Catálogo de libros: Budismo

2404 Catálogo de libros: Budismo

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  • The Gathering
    Vanessa R. Sasson
    The Gathering is a retelling of the story of the first Buddhist women’s request for ordination. Inspired by the Therigatha and building on years of research and experience in the field, Sasson follows Vimala, Patachara, Bhadda Kundalakesa, and many others as they walk through the forest to request full access to the tradition.The Buddha’s response to this request is famously co...

    32,26 €

  • Viagem da Cabeç ao Coração
    Ringu Tulku / Maria José Cunha
    A série Sabedoria do Coração tem como objetivo tornar os ensinamentos de Ringu Tulku Rinpoche acessíveis a um público mais vasto, pondo os seus ensinamentos orais em forma escrita. Este volume apresenta 37 ensinamentos curtos, concebidos para serem lidos individualmente e integrados na prática e vida quotidianas. O conjunto leva-nos numa viagem através dos veículos do budismo, ...

    19,47 €

  • The Self and the Lotus
    George R. Elder
    It is obvious to thoughtful persons that our culture is undergoing a major transition-as is our religion, the carrier of values and guide to meaning. It is essential, therefore, that we understand how religion functions when a culture is alive and well. Observing how it has functioned elsewhere, in another time and place, is a good way to gain objectivity about the religious li...

    78,63 €

  • The Self and the Lotus
    George R. Elder
    It is obvious to thoughtful persons that our culture is undergoing a major transition--as is our religion, the carrier of values and guide to meaning. It is essential, therefore, that we understand how religion functions when a culture is alive and well. Observing how it has functioned elsewhere, in another time and place, is a good way to gain objectivity about the religious l...

    91,33 €

  • Buddhist Wisdom for Beginners
    M.Div. Victor M. Parachin / Victor Parachin
    The West is experiencing a widespread phenomenon of spiritual boundary crossing. A majority of Christian denominations are undergoing a sharp decline in membership and participation. At the same time, interest in Buddhism is expanding, capturing the attention of women and men who seek a spiritual path without the restrictive nature of dogmas and doctrines. Increasingly they are...

    16,95 €

  • Buddhist Wisdom for Beginners
    Victor Parachin
    The West is experiencing a widespread phenomenon of spiritual boundary crossing. A majority of Christian denominations are undergoing a sharp decline in membership and participation. At the same time, interest in Buddhism is expanding, capturing the attention of women and men who seek a spiritual path without the restrictive nature of dogmas and doctrines. Increasingly they are...

    26,99 €

  • My Daily Life
    Zhi Xin
    I solemnly recommend another of Teacher Zhi Xin’s brilliant collection of spiritual poems: 'My Daily Life'! Each poetry collection of Teacher Zhi Xin’s is a fusion of wisdom and mercy after decades of Buddhist practice and demonstration, having finally understood the truth of the origin of life. Each collection can be considered a classical book of Buddhist practice and a demon...

    27,93 €

  • My Daily Life
    Zhi Xin
    I solemnly recommend another of Teacher Zhi Xin’s brilliant collection of spiritual poems: 'My Daily Life'! Each poetry collection of Teacher Zhi Xin’s is a fusion of wisdom and mercy after decades of Buddhist practice and demonstration, having finally understood the truth of the origin of life. Each collection can be considered a classical book of Buddhist practice and a demon...

    27,93 €

  • Budismo
    Maya Faro
    ¡El Budismo no tiene por qué tratarse de rituales complicados, retiros costosos y protocolos raros! Todo se reduce a entender cómo hacer que su mente trabaje para usted, no en su contra. En este libro encontrará técnicas efectivas para salir de su pensamiento sin sentido y estresante, para crear paz y felicidad en todas las áreas de su vida. Esto Es Lo Que Descubrirá en Su Int...

    12,98 €

  • Nichiren on Karma
    Sylvain Chamberlain
    So, what is karma anyway? Karma is not cause and effect. Karma is not good or bad or indifferent. Karma is not retribution or a behavior or an act of will or bad habit or human vice. Karma is momentum.We live in a period of human development when very few of us are unfamiliar with the terminologies of science in our daily speech. I want to speak in terms familiar to as many of ...

    37,46 €

  • The Illustrated Daily Wisdom of Lama Dharma DingDong & Downward Dog
    Paul Beard
    Follow the humorous, and somewhat chaotic journey of Lama Dharma DingDong and his faithful companion Downward Dog as they find daily inspiration in the philosophical insight of Siddhartha Gautama, the historical Buddha and transform their lives so it accords with its profound wisdom.Over a period of one year, they will share with you their insights on a daily basis that align w...

