Catálogo de libros: Judaísmo

4395 Catálogo de libros: Judaísmo

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  • Finding Hope and Faith in the Face of Death
    Stephen A. Karol / Stephen AKarol
    This book is about giving people hope and faith, comfort and inspiration when a death occurs. It is based on my experiences throughout my forty-year career as a rabbi in helping my congregants deal with the emotions and thoughts that occur when a loved one dies. I have grown to understand, and have taught about, the importance of community when we are mourners, and of the absol...

    15,05 €

  • Arizal
    Raphael Afilalo
    The Ari overflowed with Torah. He was expert in Scripture, Mishnah, Talmud, Midrash, Maaseh Bereishit and Maaseh Merkavah. About all the different levels of prophecy, their details and from which level the prophets had their revelations.  He understood the whistling of the trees, the grass and stones, the language of the birds and other animals, the conversations of angels, the...

    20,44 €

  • Holy Dissent
    Glenn Dynner
    BThe religious communities of early modern Eastern Europe—particularly those with a mystical bent—are typically studied in isolation. Yet the heavy Slavic imprint on Jewish popular mysticism and pervasive Judaizing tendencies among Christian dissenters call into question the presumed binary quality of Jewish-Christian interactions. In Holy Dissent: Jewish and Christian Mystics ...

    62,96 €

  • Kabbalah Concepts
    Rabbi Raphael Afilalo
    The goal of this book is to provide a genuine picture of the true Kabbalah. The study of Kabbalah involves a good comprehension of its general idea, as well as its concepts. The Kabbalah explains often allegorically, the beginning of creation as well as all the dynamic systems that are put in place to interact with man, and for the guidance of the worlds. These systems make us ...

    24,84 €

  • Kabbalah Dictionary
    Rabbi Raphael Afilalo

    28,03 €

  • The Promised Life
    John Carrier
    Can ancient wisdom help us overcome real personal crisis and find our purpose today?In the past twelve months, have you found it hard to get through the day--or even get out of bed--because you felt overwhelmed by: Depression Regret Loneliness Anger Burn-Out Lack of purpose Do you feel like none of your go-to methods of solving your problems are helping at all? Author ...

    12,31 €

  • Confessions of a Contemplative Crossing Guard
    Robert J. Eisen
    This book is intended to help manage the messiness of adulthood. Serving as a crossing guard at a local elementary school, the author found himself moved and inspired by the experiences and encounters that greeted him each and every day. This book is a record of his reflections on those moments and how they led him to a deeper understanding of the concise ambiguity of what it m...

    13,23 €

  • The Dybbuk
    Morris M. Faierstein
    A comprehensive study of the history and evolution of the dybbuk, from kabbalistic tradition to popular folklore. ...

    127,06 €

  • ספר הכוזרי - ויכוח פלוסופי בין מלך כוזר לרב על אמיתות התורה ויסודות היהדות
    הלוי רבי יהודה
    ספר הכוזריויכוח פלוסופי בין מלך כוזר לרבעל אמיתות התורה ויסודות היהדות  רבינו המקובל החסיד הגדול רבי יהודה הלוי הוא חיבורו הפילוסופי של רבי יהודה הלוי [ריה'ל], שנכתב בשנת 1139 בערבית יהודית. בתרגומו העברי של יהודה אבן תיבון, התרגום העברי הראשון של הספר, כונה 'ספר הכוזרי' וכך רכש את שמו המפורסם. הספר כתוב בצורת שיחה בין מלך הכוזרים וחכם יהודי על יסודות היהדות. סיפור גיורם מרצון ...

    37,97 €

  • Ein Unheiliger Schrieb
    Jean-Paul Barbe
    Hier liest einer - Kulturchrist und Gast in der deutschen Sprache (Franz Kafka) - die biblischen Szenen neu, fasziniert und entsetzt von den Lücken im alten Text. Er sieht ein prächtiges Chaos in lutherscher Diktion, in dem Widersprüche wie Wunden klaffen. Er will nicht dagegen, er muß dareinschreiben und die Überlieferung unterwandern.Jean-Paul Barbe nimmt sich der Übergangene...

