Catálogo de libros: Budismo tibetano

374 Catálogo de libros: Budismo tibetano

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  • The Constitution of Shambhala (Vol. 7B of a Treatise on Mind)
    Bodo Balsys
    The theme of the first of the two parts of this volume concerns the feminine deva hierarchy, their relation to Hierarchy and Shambhala. Many concepts are introduced that most seekers have little cognisance (e.g., the nature of the deva Lord Varuna). The Mother of the World’s role is revealed, and the feminine function in cosmos, (e.g., the Pleiades). Advanced teaching concernin...

    44,89 €

  • Unveiling Your Sacred Truth through the Kalachakra Path, Book Two
    Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö
    The Kalachakra Path offers a profound method for actualising your greatest potential and contributing to greater peace and harmony within this world. For the first time ever, this extraordinary path is revealed in a step-by-step manner, allowing students to gradually approach this uniquely comprehensive system in a structured and methodical way.Drawing on more than 30 years of ...

    42,96 €

  • Let Meditation be thy Medicine
    Nida Chenagtsang
    A thousand years ago, a renowned Tibetan doctor and spiritual teacher, Yuthok Yönten Gönpo, created a unique path of healing and spirituality that combines Tantric Buddhist practices with the traditional Tibetan medical system. He designed this path for his time but even more for our time, as he foresaw a future when people with very full lives would need a clear and direct app...

    31,65 €

    Edwin J. Harris DC
     Ride the waves of breath and life that flow through you all the time and feel the bliss of oneness.Wake up your conscious awareness of how the beautiful energy of life moves through your body. Feel the warm embrace of Mother Nature’s Golden Light as you return to the peace of breathing in harmony with your heart,body, mind, and awareness.A Golden Light Surfing Kung Futreasure....

    19,72 €

  • The Sound of Vultures’ Wings
    Jeffrey W. Cupchik
    Explores the music of the Tibetan Chöd tradition. ...

    126,14 €

  • Hacia el reino interior
    Gueshe Michael Roach
    Sé considerado con los demás. Antes de hacer algo,piensa en sus necesidades y deseos. Relaciónate conlos demás tranquila, amablemente, de un modo que lessatisfaga, por supuesto siempre y cuando sea moral. Perodentro de tus posibilidades y de lo que es correcto, hazfeliz a los que te rodean. Piensa en lo que quieren y necesitan.Libérate del veneno de juzgar a los demás. Las pers...

    22,30 €

  • Pith Instructions from my Teachers
    James Gritz
    Essential teachings from major contemporary Kagyu and Nyingma Vajrayana Buddhist teachers, complemented with more than 115 photographs.FeaturingChögyam TrungpaGuadalupe Gonzales RiosJigme Khyentse RinpocheTsoknyi RinpocheDzogchen Ponlop RinpocheDzongsar Khyentse RinpocheHis Holiness the 16th KarmapaHis Holiness the 17th KarmapaMingyur Rinpoche James Gritz is a professional phot...

    27,35 €

  • El Tratado del Lam Rim Medio
    Tsongkhapa (1357-1419), autor del famoso Gran Tratado de las etapas del sendero a la Iluminación, y maestro del Primer Dalai Lama, es reconocido como uno de los más grandes eruditos-santos que el Tíbet haya producido jamás. Doce años después de escribir Gran Tratado, escribió Tratado Medio de las etapas del Sendero, que aquí se presenta en su primera traducción completa al esp...

    33,58 €

  • Goodbye Forever - Volume Three
    Ngakpa Chögyam
    An incognito English incarnation of an early 20 century Tibetan Lama returns to the Himalayas in 1975, after three years at Art School in Bristol. He continues his training in Bodhanath, Nepal, with Kyabjé Düd’jom Rinpoche - the Head of the Nyingma Tradition. He is referred to the ferocious Künzang Dorje Rinpoche in Tso Pema - for training in Dzogchen Men-ngag-dé. A harrowing m...

    40,64 €

  • Viagem da Cabeç ao Coração
    Ringu Tulku / Maria José Cunha
    A série Sabedoria do Coração tem como objetivo tornar os ensinamentos de Ringu Tulku Rinpoche acessíveis a um público mais vasto, pondo os seus ensinamentos orais em forma escrita. Este volume apresenta 37 ensinamentos curtos, concebidos para serem lidos individualmente e integrados na prática e vida quotidianas. O conjunto leva-nos numa viagem através dos veículos do budismo, ...

    19,47 €

  • Blavatsky on Buddhism
    Helena P Blavatsky
    Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) co-founded the Theosophical   Society in 1875 and authored the major texts of the movement: Isis Unveiled (1877), The Secret Doctrine (1888), The Key to Theosophy (1889), and The Voice of the Silence (1889). She inspired many artists including Alexander Scriabin, Wassily Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian, Hilma af Klint, Nicholas Roerich, and Max Be...