    41,88 €

  • Blavatsky on Buddhism
    Helena P Blavatsky
    Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) co-founded the Theosophical   Society in 1875 and authored the major texts of the movement: Isis Unveiled (1877), The Secret Doctrine (1888), The Key to Theosophy (1889), and The Voice of the Silence (1889). She inspired many artists including Alexander Scriabin, Wassily Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian, Hilma af Klint, Nicholas Roerich, and Max Be...

    44,43 €

  • Approaches to Chan, Sŏn, and Zen Studies
    A comprehensive treatment of the shared traditions of Chan, Sŏn, and Zen in dynamic interaction across East Asia, acknowledging the changing and growing parameters of the field of Zen studies. ...

    43,77 €

  • De Leite a Iogurte
    Ringu Tulku / Maria José Cunha
    A coleção Sabedoria do Coração, pretende tornar os ensinamentos de Ringu Tulku Rinpoche acessíveis a um público mais vasto, ao pôr por escrito os seus ensinamentos orais. Este livro reúne três palestras de Ringu Tulku sobre os temas do Renascimento, Trabalhando com um Mestre Espiritual e A Morte e o Morrer, e inclui caligrafias de Ringu Tulku sobre estes temas.'Como se faz iogu...

    19,23 €

  • Les 42 points d’enseignement proférés par Bouddha
    Évariste Huc / Joseph Gabet
    Un ouvrage de préceptes et de sentences qui fait autorité dans le bouddhisme tibétain.Traduit du Mongol par les missionnaires lazaristes MM. Gabet et Huc, ce texte fut publié en 1850 dans les annales de philosophie chrétienne. La traduction est en outre agrémentée de notes critiques qui permettent d’établir un pont entre christianisme et bouddhisme, les préceptes révélés dans c...

    16,75 €

  • Los preliminares de la meditacion
    Gueshe Tamding Gyatso
    PRELIMINARES DE LA MEDITACIONGUESHE TAMDING GYATSOEn todas las tradiciones budistas se habla de dos prácticas no muy conocidas en occidente, pero indispensables para tener una buena meditación. Las dos actúan como sólidos fundamentos para llevar a cabo nuestra transformación interior: acumular energía positiva y purificar las fuerzas negativas en nuestra mente. Este libro prese...

    22,57 €

  • The Art of Zen
    Tale Teller
    Looking to deepen your understanding of Zen teachings and awaken your inner wisdom? Look no further than "The Art of Zen - 100 Buddha Short Stories to Awaken Your Inner Wisdom". This beautifully crafted collection of 100 short stories, curated with care and precision, is designed to inspire, challenge, and enlighten you. Each story encapsulates profound spiritual insights that ...

    18,51 €

    Alessandro Rossi
    Questo libro vuole incoraggiare il lettore a coltivare e praticare sinceramente il sentiero della compassione e della saggezza, a costruire le fondamenta del sentiero spirituale, a percorrerlo e a completarlo. Se coltiviamo la compassione e la saggezza, saremo in grado di risolvere tutti i nostri problemi quotidiani e dare un vero significato alla nostra vita. ...

    14,24 €

  • Pourquoi Le Bouddhisme
    Elise Monet
    Tous les êtres sensibles, sans exception, ont un désir sincère d’éviter leurs problèmes et leurs souffrances de façon permanente. Nous essayons généralement de le faire en utilisant des méthodes externes, mais peu importe à quel point nous pouvons réussir du point de vue du monde, nous ne serons jamais définitivement libérés de la souffrance et des problèmes. En fait, tous les ...

    14,22 €

  • Por qué el budismo
    Martina Perez
    Todos los seres sintientes, sin excepción, tienen un deseo sincero de evitar sus problemas y sufrimientos permanentemente. Por lo general, tratamos de hacer esto utilizando métodos externos, pero no importa cuán exitosos seamos desde el punto de vista mundano, nunca estaremos definitivamente libres de sufrimiento y problemas. De hecho, todos los problemas que tenemos todos los ...

    14,14 €

  • Warum Buddhismus
    David Schmidt
    Alle fühlenden Wesen, ohne Ausnahme, haben den aufrichtigen Wunsch, ihre Probleme und leiden dauerhaft zu vermeiden. Normalerweise versuchen wir, dies mit externen Methoden zu tun, aber egal wie erfolgreich wir aus weltlicher Sicht sein mögen, wir werden nie endgültig frei von Leiden und Problemen sein. Tatsächlich kommen alle Probleme, die wir jeden Tag haben, aus unserem Vers...