    12,42 €

  • IVRI
    Steven J. Gold / Steven JGold
    This book addresses the ancient tradition of Hebrew Spirituality that is the foundation for Judaism and other religions and its relevance for today. Universal underlying themes of monotheism, monism, East-West connections, meditation, mysticism, Kabala, Yoga and Vedanta, are explored by the author/editor and guest contributors covering perspectives from Yoga, Judaism, Sufism, a...

    23,63 €

  • שבט מיהודה חלק ב
    Yehuda Lavi Ben David
    Volume 2 of Rabbi Yehuda Lavi Ben David’s masterpiece Shevet MiYehuda (in Hebrew). Rabbi Ben David has a unique ability to research and present topics that are overlooked, but basic to our faith. In this volume he researches over 100 topics, including a comprehensive analysis of the idea of repeating something 90 times, the number of verses/words/letters in the Torah, who the '...

    28,97 €

  • שבט מיהודה חלק ד
    Yehuda Lavi Ben David
    Volume 4 of Rabbi Yehuda Lavi Ben David’s masterpiece Shevet MiYehuda. Rabbi Ben David has a unique ability to research and present topics that are overlooked, but basic to our faith. In this volume he thoroughly researches 7 topics, including an extensive analysis of the prohibition of eating blood, the location of the 5 areas a male isn’t allowed to shave and the glosses of R...

    26,89 €

  • Hagadá Shel Pesaj
    Friedrich Weinreb / Theresa Esther
    Liberación de la cautividad. La cautividad en Egipto. ¿Qué es Egipto? ¿Algún país de hace varios miles de años en el cual nosotros como pueblo estábamos esclavizados? ¿De qué hablamos exactamente si pensamos en el sentido de nosotros y de pueblo? ¿Somos entonces sanos, felices? ¿Vivimos una vida eterna? Sabemos que no es así. ¿Concretamente, qué es liberado? ¿Y es Egipto colect...

    22,00 €

  • HAGGADAH Phonetics and English How Passover Seder unfolds
    Henri Faradi
    The Pesach Haggadah in Phonetic and English offers an indispensable resource for celebrating this iconic Jewish holiday, allowing participants to follow the complete course of the Seder with phonetic Hebrew pronunciation and English translation.Author Henri Faradi, a respected scholar of Judaism and its history, presents a carefully crafted edition that guides readers through e...

    9,66 €

  • HAGGADAH de Pessah Phonétique et français
    Henri Faradi
    La Haggadah de Pessah en phonétique et en français offre une ressource indispensable pour la célébration de cette fête juive emblématique, en permettant aux participants de suivre le déroulement complet du Seder avec une prononciation phonétique de l’hébreu et une traduction en français.L’auteur, Henri Faradi, un érudit respecté du judaïsme et de son histoire, présente une édit...

    9,76 €

  • ספר תנא דבי אליהו
    ענן רב / רב ענן התנא
    ספר תנא דבי אליהו סדר אליהו רבא וסדר אליהו זוטאאשר לימד אליהו הנביא זכור לטובלרב ענן כנזכר בגמרא במסכת כתובותתנא דבי אליהו הוא מדרש אגדה המיוחס לאליהו הנביא. הספר הנמצא בידינו מורכב משני חלקים: חלק ראשון בשם ’תנא דבי אליהו רבא’ המכיל 31 פרקים וחלק שני בשם ’תנא דבי אליהו זוטא’ המכיל 25 פרקיםהגמרא מספרת כך על יצירתו של הספר: את הדברים שנאמרו בתנא דבי אליהו לימד אליהו הנביא לחכם ב...

    53,49 €

  • ספר תנא דבי אליהו
    ענן רב / רב ענן התנא
    ספר תנא דבי אליהו סדר אליהו רבא וסדר אליהו זוטאאשר לימד אליהו הנביא זכור לטובלרב ענן כנזכר בגמרא במסכת כתובותתנא דבי אליהו הוא מדרש אגדה המיוחס לאליהו הנביא. הספר הנמצא בידינו מורכב משני חלקים: חלק ראשון בשם ’תנא דבי אליהו רבא’ המכיל 31 פרקים וחלק שני בשם ’תנא דבי אליהו זוטא’ המכיל 25 פרקיםהגמרא מספרת כך על יצירתו של הספר: את הדברים שנאמרו בתנא דבי אליהו לימד אליהו הנביא לחכם ב...