    44,43 €

  • De Leite a Iogurte
    Ringu Tulku / Maria José Cunha
    A coleção Sabedoria do Coração, pretende tornar os ensinamentos de Ringu Tulku Rinpoche acessíveis a um público mais vasto, ao pôr por escrito os seus ensinamentos orais. Este livro reúne três palestras de Ringu Tulku sobre os temas do Renascimento, Trabalhando com um Mestre Espiritual e A Morte e o Morrer, e inclui caligrafias de Ringu Tulku sobre estes temas.'Como se faz iogu...

    19,23 €

  • Les 42 points d’enseignement proférés par Bouddha
    Évariste Huc / Joseph Gabet
    Un ouvrage de préceptes et de sentences qui fait autorité dans le bouddhisme tibétain.Traduit du Mongol par les missionnaires lazaristes MM. Gabet et Huc, ce texte fut publié en 1850 dans les annales de philosophie chrétienne. La traduction est en outre agrémentée de notes critiques qui permettent d’établir un pont entre christianisme et bouddhisme, les préceptes révélés dans c...

    16,75 €

  • Blavatsky on Buddhism
    Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
    Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) co-founded the Theosophical   Society in 1875 and authored the major texts of the movement: Isis Unveiled (1877), The Secret Doctrine (1888), The Key to Theosophy (1889), and The Voice of the Silence (1889). She inspired many artists including Alexander Scriabin, Wassily Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian, Hilma af Klint, Nicholas   Roerich, and Max ...

    60,36 €

  • Hiteles útmutató a meditációhoz
    Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö
    Remélem, hogy ez a könyv egy olyan típusú meditáció megtalálásához vezet, amely ha ezt választjuk bármikor „hazavisz' a nyugodt tisztaság terébe, amelyben békére lelhetünk, és helyreállíthatjuk  energiánkat, vagy amelynek segítségével hatékonyan kapcsolódhatunk a világhoz, és könnyedén mozoghatunk az élet hullámaival. Mégis mindenekelőtt remélem, hogy ez a könyv „hídként' szolg...

    13,09 €

    Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö
    Quel que soit le genre de personne que vous êtes ou la voie que vous avez empruntée dans la vie, votre objectif fondamental est le bonheur durable. Le présent ouvrage, Une vie plus heureuse , est un trésor de sagesse qui vous guide vers la réalisation de ce dernier, étape par étape, à chaque stade de votre vie. Il vous fait voyager, à travers ses stades  : l’enfance, l’adolesc...

    11,58 €

  • The Magic of Vajrayana
    Ken McLeod
    'A moving description of a life in practice which goes far beyond text-based ideas of prayer, devotion, guru-connection, or meditation, and most especially of tantric practice.' -- Anne Klein, former Chair of the Department of Religion at Rice University. A ground-breaking book, The Magic of Vajrayana opens new doors to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of Vajrayana, one of the mo...

    27,74 €

  • Devotion
    Dungse Lama Pema Rinpoche
    Dungse Lama Pema Rinpoche was born into a family of great Buddhist practitioners, whose ancestry goes back to the 13th century Buddhist master Guru Chokyi Wangchuk. He first learned Buddhist practice and teachings from his father at a very young age. In 1981, he left his family monastery in remote Tsum valley, Nepal, and became Buddhist Monk in Thrangu Monastery while still a y...

    11,68 €

  • Hope for the Worst
    Kate Brandt
    Ellie is twenty-four years old, stuck in a dead-end job, and questioning the meaning of life when she meets the much older Calvin. It’s as if her deepest wish has been granted. Star of the Buddhist teaching circuit in New York’s Greenwich Village, his wisdom is exactly what she’s been seeking.When she becomes the center of his attention, it’s almost pure bliss... until it becom...

    19,46 €

    Marie Friquegnon / Palden Sherab / Tsewang Dongyal
    Scripture, without a logic that is based on  the evidence of things, will not satisfyeven faithful followers.                      -ShantarakshitaShantarakshita follows in the footsteps of Buddha Shakyamuni who stated that no one should accept his view without testing it as a goldsmith tests gold. In this seminal 8th century text he deconstructs, illucidates and defends Madhaya...

    17,41 €

  • Yuthok Nyingthig
    Sumton Yeshe Zung / Yuthok Yönten Gönpo
    The Sunlight of Compassion that Dispels the Darkness of Suffering: The Dharma-cycle embodying the Blessings of the Guru Yoga Sadhanas from Yuthok’s Heart Teachings: Tibetan language editionThe text known as the Yuthok Nyingthig or ’Heart-essence Teachings of Yuthok’ is a complete set of Highest Yoga Tantra Secret Mantra or Vajrayana instructions which were taught by the King of...

