Catálogo de libros: Otros sistemas de creencias

8902 Catálogo de libros: Otros sistemas de creencias

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  • Guide to Psychic Protection
    Rosemary Ellen Guiley
    Every day, people come in contact with negative forces – toxic individuals who radiate anger and hostility, energy “vampires” who suck up the vital force of others, and those who have grudges and resentments. In addition, hostile spirits and entities look for ways to pester and attach to people, creating havoc in lives and homes. Guide to Psychic Protection has everything you n...

    10,37 €

  • The Quareia Apprentice Study Guide
    Josephine McCarthy
    The Apprentice section of the Quareia course has no mentoring, which makes it themost difficult part of the magical training to complete. The Quareia Apprentice StudyGuide is aimed at people studying the Quareia Magical Course.It provides answers to basic questions, details the structure and approach of thecourse, examines some of the common training issues, and explains the co...

    20,12 €

  • Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins
    Manly P. Hall / Manly PHall
    FREEMASONRY is a fraternity within a fraternity-an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect. Before it is possible to intelligently discuss the origin of the Craft, it is necessary, therefore, to establish the existence of these two separate yet interdependent orders, the one visible and the other invisible. ...

    14,26 €

  • History of Genii and Familiar Spirits
    John Beaumont
    John Beaumont, born c. 1650, died 1731, was a physician and antiquarian who lived in Somerset, in the southwest of England. Through his fossil collecting, as well as papers documenting new mining techniques, Beaumont became a fellow of the Royal Society. However, Beaumont also had a secret, one which he would expose first in his  “History of Genii and Familiar Spirits” and late...

    18,86 €

  • Finding God in the World
    Catherine Noble Beyer
    The world of the Renaissance occult philosophers was ultimately composed of two substances, one spiritual and the other material. It was understood that all things in the universe, whether corporeal or angelic, existed through a combination of both.  However, occult studies were principally directed toward communion with and understanding of God, while research tended to focus ...

    21,39 €

  • ARS ALCHEMICA - Foundations of Practical Alchemy
    Gary St Michael Nottingham / Gary StMichael Nottingham
    To be an alchemist, traditionally one must gain access to the Philosophers’ Garden - but to advance into the garden one must be an alchemist.  ARS ALCHEMICA: Foundations of Practical Alchemy provides essential instruction to assist the student to gain ingress into this sacred realm.This work teaches the practical laboratory alchemy of the past masters and for the first time rev...

    21,48 €

  • ARS ALCHEMICA - Foundations of Practical Alchemy
    Gary St Michael Nottingham / Gary StMichael Nottingham
    To be an alchemist, traditionally one must gain access to the Philosophers’ Garden - but to advance into the garden one must be an alchemist.  ARS ALCHEMICA: Foundations of Practical Alchemy provides essential instruction to assist the student to gain ingress into this sacred realm.This work teaches the practical laboratory alchemy of the past masters and for the first time rev...

    35,73 €

  • Voodoos and Obeahs
    Joseph J Williams
    Sorcery & Witchcraft in the CaribbeanVoodoos and Obeahs: Phases of West India Witchcraft by the Jesuit anthropologist Joseph J. Williams (1875-1940) offers a careful documentation of the history and ethnography of Voodoo and reveals the connection of both Haitian Voodoo and Jamaican Obeah to snake worship (ophioletreia). In Jamaica, Obeah is the general term to denote those Afr...

    21,57 €

  • Entheosonic Whistling Vessels
    Denis Casarsa / Timothy Robbins
    Entheosonic Whistling Vessels are transformation tools using the inherent power of sound to unlock our creative powers. The universal and sacred language of sounds produced by the vessels are used as a doorway to synchronize acoustic resonance with Gaia, our mother Earth. The vessels produce 'phantom tones' or 'beat frequencies' inducing shamanic sound ecstasy to tune our manif...

    21,73 €

  • The Ascendant Vol 1
    The Ascendant, the official journal of the Association for Young Astrologers (AYA). The first issue, released in 2014, welcomed previously unpublished work around the topic of ‘New Frontiers for Astrology’ and featured work by emerging astrologers and culminating veterans of the celestial art. ...

