Catálogo de libros: Budismo zen

153 Catálogo de libros: Budismo zen

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  • Buddhism For Beginners
    Brittany Samons
    A lot has been said about Buddhism with every scholar trying to understand and portray a scholarly approach to understanding Buddhism. Unfortunately, most of these studies and explanations are not useful especially when needed to serve as a guide of life, which Buddhism should be. Buddhism is a religion based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) who is the founder of...

    11,25 €

  • Pyrrho’s Way
    Douglas C. Bates / Douglas CBates
    It is not events that disturb us, but what we believe about them.In ancient Greece, a group of philosophers developed highly effective techniques to change our thoughts for the better, allowing practitioners to achieve inner peace. They called their philosophy 'Pyrrhonism' after the founder of their school, Pyrrho. Pyrrho traveled to India and brought back with him ideas from B...

    26,35 €

  • Finding Your Seat
    Amala Wrightson / Kathryn Argetsinger
    Zen is a subject of fascination for many people, though few have received authentic training in its actual practice. Finding Your Seat presents the basics of that practice, particularly within the context of a Zen Buddhist community, and will serve as a valued handbook for those setting out on this path. Beginning  with basic instructions for Zen meditation and sitting postures...

    17,22 €

  • Facing Suffering
    Gordon Greene
    This book recounts the work it takes to become a hospital chaplain, showing how intensely personal and physical that experience can become.The author started his chaplain training with the arrogance of a medical school faculty member and the certainty of a Zen priest and teacher. And he started with a drive to reform a system of care that hadn’t served his wife and himself when...

    13,54 €

  • Mountains and Rivers Sutra
    Zoketsu Norman Fischer
    The Mountains and Rivers Sutra is one of 93 essays of Dogen, the great 13th century Zen Master, collected in a work called, The Shobogenzo. “Shobogenzo” means, “Treasury of the True Dharma Eye.” Dogen’s essay expressing the reality of the enlightened mind in the poetic natural imagery of his time is a classic of spiritual literature and an essential text for deep Zen practice t...

    22,53 €

  • Zen
    Maya Faro
    Zen Lifestyle Made Easy, Doable and Totally Achievable Even for Busy Individuals!Do you want to learn more about Zen but don’t know where to start?Confused when it comes to “Zen Philosophy” information overload?Overwhelmed when it comes to complicated theory that seems impossible to apply in a busy, modern world?What if you could have one simple guide that distills all you need...

    12,57 €

  • The Art Of Buddhism
    David Dillinger / Sherman Evans
    Do you long to bring greater fulfillment, peace, and purpose into your everyday life?Do you struggle to choose joy as you face anxiety and depression each day?Or are you simply looking for a straightforward way to be happy and compassionate? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, this book will quickly change your life.The teachings of Buddhism have guided spiritual...

    8,61 €

  • Jed Talks #3
    Jed McKenna
    Book three in the Jed Talks series by Jed McKenna, author of the Enlightenment Trilogy and Dreamstate Trilogy.CONTENTSI Am an Apple TreeOver the MoonGoddess I: The Tao That Can Be ToldI Call It ConsciousnessMarichelle 7: A Pretty Big ProblemGoddess II: Darkness within DarknessSpiritual DNAAdult UtopiaGoddess III: Soft & YieldingMarichelle 8: Trouble Is FineThe Folly of Human Co...

    14,06 €

  • The Meme-ing of Zen
    Jesse Martijn Braun
    The Meme-ing of Zense, Is the first bundle of internet memes printed and glued into a book by a Zen Buddhist Lama.The West is currently dominated by YIN (mind/ego)this is why everything is now about feelings, emotion instead of truth and reason. We went to far and we need to go back to basic reality, YANG (matter) We need to bring back balance because imbalance always leads to ...

    22,31 €

  • Exploring Chán
    Chuan Zhi
    Drawing on over three decades of study and practice, Chuan Zhi, an ordained monk in the Chinese Linji tradition, takes us on a fascinating journey to uncover the causes and conditions that led to Chan’s formation as a unique expression of Chinese Buddhism. Along the way, he explores some complex topics: How and why did the Chan institution invent its characteristic lineage syst...

