Catálogo de libros: Budismo

2404 Catálogo de libros: Budismo

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  • Gọi Nắng Xuân Về
    Nguyên Minh
    Sự thay đổi của đất trời theo chu kỳ chuyển vận chung đã mang đến những thay đổi quanh ta, từ bầu trời, mặt đất cho đến thời tiết, cỏ cây hoa lá... Tất cả những điều đó đều là những yếu tố khách quan góp phần khoác lên cho mùa xuân một bộ áo mới mẻ, tươi trẻ và tràn đầy sức sống.Những cái mới ấy luôn có công năng khơi dậy trong ta niềm hứng khởi, mang đến cho ta những hy vọng m...

    13,37 €

  • Una vita più felice
    Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö
     Indipendentemente da che tipo di persona siamo o da come abbiamo scelto di vivere la nostra vita, il nostro obiettivo finale è la felicità duratura. Una vita più felice è un tesoro di saggezza che ti guida verso il raggiungimento di questo obiettivo, punto per punto, in ogni fase della tua vita. Viaggiando attraverso l’infanzia, l’adolescenza, i primi anni dell’età adulta e la...

    11,66 €

  • Tesoro nascosto del sentiero profondo
    Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö
    Anche se centinaia di migliaia di persone hanno ricevuto l’iniziazione del Kalachakra, pochissimi sanno davvero come mettere in pratica gli insegnamenti del Kalachakra. In questo chiaro e diretto commentario al testo classico di Jetsun Taranatha 'La Scala Divina' Khentrul Rinpoche rivela i metodi profondi che sono stati usati per centinaia di anni dai maestri di Kalachakra per ...

    15,77 €

  • O Tesouro Oculto Do Profundo Caminho
    Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö / Shylton Dias
    Embora centenas de milhares de pessoas tenham participado em uma iniciação de Kalachakra, muito poucas realmente sabem como colocar os ensinamentos de Kalachakra em prática. Nesse comentário direto e claro sobre o texto clássico de Jetsun Taranatha, 'A Escada Divina', Khentrul Rinpoche revela os métodos profundos que têm sido usados pelos mestres de Kalachakra por centenas de a...

    13,94 €

  • Die Enthüllung der inneren Wahrheit
    Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö
    Der Kalachakra-Pfad bietet eine tiefgründige Methode, um Ihr größtes Potential zu verwirklichen und zu mehr Frieden und Harmonie auf dieser Welt beizutragen. Zum ersten Mal überhaupt wird dieser außerordentliche Pfad Schritt für Schritt dargelegt, wodurch sich Studierende diesem einzigartig umfassenden System auf eine strukturierte und methodische Weise annähern können.Khentrul...

    27,10 €

  • Shobogenzo - Volume II of III
    Eihei Dogen / Rev. Hubert Nearman
    The Shōbōgenzō is the recognized spiritual masterpiece by the thirteenth-century Japanese Sōtō Zen Master Eihei Dōgen. It is comprised of discourses that he gave to his disciples, in person or in writing, at various times between 1231 and his death twenty-two years later at age fifty-three.These discourses cover a wide range of topics pertinent to those in monastic life though ...

    50,52 €

  • The Hidden 'God'
    Peter Baekelmans
    'Theology' means 'discourse about god.' Christian theology is a reflection on the Christian faith in which God takes a central place. Therefore, the Christian theology of other religions seeks to understand if and how 'God' as Christians call their experience of Him may be present in the thought, devotion, and ritual of those other religions. Christian theology of Buddhism is t...

    22,51 €

  • Siddhartha
    Hermann Hesse
    ज्ञान की खोज का लोकप्रिय उपन्यास, जिसने पाठकों, लेखकों और विचारकों की पीढ़ियों को प्रसन्न, प्रेरित और प्रभावित किया है; जो स्नातक की परीक्षा पास करने पर दिया जानेवाला एक सदाबहार उपहार है। पी.बी.एस. के द ग्रेट अमेरिकन रीड द्वारा अमेरिका के सबसे पसंदीदा उपन्यासों में से एक के रूप में नामांकित पुस्तक की शुरुआत 1922 में भले ही हुई हो, लेकिन यह उस समय के जर्मनी से बहुत दूर एक स्था...

    16,67 €

  • Copying The Image of God (Maturity)
    Evangelist W.A. Hutchinson Jarreau
    Though I was not on the Isle of Patmos as John, I was humbled and moved during the wee hours of April 22, 2013, when I saw these words: 'Copying the Image of God (Maturity).' As I sought the Lord concerning what He had shown me, He revealed to me His desire from the beginning (Genesis) for man to have His image. I gained insights to teach and share with believers, those yet to ...