    27,14 €

  • Aradia
    Charles Godfrey Leland
    This wonderful book describes the creation according to Italian witch-lore. We also read about the witch-meeting or sabbath (treguenda) and it contains many original magical recipes, like spells for love and good fortune. Diana is further connected to the Moon and the fairy world.Where Leland’s Etruscan Magic and Occult Remedies deals with the entire pantheon of old Italian god...

    16,63 €

  • Tok
    Pablo Reig Mendoza
    Londres, Inglaterra, año 1888. Cabalistas, magos y ocultistas de toda especie, diseminados en todas las capas sociales, muestran una actividad frenética. Los números MDCCCLXXXVIII suman por primera vez 13 caracteres y es un año de oportunidad para los servidores del Vínculo en la milenaria guerra secreta entre los adeptos de la vieja religión y la curia vaticana.Desde los fastu...

    22,35 €

  • Cypriana
    SAINT CYPRIAN of Antioch and (to a far lesser extent) SAINT JUSTINA of Antioch have recently been the focus of a resurgence of interest in the English-speaking world. It has been remarked that they stand at a crossroads of the so-called Old and New Worlds, forming an intermediary nexus of Christian thaumaturgy and older pagan mysteries. The former, an infernal sorcerer-saint an...

    34,77 €

  • Verdant Gnosis
    VERDANT GNOSIS is a poetic rendering of the Latin expression, Viridis Genii, which refers to the collective spiritual intelligence of our botanical environment. Viridis means 'green, verdant, growing'--all that is lush and nourishing; while genii is the origin of the words 'genius' and 'genie'--the spirit, daemon, or guiding intelligence of an entity. Vi...

    24,78 €

  • Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book
    Venus Satanas
    Live Mindfully through Satanism!Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book: Infernal Reflections is a book of Satanic prayers, poetry and artwork for Spiritual and religious Satanists.The Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book takes you on a spiritual journey through Satan's realm with prayers, poetry and infernally inspired artwork. Use this pocket-sized book to live through Satanism mindfull...

    14,83 €

  • The Young Clone of Jesus
    Giovanni Menicocci / Jake Fraczek
    Simone is an orphan with an unexplainable dream. In order to achieve this dream, he graduates college with honors in genetics, imagining the consequences of his success. He feels confident that he would surely win the Nobel Prize in Medicine, as no one before him had succeeded in the feat of creating a clone of Jesus.  The first time he vocalized this idea, it sounded like a fa...

    15,19 €

  • Decifrando Códigos
    Willian Veludo
    Um crime aconteceu na cidade e ao mesmo tempo um policial acorda no meio da noite depois de um sonho esquisito que misturava cavaleiros medievais, índios e desenhos estranhos. Ele chama um amigo policial que estava em seu sonho e quando chega em sua casa, surpresa, vários desenhos riscados no chão e então Paulo que ali há pouco chegou começa a conversar com Alfredo e explicar o...

    8,67 €

  • Espiritualidade Que Vem Do Céu
    Ademar Da Costa Carvalho
    Espiritualidade que Vem do Céu é uma obra transformadora que mergulha nas profundezas da espiritualidade, oferecendo insights valiosos e práticas para alcançar uma vida plena e significativa. Com uma vasta experiência de vida e uma rica trajetória em busca do autoconhecimento e da conexão divina, o autor compartilha suas vivências e ensinamentos adquiridos ao longo de décadas d...

    11,45 €

  • O Segredo Dos Orixás
    Alexandre Marques
    O Segredo dos OrixásMistérios e Segredos dos Orixás: Uma Jornada EspiritualEmO Segredos dos Orixás: Jogo de Búzios , é uma obra completa voltado aos que são adeptos e simpatizantes dos orixás.Embarque em uma viagem profunda e envolvente pelo mundo dos Orixás, divindades que governam a natureza e influenciam a vida de milhões de adeptos e simpatizantes ao redor do mundo. Este e-...

    23,18 €

  • Explorando A Umbanda-uma Jornada Espiritual De Compreensão E Fundamentos.
    Vildes Gleimar Soares Barros
    Descubra os segredos e mistérios por trás da Umbanda, uma das mais fascinantes tradições espirituais do Brasil. Este livro oferece uma jornada completa através dos fundamentos, práticas ritualísticas e valores éticos que definem essa religião única e diversificada. Desde a sua origem marcada pelo sincretismo religioso até o papel dos orixás e guias espirituais na vida dos prati...

