Catálogo de libros: Islam

2807 Catálogo de libros: Islam

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  • Scientific Miracles in the Qur’an & Sunnah
    In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the CompassionatePraise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon thenoblest messenger, Prophet Muhammad, and upon his familyand companions and those who follow them in goodness untilthe Day of Judgment.Literature in the field of scientific miracles in the Qur’anand Sunnah (I’jaaz literature) has become an urgent necessity,as Allah Alm...

    20,81 €

  • Life Stories of ’Allamah Sayyid ’Alī Qadi Tabataba’i
    al-Buraq Publications
    Like any other revolution, the Islamic Revolution of Iran was based upon specific objectives and ideals. One of those objectives, which the current Supreme Leader, Sayyid ʿAlī Ḥusaynī Khāminaʾī, identifies as being one of the ’greatest hopes of the Revolution’ and one that is ’usually not paid sufficient attention to’, is the ’creation of an environment that allows for spiritua...

    17,85 €

  • Islam’s Political Relevance in Modernity
    Abdul Hakim Siddiqui
    In the present work an attempt has been made to assess the history,political philosophy and socio-political conditions and civilization trendsright from the prophet period till now. The object of this work focuses onbringing into light major political systems of Muslims that emerged andoperated at various periods of time and special emphasis has been given tomodern Muslim exper...

    26,90 €

  • Promises of the Quran
    Gregory Heary
    This book is a compilation of Quranic promises. The Quran being the literal speech of Allah, the Universe’s Creator and only entity deserving of worship, such promises are weighty and a guaranteed forecast of events. Such promises should cultivate our character, motivating us to do good and frightening us from doing evil. These promises should change one’s life. ...

    14,68 €

  • Taqiyyah
    Ja’far Subhani
    This humble publication will reveal that Taqiyyah is the fruit of the environment in which liberties have been confiscated. Suppose there must be any blame or criticism. In that case, it should be directed towards those who urged the oppressed to resort to Taqiyyah - and not towards the oppressed themselves. ...

    17,78 €

  • Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah, Volume 1
    Richard F. Burton

    43,86 €

  • Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah, Volume 2
    Richard F. Burton

    46,50 €

  • Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah, Volume 1
    Richard F. Burton

    65,56 €

  • Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah, Volume 2
    Richard F. Burton

    68,20 €

  • The Divine Tavern
    Ali Ashraf
    The Divine Tavern is a collection of poetry about the spiritual journey of the human soul through seven stages of life beginning from beauty and ending at Sufism, which is believed to be the highest level of human consciousness in the world of mysticism. It includes seven sections of poems, each section representing a different stage of the spiritual journey. The voice of this ...

    7,60 €

  • The Sufi Path of Light
    Mohamed Faouzi Al Karkari / Khaled Williams / Yousef Casewit
    'Our Lord is Light; our holy Prophet is Light; our unswerving Islamic faith is Light; our Holy Qurʾān is Light; and our prayer is Light. Why then do you wish to live in darkness? Why do you aloofly imagine, with your delimited and narrow mind, that the Light is merely an abstract concept that cannot be seen?' inquires Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari.Divine Light, luminous visi...

    22,36 €

  • Faithbook
    Sadik Almousawi / Sayyid Sadek Al-Moussawi
    Exploring our innermost thoughts and finding true faith. This book eloquently explains Islamic faith and beliefs in a concise and modern way, covering topics like proofs for the existence of God, the purpose of creation, the need for religion and man as a vicegerent. ...

    22,82 €

  • Our Family Our Legacy
    Yasir Qadhi
    A family is an important unit in our life. In building this institution, marriage becomes a susceptible foundation that holds the family together. This comes with rights and responsibilities that we often neglect and take for granted.In Our Family Our Legacy, Dr Yasir Qadhi analyses the topic of a family institution by dissecting it into two dichotomous parts, which are spouses...

    16,68 €

  • How to Convert to Islam and Become Muslim
    The Sincere Seeker Collection
    Discover the essentials of submitting to your Creator and converting to Islam in this short, concise, and easy-to-understand guide. This book will teach you what you need to know, believe, and practice to become a Muslim. From the basic Islamic beliefs and your life’s purpose to what you must do after your conversion, this book will help you understand the faith and how to live...

    10,85 €

  • A Journey Through the Evidence of Islam and the Holy Quran’s Divine Origin
    The Sincere Seeker Collection
    Discover the many proofs and evidence of Islam and the Holy Quran that attest to their Divine origin and absolute truth. Discover these irrefutable proofs for yourself. In this short book, you’ll discover the miraculous quality and eloquence of the Holy Quran, the scientific miracles the book contains, the prophecies and predictions it makes, and its many mathematical wonders -...

    9,72 €

  • Ethical Teachings of Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī
    Sami Al-Daghistani
    This book studies the interplay of economic philosophy and moral conduct as reflected in the writings of one of the most renowned scholars in Islamic history, Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī (d. 1111). Al-Ghazālī contributed to Islamic theology, philosophy, and Sufism but is also regarded as one of the forerunners of classical economic thought in Islamic tradition. ...

    50,45 €

  • Luqman’s Fifty Pearls of Wisdom
    Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq al Badr
    The Wise Luqman gave his son advice in the form of pearls of wisdom. His advice is relevant in all times and can be used by any parent who wants to raise a child in the light of Islam. His advice is beneficial for adults too and also for new Muslims. It is said that if all parents and children followed the advice of Luqman, then there would be no need to worry about the fate of...

