Catálogo de libros: Judaísmo

4094 Catálogo de libros: Judaísmo

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  • The Hebrew Letters
    Gary Kent Spain
    A study of all Semitic roots used in the Hebrew Bible, their meanings categorized on the basis of light shed on individual letters’ meanings by the reconstructed original Kabbalah, as detailed in World Egg in the Cauldron of Art: The Restored Lost Core of Kabbalah and Its Scientific Implications, by the same author. This previous work, summarized herein, compares what survive...

    15,19 €

  • The Olmstead Legacy
    Arthur L. Finkle
    The authorized agencies to recoup Nazi confiscation and ’Fire sale' transactions received fewer than 20 percent of the value of Jewish assets stolen by Nazis. Of the $220 billion confiscated by the Nazi’s, $115-175 billion (at 2005 prices) remains unreturned. Even the highly publicized resurgence of restitution in the 1990s (when grandchildren sought restitution) resulted in th...

    34,77 €

  • Jewish Bible - Book of Genesis
    Moshe ben Amram
    First, you need to know that the Bible was originally written in the holy language, which today is called Hebrew. The Tanach itself went through a series of translations from language to language until today’s English language. As a whole, the Tanakh was translated from the holy language into Greek, and from Greek into Latin, and from there into the ancient Agalic, and then int...

    18,27 €

  • Jewish Bible - Book of Genesis
    Moshe ben Amram
    First, you need to know that the Bible was originally written in the holy language, which today is called Hebrew. The Tanach itself went through a series of translations from language to language until today’s English language. As a whole, the Tanakh was translated from the holy language into Greek, and from Greek into Latin, and from there into the ancient Agalic, and then int...

    24,90 €

  • Why Bless Israel
    Charles Shefler
    If you love God, love Israel!God loves Israel. You love God. But have you ever really thought about what it would mean for you to love Israel as God does?In this pathbreaking volume, Charles Shefler explores the biblical story of God’s covenant relationship to His chosen people, Israel. He describes the Jewish roots of Christianity, and the ways the Christian church has strayed...

    22,33 €

  • World Egg in the Cauldron of Art
    Gary Kent Spain
    The core teachings of Kabbalah and the Work of the Chariot (based on Ezekiel’s vision) have been lost for centuries, from too much secrecy. They have now been restored, primarily through comparison of their surviving remnants with remnants of Irish bardic tradition (the tree-alphabet). These two branches of the same super-ancient tree miraculously fill each other’s holes to r...

    16,27 €

  • Jewish Virtue Ethics
    Explores the diversity of Jewish approaches to character and virtue, from the Bible to the present day. ...

    50,07 €

  • Je M’Accuse...
    Léon Bloy / Richard Robinson
    Je M’Accuse... (I Accuse Myself...), written by Léon Bloy and published in 1900, is a blistering, unforgiving, and often hilarious attack on Ėmile Zola, the founder of the Naturalist movement of French literature, famous internationally for his participation in the Dreyfus Affair through an open letter, 'J’Accuse...!', which he addressed to Félix Faure, then President of the Fr...

    17,89 €

  • Salvation Through the Jews
    Léon Bloy / Richard Robinson
    'In these unprecedented times' (ugh) we need a prophet. But prophets are hard to come by in the flesh and blood, unless we unearth one from the modern or post-modern past, from our own graveyards preferably. If fusty, fetid, fecal, and fiery Léon Bloy cannot fit the bill, we donʼt know who can. Salvation Through the Jews picks up where certain apocalyptic, poetic, eschatologica...

    17,90 €

  • Avot D’Rabbi Natan
    Rabbi Natan H’Babli
    Avot de-Rabbi Nathan [Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: אבות דרבי נתן], usually printed together with the minor tractates of the Talmud, is a Jewish Aggadic work probably compiled in the geonic era (c.700-900 CE). Although Avot de-Rabbi Nathan is the first and longest of the minor tractates, it probably does not belong in that collection chronologically, having more the character of a...

    17,52 €

  • Avot D’Rabbi Natan
    Rabbi Natan H’Babli
    Avot de-Rabbi Nathan [Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: אבות דרבי נתן], usually printed together with the minor tractates of the Talmud, is a Jewish Aggadic work probably compiled in the geonic era (c.700-900 CE). Although Avot de-Rabbi Nathan is the first and longest of the minor tractates, it probably does not belong in that collection chronologically, having more the character of a...