    98,09 €

  • Yếu lược các giai đoạn trên đường tu giác ngộ
    Nguyễn Minh Tiến
    Hôm nay có khá nhiều người thuộc mọi thành phần xã hội cùng tề tựu ở đây, kể cả một số người đến từ Tây Tạng. Hôm nay, chúng ta tề tựu về đây không phải để nghe kể chuyện này, chuyện nọ, mà là để lắng nghe Phật pháp. Việc chuyển hóa thân, khẩu, ý của quý vị là điều quan trọng, để thẳng tiến đến giác ngộ nếu có thể. Do đó, ít nhất là trong các buổi giảng Pháp này, quý vị hãy cố ...

    17,56 €

  • Vầng sáng từ phương Đông
    Nguyễn Minh Tiến
    Đức Đạt-lai Lạt-ma thứ 14, Tenzin Gyatso, có thể nói là một trong những tên tuổi lớn trên thế giới mà gần đây luôn được rất nhiều người tôn kính. Sự tôn kính này không hẳn chỉ vì ngài là người đã nhận được giải Nobel Hòa bình do những nỗ lực không mệt mỏi trong việc tìm kiếm một tiếng nói chung cho nền hòa bình thế giới, mà còn là vì những bài thuyết giảng rộng rãi của ngài luô...

    14,47 €

  • Old Lhasa
    M.A. Aldrich
    'Brings you closer to the real spirit of Lhasa'-Dr. Lobsang Sangay, President, Tibetan Government in ExileThe most comprehensive account of the fabled city ever written in English, Old Lhasa: A Biography weaves an accessible, detailed, and compelling tapestry of its history, religion, and culture. We explore small customs of great antiquity still seen in the Tibetan Quarter, su...

    32,66 €

  • Voice of the Primordial Buddha
    Anam Thubten
    Voice of the Primordial Buddha is Anam Thubten’s commentary on the well-known text, The Sharp Vajra of Awareness Tantra, by twentieth-century master Dudjom Lingpa (1835-1903). His text is revered by many people in Tibet as a sacred scripture. This book covers the entire Vajrayana path, especially Dzogchen, with language full of potency. Reading it can shake one’s mind from its ...

    22,68 €

  • Una Guía Auténtica para la Meditación
    Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö
    Tengo la esperanza de que este libro sirva para encontrar un tipo de meditación que te 'lleve a casa' cada vez que lo desees; un espacio de claridad calmada en la que encuentras paz y la restauración de tu energía, o desde el cual puedas relacionarte con el mundo. Sin embargo, y sobre todo lo anterior, espero que este libro te sirva como un puente hacia la iluminación ya sea de...

    13,09 €

  • Um Guia Autêntico para a Meditação
    Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö
    A minha esperança deste livro é guiá-lo para encontrar um tipo de meditação que o 'leve para casa' sempre que escolher - para um espaço de calma clareza no qual encontrará paz e restaurará a sua energia ou a partir do qual se possa efectivamente envolver no mundo. Mas, acima de tudo, espero que este livro possa servir de 'ponte' para a iluminação, quer esteja a seguir um caminh...

    13,08 €

  • An Authentic Guide to Meditation
    Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö
    My hope of this book is to guide you to finding a type of meditation that will 'bring you home' whenever you choose - to a space of calm clarity in which you will find peace and restore your energy or from which you can effectively engage in the world. Yet above all, I hope this book can serve as a 'bridge' to enlightenment, whether you are following a Buddhist path or any othe...

    13,07 €

  • Senderos de la Visión Pura
    Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö
    Senderos de la Visión Pura consolida las facetas múltiples que tiene la espiritualidad tibetana mediante la evaluación de tres temas: los desarrollos históricos, los puntos de vista filosóficos y las meditaciones y las prácticas. Este libro narra los acontecimientos históricos sobre el desarrollo del budismo en la India y su transmisión en el Tíbet, lo nos brinda una perspectiv...

    16,36 €

  • Những Thực Hành Trọng Yếu
    Nguyễn Minh Tiến / Thanh Liên
    Nhờ căn cứ vào cuộc đời của Đức Phật, chúng ta có thể hiểu được những khía cạnh nền tảng của sự thiền định và cách hành xử như một hành giả Pháp. Mặc dù nhiều người chỉ nhìn cuộc đời Đức Phật như một câu chuyện lịch sử, và điều đó có thể khơi dậy đôi chút hứng khởi, nhưng họ không thấy được những gì sâu xa hơn thế nữa.Tuy nhiên, cuộc đời của Đức Phật có thể xem là một điển hình...

    16,52 €