Catálogo de libros: Islam

3120 Catálogo de libros: Islam

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  • Hanımlar İçin Din Rehberi
    Murat Ukray
    Ey Hanım Kardeş!Bu eser boyunca, SORULU-CEVAPLI bir metodoloji ile konuşma şeklinde kitabımızı kaleme alacağız. İlk sorumuzla birlikte, kainatın esas amacının da kulluk, yani ibadet etmek ve Allah’ı bu sayede tanımak olarak başlayacağımız bu yolculuğumuz boyunca hem iç dünyamızdaki hakikati keşfederek ve hem de varlık aleminin nihayetinde yaratılış amacını çözerek aklımızdaki i...

    22,77 €

  • Aşk-ı Mesnevi
    Murat Ukray
    'Aşk imiş her ne meyve varsa şu kainat bağında,Her dem başka bir alemin başka bir dalında,Yaratır mı hiç şu Alemi lüzumsuz boş yere,Her nereye baksan gösterir sana bir mucize.'Hz. Mevlana ve Şems-i Tebrizi’nin tanışmasının sırlarını araştıran üç arkadaşın 1200’lü yıllara Şems’in peşine düşerek ilahi aşkın anlamını araştırmaları ve dinlerin tarihi kökenlerine uzanarak ulaştıklar...

    22,65 €

  • Eskilerin Masalları
    Murat Ukray
    'Onlar, ’Kur’an öncekilerin masallarıdır; başkalarına yazdırıp sabah akşam kendisine okunmaktadır’ dediler.' {Furkan, 5}Bu eser niçin kaleme alındı?Son zamanlarda, yükselişe geçen bir inkarcı fikir sisteminin, istinad noktasını ve nihai gücünü eski tarihi belge veya birtakım kurgulanmış (teorik) kanıtlara dayandırarak, peygamberlerin ve yaşadıkları olayların ve kutsal kitaplar ...

    24,26 €

  • New Quran Al Karim Whole Quran
    The Quran kor AHN Arabic al-Quran, literally meaning 'the recitation' also romanized Quran or Koran is the central religious text of Islam, which Muslims believe to be a revelation from God. It is widely regarded as the finest work in classical Arabic literature. The Quran is divided into chapters, which are then divided into verses.Muslims believe that the Quran was verbally r...

    24,01 €

  • سرچشمه معرفت - جلد اول
    Narges Door-Andish
    چون تعالیم قرآن مجید ما را به سرچشمه خوشبختی و سعادت رهنمون می کند و سفارشات خداوند به اخلاقیات و موازین تربیتی پایه سعادت انسانها را در زندگی شان فراهم می کند، و همچنین قرآن با ظلمت های فردی مثل خودخواهی، منفعت طلبی، هواپرستی و با ظلمت های اجتماعی نظیرستم، تبعیض، و بی عدالتی مبارزه می کند و راه خروج از این ظلمت ها را که باعث نگون بختی انسانها و جوامع انسانی است را به همه می ...

    14,26 €

  • Hadith of the week - Farsi Edition
    Farid Younos
    Hadith of the week is a book consist of 100 saying of the prophet of Islam with explanation according to contemporary time and space to show the fact that his maxims are valid at all times and places. ...

    16,37 €

  • British Rule & Islam in Palestine
    Taylah Kable
    This examines the British approach to institutional Islam in mandatory Palestine from 1917 to 1929. By looking at the establishment of Islamic institutions such as the Supreme Muslim Council (SMC), I clarify the process by which the Christian power transferred oversight over Islamic affairs to the local Muslim community. The period studied covers the beginning of British rule i...

    26,22 €

  • Sachche Islami Waqiaat
    Hafiz Abdul Shakoor
    In this book, a selection of seventy (70) true events from the history of Islam has been presented, the study of which refreshes the faith and refreshes the soul, awakens the spirit of action and love for the Prophet’s Companions.ایسی کتابوں کی بہت زیادہ ضرورت ہے،جن میں سچے واقعات بیان کئے گئے ہوں۔ جنہیں پڑھ کر عمل کا جذبہ بیدار ہو۔ پیش نظر کتاب میں سیرت نبوی اور تاریخ اسلام سے...

    19,97 €

  • Allama Nasir uddin Albani
    Idara Mohaddis
    Sheikh Muhammad Nasiruddin Albani has been a great and distinguished thinker of the Islamic world and a researcher who won the Shah Faisal Award. Especially in the science of hadith, his research services are so great that he remembers as a final authority in modern times. This book contains selected articles written on the death of Allama Albani.شیخ محمد ناصر الدین البانی عالم...