    15,34 €

  • Blavatsky on Buddhism
    Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
    Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) co-founded the Theosophical   Society in 1875 and authored the major texts of the movement: Isis Unveiled (1877), The Secret Doctrine (1888), The Key to Theosophy (1889), and The Voice of the Silence (1889). She inspired many artists including Alexander Scriabin, Wassily Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian, Hilma af Klint, Nicholas   Roerich, and Max ...

    60,36 €

  • The Zen Understanding of Man
    Richard DeMartino
    What distinguishes human beings from other animals and creatures, and what does religion-in particular, Zen Buddhism-have to do with human nature ?In this book, Richard DeMartino (1922-2013), the pre-eminent Western Zen thinker of the 20th century presents the Zen understanding of man and his problematic nature ('human beings do not know who they are'); of awakening to his true...

    30,99 €

    Association du Coeur
    Kính thưa các quý Phật tử và bạn đọc!Hội Đồng tu Chính Giác Phật giáo là giáo đoàn hoằng dương chính pháp ở Đài Loan đã hơn 30 năm nay, được đông đảo Phật tử ở Đài Loan và Trung Quốc gia nhập và tu học. Sau một thời gian dài truyền dạy Phật pháp ở các giảng đường, để các Phật tử khắp nơi được biết đến chính pháp nhiều hơn, Hội Đồng tu Chính Giác đã xây dựng thêm chương trình tr...

    29,58 €

    While the Origin of Life on Earth is explored by modern sciences based both on experimental and observational methods, a new biological principle is adopted in addition to the principles of physics and chemistry. The biosphere is explained by the biodiversity and coexistence amongst countlessly different species reminding us of the Buddha Nature. The book verifies the existence...

    83,71 €

  • Nước Úc Trong Tâm Tôi
    Thích Như Điển
    Sách "Nước Úc trong tâm tôi" này được xuất bản lần đầu vào năm 2016 tại Úc. Sách đã được độc giả đón nhận nồng nhiệt - nhất là các Phật tử đã biết tác giả là Hòa Thượng Thích Như Điển tại Úc Đại Lợi. Từ đó đến nay tuy có nhiều người hỏi nhưng Viên Giác Tùng Thư chưa có cơ hội để tái bản.Cuối năm 2022, sau mấy năm đại dịch Covid, Tu Viện Quảng Đức tại Melbourne Úc, nhân dịp Lễ K...

    16,30 €

  • Le Bouddha
    Hermann Oldenberg / Alfred Foucher
    Le bouddhisme est à la mode dans notre monde occidental, on en parle beaucoup mais on ne le connait pas vraiment. Vous cherchez à découvrir ou approfondir vos connaissances sur le bouddhisme ? Laissez-vous guider par Hermann Oldenberg à travers la vie et l’enseignement fascinants du Bouddha. Ce livre va bien au-delà d’une simple biographie, il explore la philosophie et la prati...

    29,90 €

  • Hiteles útmutató a meditációhoz
    Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö
    Remélem, hogy ez a könyv egy olyan típusú meditáció megtalálásához vezet, amely ha ezt választjuk bármikor „hazavisz' a nyugodt tisztaság terébe, amelyben békére lelhetünk, és helyreállíthatjuk  energiánkat, vagy amelynek segítségével hatékonyan kapcsolódhatunk a világhoz, és könnyedén mozoghatunk az élet hullámaival. Mégis mindenekelőtt remélem, hogy ez a könyv „hídként' szolg...

    13,09 €

    Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö
    Quel que soit le genre de personne que vous êtes ou la voie que vous avez empruntée dans la vie, votre objectif fondamental est le bonheur durable. Le présent ouvrage, Une vie plus heureuse , est un trésor de sagesse qui vous guide vers la réalisation de ce dernier, étape par étape, à chaque stade de votre vie. Il vous fait voyager, à travers ses stades  : l’enfance, l’adolesc...

    11,58 €

  • The Magic of Vajrayana
    Ken McLeod
    'A moving description of a life in practice which goes far beyond text-based ideas of prayer, devotion, guru-connection, or meditation, and most especially of tantric practice.' -- Anne Klein, former Chair of the Department of Religion at Rice University. A ground-breaking book, The Magic of Vajrayana opens new doors to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of Vajrayana, one of the mo...

    27,74 €