    13,72 €

  • Manual De Magias Simples
    Luciana O Garcia
    Esse livro é um manual prático para magias pessoais e individuais, de forma objetiva, funcional e em linguagem socialmente adequada para maior compreensão do praticante iniciante para entendimento dos funcionamentos dos elementos, dos campos sagrados, dos seres e panteões, de como se cuidar, se limpar, se proteger, dentre outros diversos feitiços. ...

    13,08 €

  • Epístola De Aquarius
    Salatiel Meira
    Já se perguntou por que alguns padres e pastores perdem a fé? E em contexto com a anátema, para onde foi o apóstolo Paulo após sua conversão, para Jerusalém ter com os demais apóstolos, ou para a Arábia, e depois de volta a Damasco? Você será capaz de ver além da alegoria é continuar a crer? A fé precisa mesmo de um deus para operar milagres? E se eu te disser que ainda que Jes...

    8,52 €

  • Natural Law in the Spiritual World
    H. Drummond
    No class of works is received with more suspicion, I had almost said derision, than those which deal with Science and Religion. Science is tired of reconciliations between two things which never should have been contrasted; Religion is offended by the patronage of an ally which it professes not to need; and the critics have rightly discovered that, in most cases where Science i...

    17,01 €

  • Magia Enoquiana
    Tesla Di Murbox
    O nome Enochiano se relaciona com Enoch pelo nome ser apenas do primeiro usuário desta magia, que no seu livro alegou manter contato com os Anjos e acessou os mundos divinos, que refere-se a um dos quatro imortais da Bíblia.Longe de receitas prontas a praticar e degustar o resultado imediato e proporcional, como a própria vida mundana, a magia é derivada de experiências falhas ...

    27,41 €

  • Goetia Os Ensinamentos Secretos Do Rei Salomão
    Braion S. Ribeiro
    Escrito por Braion S. Ribeiro, esta obra traz as clavículas de Salomão que entre histórias polêmicas, conseguiu sobreviver até os dias atuais, seguindo fielmente os manuscritos originais, pertencentes diretamente à tradição salomônica. Explicando de maneira segura, os detalhes da arte que ampliam o seu importante conteúdo. ...

    20,86 €

  • The Invisible Powers
    William Walker Atkinson
    An occult classic, Genuine Mediumship or The Invisible Powers discusses the nature of mediumship and psychic powers and shows how anyone may heighten their latent faculties. One of the most common misconceptions of the occult sciences student is that which is expressed by the term supernatural. This term is used to express the idea of that which is outside of the realm of natur...

    17,01 €

  • Do Dead People Watch You Shower?
    Concetta Bertoldi
    Medium Concetta Bertoldi answers all your questions about life after life. . . from the irreverent: (If the dead are always with us, do they have a XXX view of my bedroom?). . . to the poignant: (Will my deceased father be with me when I walk down the aisle on my wedding day?) . . . to the heartfelt: (When loved ones leave this life too early or under tragic circumstances, are ...

    13,60 €

  • O Caso Do Homem Das Sombras
    Alberto Fontes
    Um homem investiga a morte de um garoto, que tem semelhanças com a morte de um amigo de infância deleSe você quer mais conteúdo vá no blog abaixo: ...

    11,36 €

  • The Astral World
    Joel Tiffany
    The relations of man to his God have occupied the first minds of every age, but without rendering those relations so understandable to the mass of mankind as to be admitted as true. It has been evident to many, although not to all, that some minds so engaged have been inspired to write beyond the current knowledge of their day, indeed to foretell truths which could only be reco...

    14,29 €

  • Clairvoyance and Occult Powers
    William Walker Atkinson
    In preparing this series of lessons for students of Western lands, I have been compelled to proceed along lines exactly opposite to those which I would have chosen had these lessons been for students in India. This because of the diametrically opposite mental attitudes of the students of these two several lands. The student in India expects the teacher to state positively the p...

    17,10 €