Catálogo de libros: Religión y creencias

161742 Catálogo de libros: Religión y creencias

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  • Evidence for Speaking in Tongues
    Billy Prewitt
    If there is one thing that we need, it is a mighty move of the Spirit to revive the Church and sweep countless sinners into the Kingdom. This is ultimately the end goal of Evidence for Speaking in Tongues: Fanning the Flames of Revival. In this book, you will learn answers to these and other questions: Is the Baptism in the Spirit separate from conversion? What is the eviden...

    12,97 €

  • This is WHY
    Jillian Murphy
    If God is so loving... Why do bad things happen?Have you ever been in a pit so deep, that you felt like you could never get out? A loss of a loved one? A senseless assault? A collapse of a business? A diagnosis? A child choosing a wrong path? A spouse that decides to be unfaithful? In all of these situations and more, we feel ourselves chasing the word: why?I have been in a pla...

    15,06 €

  • The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible
    Leadership Ministries Worldwide
    What if you could study Ezekiel with your favorite Bible scholars from across the ages? With The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible (NIV), you can! This unique resource is designed to empower pastors and leaders to effectively preach and teach God's Word. This is much more than a commentary - it takes the best scholarly works available and combines them in a single resource....

    34,65 €

  • The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible
    Leadership Ministries Worldwide
    What if you could study Deuteronomy with your favorite Bible scholars from across the ages? With The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible (NIV), you can! This unique resource is designed to empower pastors and leaders to effectively preach and teach God’s Word. This is much more than a commentary - it takes the best scholarly works available and combines them in a single resource....

    37,79 €

  • The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible
    Leadership Ministries Worldwide
    What if you could study Joshua with your favorite Bible scholars from across the ages? With The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible, you can! This unique resource is designed to empower pastors and leaders to effectively preach and teach God’s Word. This is much more than a commentary - it takes the best scholarly works available and combines them in a single resource. Inside eac...

    37,26 €

  • After Seventy Years in Babylon
    Carol Turpin
    The readings in After Seventy Years in Babylon are for seniors facing challenges of growing older. The book contains Christian devotionals with contributions from sisters in the Lord.Age-related challenges are real and may seem overwhelming, even frightening at times; but He has promised, “...I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, ‘Fear not, I am th...

    16,82 €

  • Broken Bodies
    Davis McGuirt / Heather Geisel
    If God is good, why do we get sick? When God created the world, He declared: "It is good." But then came the Fall, and with it sickness and death. In this heart-tugging monograph, Dr. Davis McGuirt draws from both his training in theology and the personal agony of watching his father die from cancer to provide a variety of biblical reasons for why we get sick. We are also remin...

    11,26 €

  • Pawol ki bay lavi a, ane 2, pwofese
    Mario Zani

    11,03 €

  • Finding Freedom
    Neil R Oliver / Neil R. Oliver
    You don’t have to keep suffering, living in defeat and darkness because you are unequipped with the truth needed to eliminate all the lies, deception, and fear you’re experiencing due to the unexpected events in life, unwanted situations, and times when your circumstances seem to be spiraling rapidly out of your control. Don’t do it. Don’t believe there is no way out. You can e...

    20,53 €

  • The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible - Vol. 22
    Leadership Ministries Worldwide
    What if you could study Ecclesiastes & Song of Solomon with your favorite Bible scholars from across the ages? With The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible, you can! This unique resource is designed to empower pastors and leaders to effectively preach and teach God's Word. This is much more than a commentary - it takes the best scholarly works available and combines them ...

    34,26 €

  • The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible - Vol. 39
    Leadership Ministries Worldwide
    What if you could study Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians with your favorite Bible scholars from across the ages? With The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible, you can! This unique resource is designed to empower pastors and leaders to effectively preach and teach God's Word. This is much more than a commentary - it takes the best scholarly works available...

    34,72 €

  • God’s Romantic Getaway
    Jemma Regis
    Be prepared to embark on a spiritual journey like no other where you are invited to share in the personal and intimate insights of a woman desperately compelled to deepen her relationship with her heavenly Father. “God’s Romantic Getaway” is a refreshingly honest account of the process to becoming a child of God and living in this world according to the Divine guidance that can...

    13,78 €

  • The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible - Vol. 19
    Leadership Ministries Worldwide
    What if you could study the Psalms with your favorite Bible scholars from across the ages? With The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible, you can! This unique resource is designed to empower pastors and leaders to effectively preach and teach God's Word. This is much more than a commentary - it takes the best scholarly works available and combines them in a single resource...

    37,81 €

    Amanda Nelson
    In this book, Amanda takes you on her journey and shows you step by step how she was able to kick a 17-year drug/alcohol addiction and bounce back when no one believed in her. She now lives a happy, vibrant life and wants the same for you.At first, she thought she had it all under control, but one night, Amanda came face to face with reality when she found herself standing alon...

    12,18 €

  • Vì sao tôi khổ?
    Nguyên Minh
    Trong cuộc sống, có những vấn đề mà chúng ta không thể giải quyết đơn thuần chỉ bằng tri thức. Nói cách khác, đôi khi ta phải trải qua những bước khá dài từ lúc hiểu rõ vấn đề cho đến khi thực sự vượt qua được nó.Lấy ví dụ, ta có thể dễ dàng mô tả được thế nào là một nếp sống đạo đức, nhưng để thực sự đạt được một nếp sống như thế lại là vấn đề của cả một đời người! Chúng ta có...

