Catálogo de libros: Filosofía: metafísica y ontología

11594 Catálogo de libros: Filosofía: metafísica y ontología

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  • Horizons of Difference
    Edited collection engaging Luce Irigaray’s work and pushing it in important new directions. ...

    121,37 €

  • Guided Teachings from Spirit
    Mike Ellis
    A spirit guide.Love is the answer.Love is the be-all.Don’t be afraid.I am here to help you.These are a few of the words I had written down the morning after a trusted medium told me to buy a notebook and write down the very first thing that came to me. Okay, but these didn’t sound like things I would say. Was it really my spirit guide? I had doubts, and those doubts would stay ...

    21,83 €

  • Guided Teachings from Spirit
    Mike Ellis
    A spirit guide.Love is the answer.Love is the be-all.Don’t be afraid.I am here to help you.These are a few of the words I had written down the morning after a trusted medium told me to buy a notebook and write down the very first thing that came to me. Okay, but these didn’t sound like things I would say. Was it really my spirit guide? I had doubts, and those doubts would stay ...

    30,31 €

  • Exegesis of the Soul
    Papus / Tau Phosphoros
    This special compilation collects three previously untranslated works by Papus: - The Human Soul Before Birth and After Death (1898) is a fascinating exegesis on the Amélineau translation of the Pistis Sophia. - How Is the Human Being Constituted? (1900) offers a thorough summary of the constituent parts of the human being: body, soul, and spirit, examining the unique function...

    16,88 €

  • The Problems of Philosophy
    Bertrand Russell
    The Problems of Philosophy is a 1912 book by the philosopher Bertrand Russell, in which the author attempts to create a brief and accessible guide to the problems of philosophy. He introduces important theories of Plato, Aristotle, René Descartes, David Hume, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, Georg Hegel and others to lay the foundation for philosophical inquiry. In this little book R...

    16,78 €

  • The Problems of Philosophy
    Bertrand Russell
    The Problems of Philosophy is a 1912 book by the philosopher Bertrand Russell, in which the author attempts to create a brief and accessible guide to the problems of philosophy. He introduces important theories of Plato, Aristotle, René Descartes, David Hume, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, Georg Hegel and others to lay the foundation for philosophical inquiry. In this little book R...

    29,26 €

  • Everything, Briefly
    Thomas O. Scarborough
    'As a man thinks, so is he.' Personally, and socially, so is he. Yet if this is true, then 'as a man thinks' has led us into the thick of global crisis. What exactly is it, about our thinking, that fails us? What has gone so wrong? There are firm reasons why we may hope for new direction. Firstly, we have a new view of the connectedness of all things. Never before has this enco...

    31,44 €

  • Everything, Briefly
    Thomas O. Scarborough
    'As a man thinks, so is he.' Personally, and socially, so is he. Yet if this is true, then 'as a man thinks' has led us into the thick of global crisis. What exactly is it, about our thinking, that fails us? What has gone so wrong? There are firm reasons why we may hope for new direction. Firstly, we have a new view of the connectedness of all things. Never before has this enco...

    43,92 €

  • A Book of Answers - Full color edition
    Mani Pureheart
    The deluxe, collector’s edition of Mani Pureheart’s 'A Book of Answers'. 574 pages with full-color illustrations throughout. Hardbound, 6X9 inches, 574 pages. For use with Mani Pureheart’s 'Answer Cards', 216 round cards in a tangerine, satin pouch. ISBN number 978-0-9745933-2-6 ...

    116,12 €

  • A Book of Answers
    Mani Pureheart
    Mani Purehart’s 'A Book of Answers', revised, with B/W illustrations. For use with Mani Pureheart’s 'Answer Cards, ISBN 978-0-9745933-2-6 ...

    45,91 €

  • Redneck Spirituality Book Five From the Depths of Rumi’s Outhouse
    E. Egorhh Frank
    Self help books are generally about the essence of airy-fairy. They are meant to uplift. But the true essence of what is dysfunctional in your life is what stinks-what you have spent your whole life ignoring.This book series is about the truth. We have all been taught a shit-storm of lies. As in all storms there is lightning. It is that lightning that zaps our ass and keeps us ...

    15,05 €

  • Kant
    Immanuel Kant
    Immanuel Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals ranks alongside Plato’s Republic and Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics as one of the most profound and influential works in moral philosophy ever written. In Kant’s own words, its aim is to identify and corroborate the supreme principle of morality, the categorical imperative. He argues that human beings are ends in themselve...

    15,18 €

  • Time and the Multi-Universe
    E. Hughes
    Time, time travel, black holes, the origins of the universe, and the thirteen month calendar are explored in this philosophical look at the Universe. This book is not about humanity’s philosophical relationship with time, but rather a fundamental understanding of how time functions in our society and universe. We must first define what it is, before we can explore why it is.  ...

    12,91 €

  • The Book on Nature Immersion
    S. A. Phibbs
    Are you going through a challenging time in your life? Seeking clarity and tools to help you face your next chapter?Then, this story about a woman’s journey to live more in balance, with Earth and its creatures, with and within herself, may be just what you need! Join s. a. phibbs for a time of peace, discovery and creativity, where you can learn to soothe away stress and tensi...

    19,80 €

  • All the Colors of Quantum Entanglement
    Bruno Del Medico
    Pages 354. 58 illustrations. The book is divided into three parts. In the first part (The intuitions) the author deals with the most relevant hypotheses on the illusory reality of the perceptible world. The existence of a level of consciousness that transcends matter has been envisaged by the great thinkers. We find this idea in Plato’s Myth of the Cave, in Berkeley’s Immateria...