    20,24 €

  • Across the Difficult
    Tamam Kahn
    Tamam Kahn’s poetry carries bright exuberance, as well as empathy and sorrow. Her work is inspired by the mystical Middle East, and her time in Morocco and Syria. The poems are anchored with her research on women from early Islam to today. Anecdotes from history are mixed with today’s unchosen difficulties. The reader is introduced to the remarkable Rabia of Basra (Rabi’a al-Ad...

    15,14 €

  • Across the Difficult
    Tamam Kahn
    Tamam Kahn’s poetry carries bright exuberance, as well as empathy and sorrow. Her work is inspired by the mystical Middle East, and her time in Morocco and Syria. The poems are anchored with her research on women from early Islam to today. Anecdotes from history are mixed with today’s unchosen difficulties. The reader is introduced to the remarkable Rabia of Basra (Rabi’a al-Ad...

    24,92 €

  • قتل در مسجد
    Hamid Simab / Hela Ouardi
    درین کتاب هاله الوردی جریان دیگری از واقعۀ قتل دومین خلیفۀ پیامبر اسلام را که روایات رسمی اسلامی کوشیده اند پنهان نگه دارند بازسازی می کند. وی با پرداخت تصویر زنده یی از این شخصیت خارق العاده نشان می دهد چه کسانی در قتل او ذینفع بودند و چرا و چگونه برنامۀ از میان برداشتن او پیاده شد، بی آنکه هیچ کسی در طی مدت چهارده قرن به این فکر افتد که ادله و شواهدی را که در سرتاسر وزین ترین...

    17,97 €

  • Al-Munqid
    Maxammed Gaanni
    'Nin hali ka luntay haan gunteedna waa ka dayaa.'-Maahmaah Soomaaliyeed. Al-Munqid minad Dalaal waa xogwarranka waaya-arag xaqiiqadoonnimadu meelo badan ka tuurtay, saymo badanna u galay. Imaam Qasaali waxa uu inooga warramayaa waayihiisi aqooneed iyo waxyaalihii uu kala kulmay raadinta xaqa iyo ka gungaaridda afkaarihii ku hareeraysnaa xilligaa. Waxa uu si aan gabbasho lahayn ...

    12,98 €

  • Angel in the Wilderness
    Majid Pur-Vali / Blake Archer Williams
    Angel in the Wilderness is a love story set in the wilderness of southeast Iran which borders Pakistan and is overwhelmingly Sunni. Rasul, who is from a family of Shia scholars and is a third-year university student, falls in love with Hakimeh-Khatun, a Sunni girl with whom he has had a few very brief interactions at the university they both attend. Things start heating up when...

    13,57 €

  • A Conversation between a Muslim and a Christian
    Mohamad Younes / Peter Barnes
    There are many books which set out the case for Islam or for Christianity and point out what they regard as defects in the other religion. This book does that, but it seeks to do so in the form of a workbook which groups of Christians or Muslims might use, and it is conducted in a spirit where truth is paramount but so too is kindness and civility. The two authors have become f...

    19,67 €

  • A Conversation between a Muslim and a Christian
    Mohamad Younes / Peter Barnes
    There are many books which set out the case for Islam or for Christianity and point out what they regard as defects in the other religion. This book does that, but it seeks to do so in the form of a workbook which groups of Christians or Muslims might use, and it is conducted in a spirit where truth is paramount but so too is kindness and civility. The two authors have become f...

    32,15 €

    Yahya Abdul-Haliq
    In many church planting situations, across agencies and fields of service, the men behind beards and cloaks are a neglected species. The 'world' of the Mu’allims, Imams and other Islamic authorities is not usually penetrated strategically and tactfully enough in order for them to be confronted with the claims of Christ. These men often rule over unofficial sheikhdoms and emirat...

    21,81 €

  • Life Behind the Veil - Ministry to Arab Women
    Yahya Abdul-Haliq
    Narrated ’Imran bin Husain:The Prophet said, 'I looked at Paradise and found poor people forming the majority of its inhabitants; and I looked at Hell and saw the majority of its inhabitants were women.'                                                                                                               Hadith-Sahih Bukhari 4:464.UNTIL THEY KNOW...And to think of the c...

    22,68 €

  • Ataturk ve Japon Imparatoru Meiji, 'Cennette Sohbetler'
    Ercüment Kılıç
    Atatürk cennette Allah’tan niyaz eder.. Meiji ile Cennette bir araya gelir ve Tuba Ağacı altında sohbetler ederler… Bir roman şeklinde kaleme aldığım kitabımın amacı, Atatürk ve Meiji’nin gerçekleştirdikleri birebir aynı Batıcı ve laiklik reformlarına rağmen; Türkiye’nin, Atatürk’ün ölümümden bu yana Japonya’dan geri kalmasının nedenlerinden olan siyasal İslam’a ışık tutmak, Tü...