    29,63 €

  • Bone of Space
    Seung Sahn
    Zen Master Seung Sahn is the first Korean Zen Master to live and teach in the West. After becoming disenchanted with academics and then radical politics as ways to help people understand life, he turned to Buddhism. Given transmission at the age of 22 by the famous Zen Master Ko Bong, Seung Sahn became the youngest Zen Master in Korea. After three years of silence, he worked to...

    12,20 €

  • Buddhism
    Harini Anand
    What is the secret to happiness? That’s a difficult question to answer.But if you listen to mainstream or social media, you might think it’s money or fame. We idolize celebrities and believe they have a perfect life. But are they really happy? We put so much hope into money and power. But once you have all these things this leaves you empty and thinking...why am I not happy eve...

    15,06 €

  • Zen 24/7
    Philip T Sudo / Philip T. Sudo / Philip TSudo
    Enlightenment is within reach -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.If you’re searching for revelation and contentment, look no further than a handshake, a cup of coffee -- even your laundry pile. The most mundane details of life contain zen’s profound truths, if you’re of the mind to look for them.By awakening to and embracing the zen in your life, you’ll listen, watch, eat, work, ...

    12,13 €

  • Sahaja
    Wide Ocean
    Sahaja means that which is natural or spontaneous. Sahaja first found expression in India towards the end of the first millenium CE. It is a tantric approach to life and living, and to finding fulfulment in the midst of the vicissitudes of daily life. 3 ...

    20,17 €

  • The Zensational Buddha
    Rahul Karn
    Zen Masters have a unique relationship with Buddha. They love Buddha, yet sometimes they suggest us to kill the Buddha. One Zen Master didn't bow in front of the Buddha statue while other said that Buddha was a dried piece of dung. One ancient Zen Master burnt the Buddha statue, while other said that Buddha was a liar. This book is a collection of hundreds of Zen Stories, w...

    8,14 €

  • Buddhism for Beginners
    Harini Anand
    How To Easily Reclaim Your Natural Joy & HappinessDo you often feel stressed, overwhelmed or anxious?Would you like to increase your wellbeing and happiness?If so, then Buddhism could be the answer. Even if you’ve tried meditation or mindfulness before only to find you just cannot do it. In fact, it’s easier than you think. The Department of Psychology at California University ...

    14,90 €

  • The Story of Zen
    Richard Bryan McDaniel
    THE STORY OF ZEN is a complete overview of the ideas, history, evolution, and practice of Zen Buddhism, based on interviews with more than 100 Zen teachers and senior students in Canada, the United States and Mexico. Richard Bryan McDaniel, the author, is a long-time Zen practitioner and well-known expert in his field; this is his sixth book on the subject of Zen. The foreword ...

    28,55 €

  • Manual of Zen Buddhism
    D. T. Suzuki / DTSuzuki
    Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki (18 October 1870 – 12 July 1966) was a Japanese author of books and essays on Buddhism, Zen (Chan) and Shin that were instrumental in spreading interest in both Zen and Shin (and Far Eastern philosophy in general) to the West. Suzuki was also a prolific translator of Chinese, Japanese, and Sanskrit literature. Suzuki spent several lengthy stretches teach...

    16,31 €

  • Manual of Zen Buddhism
    D. T. Suzuki / DTSuzuki
    Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki (18 October 1870 – 12 July 1966) was a Japanese author of books and essays on Buddhism, Zen (Chan) and Shin that were instrumental in spreading interest in both Zen and Shin (and Far Eastern philosophy in general) to the West. Suzuki was also a prolific translator of Chinese, Japanese, and Sanskrit literature. Suzuki spent several lengthy stretches teach...

    31,08 €

  • Buddhism for Beginners
    Alexandra Jessen
    If you want to learn how Buddhism can SKYROCKET your peace and happiness in daily life then keep reading… Do you want to learn the fundamentals of Buddhism? Do you want to learn it in a PRACTICAL manner that actually improves your day to day life? Do you want to learn it in an easy to understand manner? Buddhism now is more popular than it has been in decades, the Buddha’s incr...