    10,75 €

  • Nguồn chân lẽ thật
    Nguyên Minh
    Chân lý vốn là một khái niệm hết sức mơ hồ, chưa từng và cũng sẽ không bao giờ có thể được cụ thể hóa thành một khuôn mẫu duy nhất. Mặc dù không ít người vẫn tin chắc rằng “chân lý chỉ có một”, nhưng họ thường quên rằng điều đó chỉ đúng khi xét trong trường hợp của riêng một người hay một nhóm người hoàn toàn có cùng quan điểm. Và vì thế, cho dù mỗi người hay một nhóm người có ...

    9,40 €

  • Nắng mới bên thềm xuân
    Nguyên Minh
    Sự hiển bày của một thực tại toàn vẹn không chia cắt sẽ giúp ta thấy rõ bản chất thực sự của đời sống. Những biến chuyển trong thế giới vật chất đối với chúng ta sẽ không còn là những quy luật khắc nghiệt muôn đời bất biến, mà chỉ là sự tuôn chảy của một dòng thực tại luôn tràn đầy sức sống. Tuổi thanh xuân chỉ qua đi đối với thân xác cấu thành từ vật thể, nhưng mầm xuân luôn c...

    7,19 €

  • Talitha Cumi
    Bishop John Francis
    Talitha Cumi Secrets of the Prayer Shawl Bishop John Francis Revolutionize your prayer life by discovering ancient biblical truths combined with today’s revelations!Then the Lord said to Moses, “Give the following instructions to the people of Israel: Throughout the generations to come you must make tassels for the hems of your clothing and attach them with a blue cord. When y...

    13,95 €

  • Shambhala
    Nicholas Roerich
    In "Shambhala" Roerich has recorded the way of his journey through Central Asia and Tibet in the terms of spirit. It is a record of legends, of parables, of notes--the very substance of which the larger reality is composed, and all revealing different facets of the theme of Shambhala. In this book--as in his other books, "Altai-Himalaya" and "Heart of Asia," one realizes that R...

    14,52 €

  • Living for Eternity
    Matthew Robert Payne
    Have you ever pondered life beyond the one that we live on this earth? What does living for eternity mean for you as a Christian? Is there more to it than just existing for a short time and then dying? These are questions that must have entered everyone’s mind at one time or another, but being so busy with the challenges of life, it is often relegated to the shelf, to be looked...

    9,64 €

  • Reaching the Perishing
    Dr. Johnny Woodard ~ DD / DrJohnny Woodard ~ DD
    From the little community of Morgan s Bluff, located on the very banks of the Sabine River near Orange, Texas, to Israel, the land where our Lord Jesus Christ came into this world to redeem fallen mankind from their sinful condition. This is an amazing story of how God can use anyone He chooses to spread His Word. This book will bring laughter at the funny stories that took pla...

    15,31 €

  • Wisdom for Living
    Audu Suyum
    Our understanding of the meaning of life directly or indirectly affects our attitude, approaches to issues and moral decision. In a confused and perverse world of materialism, rationalism, mystic spirituality (New Age Movement) and the many strange voices and theories, one undoubtedly needs the guidance and comfort of the Master through the sound teaching of his word, the Bible...

    9,97 €

  • Handpicked to Serve #TheKing
    John Britton
    We have two choices when it comes to today’s youth. We can either do what we can to help them navigate through life, or we can sit back and complain about how they are so disrespectful, lost and hopeless.  With this book, I am only trying to do my part to help our youth succeed and become productive citizens of BOTH God’s Kingdom and our society. Handpicked to Serve #TheKing i...

    16,81 €

  • History of Genii and Familiar Spirits
    John Beaumont
    John Beaumont, born c. 1650, died 1731, was a physician and antiquarian who lived in Somerset, in the southwest of England. Through his fossil collecting, as well as papers documenting new mining techniques, Beaumont became a fellow of the Royal Society. However, Beaumont also had a secret, one which he would expose first in his  “History of Genii and Familiar Spirits” and late...

    18,86 €

  • A Time for Weeping
    Higgins J Scott
    Suffering is part of life. It could be the loss of a job, the death of a child, a violent partner, clinical depression, or a thousand other struggles, but for each of us the pain will be real and debilitating.Our suffering raises philosophical questions (how can suffering exist in a universe with a God who is all-good, all-powerful and all-wise?) and pastoral questions (how do ...

    7,97 €

  • The Audacity of Faith
    Sam Belony
    Stronger than death. Mightier than tsunamis and earthquakes and tornadoes. More powerful than atomic bombs. Faith is the most effective weapon in our Christian arsenal. It is so powerful, it moves God! The great Monarch of the universe will do what He otherwise might not simply because weak, wobbly-legged humans have the audacity to believe He would and trust Him to. In this t...

    16,99 €

  • Drawings of Jesus
    Freymanc Luc
    Drawings of Jesus. Icons for meditation or visio divina. The artist is Luc Freymanc. More of Luc's artwork of other icons can be found at You may contact Luke at ...

    14,73 €

    Bryan William Foster
    ' One God for All' reveals God's one-on-one revelation to the author, Bryan Foster. This genuine revelation occurred in 2016. The title of the book includes the key revelation that there is only 1 God for all people within this world.The specific revelation from God is written. As is the background to its occurrence.' One God for All' i...

    22,70 €

  • By Which We Are Saved
    Kelly Condra / Preston Condra
    Responding to the call to share the Gospel of Christ is an intimidating prospect in our "politically correct" society.  In addition to concerns about causing offense, some Christians feel unprepared to answer questions and objections which may arise.  "By Which We Are Saved" is an evangelism handbook to equip the body of Christ to share their faith with greater confidence.  A d...

    16,07 €

  • the post calvin
    After three years of publishing daily pieces online, the post calvin is proud to present the post calvin: selected essays. Editors Josh deLacy, Will Montei, Debra Rienstra, and Abby Zwart have gathered suggestions from writers and chosen pieces that represent the heart and soul of the post calvin. the post calvin is a daily online journal that features twenty-eight regular wri...

    13,30 €