    11,72 €

  • Chinese religion in contemporary Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan
    Fabian Graham
    Embracing an ontological approach to religious phenomena, this study traces the origins and development of Chinese Hell deity worship now prevalent in Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan. Written for academics and the interested public, it challenges assumptions vis-à-vis the diversity of present-day Chinese religious beliefs and ritual practices. ...

    37,95 €

  • The Influence of Rome
    Htay Lwin Oo
    In this book- As of my experience, most of my fellow worshippers or believers who think themselves as they are going the right path on the religion but other not. As they cherish the people so much, they don’t want them going the wrong way or swerving to the wrong path that could lead to hell. So, they are trying to persuade the people to join their path or to participate them ...

    4,92 €

  • Two Subtle Realities
    Dakpa Topgyal
    Buddhism teaches with simple means how to live day by day with joy and peace. It also teaches with the deepest means how to liberate our mind from the clinging and grasping that form the intricate nets of irritating thoughts and emotions that ensnare us. We liberate our mind through developing a powerful antidote to clinging and grasping. This powerful antidote is the thorough ...

    25,23 €

  • Enseñanzas de la Escuela de Misterios
    Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    Bienvenidos a la Escuela de Misterios del Señor Maitreya: el Buda de la misericordia, del amor y de la compasión.Hace dos mil años, Maitreya le hizo una petición a su discípulo, Jesús, para que lo encontrara. Por eso, Jesús partió hacia los Himalayas para hallar al Padre, Maitreya, y recibir las enseñanzas que serían la clave para una era.Ahora una vez más, Maitreya hace la pet...

    21,67 €

  • Tư tưởng xã hội trong Kinh điển Phật giáo Nguyên thủy
    Thích Nguyên Siêu
    Để thẩm thấu ý nghĩa tích cực tuyệt vời của đạo Phật với cuộc đời, mời quý vị định tâm thanh thản đọc quyển Tư Tưởng Xã Hội Trong Kinh Điển Phật Giáo Nguyên Thủy của tác giả Thích Nguyên Siêu, với tài hoa trình bày khúc chiết, chứng tỏ tác giả đã dày công nghiên cứu và hệ thống hóa tạo thành tác phẩm tinh hoa hy hữu này. Muốn thấu rõ tinh thần tích cực của đạo Phật đối với công...

    17,34 €

  • Writings of Nichiren Shonin Doctrine 3
    This volume, the 11th project of the English Translation Committee of the Nichiren Shu Overseas Propagation Promotion Association (NOPPA), constitutes all 23 writings of Buddhist reformer Nichiren Shōnin (1222-1282) included in the Nichiren Shonin Zenshu, Complete Writings of Nichiren Shonin, Volume 3: Theology 3, published in Tokyo in 1994.The Nichiren Shonin Zenshu is a moder...

    40,40 €

  • Discovering Buddhism
    Dominique Side
    Discovering Buddhism introduces Buddhism as a culture and civilization, a system of thought and a religion. This fascinating book presents the views and practices of all the main Buddhist traditions without bias and addresses the history of Buddhism, the key topics taught by the Buddha, and a selection of contemporary issues. It also includes critical assessments of the materia...

    26,94 €

  • Tôi đọc Đại Tạng Kinh
    Thích Như Điển
    Ðường vào Ðại Tạng Kinh mênh mông bát ngát như một đại dương rộng lớn, nhưng nếu người lữ hành có tấm bản đồ mang theo bên mình thì chúng ta sẽ không bị lạc lối giữa cảnh trời cao bể rộng ấy. Nếu người ra đi mà không biết phương hướng thì sẽ dễ bị lầm đường lạc lối. Nay chúng ta đã có Tam Bảo: Phật, Pháp, Tăng; có giới, định, tuệ thì lo gì khó khăn trở ngại khi chúng ta lặn ngụ...

    21,36 €

  • The Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy
    Junjiro Takakusu
    2022 Reprint of the 1949 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. The Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy by the eminent and prolific Japanese Buddhist scholar Takakusu (1866-1945) largely follows the skeletal design of an introductory overview of Japanese Buddhism by the Kegon monk Gyonen (1240-1321) called The Essenti...

