive and well today we only need to recognize and embrace it and inform our elected officials to embrace it as well ...

    13,03 €

  • Free Antivirus Software Untuk Ubuntu Linux Dan Kali Linux Versi Bahasa Inggris
    Cyber Jannah Studio
    Daftar Lengkap Free Antivirus Software Yang Tersedia Untuk Sistem Operasi Ubuntu Linux Dan Kali Linux Edisi Bahasa Inggris Untuk Kalangan Pelajar, Mahasiswa Dan Pengguna GNU Linux. ...

    14,37 €

  • The Beauties of Islam Religion For Mind, Body and Soul Bilingual Edition (Standar Version)
    Jannah Firdaus Mediapro
    The Beauties of Islam Religion For Mind, Body and Soul Bilingual Edition (Standar Version) At this time in Islam’s history, when the entire religion is being judged by the actions of a few, it is appropriate to step back from the glare of the media spotlight and examine the beauties that infuse the way of life known as Islam. There is greatness and splendour in Islam that is of...

    15,85 €

  • The Translation of Holy Quran (聖クルアーン) Japanese Languange Edition Hardcover Version
    Jannah Firdaus Mediapro
    The Translation of Holy Quran (聖クルアーン) Japanese Languange Edition Hardcover Version. The Holy quran are Islamic sacred book, believed to be the word of Allah (God) as dictated to Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) by the archangel Gabriel and written down in Arabic. The holy quran consists of 114 chapter of varying lengths, the first chapter or surah is said as part of the ri...

    62,44 €

  • Keindahan Ajaran Agama Islam (The Beauties of Islam) Untuk Fisik, Mental Dan Spiritual Edisi Bahasa Inggris Standar Ver
    Jannah Firdaus Mediapro
    Keindahan Ajaran Agama Islam (The Beauties of Islam) Untuk Fisik, Mental Dan Spiritual Edisi Bahasa Inggris Standar Version. At this time in Islam’s history, when the entire religion is being judged by the actions of a few, it is appropriate to step back from the glare of the media spotlight and examine the beauties that infuse the way of life known as Islam. There is greatness...

    14,52 €

  • Lebih Dekat Dengan LibreOffice Writer Hardcover Edition
    LibreOffice Indonesia Group
    Buku ini sengaja ditulis sebagai salah satu sumber literatur bagi Anda yang ingin mendalami dan menambah pengetahuan lebih tentang LibreOffice Writer Free Opensource Software sebagai alternatif dari MS Office. Buku ini berjudul 'Lebih Dekat Dengan LibreOffice Writer' dan kami hadiahkan kepada seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. ...

    52,59 €

  • Panduan Membuat Tesis, Makalah Dan Tugas Akhir Dengan Software LibreOffice Writer
    Muhammad Vandestra
    Panduan membuat tesis, makalah, disertasi dan tugas akhir untuk para pelajar, guru, dosen dan mahasiswa menggunakan free software LibreOffice Writer yang tersedia secara gratis dan opensource untuk sistem operasi windows, mac dan linux. ...

    32,98 €

  • Pathways to Language Fluency
    Elizabeth M Porter
    Language is not merely words and grammatical structures but the way in which humans interact with each other and the world around them. A person must feel and experience the language with all five of the senses to build language pathways in the brain. This book is a journey into language and culture and why they should always go hand in hand. The book also suggests practical...

    24,51 €

  • Kisah Hikayat Perjalanan Ruh Umat Manusia Di Alam Barzah Edisi Bahasa Inggris Ultimate Version
    Jannah Firdaus Mediapro
    Kisah Hikayat Perjalanan Ruh Umat Manusia Setelah Wafat Yang Menjadi Ahli Surga Dan Ahli Neraka Di Alam Barzah Dalam Bahasa Inggris Ultimate Version Bersumberkan Dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran Dan Al-Hadist.Imagine yourself at the moment of your death. What thoughts cross your mind? Memories of family and friends? Panic? Regrets? Remembrance of Allah SWT (God)? What is death? What ha...

    35,41 €

  • Panduan Membuat Makalah Dan Tesis Dengan Free Software Libre Office Edisi Bahasa Indonesia Standar Version
    Cyber Jannah Sakura
    Panduan membuat makalah, skripsi, tesis dan disertasi untuk kalangan ilmuwan, peneliti, pelajar dan mahasiswa menggunakan free software libreoffice dalam Bahasa Indonesia Versi Standar. ...

    47,78 €

  • The Purity Softcover Edition
    Osoul Center
    This book explains the concept of purification and that under Islam it is not limited to personal and physical purity but includes purifying oneself of sin and all disobedience of God. The book then discusses the detailed rules of physical purification. ...

    18,83 €

  • Eat So What! The Power of Vegetarianism
    La Fonceur
    Whether you are vegetarian by birth or practicing vegetarianism for health issues or a non-vegetarian, Eat so what! The Power of Vegetarianism book is for you. Vegetarian foods can prevent you from many diseases, it adds valuable and healthy years to your life. Many diseases can be prevented with Food Therapy. Research Scientist and Registered State Pharmacist La Fonceur has wo...

    31,69 €

  • Eat So What! The Power of Vegetarianism Volume 2
    La Fonceur
    Whether you are vegetarian by birth or practicing vegetarianism for health issues or a non-vegetarian, Volume 2 of Eat so what! The Power of Vegetarianism book is for you.Vegetarian foods can prevent you from many diseases, it adds valuable and healthy years to your life. Many diseases can be prevented with Food Therapy.Research Scientist and Registered State Pharmacist La Fonc...

    32,06 €

  • Secret of Healthy Hair (Full Color Print)
    La Fonceur
    If you are seeking a permanent solution to your hair problems, then Secret of Healthy Hair is for you!Hair problems are something that everyone experiences at some point. They can severely hurt one’s self-confidence.What you eat, how you feel and how well you take care of your hair hugely affect your hair’s health and growth. Different people have different hair problems, but w...

    36,17 €

  • Secret of Healthy Hair (Full Color Print)
    La Fonceur
    If you are seeking a permanent solution to your hair problems, then Secret of Healthy Hair is for you!Hair problems are something that everyone experiences at some point. They can severely hurt one’s self-confidence.What you eat, how you feel and how well you take care of your hair hugely affect your hair’s health and growth. Different people have different hair problems, but w...

    48,35 €

  • Mengenal Kenikmatan Surga Firdaus Yang Kekal Dan Abadi Edisi Bahasa Indonesia Standar Version
    Jannah Firdaus Mediapro
    Mengenal Kenikmatan Surga Firdaus Yang Kekal Dan Abadi Edisi Bahasa Indonesia Standar Version.Salah satu pokok aqidah Islam adalah percaya akan adanya Surga dan Neraka dan keduanya telah ada sekarang. Adapun surga firdaus adalah tempat yang disediakan bagi orang-orang yang beriman yang tidak menyekutukan Rabb-nya.Kenikmatan surga firdaus adalah kenikmatan yang tak dapat dikhaya...

    17,57 €

  • The Savvy Guide to the 4-Year WUE Colleges
    Brian Swan
    The rising cost of a college education is a serious concern for students and families, especially when an out-of-state college is being considered. For years, the Western Under- graduate Exchange has reduced tuition costs for students in western states. But each participating college offers reduced tuition in a different way. Figuring out how it works, and comparing dozens of s...

    27,42 €