    25,62 €

  • Sefer ORCHOT TZADIKIM - Ways of the Righteous
    Unknown Author
    Sefer ORCHOT  TZADIKIM אורחות צדיקים Ways of the RighteousOrchot Tzaddikim [Hebrew: ארחות צדיקים] is a book on Jewish ethics written in Germany in the 15th century, entitled Sefer ha-Middot by the author, but called Orḥot Ẓaddiḳim by a later copyist. Under this title, a Yiddish translation, from which the last chapter and some other passages were omitted, was printed at Isny in...

    34,47 €

  • The Beginning of Kabbalah Wisdoms - 226 rules & statements In Kabbalah [Hebrew & English]
    Kabbalist Kolomous Kalman Altessler
     The Beginning of Kabbalah Wisdom כללי תחילת חכמת הקבלה רכ'ו כללים והקדמות226 rules & statements In Kabbalah בלשון הקודש עם תרגום לאנגליתHebrew With English Translationמגיד דבריו ליעקב כו’. תוכן ספר היקר הזה, הוא יקר חרוץ. כי הוא מבוא והקדמת הכללים לשלומי אמוני ישראל הישרים בלבותם, אשר חשקה נפשם לבוא בפנימיות השערים המצוינים בחכמת האמת, וללמוד ולהבין אמרי יושר ודברי אמת, כתבי ...

    19,13 €

  • TOMER DEVORAH - The Palm Tree of Deborah [Hebrew with English translation]
    Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Cordovero
    SeferTOMER DEVORAHThe Palm Tree of DeborahTomer Devorah was written in Hebrew in the middle of the 16th century by Rabbi Moses Cordovero, a Jewish kabbalist in Safed, Israel. This short text deals mostly with the Imitation of God through the acquisition of divine traits, especially those of the sephirot. The first edition was published in Venice in 1588 Tomer Devorah (Hebrew: ת...

    18,75 €

  • End of Days Ethics, Tradition, and Power in Israel
    Mikhael Manekin / Maya Rosen
    End of Days is an Israeli Orthodox Jew’s attempt to provide a Jewish faith-based alternative to ethnic superiority in Israel, and a theological political framework for those wishing to promote equality in Israel and Palestine. ...

    217,04 €

  • Sefer HaChinukh - On 613 Mitzvahs of the Torah
    Anonymously Rabbi
     Sefer HaChinukh On 613 Mitzvahs of the Torah ByAnonymously Rabbi The Sefer ha-Chinukh (Hebrew: ספר החינוך, 'Book of Education'), often simply 'the Chinukh' is a work that systematically discusses the 613 commandments of the Torah. It was published anonymously in 13th-century Spain. The work’s enumeration of the commandments (Hebrew: mitzvot; sing. mitzvah) is based upon Maimon...

    51,79 €

  • Put Your Money Where Your Soul Is
    Jacob Siegel
    'Business as usual' is leading us down a path of rising economic suffering, societal division, and climate crisis. A new approach promises socially responsible investing by looking at 'environmental, social, and governance (ESG)' concerns. Amid the new buzzwords and their ensuing controversy, the question remains: where should you invest your retirement savings, your pension pl...

    27,27 €

  • Hindsight Is 2020
    Rabbi Margie Cella
    In the field of biblical commentary, Hindsight Is 2020 offers both traditional and contemporary perspectives. Over the course of an entire year from March 2020 through March 2021, Rabbi Margie Cella wrote a daily study of the Torah, adding one entry for each of the seven sections of every one of the fifty-four weekly portions. Hindsight is written in the style of a journal, wit...

    41,91 €

  • Duets on Psalms
    Elie Spitz / Jack Riemer
    Psalms are our people’s songs, an ancient playlist that still strikes a chord in our hearts. From lamentation to celebration, the Psalms speak to us from generation to generation.Rabbis Elie Spitz and Jack Riemer take us into a deeper exploration of the Psalms, going beyond the surface meaning of the words with new, thoughtful interpretations, taking a fresh look at these ancie...