    15,71 €

  • Giọt mồ hôi thanh thản
    Nguyên Minh
    Tôi vẫn luôn tin rằng một trong những vốn liếng quý giá nhất của con người chính là sự vững tin vào khía cạnh lạc quan của cuộc sống. Chừng nào mà niềm tin này vẫn còn được giữ vững, chúng ta sẽ luôn có đủ nghị lực để vượt qua tất cả khó khăn và đối mặt với những khổ đau, bất hạnh. Ngược lại, nếu ai đó đánh mất đi niềm tin này thì sẽ là nỗi bất hạnh lớn lao nhất cho người ấy, v...

    12,24 €

  • Teachings of the Mountain Hermit of Mandong on Refuge and Bodhichitta
    Tony Duff
    This book contains two teachings, one on taking refuge in the Three Jewels and one on the development of bodhichitta or enlightenment mind. The teachings are translations of two texts from the Collected Works of the Hermit of Mandong. The hermit was a Kagyu master who lived in caves in the Mandong area of Tibet during the latter half of the 20th century, after the Communist Chi...

    28,29 €

  • 梅花易数
    Nanshan Guo

    31,01 €

  • Non Buddhist Mysticism
    Glenn Wallis
    In the enlivening tradition of the dramaturgy to 'adapt a story to actable form,' Non Buddhist Mysticism presents a radical reorientation to 'spiritual' practice. Drawing from François Laruelle’s concept of future mysticism and the author’s own previous work on non-buddhism, Glenn Wallis galvanizes a materialist spirituality for the twenty-first century. Liberated from the punc...

    22,55 €

  • Probing the Sutras
    Guy Gibbon
    A compact summary like Probing the Sutras has been sorely needed for some time, as more and more Westerners have dipped into meditation without any understanding of its predominantly Buddhist scriptural underpinning. This concise, well-informed introduction to the history and contents of eleven seminal Buddhist sutras also provides suggestions for reflection, meditation, and pr...

    19,67 €

  • Probing the Sutras
    Guy Gibbon
    A compact summary like Probing the Sutras has been sorely needed for some time, as more and more Westerners have dipped into meditation without any understanding of its predominantly Buddhist scriptural underpinning. This concise, well-informed introduction to the history and contents of eleven seminal Buddhist sutras also provides suggestions for reflection, meditation, and pr...

    32,15 €

  • Siddhartha
    Hermann Hesse / Words Power
    First published in 1922, ’Siddhartha’ is an allegorical novel by Hermann Hesse, a German-Swiss novelist, poet, painter, and one of Germany’s most influential writers and thinkers, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946. The central theme of his work is the individual’s actions to break out of the established modes of civilization so as to find an essential spir...

    16,73 €

  • Look, Look, Look, Look, Look Again
    Kevin Thomas Townley Jr.
    'His writing is fresh and accessible, and so tender. As soon as I started reading it, I immediately started thinking of friends I’d like to give it to.' -Judith L. Lief, editor of The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of DharmaA mad riot of interconnections: art, Buddhism, mandala principle, spiritual pursuits, growing up goth in the 90s, the theories of Marshall McLuhan, and a mo...

    27,02 €

  • Lazy Lama looks at The Four Noble Truths
    Ringu Tulku
    All Buddhist practice is for the purpose of working to become free of the basic problem of suffering, and it’s all based on the possibility of an inner transformation, the transformation of our perception, our view.If we can let go of the state of mind which is always in turmoil, always either running away from something or running after something, we can find fearlessness, lib...

    7,39 €

  • The Missing Buddhas
    Tony Miller
    In the early 1900s, as chaos reigned in China, a group of life-size glazed terracotta Buddhist monks started appearing on the antiques market and caused a sensation in the West, being both exquisite and completely unlike anything else ever seen in Chinese art. Museums and collectors around the world competed for them, but who made them and when? And where had they been hidden b...

    25,10 €

  • Comes Judgment
    Thomas / Tom Hoskins
    Thank you for picking up this book. It was written with you in mind! There is nobody like you on this earth and you are as important as any other person, from kings to beggars. Jesus Christ existed and lived among us about two thousand years ago. He was brutalized and hung on a cross to die explicitly for you. He was resurrected to prove his credentials as our Savior. Those who...

    9,73 €

  • 'Dharma Transmission'
    B. Cumming
    'Dharma Transmission' is an amalgamation of public talks and study group discussion forums within Western Australia from 2006 to 2020 on various topics, by those who engage with the Dharma journey within the context of this secular western approach to Buddhism, meditation, life, and actuality. This context was developed as a current functional understanding of actuality that wa...

    22,55 €