    15,93 €

  • nine pieces of zen
    Wide Ocean
    Nowadays people use the word Zen indiscriminately for everything from the Zen of making an instant fortune overnight to the Zen of cooking hard boiled eggs. But what is Zen and what are its philosophical origins as a living tradition of Mahayana Buddhism? This book explores the original “no-mind” teachings of early Zen Buddhism as they evolved in T’ang Dynasty China during the ...

    18,22 €

  • Zen Stick
    Rahul Karn
    Generally, by Zen people think about peace and meditation. But sometimes the Zen Masters can fiercely use their stick to awaken you. This book is a collection of such 91 weird Zen Stories. In these stories, sometimes the Zen master hits the student, sometimes he shouts and sometimes he even slaps the student! ...

    8,73 €

  • Zen Smiles
    Rahul Karn
    Down the age Zen has conveyed its wisdom through stories. Those stories are very short, but are deep and profound; pregnant with meaning. This book is a collection of 50 Zen Stories which will make you smile! 3 ...

    6,50 €

  • The Way Of The Zen Cowboy
    Barrett Martin
    The Way Of The Zen Cowboy: Fireside Stories From A Globetrotting Rhythmatist is a new collection of 35 short stories from Grammy-winning percussionist, composer, and storyteller Barrett Martin. These stories are based on personal experiences around the world, as well as wisdom tales heard from indigenous people, grandparents, and some of the cowboys and veterans he was mentored...

    25,17 €

  • Wisdom of the East - The Buddha’s Way of Virtue - A Translation of the Dhammapada from the Pali Text
    K. J. Saunders / K.J Saunders / W. D. C. Wagiswara / W.D.C. Wagiswara / W.D.CWagiswara
    Wisdom of the East - The Buddha’s Way of Virtue - A Translation of the Dhammapada from the Pali Text by W. D. C. Wagiswara is a profound translation of the Dhammapada, offering readers a timeless and accessible guide to the ethical and spiritual teachings of the Buddha. Wisdom of the East - The Buddha’s Way of Virtue - A Translation of the Dhammapada from the Pali Text by W. ...

    22,64 €

  • Going to the Pine
    Geoffrey M. Wilkinson
    Shortlisted for the 2019 Touchstone Distinguished Books Award administered by The Haiku Foundation. Given Honorable Mention place in the Prose category of the 2020 Haiku Society of America Merit Book Awards. This collection of essays considers the Japanese poet Matsuo Bashō (1644-94) from four different and, in some respects, unconventional perspectives. It begins by likening B...

    7,26 €

  • Living the Zen Life
    Alex Mill
    Here’s how to live the Zen life... Deepen your spiritual practice with this inspiring series of guidebooks.  Each chapter from Living the Zen Life opens beautifully with a thoughtful quote and is then followed by a passage to further your appreciation of the quote’s message. Some chapters invite you into lightness and love while others cause you to pause and reflect. The storie...

    10,52 €

  • Rivers of Light
    Miriam Kalman Friedman
    Growing up in a conservative, middle-class family in Texas, Claire Myers Owens sought adventure and freedom at an early age. At twenty years old, she left home and quickly found a community of like-minded free spiritsand intellectuals in New York's Greenwich Village. There Owens wrote novels and short stories, including the controversial novel The Unpredictable Adventure: A...

    109,74 €

  • Living the Zen Life
    Alex Mill
    Here’s how to live the Zen life... Deepen your spiritual practice with this inspiring series of guidebooks.  Each chapter from Living the Zen Life opens beautifully with a thoughtful quote and is then followed by a passage to further your appreciation of the quote’s message. Some chapters invite you into lightness and love while others cause you to pause and reflect. The storie...

    10,50 €

    This fine art book, "ZEN PEARLS", includes 24 images of Shunyo Mahom’s “Zen Pearls” art and 24 excerpts from Osho discourses on essential human issues such as, What is love? What is meditation? It includes Osho’s enlightened insights on creativity, transforming sex, reincarnation, spirituality, playfulness, trust and humor.Shunyo’s “Zen Pearls” art images have been paired with ...

    29,64 €

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