Catálogo de libros: Filosofía social y política

4674 Catálogo de libros: Filosofía social y política

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  • The Decomposition of Man
    James Kalb
     Identity politics and novel identities are everywhere today. The Decomposition of Man takes on these issues in a new and illuminating way. The social crisis we are facing involves weakening traditional identities-man, woman, husband, wife, Catholic, American-and asserting constructed ones like 'Latinx' and 'nonbinary.' This is liberating, we are told. In reality, however, as t...

    22,59 €

  • The Contradiction Within the Soul of Humanity
    Ernest Dyer
    Warfare has been an enduring if dismal aspect of humankind’s development - Down to today when the elite-led construction of international relations has come to be primarily based on competition and conflict. The world now teeters on the edge of a possible thermonuclear conflagration. This essay offers a brief overview of the history of warfare and seeks to identify the primary ...

    12,82 €

  • Kent State Murder Day - May 4, 1970
    Richard Del Connor
    On May 4, 1970 the Ohio National Guard fired bullets into college students in a non-violent demonstration at Kent State University.  They were protesting the Vietnam War and Cambodia Campaign of illegal bombing by the United States Government and Military Industrial Complex.  We were bombing huge areas of another country because they wanted a different type of government than t...

    16,52 €

  • Mandeville’s Fable
    Robin Douglass
    Why we should take Bernard Mandeville seriously as a philosopherBernard Mandeville’s The Fable of the Bees outraged its eighteenth-century audience by proclaiming that private vices lead to public prosperity. Today the work is best known as an early iteration of laissez-faire capitalism. In this book, Robin Douglass looks beyond the notoriety of Mandeville’s great work to recla...

    129,00 €

  • Mandeville’s Fable
    Robin Douglass
    Why we should take Bernard Mandeville seriously as a philosopherBernard Mandeville’s The Fable of the Bees outraged its eighteenth-century audience by proclaiming that private vices lead to public prosperity. Today the work is best known as an early iteration of laissez-faire capitalism. In this book, Robin Douglass looks beyond the notoriety of Mandeville’s great work to recla...

    47,36 €

  • Prometheus and Gaia
    Harrison Fluss / Landon Frim
    Prometheus and Gaia explores two currents in contemporary politics: a Futurism which sees boundless technology as a salvific force and an Eco-Pessimism which sees human innovation as inherently destructive. While apparent opposites, these two currents share in common a rejection of Enlightenment humanism, or the idea that politics should fit the human frame. ...

    50,37 €

  • The Relay Race of Virtue
    William H. F. Altman
    Demonstrates that Plato and Xenophon ought to be regarded less as rivals and more as engaged in a dialogue advancing a common goal of preserving the Socratic legacy. ...

    42,84 €

  • The Philosophy of Bitcoin
    Álvaro D. María
    Some things change life as we know it forever. This is the book that caused a sensation when originally published in Spanish in 2022 (as La Filosofia de Bitcoin) for its novel exploration of why Bitcoin is a creative disruption to civilization comparable to gunpowder, the stirrup, or the Internet. Now available in translation for English readers, The Philosophy of Bitcoin explo...

    22,55 €

  • The Right to Be Lazy and Other Essays (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
    PAUL LAFARGUE / Ulrich Baer
    This newly revised and corrected translation of Lafargue’s classic The Right to Be Lazy includes 'The Woman Question,' 'The Bankruptcy of Capitalism,' 'Some Simple Socialist Truths,' and his 'Personal Recollections of Karl Marx,' along with detailed notes and a biographical timeline by translator Ulrich Baer. Work gives meaning to your life, makes you a valuable member of socie...

    8,31 €

  • Philosophy and the Social Problem
    Will Durant
    IntroductionTHE purpose of this essay is to show: first, that the social problem has been the basic concern of many of the greater philosophers; second, that an approach to the social problem through philosophy is the first condition of even a moderately successful treatment of this problem; and third, that an approach to philosophy through the social problem is indispensable t...

    17,51 €

  • Philosophy and the Social Problem
    Will Durant
    IntroductionTHE purpose of this essay is to show: first, that the social problem has been the basic concern of many of the greater philosophers; second, that an approach to the social problem through philosophy is the first condition of even a moderately successful treatment of this problem; and third, that an approach to philosophy through the social problem is indispensable t...

    29,46 €

  • Second Treatise of Government
    John Locke
    The Second Treatise of Government is one of the most important political treatises ever written. The principles of individual liberty, the rule of law, government by consent of the people, and the right to private property are taken for granted as fundamental to the human condition now. Most liberal theorists writing today look back to Locke as the source of their ideas. Some m...

    16,73 €

  • Free Thought and Official Propaganda
    Bertrand Russell
    Free Thought and Official Propaganda is a speech delivered in 1922 by Bertrand Russell on the importance of unrestricted freedom of expression in society, and the problem of the state and political class interfering in this through control of education, fines, economic leverage, and distortion of evidence.Russell starts out by describing the more common use of the term 'free th...

    11,40 €

  • Why Men Fight
    Bertrand Russell
    Written in response to the devastation of World War I, Why Men Fight lays out Bertrand Russell’s ideas on war, pacifism, reason, impulse, and personal liberty. Russell argues that when individuals live passionately, they will have no desire for war or killing. Conversely, excessive restraint or reason causes us to live unnaturally and with hostility toward those who are unlike ...