    31,60 €

  • Just Jewish
    Rabbi Dan Horwitz
    For a religion that is hyper-focused on transmitting the Jewish tradition 'from generation to generation' - l’dor v’dor - the notion that Millennials just aren’t interested in carrying on Jewish practices or embracing the Jewish commitments of those who came before them poses quite a challenge. As a result, it seems much of the Jewish organizational world is concerned with how ...

    44,65 €

  • Tapestry of Faiths
    Onesimus Malatji
    'Tapestry of Faiths: The Torah, Bible, and Quran' presents an in-depth exploration of the interconnected narratives found in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This comprehensive work is divided into sections focusing on key biblical figures: Adam, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Each section begins with the Jewish perspective from the Torah, followed by the Christian viewpoint in th...

    8,14 €

  • The Oldest City’s Oldest Synagogue
    Robert Blau
    First Congregation Sons of Israel has been worshipping in the same synagogue continuously since it was inaugurated 100 years ago. That makes it the oldest in Florida, and the object of great celebration. This book traces the origins of the congregation and the beautiful building in downtown St. Augustine, a city that venerates its history, dating back to 1565. The synagogue ...

    14,48 €

  • Jewish Culture and Creativity
    Jewish Culture and Creativity honors the wide-ranging scholarship of Prof. Michael Fishbane with contributions of his students on subjects that cover the gamut of Jewish studies, from biblical and rabbinic literature to medieval and modern Jewish culture, and concluding with case studies of the creative application of Prof. Fishbane’s thought and theology in contemporary Jewish...

    199,73 €

  • poem hashavua
    Jessica Spencer / Lexie Botzum
    I was inspired to begin this project by my friend Jess Spencer, who spent a year writing a poem for every parsha. Every week I learned the parsha on Sefaria, trying to achieve the most holistic and rich view of the parsha possible, trying to find material that stuck with me, inspired me.Much of the midrash and parshanut I found myself most caught on were those expanding or weav...

    23,44 €

  • Emanations of G-ds Virtuous Power
    Rabbi Dr. Walter Oakley
    The concept behind this book is found first in the text of Mark chapter five which we will discuss below. Here the authorized version of the Bible states that 'virtue' went out of Yeshua which healed a woman with an issue of blood for twelve years. This transference of 'virtue' can be seen as an Emanation of G-d’s power. Thus, the healing power used was an Emanation of G-d’s vi...

    32,53 €

  • Occultist Freemasonry in the 18th Century and the Order of Elus Coens
    René Le Forestier / Reneé Le Forestier / Sar Phosphoros
    This classic tome is considered by many to be the definitive analysis of one of the most mysterious and enigmatic, yet one of the most influential orders of esoteric Freemasonry. Le Forestier carefully examines the doctrine, rituals, and history of this theurgical order par excellence of the 18th century. This will be of particular interest not only to every student of Martinis...

    60,65 €

  • Politics, Conflict, and Movements in First-Century Palestine
    Richard A. Horsley
    This volume brings together groundbreaking essays that laid the foundations of several of Horsley’s later works. The initial aims of these essays were, first, to ferret out evidence from our sources, primarily from the histories of Josephus, evidence for the lives of ordinary people living in Judean and Galilean villages. A second purpose was to explore as precisely as possible...

    29,47 €

  • Politics, Conflict, and Movements in First-Century Palestine
    Richard A. Horsley
    This volume brings together groundbreaking essays that laid the foundations of several of Horsley’s later works. The initial aims of these essays were, first, to ferret out evidence from our sources, primarily from the histories of Josephus, evidence for the lives of ordinary people living in Judean and Galilean villages. A second purpose was to explore as precisely as possible...

    43,57 €

  • The Book of Enoch
     While some churches today include Enoch as part of the biblical canon (for example, the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church), other Christian denominations and scholars accept it only as having historical or theological noncanonical interest and frequently use or assigned it as supplemental materials within academic settings to help student...

    21,24 €

  • Spiritual Healing in Jewish Tradition
    Ilkka Lämsä
    This book embarks on a fascinating exploration of the evolving worldview within ancient Judaism by the turn of the Common Era. At that time, a profound shift occurred in the perception of malevolent, semi-autonomous spirits, which were increasingly viewed as constant threats to individuals. These spirits were believed to be significant contributors to illness and immorality. As...

    25,68 €