    39,85 €

  • Hebrew Crosswords
    Sharon Asher
    Build your Hebrew vocabulary with Hebrew Crosswords.Highlights:28 crossword puzzles.A total of 280 Hebrew words in various categories.Every crossword includes a Hebrew word bank.Includes a vocabulary list of all words with translations and transliterations.Large and clear pages.A unique learning tool: Perfect blend of entertainment and education.Product details:Size: 8.5 x 11 i...

    15,05 €

  • Keeping Women in Their Digital Place
    Ruth Tsuria
    Since its inception, the internet has been theorized as a democratic force, a public sphere in which hierarchies are flattened. But the internet is not a neutral tool; it has the power to amplify and mirror certain opinions and, as a result, can concretize social norms. So what happens when matters of religious practice and gender identity collide in these-often unregulated-onl...

    158,41 €

  • The Kabbalah Reiki Manual
    Liliana Cisneros
    Unveil the Power of Kabbalah ReikiEmbark on a Transformative JourneyDive into the depths of Kabbalah Reiki with this definitive guide. Discover ancient secrets and modern techniques for spiritual growth and healing, blending the mystical Kabbalah with the gentle power of Reiki.Explore. Heal. Transform.Learn about the Archangels and the Angelic RealmLearn how to work with the 72...

    29,47 €

  • Ha-Tov v’ha-Meitiv
    The book presents a group of distinguished scholars who examine key themes in Jewish religious life. Their essays revolve around the dimensions of rabbinic, intellectual, cultural, communal, educational, political, and social leadership, as well as a reflective look at one of the most tragic events in Jewish experience, towards the hope of repairing the world and not repeating ...

    185,75 €

  • Jewish Bible - Book of Psalms - Tehillim
    Jewish BibleFirst, you need to know that the Bible was originally written in the holy language, which today is called Hebrew.The Tanach itself went through a series of translations from language to language until today’s English language.As a whole, the Tanakh was translated from the holy language into Greek, and from Greek into Latin, and from there into the ancient Agalic, an...

    19,68 €

  • Jewish Bible - Book of Psalms - Tehillim
    Jewish BibleFirst, you need to know that the Bible was originally written in the holy language, which today is called Hebrew.The Tanach itself went through a series of translations from language to language until today’s English language.As a whole, the Tanakh was translated from the holy language into Greek, and from Greek into Latin, and from there into the ancient Agalic, an...

    29,85 €

  • Una introducción al judaísmo temprano
    James C. VanderKam
    Basado en la mejor investigación arqueológica, este volumen explora la historia del judaísmo durante el período del Segundo Templo (516 a.C.-70 d.C.), describiendo el conjunto de literatura judía escrita durante estos siglos y los grupos, instituciones y prácticas más importantes de la época. Son particularmente interesantes las representaciones de VanderKam sobre los eventos a...

    45,00 €

  • Hate Speech and Academic Freedom
    Cary Nelson
    This book reveals the damage that antisemitism does to the identity of Jewish students, staff, and faculty. It details the challenges we face, then proposes specific ways to meet them. ...

    216,15 €

  • Hate Speech and Academic Freedom
    Cary Nelson
    This book reveals the damage that antisemitism does to the identity of Jewish students, staff, and faculty. It details the challenges we face, then proposes specific ways to meet them. ...

    64,19 €

  • Jewish Bible - Book of Deuteronomy
    Ben-Amram Moshe
    First, you need to know that the Bible was originally written in the holy language, which today is called Hebrew. The Tanach itself went through a series of translations from language to language until today’s English language. As a whole, the Tanakh was translated from the holy language into Greek, and from Greek into Latin, and from there into the ancient Agalic, and then int...

    30,33 €

  • Jewish Bible - Book of Numbers
    Ben-Amram Moshe
    First, you need to know that the Bible was originally written in the holy language, which today is called Hebrew. The Tanach itself went through a series of translations from language to language until today’s English language. As a whole, the Tanakh was translated from the holy language into Greek, and from Greek into Latin, and from there into the ancient Agalic, and then int...

    21,17 €

  • Musings With The Angel Of Death
    Simcha Paull Raphael
    Intense and deeply personal, this compilation of poetry, grapples with the reality of death, loss, and finding meaning in the face of life’s finitude in contemporary times. For over three decades, Simcha Paull Raphael has written scholarly books on death and the afterlife, including his groundbreaking study Jewish Views of the Afterlife. In this collection of thirty-six poems, ...

    16,64 €