    15,66 €

  • The Subjection of Women
    John Stuart Mill
    The anxiety of mankind to interfere in behalf of nature, for fear lest nature should not succeed in effecting its purpose, is an altogether unnecessary solicitude. What women by nature can’t do, it is quite superfluous to forbid them from doing.John Stuart Mill attacks the argument that women are naturally worse at some things than men and should, therefore, be discouraged or f...

    14,50 €

  • On Liberty
    John Stuart Mill
    ’Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.’ -John Stuart MillOn Liberty presented one of the most eloquent defenses of individual freedom in nineteenth-century social and political philosophy and is today perhaps the most widely-read liberal argument in support of the value of liberty. Mill’s passionate advocacy of spontaneity, individuality, and di...

    15,68 €

  • Bertrand Russell Selected Works Collection
    Bertrand Russell
    Five Books in One!This collection combines five of Bertrand Russell’s most recognized works into one convenient volume. Included in this book:- The Problems of Philosophy- The Analysis of Mind- Why Men Fight- Free Thought and Official Propaganda- Political IdealsIn The Problems of Philosophy, Bertrand Russell attempts to create a brief and accessible guide to the problems of ph...

    38,65 €

  • Mill Selected Writings
    John Stuart Mill
    Three Books in One!This collection combines three of John Stuart Mill’s most recognized works into one convenient volume. Included in this book:- On Liberty- The Subjection of Women- UtilitarianismOn Liberty presented one of the most eloquent defenses of individual freedom in nineteenth-century social and political philosophy and is today perhaps the most widely-read liberal ar...

    25,63 €

  • The Analysis of Mind
    Bertrand Russell
    In The Analysis of Mind, one of his most influential and exciting books, Russell presents an intriguing reconciliation of the materialism of psychology with the antimaterialism of physics.Bertrand Russell unfolds his ideas on consciousness, instinct and habit, desire and feeling, introspection, perception, sensations and images, memory, words and meaning, belief, and characteri...

    19,96 €

  • Political Ideals
    Bertrand Russell
    Political Ideals was written during the upheaval of World War I. It is, in many ways, a statement of Russell’s beliefs, a declaration of the ideas that influenced his thinking on the major events of the 20th century. In this sense, it is essential reading for every student of this great philosopher.Russell criticizes both capitalism and socialism based on his strong conviction ...

    12,93 €

  • Hobbes and the Democratic Imaginary
    Christopher Holman
    A critical interrogation of elements of Hobbes’s political and natural philosophy and its capacity to enrich our understanding of the nature of democratic life. ...

    40,47 €

  • Myth and Authority
    Alexander U. Bertland
    Argues that Giambattista Vico’s early modern account of Roman mythology was a sophisticated attempt to present an epistemological and political critique of the aristocratic way of conceiving the world. ...

    41,67 €

  • Plato’s Stranger
    Rodolphe Gasché
    Meditation on the character of the Eleatic Stranger in Plato’s late dialogues, arguing that the prominent place afforded to this foreigner-the other-represents an important philosophical and political legacy regarding the way thought, and life in the community, is understood. ...

    42,19 €

  • Equality and Excellence in Ancient and Modern Political Philosophy
    Interpretations of critically important texts in political philosophy from Greek antiquity to modern times on the tension between human excellence and equality and its possible resolution. ...

    121,74 €

  • The Old Man and the Stone
    Jon Ferguson
    'The old man scratched his head. On the one hand he wanted every creature’s story to be told and respected. On the other hand he knew all stories were partial and that real truth could never be told. Never ever can you understand another life - or even your own. Is this a tragedy or a blessing? The old man pondered.' Expanding on the fergusonian universe, often explored in his ...

    7,32 €

  • 3 Musketeers of Evil
    John Fowler
    The writing of this book came from the inspiration of my alter ego Josephus Flavius Solo. He’s a mess and opinionated as can be, Flavius arrived on the scene to cure the world’s problems and issues in a world that learns nothing by its history. This book covers a plethora of topics including innovative ways to create energy, it discusses the use of nuclear waste as a primary me...

    12,83 €

  • A Vision for Humanity Moving Mankind in the Right Direction
    Jason Shohara
    Where is the world going? Do people have a clear direction of life? The world constantly talks about peace in the world. Yet it still practices the business of solving its problems through wars, fighting and killing. Governments are ineffective and leading their people in the wrong direction. Many books have offered theories to fix the ills of the world by promoting peace, but ...

    30,32 €

  • Self Study
    David Kishik
    Self Study is a genre-bending work of autophilosophy. It opens a rare, rear window into the schizoid position of self-sufficient withdrawal and impassive indifference. This inability to be enriched by outer experiences feeds the relentless suspicion that hell is other people. Laying bare his life and work, Kishik engages with psychoanalysis, philosophy, and cultural inquiry to ...

    9,45 €

  • Shades Drawn Back
    Nana Kay
    'Shades Drawn Back' is a powerful collection of poems that evokes emotion and reflection as the reader is invited to take a critical look at the social issues of modern-day culture. Written in the style of slam poetry, each poem examines controversy, conflict, and struggle at both the collective level and the individual level of the human experience. The book challenges us to t...

    9,40 €

  • Love and revolution
    Matt York
    Love and Revolutionbrings classical and contemporary anarchist thought into a mutually beneficial dialogue with a global cross-section of ecological, anti-capitalist, feminist and anti-racist activists - discussing real-life examples of the loving-caring relations that underpin many contemporary struggles. ...

    157,55 €