    14,27 €

  • Sharh Al-Aqeedah An-Nasafiyyah
    Imaam Sa’d-ud-Deen at-Taftaazaani / Maulana Muhammad Huzaifah Ibn Adam
    The subject-matter of this kitaab, however, is the aspect of `Aqeedah that deals with Imaan in Allaah Ta`aalaa, in His Ambiyaa, in His Malaa’ikah, in His Kutub, in Jannah and Jahannam, in the Day of Qiyaamah, in the Signs of the Hour, etc.In the present age, there are numerous baatil groups promoting their own baatil beliefs that are in conflict with the age-old beliefs of Ahlu...

    13,21 €

  • Islam Explained
    Ahmad Salim
    With more than 1.8 billion followers worldwide, Islam is one of the world’s largest religions, but it is also one that is poorly understood by many Americans. Islam Explained offers an informative overview of the faith, helping those who are new to Islam foster cultural awareness while also providing those already familiar with it the opportunity to deepen their understanding.W...

    28,87 €

  • The Great Martyrs of Karbala
    Fasiha Zahara
    A coloring book and short story on the companions of the Imam (as), martyrs of Karbala.Drawn by Sr. Fasiha ZaharaPublished by al-Burāq Publications ...

    13,48 €

  • Imam Ali
    Fasiha Zahara
    A coloring book and short story on Imam Ali (as), the Lion of Allah (swt).Designed by Sr. Fasiha ZaharaPublished by al-Burāq Publications ...

    13,42 €

  • Taleemul Haq
    Islamic Book Store
    The greatest gift that Allah Ta’ala blesses any person with is undoubtedly the gift of Imaan. Any person blessed with Imaan, has to take care and look after his Imaan very carefully until eventually he is blessed with death on Imaan.In order to live and die on Imaan, we have to obey all the commands of Allah Ta’ala. Every day of our lives we engage in acts of Ibaadah (worship) ...

    8,21 €

  • The Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheries of East Africa
    Dr Sibtain Akberali Panjwani
    The Khojas were generally regarded as part of the Indian Gujarati mercantile castes known as Lohanas and Bhatias who due to famine, as well as trading opportunities, migrated to Zanzibar in the 1830s and then to other parts of East Africa. They found themselves questioning their socio-religious identity amidst major struggles in the 19th and 20th centuries; living under British...

    48,95 €

  • The Ship of Salvation (Safinat al-Naja) - The Doctrine and Jurisprudence of the School of al-Imam al-Shafii
    Salim ibn Abdul... Al-Hadrami Al-Shafii / Abdullah Muhammad Al Marbuqi Al-Shafii
    This book has been prepared for the beginner, especially those students studying at a 'madrasah'. Many Arabic terminologies have been maintained with the translation in the bracket. Footnotes provide assistance for teacher in explaining the text. The students are required to be familiar with the text of Safīnat al-najāʾ. It is better if the students can memorize the Arabic text...

    16,45 €

  • Tafsir al-Qurtubi Vol. 7 Sūrat al-An’ām - Cattle & Sūrat al-A’rāf - The Ramparts
    Abu ’Abdullah Muhammad Al-Qurtubi / Aisha Abdurrahman Bewley
    The tafsīr of al-Qurṭubī is perhaps one of the most compendious of them all and is certainly among the most famous. As its title, al-Jāmi’ li Aḥkām al-Qur’ān - The General Judgments of the Qur’an, suggests, its main focus is on the rulings and judgments to be found in the Qur’ān. However, in the course of doing that, al-Qurṭubī examines all the relevant sciences necessary, such...

    67,06 €

  • Tafsir al-Qurtubi Vol. 7 Sūrat al-An’ām - Cattle & Sūrat al-A’rāf - The Ramparts
    Abu ’Abdullah Muhammad Al-Qurtubi / Aisha Abdurrahman Bewley
    The tafsīr of al-Qurṭubī is perhaps one of the most compendious of them all and is certainly among the most famous. As its title, al-Jāmi’ li Aḥkām al-Qur’ān - The General Judgments of the Qur’an, suggests, its main focus is on the rulings and judgments to be found in the Qur’ān. However, in the course of doing that, al-Qurṭubī examines all the relevant sciences necessary, such...

    53,04 €

  • How to Debate the So-Called Salafiyyah
    Fuqayyir Abu-Jannah
    This is a book over 20 years in the making. What started as a 60 page essay without any subtitles became nearly 250 pages systematically organized and loaded with references and arguments for most topics in the on-going theological war against those modern Islamic pagans in the guise of Sunni Muslims: the So-called Salafiyyah. ...

    45,38 €

  • Causes of the Revelation of the Verses of the Quraan
    Imam As-Suyuti
    Knowing the causes of revelation can aid us in developing a sound understanding of the Quraan. Knowledge of the causes of revelation as it descended is a must for the person desiring knowledge of the Quraan. Neglect in understanding the causes of revelation as it descended leads a person to misread the intent of the verses of the Quraan.  This book written by the great scholar ...

    31,98 €

  • Sufism
    Theo Lalvani
    Sufism is more than just a faith or religious belief. Adopting its teachings can change your life and make you reach a higher level of consciousness. When you truly understand Sufism and embrace it, it can transform your life around.The book begins by introducing the concept of Sufism and explaining in detail what it means. We will then take a trip back in time to discover its ...

    10,64 €

  • Proper Jihad
    Gregory Heary
    This book is about proper jihad in both historical and prophetic context explaining what Islam actually teaches regarding the often misunderstood controversial topic citing examples of when it was appropriately practiced throughout history. Written by a former Christian who became a Muslim. ...

    9,10 €