    76,63 €

  • Greater Exploits - 5 - Hazañas en el Reino del Islam
    Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe
    Greater Exploits 5 es una continuación de Greater Exploits 4 con más detalles, centrándose en Exploits en el Reino del Islam para Cristo. En Greater Exploits 5, descubrirá Exploits in the Realm of Islam for Christ donde le traemos más de 40 preguntas y respuestas que lo posicionarán como un ministro efectivo con hazañas para Cristo en el mundo islámico porque Jesús murió por lo...

    27,73 €

  • Greater Exploits - 5 - Exploits dans le royaume de l’islam pour le Christ Vous êtes né
    Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe
    Greater Exploits 5 est une continuation de Greater Exploits 4 avec plus de détails, se concentrant sur les exploits dans le royaume de l’islam pour le Christ Dans Greater Exploits 5, vous découvrirez Exploits in the Realm of Islam for Christ où nous vous apportons plus de 40 questions et réponses qui vous positionneront comme un ministre efficace avec des exploits pour Christ d...

    27,64 €

  • Greater Exploits - 5 - Heldentaten im Bereich des Islam für Christus Dafür sind Sie geboren
    Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe
    Greater Exploits 5 ist eine Fortsetzung von Greater Exploits 4 mit mehr Details und konzentriert sich auf Exploits im Bereich des Islam für Christus In Greater Exploits 5 finden Sie Exploits in the Realm of Islam for Christ, wo wir Ihnen über 40 Fragen und Antworten präsentieren, die Sie als effektiven Prediger mit Exploits für Christus in der islamischen Welt positionieren, de...

    27,46 €

  • Greater Exploits - 5 - Exploit nel Regno dell’Islam per Cristo Sei nato per questo
    Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe
    Greater Exploits 5 è una continuazione di Greater Exploits 4 con maggiori dettagli, incentrata su Exploits in the Realm of Islam for Christ In Greater Exploits 5, scoprirai Exploits in the Realm of Islam for Christ dove ti portiamo oltre 40 domande e risposte che ti posizioneranno come un ministro efficace con exploit per Cristo nel mondo islamico perché Gesù è morto anche per ...

    27,76 €

  • Never Lose Hope in the Mercy of God
    Review by the author: We belief every one of us in this world want to enter paradise, which is as wide as the skies and heaven, but paradise is not made by man, and we have no rights  to declare or judge people  to be thrown in  the dungeon of hell.  But every one of us,  has a time frame to meet the goal  to return to God and rewarded with paradise.  Let us not miss this oppor...

    29,32 €

  • The Discovery of God
    Mysa Elsheikh
    The Discovery of God gives Islam’s proof for the existence of God. God is important to us humans, as He answers our prayers in times of hardship. This means we need to take the issue of His existence seriously. Does God exist? This is an important question most people ponder on, and it is pivotal when it means considering His worship and weighing the truth of an afterlife of pu...

    7,83 €

  • The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate
    G. Le Strange
    This 2023 edition of The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate: Mesopotamia, Persia, and Central Asia from the Moslem conquest to the time of Timur by G. Le Strange is a digitally scanned facsimile of the 1930 edition published by Cambridge University Press. ...

    49,80 €

  • The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate
    G. Le Strange

    71,49 €

  • A Binding Knot
    Dr. Muhammad Salah
    A Binding Knot delves into the sacred bond of marriage, as described in the Qurʾan. Drawing from Surah an-Nisaʾ (4:21), which highlights the marriage contract as a 'firm and strong covenant', this book explores the significance of this binding knot in uniting couples in a sacred bond. This insightful guide provides a comprehensive overview of Islamic teachings on marriage and f...

    20,72 €

  • Worshiping the Beloved
    al-Buraq Publications
    The status of a person can only be valued based on how much one worships God and is connected to Him. Only by doing this can a person achieve the state that one is meant to reach, becoming a manifestation of the verse: وَما خَلَقتُ الجِنَّ وَالإِنسَ إِلّا لِيَعبُدونِI did not create the jinn and the humans except that they may worship MeThis is not limited to praying, fasting, ...

    20,30 €

  • Scattered To be gathered - Ministry to Migrants
    John Idoko
    God  is  hastening  the  return  of  Christ.  He  is  doing  that  bymaking  the  proclamation  of  the  gospel  to  people  thathitherto     have   been    locked    up  in  regions  that  wereconsidered  closed  to  the  Gospel.  How  is  God  doing  this?  He  isdoing  this  by  allowing  cataclysms  all  over  the  world  that  arecausing  massive  movement  of  people  fro...

    23,39 €