    25,19 €

  • Freedom, Resentment, and the Metaphysics of Morals
    Pamela Hieronymi
    An innovative reassessment of philosopher P. F. Strawson’s influential 'Freedom and Resentment'P. F. Strawson was one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century, and his 1962 paper 'Freedom and Resentment' is one of the most influential in modern moral philosophy, prompting responses across multiple disciplines, from psychology to sociology. In Freedom, Resentm...

    32,52 €

  • The Science God
    Dwight Wendell
    My book is about the long search by Western philosophy-or one could just as easily say by all philosophies-for a moral code. A code of right and wrong that is universal, that is appropriate for all humans to use. I know very well that such thinking is not fashionable. Postmodernists and Moral Relativists rule the universities of the Western world these days, and arguably the wh...

    30,13 €

  • The Little Book of Awareness
    Peter Ingle
    Paperback edition. Reflections and insights about the nature of awareness and the self-realization of awareness as a result of being consciously aware of being aware. Based on the author’s experience with non-dualism teachings and the fourth way system. ...

    18,86 €

  • Aaron Hedges
    Amelia Hathow
    Whether or not you believe in psychic mediumship and the messages they receive from spirits or other entities, the perspectives on certain aspects of life outlined in the book Aaron Hedges: A Case Study in The Rapture might give you a new viewpoint on the Rapture. The spirit of a killed hunter and the entity that took his life connected with the author. Over the course of a yea...

    11,52 €

    Edward Makhene
    In this book I discuss the concepts of existence and substance in relation to the nature of things, objects, and persons and their persistence through time. What is this substance that constitutes things, objects, and persons? Is it something other than the Does it exist as an identifiable entity in the form of atoms and subatomic particles like protons, neutrons, electrons, q...

    18,62 €

  • Science, Subtle Energies, and Spirituality
    Jerry Gin
    Subtle energies-does that sound too 'woo-woo,' not the province of real science? Yet behind the scenes, brilliant minds have been dedicated to finding out what lies behind what’s apparent in the universe-and how this can enhance our lives and our understanding of who we really are.Dr. Jerry Gin has had a lifelong passion for science, even founding businesses based on his knowl...

    17,22 €

    Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947), a mathematician and logician by training, is the author of highly original works at the crossroads of science and philosophy, exploring the nature of the world around us and its temporal flow.Convinced that everyday terms distort reality, Whitehead invented or borrowed terms more appropriate to his project. The word 'Process', which gives its...

    105,72 €

  • Four Views on Christian Metaphysics
    Samuel Welbaum / Timothy Lee Jacobs
    Four Views on Christian Metaphysics presents four prominent views held among Christians today on the major questions in philosophical metaphysics. What is the nature of existence itself? What is it for something to exist? What are universals? What is the soul? How do these things relate to God, in light of special and general revelation? The four Christian perspectives presente...

    19,57 €

  • Four Views on Christian Metaphysics
    Samuel Welbaum / Timothy Lee Jacobs
    Four Views on Christian Metaphysics presents four prominent views held among Christians today on the major questions in philosophical metaphysics. What is the nature of existence itself? What is it for something to exist? What are universals? What is the soul? How do these things relate to God, in light of special and general revelation? The four Christian perspectives presente...

    33,11 €

  • Does Ggod Exist?
    Andrew K. Hoffmann / Andrew KHoffmann
    A science philosophy piece which addresses the age old question does God Exist? The 'Gloves are off' as an Atheist and Theist boxer are imagined to enter the ring in a combative debate to promote their world-view. Science, reason and logical argumentation are brought forth in view of an extensive examination of modern cosmological models, to determine what likelihood, if any, t...

    49,17 €

  • Non Buddhist Mysticism
    Glenn Wallis
    In the enlivening tradition of the dramaturgy to 'adapt a story to actable form,' Non Buddhist Mysticism presents a radical reorientation to 'spiritual' practice. Drawing from François Laruelle’s concept of future mysticism and the author’s own previous work on non-buddhism, Glenn Wallis galvanizes a materialist spirituality for the twenty-first century. Liberated from the punc...

    22,55 €

  • Cosmos and Transcendence
    Wolfgang Smith
    The book has a twofold content and aim: on the one hand it offers a radical critique of the modern world, and on the other it seeks to expound a timeless wisdom. And the second end presupposes the first: for so long as we have not ’broken through the barrier of scientistic belief’ as the subtitle has it, that timeless wisdom-that veritable sophia perennis-remains inaccessible.'...

    28,25 €

  • Cosmos and Transcendence
    Wolfgang Smith
    The book has a twofold content and aim: on the one hand it offers a radical critique of the modern world, and on the other it seeks to expound a timeless wisdom. And the second end presupposes the first: for so long as we have not ’broken through the barrier of scientistic belief’ as the subtitle has it, that timeless wisdom-that veritable sophia perennis-remains inaccessible.'...

    16,08 €

    Amber Jayanti
    Firmly based upon teachings of the Qabalistic Tarot from the mainline of the Western Esoteric Mystery School Tradition, Amber Jayanti adeptly explains each card and translates their meanings into practical suggestions for seekers of guidance and wisdom in the modern world. An invaluable in-depth opening of the doors to arcane wisdom letting its light shine forth into the practi...

    19,30 €

    Wanyoung Kim
    The First Thermodynamic Law states that energy neither goes out of being nor comes into being. Consciousness is not dependent on the existence of matter, space, or time, although it interacts with these variables.  As a fundamental force, dark energy would retain its form regardless of space or time. Inspired by Knud Ejler Løgstrup's approach of looking at the whole of natu...

    22,87 €